Live broadcast of magnet fishing, the police called me to file a report

Chapter 115 It is forbidden to fight with the air.

Chapter 115 It is forbidden to fight with the air.

Command ship.

"What happened?"

Seeing the hesitant expression on the soldier who was ordered to investigate the reconnaissance equipment, as if he didn't know how to speak, Robert couldn't help but feel puzzled.

It's not a shame to have the reconnaissance equipment destroyed by Country C. There's nothing that can't be said.

Was it damaged by sea creatures?

He kept analyzing the real reason in his mind.

After hearing this, the soldier organized some conversation and said, "We lost another reconnaissance equipment, and the submarine was also attacked."

Robert's face became serious: "Did Country C do it?"

The loss of reconnaissance equipment is only a trivial matter. What is important is the attitude of country C. If they make it clear that they want to sabotage, it may be difficult for the entire operation to proceed.


The soldier really didn't know how to tell the truth, so he swallowed the words again.

Robert said displeased: "Say it quickly."

Under his death gaze, the soldier just told the real situation.

"You mean it was a salvage ship that caused this? They damaged two of our reconnaissance equipment with magnets and attacked our submarine?"

After learning the truth, Robert's face was full of disbelief. He would rather believe in an alien attack than this answer.

Their equipment was repeatedly destroyed by the C people using magnets, and these people even arrogantly attacked their submarines.

Who gave these people the courage to do this?

Do you really think that the United States does not dare to touch them?

Robert's serious expression made the soldier very nervous. He hesitated to say anything because he knew that Robert would definitely be angry.

This matter is indeed too embarrassing.

As the most powerful military force in the world, it was actually bullied by the civilian ships of country C. If word spread, it would definitely become a joke.

"That's right, the two reconnaissance equipment are on their ships now."

After receiving a positive answer, Robert remained silent. Such a ridiculous thing was actually true. For a moment, he really couldn't accept it.

When the soldier saw this, he stood quietly in his position and did not dare to say a word, for fear of being angered by Robert.

"Immediately investigate the origins of those people."

After thinking about it, Robert suspected that Country C was pretending to be an ordinary person. Otherwise, there would be no way to explain this matter.

Once is a coincidence, but two or three times cannot still be a coincidence.

Ordinary salvage ships have no ability to detect their submarines. There must be some special equipment on that ship.

The soldier did not follow the order to leave, but said: "We already know their situation."

  Robert's curiosity arose in his heart. Under normal circumstances, it would not be possible so quickly, unless the person who took action was someone in their intelligence system.

Is my guess right? Those who can enter their intelligence system are not ordinary people. They must have special connections with various countries, which coincides with his previous ideas.

However, Robert was also a little confused. Shouldn't someone with no record be found to do this kind of thing?
  All the people who have been investigated by their system have come out, and they don't even bother to cover it up, right?
  Thinking of this, Robert felt very angry. Country C's obviously provocative behavior simply did not take the United States into its eyes.

Are you really not afraid of provoking conflicts?
  "The leader made an announcement on the Internet two days ago that he wanted to live broadcast and fight with us to salvage the fighter jets, which caused a lot of discussion. Judging from the current information, the salvage ship was temporarily leased by him."

Ye Haoran's affairs have been spread in their internal network, and a lot of information is public, so it is not difficult to find out.

Although no strict investigation has been conducted, judging from the current situation, Ye Haoran is indeed an ordinary person with no special background.

After all, when Ye Haoran started the live broadcast, the loss of their fighter jet had not been made public, unless the disappearance of the fighter jet had something to do with the person behind Ye Haoran, or someone could predict the future.

However, Robert became more and more suspicious of Ye Haoran, who publicly wanted to compete with them for fighter jets, and even happened to appear in the area where they were investigating to destroy their investigation equipment.

To say it was a coincidence would be too much of a coincidence.

"This person must have connections with country C."

Having made up his mind, Robert gave instructions to the soldiers to investigate Ye Haoran. At the same time, he stepped up the investigation of Ye Haoran's area.

The more they are not allowed to be investigated, the more suspicious they become.

In his opinion, their missing fighter jet was most likely in Ye Haoran's area, so the other party deliberately carried out sabotage operations.

His decision puzzled the soldiers, but since he was the commander, the soldiers did not dare to question it.

"How about sending someone over and destroying their ship?"

Realizing that Robert was suspicious of Ye Haoran, the soldier made a simple and crude proposal.

With their methods, it was no big deal to destroy Ye Haoran's boat. As long as Ye Haoran was taken away, no one would stop them.

"Just do as I tell you." Robert said coldly.

He planned to see what Ye Haoran's situation was before making a decision. If he rashly attacked Ye Haoran now, it would be easy to scare the snake, leading to unpredictable consequences, and that result was probably something he didn't want to see.

Besides, it is Country C’s territory after all. If someone from Country C has a problem there, Country C will directly use this opportunity to launch an attack. It will not only affect their actions, but also cause other adverse consequences. A good deal.

The soldier didn't say anything more and went to make arrangements honestly.

"Does the disappearance of fighter jets have anything to do with country C?"

Robert looked at the busy people in the command room, rubbed his temples, and fell into deep thought.

The fighter jet disappeared suddenly. The reason has not yet been found out. How the news spread is also a big problem.

Not many people know this kind of confidential information. Under normal circumstances, it is not so easy for the information to leak, let alone to the extent that even ordinary people know it. It is difficult not to doubt whether there is some country's power behind it. .

After thinking for a while, Robert denied the possibility that Country C was behind everything. If Country C controlled the fighter jets, all information would be blocked so that no one knew that such a thing was happening. It couldn't be the case. There was a lot of fanfare.

Judging from the current situation, country C is only interested in the technology of fighter jets at best, so it is making small moves behind the scenes.

Of course, it may also be a smoke bomb provided by country C.

To use the old saying of country C, it is... Mingxiu... What is the secret... What is the warehouse? Anyway, it is just using lies to confuse others and doing things behind their backs.

(End of this chapter)

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