Live broadcast of magnet fishing, the police called me to file a report

Chapter 116 Audience: What on earth am I expecting?

Chapter 116 Audience: What on earth am I expecting?
  Salvage boat.

"Did you just call me fat?"

After her emotions calmed down, Xu Mei finally remembered that Ye Haoran complained about her being too fat and asked her to lose weight.

"Don't you know it's rude to comment on someone else's weight?"

Xu Mei looked at Ye Haoran, her face full of resentment.

She weighs only a little over 100 pounds and is 1.68 meters tall naked. Where does she gain weight?

Do you understand what health and beauty mean?

"Have it?"

Ye Haoran touched his chin and looked thoughtful. After a while, he waved his hands. Before he spoke, the expression on his face twitched, showing a bit of pain, as if his actions had accidentally affected him. injured.

"Are you hurt?"

Xu Mei looked concerned and forgot all about what happened just now.

Ye Haoran complained depressedly: "I didn't pull you when I pulled you just now."

This is the truth. He did hurt his hand just now.

"If I were gentler..."

Xu Mei couldn't help but blame herself. The boss hurt his hand trying to save her, and she even had a temper with him. It was so inappropriate.

I started to want to do something in my mind to thank Ye Haoran.

Ye Haoran suddenly laughed and quickly distanced himself from Xu Mei: "You have admitted it yourself, you are fat."

? ? ? ? ? ?
  Xu Mei stared at Ye Haoran and didn't react for a while, until Ye Haoran completely distanced herself from her and looked at her with a smirk.

She finally understood that Ye Haoran was digging a hole for her to jump into.

She secretly cursed herself for being a pig, and all the guilt in her mind was swept away. If Ye Haoran hadn't run so fast, she would have definitely punched Ye Haoran.

Too bully.

I've never seen such a dog.

The others were stunned for a while when they saw this situation, and laughed loudly. Ye Haoran's operation was really brilliant.

Just for a second, they all smelled the sweet smell, but they never expected that something like this would happen.

Are all young people today so naughty?

Ye Haoran's operation made them all feel like they didn't know the world. Although the younger ones were not much older than Ye Haoran and Xu Mei, their brain circuits were not from the same world at all.


"As expected of you, what on earth was I expecting?"

"No, I have all the seeds ready. You want to play with this for me?"

"You're a naughty boy, very good, keep up the good work."

"I got candy, not candy. You kid stole my candy, didn't you?"


At first, seeing that Xu Mei was planning to settle accounts with Ye Haoran after drinking, the audience in the live broadcast room were ready to start eating melons. However, the discovery of the matter was like stepping on a banana peel. They ran all the way and ran to where they didn't expect it. The situation has passed.

At this moment, their mood was like buying an apple, only to find that it tasted like pear when they took a bite.

It's really hard to comment.

Seeing that Xu Mei did not settle the score with him on the spot, Ye Haoran discussed with everyone on the boat what the situation had just happened.

"You have a lot of experience. They won't attack us later, right?"

The current development of the situation is completely different from Ye Haoran's original expectation. It is definitely impossible to say that he is not afraid of the ghost gate. However, after waiting for a long time, I haven’t seen anything new from the things under the water.

For a moment, he really couldn't figure out what the people in the United States had planned.

God is so experienced.

None of the crew members said a word. They had experience in salvage, but had no experience in conflict with the American army.

I've never encountered this situation before.

Until now, they still didn't understand what was going on.

If someone wants to do something to them, there are many ways to make them disappear from the world, and they will not be able to survive now.

If you don't plan to take action, what if the boat almost capsized just now?
  Could it be that they wanted to cause an accident?
  After thinking about it for a while, a bad guess emerged in their minds, making the atmosphere uneasy again.

"It's most likely an accident. There have been conflicts between fishing boats and foreign warships before, but they didn't take action."

Sensing that something was wrong in the atmosphere, Meng Fan comforted everyone by bringing up previous examples.

If we really take action, the consequences will be something no one wants to face.

"I wonder how they have the guts to touch us, but boss, your luck is too buggy!"

The crew member with black-rimmed glasses smiled and cast an admiring look at Ye Haoran.

If people in the United States hadn't deliberately caused trouble, it would have been caused by magnets.

The submarine lurking at the bottom of the sea could not even be detected by high-tech equipment, but it was hit precisely by a magnet.

After a pause, he joked again: "However, this matter is a bit too dangerous. It's better not to do it again. I'm afraid my heart won't be able to bear it."

The others laughed, it was indeed scary.

If the rope hadn't been strong enough, someone would have died.

Even if it's a joke, it's also what they feel.

"I will consider your suggestion carefully."

Ye Haoran put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, making a deep look.

Seeing this, many crew members wanted to say "last general" to cooperate.

They all know that the probability of a submarine being attracted to a magnet is extremely low, and it is basically impossible to encounter it twice.

No one is really worried that what happened just now will happen again. It's more of a complaint and a hope that everything will go smoothly and there will be no more dangers.


"Come here, take out the dragon robe for Your Majesty!"

"It's a pity that the Imperial Seal was taken away. Otherwise, it would smell a bit like that if I didn't hold it in my hand."

"The Imperial Seal: Master, have you finally remembered your identity?"

"Hey, wake up, wake up quickly, you are not the emperor, you are the God of Wealth."


The audience in the live broadcast room started to complain wildly. There are no emperors these days. As long as I don’t mind being treated as a fool, there is no problem at all.

However, Ye Haoran himself is the owner of the national jade seal. He regards himself as me, which makes many viewers unconsciously have some strange pictures emerge in their minds.

Ye Haoran was in a small dark room, frantically stamping the imperial seal with a large number of letters of appointment in front of him.

Prime Minister, Taifu, Taiwei...

There are all kinds of official positions, from ninth-grade minor officials to third-level officials, and they are also limited editions. There is only one of each official position, and only those with high consumption can have it.

(End of this chapter)

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