For the matter of Tiancong Yunjian, all the archaeological personnel who received the invitation waited all night. After receiving the specific location, they all rushed there as soon as possible. In less than half an hour, everyone had arrived.

Dozens of pairs of eyes stared at Ye Haoran in the venue, waiting for the Tian Cong Yun Sword to be taken out and displayed.

Everyone in the live broadcast room was also waiting nervously, and there were many voices of condemnation from some people from the island country. However, they were basically saying that Ye Haoran was shameless and desecrated the artifact of their island country in order to increase traffic.

The original Tian Cong Yun Sword has disappeared for who knows how many years. Even the island country itself has not found it. Suddenly, a person comes out and says that he has found the real one and wants to buy it. He is also a traffic-generating anchor. Over there in the island country Of course I don’t believe it.

Although it caused quite a stir, the mainstream discussion still felt that Ye Haoran was a fake who deceived people.

Ye Haoran stood in front of the table in the middle of the venue, looked at everyone in the venue, smiled and said: "Since everyone is looking forward to it, let's get started!"

The box containing the Tiancongyun Sword was kept by Xu Mei. As his voice fell, Xu Mei quickly placed the box on the table, opened the lid, and showed it to everyone.

From last night to now, the long wait has filled everyone in the archaeological community with a sense of anticipation. In an instant, their eyes fell on it, staring at Tiancong Yunjian and looking at it carefully.

As something that even the emperor of the island country cannot see, the specific situation of the three artifacts of the island country has always been a mystery. Even few people in the island country have seen the specific appearance of these three objects, and there are very few relevant documents.

If it weren't for what Ye Haoran had shown before, no one would have taken this kind of thing seriously.

"You think so?"

"Judging from the appearance, it is indeed something of some age."

"If he dares to call so many of us over, he can't do anything wrong."

"Mr. Nie, why don't you go palm your eyes?"

"Aren't the people from the cultural relics department here? Let them check it out."


Everyone in the archaeological community did not step forward rashly. They watched and discussed. They naturally believed in Ye Haoran's level. However, they didn't know the condition of this thing, and no one dared to be the first to inspect it.

The people present are all experts. If you are the first to try something, if you can't come up with something convincing, you will definitely lose face.

After some pushing and pushing, the people from the cultural relics department were pushed out.

Faced with the unanimous decision of others, several people from the cultural relics department, as official personnel, had no choice but to bite the bullet. This time they came with a lot of equipment, not to mention 100% checking the condition of the ancient sword. , some basic conditions can still be investigated.

Several people came forward with the equipment and began to inspect the work under the gaze of everyone.

Several of the people present were heavyweights in the archaeological community, and they were still under a lot of pressure. If something went wrong, it would be impossible to hide it.

After watching it for a while, Ye Haoran yawned out of boredom. He knew very well whether it was real or not, and he didn't worry about any surprises at all.

Looking away from the people in the cultural relics department, his eyes fell on Xu Mei.

"When they finish checking, you can send me a message."

The inspection by the people from the cultural relics department seemed to last for a long time. He planned to leave the venue and walk around to pass the time.

"Aren't you waiting here?"

Xu Mei was a little surprised by Ye Haoran's plan.

At this critical moment, shouldn't we be waiting by the side the whole time?

Why does my boss, the client, look like he doesn't care at all? The new business is big.

He was complaining crazily in his heart, but he didn't say anything. He just looked at Ye Haoran quietly, waiting for a reply.

"This thing must be real. There's nothing to wait for."

After saying the next word, Ye Haoran strode directly outside.

Xu Mei didn't know what to say about Ye Haoran's confidence. So many experts didn't dare to say that her boss was really overconfident.

However, it's not entirely a bad thing. The fact that her boss has such great confidence means that there is a high probability that the Tian Cong Yun Sword is real. She can't help but look forward to it when she thinks about how much trouble it will cause if it is confirmed.

As the organizer, Ye Haoran's situation is also the focus of everyone's observation.

Many people looked at Ye Haoran, but the inspection of Tiancong Yunjian was still in progress, and no one followed Ye Haoran out.


"What is he going to do? Is it because he is under too much pressure?"

"Does he look like he's too stressed? In my opinion, he's probably too bored."

"He is still as big-hearted as ever. If it were me, I would never leave him."

"What does it mean to be big-hearted? This is called self-confidence. Do you understand?"


The protagonist Ye Haoran suddenly ran away, which immediately caused a lot of discussion among the audience.

Many people were originally not optimistic about Ye Haoran's appreciation of cultural relics. Seeing that Ye Haoran ran away halfway through the inspection, they felt relieved. If he was not sure enough, how could he have such great confidence.

As soon as Ye Haoran walked out of the venue, a startled voice sounded.


Huangfuren strode towards Ye Haoran, astonished.

It took less than ten minutes from the time Ye Haoran brought the last guest in until now, which was too fast.

They used so much manpower and material resources, but all of them were gone. Isn’t it a bit unfair to the police?

"I'm going out for a walk."

Ye Haoran looked at Huangfuren and did not continue walking elsewhere.

With the police here, the possibility of problems here is really low.

But it's not good to go too far. After the inspection is completed, he will be needed to continue hosting the meeting.

Huangfuren stopped in front of Ye Haoran and looked at the tense atmosphere in the venue.

"Aren't you afraid they'll break things?"

Even a three-year-old child knows that treasures like Tiancong Yunjian are extremely valuable. If it is damaged, the loss will be an astronomical sum that he can't even imagine.

"You don't believe in the professional level of the cultural relics department?"

"I didn't say that."

After being slapped with a big hat by Ye Haoran, Huang Furen decisively clarified.

Everyone is an official unit. Although they are not part of the same system, they still often deal with each other. If word gets out that he looks down on the cultural relics department, he will inevitably be arrested and criticized by the superiors.

The space inside the venue is quite large. If you speak outside the door and the sound is not too loud, you should not be able to hear it inside.

However, it's better to be careful.

"Then what did you mean just now?"

Ye Haoran asked rhetorically.

I'm bored now, just find some topics to pass the time.

(End of this chapter)

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