"Didn't you go to the lobby before? What happened next?"

Huangfuren did not intend to continue the discussion with Ye Haoran on the business level of the cultural relics department, and decisively chose to change the topic.

Ye Haoran had communicated with him before looking for the beauty in red. Ye Haoran didn't mention it later, so he didn't ask.

"The two reporters probably found out about the venue from the hotel."

Ye Haoran said indifferently.

Journalists are not lawless elements. Even if they make some noise, nothing will happen.

As long as Huangfuren and others can handle it, he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

Huangfuren frowned. This kind of information that needed to be kept secret was actually leaked by someone in the hotel.

However, this kind of thing is not uncommon.

Ordinary people are no better than the police. Even if they are repeatedly reminded, leaks of information are still common. It is also common for reporters to come after hearing the news. Sometimes reporters even receive information earlier than the police.

This kind of thing is quite helpless.

"Where are they now?"

In Huangfuren's eyes, the two beauties in red are completely troublesome, and there is a high probability that something will happen to them.

He often interacts with reporters and has a deep understanding of the madness of these reporters when facing major news.

This group of people caused a lot of trouble for the police.

"I let them go, but judging from their performance, they shouldn't give up so easily."

Ye Haoran told what he knew about the situation. As for the location, he didn't mention it. It was already starting on the other side of the venue, so those two people would most likely not be still squatting in the hall.

After the words fell, Ye Haoran suddenly raised his head and looked towards the ceiling.

"I think I know where they are!"

Huangfuren looked at Ye Haoran with a suspicious expression.

Wasn’t it clear just now?

How come I suddenly know.

Ye Haoran pointed to the ceiling and motioned Huang Furen to look up.

Huangfuren subconsciously raised his head, not understanding what Ye Haoran meant. After a few seconds, he seemed to have thought of something, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

These reporters are indeed troublesome.

He had already figured out what Ye Haoran meant and started complaining in his heart.

He has already sealed off the floor, and it is quite impressive that these people can still find a way to sneak in.

However, everyone here at the venue is here, and they are all in the venue. It is impossible to muddle through.

"People are up there?"

Ye Haoran nodded and replied in the affirmative. Huang Furen pricked up his ears and listened carefully for a while.

"Your hearing is much better than mine!"

Huangfuren admired him.

There wasn't much movement in the ventilation ducts. If Ye Haoran hadn't reminded him, he wouldn't have noticed it.

Even such a light sound did not escape Ye Haoran's ears, which shows that Ye Haoran's hearing is far beyond ordinary people.

After that, he didn't chat with Ye Haoran. He looked up and walked in the direction where the other party was moving.

It's not easy to catch people in the ventilation ducts. It's better to wait for them to come down and get the stolen goods.

He will definitely teach the other party a lesson later.

Think of yourself as 007. If you play this trick, you will be locked up in the bureau for at least a few days.

Looking at Huang Furen's leaving figure, Ye Haoran showed a gloating smile and said not to cause trouble and not to listen to advice. He cannot be blamed for this matter.

"It's not easy to be a reporter now with so much hard work, isn't it?"

If it wasn't for him, Ye Haoran would still admire this person. In this world where pornographic news headlines are rampant and even a BGM dares to start the new season, doing news seriously is a very good quality.

Just find a video online, read some text, and have a foundation of nine-year compulsory education. It’s fine for everyone. To put it harshly, if you can get everything done by throwing a lot of rice on the keyboard, is it worthy of being called news?

Looking away, Ye Haoran wandered around the floor. When he saw Huangfu Qi again, the beauty in red changed into black clothes and followed Huangfu Qi dejectedly.

"meet again."

Ye Haoran smiled and greeted the beauty in red.

The beauty in red glared at Ye Haoran, as if she didn't want to communicate with Ye Haoran.

Until now, she still hadn't figured out how her seamless plan was discovered by the police.

She was obviously very careful throughout the whole process and didn't make much noise.

"Thanks to you this time, otherwise, she would have gotten in."

Huangfu Qi betrayed Ye Haoran unkindly.

In an instant, the beauty in red cast a murderous look at Ye Haoran. After much thought, she never thought that she would fall into Ye Haoran's hands.

"Is this guy cheating?"

Recalling the incident where Ye Haoran discovered her identity before, the beauty in red was filled with confusion.

No matter whether it was before or just now, she had no flaws. How could this guy see through her?

The more she thought about it, the more speechless she became. She felt that Ye Haoran was simply her nemesis.

"After all, it's my own business, so I must have some snacks."

Ye Haoran ignored the look from the beauty in red.

After that, he was bored and asked curiously: "There is another person, why are you the only one?"

The beauty in red didn't want to communicate with Ye Haoran. Considering that the police would find her accomplices, she explained: "He does not support my plan and did not participate."

"You are quite loyal."

Ye Haoran turned to look at Huangfuren: "You take your time and work, I won't disturb you anymore."

He continued to walk forward, passing by Huang Furen and the beauty in red.

Huangfuren took the beauty in red to the elevator.

"come here!"

Huangfuren waved to a police officer.

The police officer looked at Huang Furen and then at the beautiful woman in red beside Huang Furen. He was a little confused and strode over.

"This person is a infiltrated suspect. You take her back to the police station and I will interrogate her personally when I get back."


The police officer who didn't know the specific situation thought that the beauty in red was really a criminal, and looked at the beauty in red with a bit of coldness in his eyes.

He opened the elevator door and urged: "Get in!"

The serious expression on her face seemed to indicate that if the beauty in red made any rash move, she would take action directly.

"I'm a reporter, not a prisoner, so there's no need to be so cruel!"

The beauty in red was very dissatisfied with the police officer's attitude. She did make a small mistake and there was no need to be so fierce.

It made her look like she was committing murder and arson.

Do you know about press freedom?

She did this for work, and she wasn't doing anything illegal. Is it necessary to be a thief?

In her opinion, there was nothing wrong with her behavior at all.

Isn’t this because the police and Ye Haoran are not allowing interviews?
If she is asked to be interviewed, does she need to do this?

Climbing into ventilation ducts is not an easy task. It is dirty and tiring, and you also run the risk of being misunderstood by the police as a suspect.

Is it easy for you? (End of chapter)

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