Chapter 102 Twelve Feipeng Gang

The white clouds are floating, and the castle seems to be in the clouds, unattainable.

As a bell rang among the white clouds, the ancient castle standing in the clouds finally welcomed outsiders to visit after many years of absence!

It's not until you walk into this castle that you realize how majestic it is!
  The color of the huge castle has turned into gray due to the passage of time, which makes it look more ancient and solemn.

There are no patrols in Baoting on all sides. It is so quiet that it makes people think that this place is unprotected. But of course the visitor will not have this illusion. He knows that "the meat of the bun is not folded." If there are three steps, one soldier and five soldiers here, On the contrary, people will see clearly the arrangement of King Wanpeng.

With a "creak" sound, the door to the hall opened without any wind.

Suddenly, two figures slowly stepped into the hall.

One is tall and the other is short. The one on the left is tall and tall, with big ears and a thick gray beard under his chin. He looks like a wealthy businessman.

The person on the right is dressed like a scholar, but he keeps squinting his eyes, as if his eyesight is impaired.

However, in the face of the sudden visit of these two people, no one in the hall would look down upon them, because the castle seemed unguarded, but in fact there were no less than dozens of powerful crossbows hidden in the dark corners. And the best players who work closely with each other.

Especially from the gate to the hall, there is only a few tens of feet apart, and there are at least a hundred people hidden in the distance. However, from the beginning to the end, no one gave a warning.

This alone was enough to shock everyone present!
  As the master of this place, even King Wanpeng, who was sitting on the throne, could not help but change his expression at this time.

No one in the world knows better than him the terrifying nature of the manpower guarding Feipeng Castle. There are thirteen teams of people responsible for guarding, seven of which are equipped with powerful crossbows. The security is not inferior to that of the imperial palace in the capital.

The remaining eight teams were carefully trained by him. Each team wore different Qimen weapons and used unique formations to fight against the invasion of foreign enemies.

Since he moved into Feipeng Castle, no foreign enemy has successfully broken in!
  But today, there happened to be a new surprise...

However, King Wanpeng's expression did not change much. It should be noted that he was able to obtain this status today not only by the so-called external forces, but also by his own martial arts that he had practiced diligently for many years.

"Murong from Gusu is here to visit!"

The two men looked at the tall figure in front of them and suddenly held their hands.

"Gusu Murong family?"

Upon hearing this title, everyone present looked blank.

"Yes, it's the Murong family from Gusu!"

Along with a strange voice, a handsome young man in white appeared in the hall accompanied by the two of them.

"You may have never heard of this name before, but from today on, you must remember this name carefully, because if you remember this name incorrectly, you will be killed!"

A thin man wearing a gray cloth robe with a surly and stubborn look on his face said coldly.

The other thin man beside him was looking at the people around him with great interest.

But compared to these two figures, King Wanpeng's eyes fell on the leading man in white.

This man was only in his early twenties, with a divine light in his eyes. He looked handsome and unrestrained, but for the first time, King Wanpeng felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"You are King Wanpeng?"

The visitor looked at the aloof Wanpeng Wangdao.

King Wanpeng was a god-like giant sitting there, about the same height as others. When others first saw him, it was rare for them not to express emotion.

But this time the visitor was an exception.

"Yes, I am King Wanpeng, who are you?"

King Wanpeng stared closely at the man in white below and slowly spoke.

His initiative to speak even made the twelve Feipengs in the audience look surprised. The Wanpeng King in their hearts rarely spoke to outsiders on his own initiative.

And when he took the initiative to speak, it naturally proved that the person coming was on the same level as him.

"Gusu Murongfu!" the visitor said with a smile.

"Gusu Murong family?"

Listening to this very unfamiliar name in his ears, King Wanpeng showed a thoughtful look on his face.

Some people say that people with overly developed limbs have simple minds.

King Wanpeng is obviously an exception.

His eyes were calm, sharp and firm, showing his wisdom and determination, and with such incomparable confidence that no one dared to underestimate his power.

"I will remember this name!" After a long time, King Wanpeng suddenly said.

"You will naturally remember this name, because from today on, everyone in the world will remember my name!" Murong Fu said.

"Do you think you will win?" King Wanpeng said coldly.

"Who would think that they would lose?" Murong Fu said with a smile.

As the two men finished speaking, there was rarely a moment of silence in the hall. Apparently King Wanpeng also recognized what the other party said.

"How did you break into my Feipeng Castle?"

Before the fight, King Wanpeng was still curious about this issue.

Naturally, he would not think that he would lose, but as a big shot who had dominated Jiangnan for more than ten years, he naturally couldn't help but wonder how outsiders could break into Feipeng Castle so easily when he founded it!

This is enough to prove that there is a huge loophole in his Feipeng Castle!

Murong Fu said: "Did you know that there is a kind of bee called the intoxicating bee. An anesthetic is gradually added to the honey that this bee eats, and then another drug is added. Once it stings a person, it will numb the person! "

"Oh, this kind of bee is really difficult for humans to touch. How can I make bees sting people?"

Hearing the name of Zui Renfeng, King Wanpeng's expression rarely changed.

"This requires adding a drug to the food. This drug is non-toxic, colorless and odorless, but has a slightly bitter taste. No matter how you test the poison, it will be difficult to detect it, and the person who takes it will be affected. These bees are chasing and biting me!" Murong Fu continued.

It should be noted that this "Intoxicating Peak" was cultivated by his aunt Li Qingluo. Originally, these bees were used to deal with King Zhennan of Dali, but when Murong Fu saw the Void Stone Gate reopening, he borrowed a few bees from her.

Therefore, when I came to Feipeng Castle this time, these intoxicating peaks were put to use.

"I see!"

King Wanpeng nodded and said.

His diet and daily life have always been isolated from the outside world, so naturally he will not be targeted by these bees this time.

As for the twelve flying pengs in the hall, they arrived as early as yesterday, so they naturally would not accidentally get involved in the affairs of the castle, so they also escaped.

"Your method of raising bees is quite ingenious. I can use it in my future battles for hegemony!"

Looking at Murong Fu who was dressed in white in front of him, King Wanpeng rarely showed a soft tone in his tone.

"This bee'er is good, but you won't stand a chance!"

Murong Fu shook his head.

At this moment, the sword suddenly flashed.

In the hall, a tall man in rich brocade clothes was seen holding a long knife and slashing at Murong Fu who was standing aside from the air.

But Murong Fu didn't move at all when he saw this. Until the moment when the blade was approaching, Deng Baichuan took a step forward and saw him using his palm. The sharp wind of the palm was enough to make people choke. .

After realizing that the palm power of the incoming man was so powerful, the big man in brocade rarely showed a trace of fear in his eyes. He immediately changed his moves and retreated sharply.

If he doesn't change his moves, he can certainly slash forward, but he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die!

However, he retreated very quickly, but Deng Baichuan chased him even faster. The big man in robes felt an overwhelming force pushing him towards him. His expression changed drastically at that moment, and he immediately slashed with all his strength.

His sword was so powerful that it made people's eyes sting from a distance.

But even so, as soon as the strength of the two came into contact, the winner was quickly determined.

Hearing a muffled grunt from the man in robes of robes, he stepped back quickly and took a few steps back. When he saw the man in robes of robes was at a disadvantage, three more people rushed over like arrows.

In response, there were also three more figures beside Deng Baichuan. Gong Yeqian, Bao Bubu and Fengbo Evil all stepped out. Only three "bang bang bang" sounds were heard, and the six people on both sides separated each other with one palm at the same time. .

It's just that Gong Yeqian and the others all looked as usual, with their shoulders swaying slightly, but the faces of the three others were flushed, and their bodies swayed violently, and some even almost fell down.

"Are you all members of the Twelve Feipeng Gang?"

Feng BoE looked at the person in front of him with some interest.

The big man in brocade wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said without changing his expression: "Mass the city and massacre Dapeng."

The other three people also immediately reported their names.
  "Luo Jiang Luo Jinpeng.

"Xiao An and Xiao Yinpeng. Yuan Chongyuan Nupeng."

The names of these four people are very famous in the world, especially the "Slaughter of the City" Tu Dapeng. This person is the head of the Twelve Flying Peng and has great martial arts skills.

The remaining three martial arts are only inferior to Tu Dapeng, and they are the top four masters of the Twelve Flying Peng.

In the original work, the old man's number one killer, Han Tang, was killed by the four of them.

It's just that the four of them took action today, but they still couldn't defeat the four of Deng Baichuan. This scene fell in the eyes of King Wanpeng, and it was rare for him to move his brows.

At the same time, Feng BoE heard the words and replied: "I am one of the four generals under Murong Clan of Gusu, Feng BoE!"

"The package is different!"

"Gong Ye Qian!"

"Deng Baichuan!"

Deng Baichuan and the other three also answered in turn.

The four people on both sides reported their names at the same time, and also looked at each other secretly without making a sound.

"King Wanpeng, can you fight with me?"

Seeing King Wanpeng on the high platform, his expression began to change, and Murong Fu smiled and invited the battle.

"it is good!"

After hearing Murong Fu's invitation to fight, King Wanpeng nodded, then suddenly turned around and struck Murong Fu with a palm from a high position.

If it were in the past, he would definitely not take action so rashly!

However, the origins of the opponents in front of him were too mysterious. The four strongest among the Twelve Flying Pengs whom he relied on were unable to defeat the four generals who were strangers.

Just this scene made King Wanpeng feel a little bad in his heart!
  Just because among the twelve Feipengs, the four Tu Dapengs should have the highest martial arts, and the other eight people could be described as being very different from the four of them.

However, the four generals of Gusu Murongfu were able to injure and defeat Tu Dapeng and others with just one palm. He could naturally see the disparity in their martial arts.

If he continues to delay, his own momentum will naturally be frustrated, and it will be difficult for him to restore the decline even if he takes action!
  Forced, King Wanpeng had no choice but to take the initiative.

However, he was able to use the posture of a strong dragon to directly rush into Jiangnan, where his old man had been running for many years, and successfully established the "Twelve Feipeng Gang", which relied on more than just means.

There are as many as forty large and small scars on his body. Even if a person's martial arts is not high, after so many life and death bloody battles, it will become very scary. Besides, he was already a very terrible person when he was seventeen years old. .

At that time, more than half of the twenty-nine thieves he captured were top-notch masters in the world, including Shaolin's traitor "Fierce Monk" Iron Shan, and Chenzhou Yanjiaquan master "Living Zombie".

In recent years, there have been rumors in the world that King Wanpeng obtained a martial arts secret book left by the former Tianshan hero Di Lianggong, and integrated the "Seven Birds" of Diliang Gongwei from all directions to develop an unprecedented palm technique called "Flying Peng". The forty-nine postures are unparalleled in power.

The palm technique he is using right now is the "Flying Peng in the Sky" part of the "Forty-nine Fei Peng Styles". This move is the most powerful one in his palm technique. Once used, it can make people's whole body muscles tremble. Cut off by an inch, the death is miserable!

No exception!

However, when Murong Fu saw that he was condescendingly striking out a palm, he did not panic at all and instead struck out with one palm.

A loud "bang" sound came out, Murong Fu's clothes swayed, and the bluestone beneath his feet suddenly exploded, and his heels sank half an inch downward.

King Wanpeng also failed to gain half the upper hand. He only felt that the power of Murong Fu's palm was strong and concentrated. Even if he struck first, it was still difficult for him to take any advantage.

On the contrary, his figure jumped up high again, which was enough to show the power of Murong Fu's palm!
  But King Wanpeng is King Wanpeng after all. A setback in his attack will not affect his confidence. He is seen flying like a big roc, each palm becoming faster and stronger than the previous one.

Only then did Deng Baichuan and others who were watching the battle understand why this man called himself "King Wanpeng".

However, the figures of the two men were intertwined, and after dozens of moves in a row, Wanpeng King, who had been attacking from a high position, suddenly fell back one after another.

Just because every time he and Murong Fu exchanged blows, his face became paler. After more than ten moves, his face had become extremely pale, without any trace of blood.

There was a "bang", and the two of them exchanged palms again. However, this time Wan Pengfei groaned, with red blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, and took three or four steps back before stopping.

Seeing that King Wanpeng was at a disadvantage, the Twelve Flying Pengs who were in a stalemate with Deng Baichuan and four others in the hall suddenly moved, and Tu Dapeng, four of them, took action to entangle Deng Baichuan at the same time.

Perhaps because of the experience last time, this time they sent out four more people together, one against two, and they were not at a disadvantage for a while.

The remaining four people suddenly took action. Everyone clearly has a weapon in hand.

Those weapons are a pair of daggers, a pair of judge pens, double steel rings, and a soft whip.

The four weapons are either short or extremely long. The short ones are extremely dangerous, while the long ones are extremely powerful.

No matter how long or short it is, it is an outer weapon that is extremely difficult to practice.

However, these four people used almost the same movement techniques and the same speed.

The four people were like four arrows, shot out at the same moment.

As for the arrow stomping, it was Murong Fu.

The individual martial arts of these four people are naturally far inferior to those of Tu Dapeng, but when it comes to combined attack skills, the four of them are far superior to Tu Dapeng.

This move made Murong Fu feel a hint of danger.

No one can avoid these four arrows at the same time, not even Murong Fu.

He really seemed to have turned into an arrow stomp.

Four arrows hit the arrow stamp at the same time.

The brighter the light, the faster it fades.

The more intense the battle, the sooner it will end.

Because all the light and power have burst out in an instant, because all the light and power exist for this decisive moment, in the eyes of most people, this battle is not even fierce, let alone exciting.

The four of them rushed over and surrounded Murong Fu.

Murong Fu's life seemed to be squeezed out in the next moment.

Once the four figures are about to separate, he will fall.

The battle started in an instant and ended almost in the same instant.

Simple combat, simple actions.

As simple as murder. But it looked different in Murong Fu's eyes. He could see it more clearly than most people.

There was just a soft "click" sound, and the moment the four long swords stabbed him, they suddenly broke from the tip of the sword unexpectedly. The four men groaned at the same time, blood oozing from the corners of their mouths, and they retreated six times backwards. Seven steps.

This scene was naturally beyond everyone's expectations, even King Wanpeng couldn't help but be shocked when he saw it.

Of course, they don't know something. This is the power of Beiming's magical body-protecting Qi. As the Beiming's Qi in him fills up and flows, it is like a substance. Any weapon that hits him will have the same result.

King Wan Peng roared loudly, and with the blood on his mouth still wet, he suddenly used his strength to strike out with a palm.

Victory or failure depends on this one move, and there is no room for him to back down!
  However, Murong Fusleeve robe was flicked, and his white palms were revealed. The two people were stamped together in the air. With a loud noise, the ground made of bluestone slabs under their feet shattered into pieces at the same time, sinking downwards. More than an inch.

The difference is that Murong Fu's eyes are getting brighter, while King Wanpeng's eyes are getting darker. However, he is King Wanpeng after all. Even if he is in a desperate situation, he still refuses to admit defeat.

"Take another slap from me!" King Wanpeng roared angrily.

However, this time when he used his strength to push his palm out, a crisp "click" sound was heard the next moment, and his sharp palm force was returned by Murong Fu Yuan.

Rows of ribs on his chest were all broken, and red blood was spitting out from the corners of his mouth, as if he couldn't stop it. In the blink of an eye, King Wanpeng seemed to turn into a bloody man.

"You...what kind of martial arts is this?"

King Wanpeng barely managed to keep his body steady and not fall down, but he already understood that the difference between the two was already clear. He reluctantly swallowed a mouthful of blood and asked.

Murong Fu stood with his hands behind his hands and replied with a smile: "Repay the other person with his own way. This is my family's inheritance!"

"Okay!" After hearing this, King Wanpeng closed his eyes unwillingly and lost his breath completely.

However, he never fell down until his death, just like the proud roc, he lived up to his name until his death!
  Seeing the defeat of King Wanpeng, the Twelve Flying Peng on the side were stunned. At this moment, they seemed to have lost their backbone and completely stayed in place.

"Those who surrender will not die!" Murong Fu glanced at the crowd and said in a calm tone.

"Meet the master!"

After Tu Dapeng and the others heard this, they looked at each other and then squatted down at the same time to salute.

"From today on, these twelve Feipeng gangs will be renamed 'Fuwei Escort Agency!'"

Seeing that he chose to surrender to the Twelve Flying Pengs on the spot, Murong Fu said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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