Chapter 103 Old Man
  The so-called Twelve Flying Pengs who are famous in the world are actually just ten of the thirty-nine thieves with notorious reputations that King Wanpeng captured back then.

Back then, he killed eight of them and let go of twenty-one, leaving only the ten with the highest martial arts skills. These ten would become one of the famous Twelve Feipengs in the future.

In order to survive, these people bowed to King Wanpeng and were willing to serve under him!
  Now that King Wanpeng has died, these twelve flying pengs naturally join Murong Fu and be driven by him!

Of course, Murong Fu naturally had countermeasures for these people, and gave the "Three Corpses Naoshen Pills" that Woxing and his daughter had used to control the Sun Moon God Sect back then to twelve people.

With the control of this "Three Corpse Brain Pills", even if Murong Fu is not in this world for a while, these people will not be able to make too many splashes!

Naturally, no one in the world knew about the changes in the Twelve Feipeng Gang. Until half a month later, there was a sudden rumor in the world that the Twelve Feipeng Gang changed its name to "Fuwei Escort Agency".

As soon as this incident came out, it caused a stir in the world, especially Jiangnan Wulin, which was particularly shocked!

It should be noted that the "Twelve Feipeng Gang" has become the largest gang in the Jiangnan area since it was founded by King Wanpeng. Even the Beggar Gang with many disciples has to give in to it.

However, such a gang, which can almost influence the entire world, quietly and suddenly turned to the escort business. This change naturally aroused everyone in the world to be surprised.

Regarding this point, "Old Man", another overlord of Jiangnan Wulin, is most concerned.

"Old man" is Sun Yubo.

No one knows the old man’s true origin. Most people only know that the old man is from outside the country and don’t know anything else!

But it was such a mysterious person who spent more than ten years in Jiangnan to build the Sun Mansion, which was famous throughout the world.

No one really knows what kind of person Sun Yubo is?
  What exactly can be done?
  But no matter who has difficulties or problems that cannot be solved, he will ask him for help. He will never make excuses or make empty promises. As long as he agrees to you, you can put aside any big things, because he You will never be disappointed.

You don't have to pay him anything or even be his old friend.

No matter how lonely and poor you are, he will take your problems to heart and find ways to solve them for you. Because he likes to fulfill others and loves justice, he hates all unfair things, just like a farmer who hopes for a good harvest hates locusts eager to eliminate harm.

Although he did not expect reward, the reward was still given to him unconsciously.

His reward is other people's friendship and respect for him, which is the title "old man".

He liked the title and was proud of it.

In addition to helping people, the old man also likes flowers.

The place where he lives is a sea of ​​flowers, a city of flowers. In different seasons, there are always different flowers blooming here. He always stays in the place where the flowers bloom the most.

The most beautiful thing blooming now is the chrysanthemum.

So the old man received his guests in the chrysanthemum garden.

However, the old man who had just finished greeting the guests today was standing in the chrysanthemum garden with a serious expression. All of this naturally stemmed from the changes in the "Twelve Feipeng Gang".

The older people get, the less they like change.

And the old man has just reached this age. Ever since King Wanpeng took root in Jiangnan, the two factions have been fighting secretly.

However, since neither side was sure of the final victory, a head-on conflict could not break out!

Looking at the chrysanthemums shrouded in the sunset, the old man suddenly said: "Do you know the news about the Twelve Feipeng Gang?"


The figure who had been standing behind him answered respectfully.

This is a pale, gentle man, so others tend to underestimate his power and think he is nothing great. This mistake is not only ridiculous, but also terrible!
  As someone who appreciates his intelligence, the old man knows his abilities better.

Unlike his son Sun Jian, Lu Xiangchuan's character is on the other extreme. He is not a woman, but he is more careful than women in his actions.

Therefore, after he joined the Sun Mansion at the age of seven and became the old man's book boy, he rose through the ranks and became the old man's favorite assistant and the housekeeper of the Sun Mansion, so the old man knew Lu Xiangchuan's ability.

Lu Xiangchuan is not only his most capable assistant, but also one of the three most proficient in hidden weapons in the martial arts world. Especially when it comes to hidden weapons such as mechanical springs, no one in the world can match him.

The old man suddenly sighed: "How long has it been since that man showed up?" Lu Xiangchuan said: "He hasn't been seen outside for half a month!"

The person the old man mentioned was none other than King Wanpeng, the leader of the Twelve Feipeng Gang. Over the years, he had spent countless manpower and material resources but still had trouble finding out the details of this person.

"It's been half a month!"

After hearing this, the old man sighed again.

As the two opposing forces in the south of the Yangtze River, the old man had naturally investigated the daily life of King Wanpeng and knew that he would meet with antique dealers from all over the place in Feipeng Castle every once in a while.

Now that the Twelve Feipeng Gang has been renamed "Fuwei Escort Agency", and he himself has not shown up for half a month, it is not difficult for the old man to speculate about all this.

"Feipeng Castle is not simple. Pick out a generous gift for me and visit me in person to deliver it to me!"

After pondering for a long time, the old man suddenly spoke and gave instructions.

He only issued orders without explaining. He just wants you to do that thing. And it must be successful. No matter how you do it, that is your own business.

Of course Lü Xiangchuan knew how difficult the task was, but he didn't show any embarrassment on his face. Everyone knew that he was willing to do anything for the old man.

The old man left the most difficult things to him, which shows that he thinks highly of him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel grateful in his eyes.

The old man seemed to have seen his heart, smiled, patted his shoulder and said, "You are a good boy, I hope you are also my son."

Lü Xiangchuan finally controlled the excitement in his heart and respectfully withdrew.

As a smart man, he naturally knew the deep meaning of the old man's move. No matter whether King Wanpeng had any accidents, the day he changed the "Twelve Feipeng Gang" into a bodyguard agency, it meant that he became the old man's friend. .

I have always been extremely generous to my friends!

Of course, if something happens to King Wanpeng and the Twelve Feipeng Gang changes its owner, the old man will naturally have to know who his new neighbor is.

And this kind of door-to-door visit is a skill. If it were anyone else, it might be self-defeating. Instead, the two parties would become enemies, so the old man assigned Lu Xiangchuan to go there.

After Lü Xiangchuan left, the old man who was alone in the chrysanthemum garden took another breath and hit his waist with his backhand. Looking at the beautiful sunset in the west, he suddenly felt a sense of desolation and depression in his heart.

He has often felt this way recently, so he has placed his hopes on the next generation.

Especially Ritsukagawa.

Every time Lu Xiangchuan went out to do something, the old man never worried that he would fail.

This time was different. This time the old man actually felt a little uneasy, because he knew the strength of the "Thirteen Feipeng Gang" very well, and he also knew the methods of King Wanpeng very well.

Regardless of whether King Wanpeng had an accident or not, it meant that this trip would never be too easy.

He was afraid that Lü Xiangchuan would be in danger if he went there.

But immediately he felt that he had too many worries. Lü Xiangchuan had always taken good care of himself. Even if he could not complete the task here, he would definitely be able to escape unscathed.

"I'm afraid only the elderly will feel like this if they worry too much." The old man sighed and slowly walked back to his house under the sunset. At this time, he suddenly felt that it was time to stop. But this feeling always seems to be short-lived, and when the sun rises tomorrow morning, he will immediately become ambitious again.

There is a certain kind of person in the world who will never be knocked down by anything, not even old age and death.

Of course there are not many such people, but the old man is undoubtedly one of them.


When Lu Xiangchuan was sitting in the car, what he was thinking about was not the Wanpeng King he was going to deal with, but another thing.

In the eyes of Jianghu people, the old man is the epitome of omnipotence and omniscience, but he does have things he doesn't know.

For example, Lu Xiangchuan is about to visit Feipeng Castle. In fact, he has already had this idea!
  PS: September Ying Fei tells the story of the battle of wits and courage between Ye Kai and Shangguan Jinhong’s daughter, Shangguan Xiaoxian, which is mixed with the shadow of the Demon Cult!
  (End of this chapter)

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