Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 137 Invitation from the Beggar Clan, an old story from the late Ming Dynasty!

Chapter 137 Invitation from the Beggar Clan, an old story from the late Ming Dynasty! (Dragon Scroll and Blue Blood Sword Scroll)

Not to mention his character, Quan Guanqing can be regarded as a rare talent among the beggars!

This person is good at dancing and scheming. He has gained a good reputation among the beggars and the world!
  In addition, as the leader of the Beggar Clan's Dazhi branch, he suddenly died in mysterious circumstances. Due to emotional reasons, Qiao Feng, as the leader of the gang, naturally had to deal with it personally.

Therefore, after Murong Fu heard and A Bi told them about the major events that had happened in recent days, he was not surprised that Qiao Feng visited the village in person.

Unlike other deceitful people in the world, Murong Fu admired Qiao, the leader of the Beggar Clan, in his heart.

Although Gang Leader Qiao was able to serve as the leader of the Beggar Clan in the first place, although he relied mostly on his superb martial arts, it did not mean that he was a foolhardy man.

On the contrary, he is thoughtful.

In the original work, Xingzilin faced the rebellion of a group of beggars. He quelled the rebellion while talking and laughing, and even took the opportunity to win over the hearts of several elders who were estranged from him.

If Kang Min hadn't held the handwritten suicide note left by Wang Jiantong during his lifetime, even Master Xuanci of Shaolin Temple would have been unable to shake his position as gang leader!
  The reason why Gang Leader Qiao was ruined in the future and everyone wanted to beat him up was actually because he was an upright person and didn't realize that he had any shady secrets.

The second is to underestimate the filthiness of the human heart!

After all, the reason why Kang Min framed Qiao Feng, even if Murong Fu knew the reason in advance, he was still in disbelief.

As for Qiao Fengfeng's end, the dirty nature of the human heart is one thing, but it is also related to the fact that he values ​​​​love too much!

It should be noted that during the battle at Xingzilin, Qiao Feng had already captured the rebellious beggars alive and completely conquered them. If it had been him, Kang Min and Xu Chongxiao would not even have had the chance to take out the suicide note left by Wang Jiantong!
  But if he had done this, he would no longer be the bloody "Beiqiao Feng"!

And it was precisely because of this that Murong Fu admired him deeply.

In the original work, Ma Dayuan died due to his famous stunt "Throat Grasp", and the Beggar Clan was so excited that they came to Jiangnan to seek revenge on him!
  However, the leader of the Qiao Gang overcame the public opinion, suppressed the anger of the beggars, and came to Jiangnan alone to find out the truth.

It was precisely because of this precedent that Murong Fu ordered his subordinates not to give Quan Guan any face!

The reason for this was related to the leader of the Qiao Gang. Murong Fu understood that the "North Qiao Feng" who was equally famous as him was a heroic and passionate man who was rare in the world.

As long as he is in charge of the Beggars Clan, there is no need to worry that the dispute between the two families will completely get out of control!

Now it seems that Murong Fu was indeed right about the "Beiqiao Peak" who is equally famous as him.

"This Gang Leader Qiao is worthy of being a master as famous as the Young Master!"

After hearing Abi talk about the major events that had happened in recent days, Deng Baichuan and Gong Yegan looked at each other and started to praise.

Deng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian did not act as freely as Bao Tongtong did. Naturally, they understood that Qiao Feng, as the leader of a gang, could personally visit Yanziwu to find out the truth, which was enough to show his sincerity.

Moreover, the two daughters, A'Zhu and A Bi, are only half-grown girls. Although they are valued by their own master as maids, they are raised as young ladies of the Murong family.

But outsiders don't know this. After all, Qiao Feng is the leader of the Beggars Gang, and the Beggars Gang has the title of the largest gang in the world. If it were the four brothers, they would probably think that the Murong family did this intentionally, and they would not greet them. week.

Once you have taken good care of yourself, it will only happen when you go back!

If you lose your temper, you will have an attack on the spot!

But Gang Leader Qiao was not angry at all when he saw A'Zhu's two daughters coming up to greet them. Instead, after learning that his son-in-law had not returned from a long trip, he said goodbye first.

Such behavior and such a big heart naturally won the respect of Deng Baichuan and Deng Baichuan inadvertently.

"Brother Deng, this leader of the Qiao clan is not only heroic and passionate, but also rare in the world in terms of martial arts..."

Hearing Deng Baichuan's sigh, Murong Fu also nodded in praise, but when he mentioned the evaluation, his tone paused slightly, as if he hadn't thought of the right words for a moment.

"Extreme master!"

After pondering for a moment, Murong Fu added.

"A supreme master... Could it be that this person's martial arts skills can't be compared with the Young Master's?"

Hearing this, Bao BuTong frowned.

"Third brother, don't underestimate this Gang Leader Qiao!"

Seeing Bao BuTong speak, Murong Fu shook his head.

"Although I have learned a lot about martial arts now, if I fight against this Qiao Gang leader, I'm afraid I'm no better than a close friend!"

Murong Fu said in a serious tone as if he understood the contempt in Bao BuTong's heart.

Hearing that Murong Fu spoke so highly of Bei Qiao Feng, A'Zhu couldn't help but become curious. She had seen her own young master's martial arts.

It should be noted that even Dongfang Bubai, who has a strange figure and is extremely fast, was defeated by his own master!

Is that heroic Gang Leader Qiao really so powerful?

"Third brother, you must know that there is a kind of martial arts wizard in the world. Any ordinary martial arts in his hands will return to his original nature, and this leader Qiao is such a person!"

Understanding Bao BuTong's temperament, and in order to prevent him from humiliating himself by challenging Beiqiao Feng in the future, Murong Fu spoke slowly.

The words he said were of course completely true, and he was not deliberately fabricating them.

This "Beiqiao Feng" is indeed one of the few martial arts wizards in the world. In a battle at Juxian Village, he was able to defeat Xuan Nan, the head of the Shaolin Bodhidharma Hall, with the most common set of Taizu Changquan in the world.

Although the martial arts he has learned now can be called "bo", and his internal skills are far beyond his original track, he still dare not look down upon a martial arts prodigy like Qiao Feng.

If the two of them competed in martial arts, Murong Fu might be able to beat him!
  But if two people fight to the death, the winner may not be known!
  You must know that there is always a kind of person in the world who is different from others!
  Qiao Feng is this kind of person. Although his internal strength is not the deepest and his moves are not the most refined, he also does not have the bizarre encounters between Duan Yu and Xu Zhu...

But his comprehension and ability to adapt to circumstances are far higher than ordinary people!

Although your internal strength is unpredictable and your moves are exquisite, when you meet an opponent like Qiao Feng, the winner can only be him!

Although Murong Fu's martial arts skills today are far superior to 90% of the martial arts in the world, if he and Qiao Feng were to fight to the death, there was no telling who would win!

Just because Qiao Feng's martial arts understanding is one thing, his courage and momentum when facing the enemy are rare in the world. In a life-and-death fight with him, Murong Fu can't guarantee that he can escape unscathed!

"Abi, did that Gang Leader Qiao leave any words?"

Seeing that everyone was deep in thought, Murong Fu's eyes fell on Abi and suddenly asked about this matter.

Abi said: "Master, when that leader Qiao said goodbye, he just said he would visit again in the future!"

"There is no reason in this world to allow a guest to visit us twice. When word spread to the world, people still thought that I, Murong Fu, was so arrogant and arrogant and didn't know how to treat guests!"

When Murong Fu heard this, he shook his head slightly.

Then he looked at Gongye and said: "Second brother Gongye, I will write a handwritten letter later. You have worked hard and will deliver it to the chief helmsman of the Beggar Clan in person. Tell that Clan Leader Qiao that I will go there in person in one month." Luoyang comes to visit!"

"I obey my orders!"

Hearing this, Gong Yeqian clasped his hands into fists and replied respectfully. There are only a few people in the world who are worthy of his personal visit, and Gang Leader Qiao is obviously one of them.

"Master, Sister Jiao has been away for a long time to visit relatives. I wonder when she will come back?"

After seeing Murong Fu finishing all his instructions, Abi on the side carefully mentioned Jiao Wan'er and his two daughters, who had been away for many days.

"Abi, why do you miss Miss Jiao and the others?"

Hearing Abi's words, Murong Fu smiled slightly.

Speaking more carefully, the two daughters Jiao Wan'er and He Tieshou have been gone for several months.

Since he returned to Tianlong last time and mastered the method of opening the Void Stone Gate in the world he experienced earlier, he specially made Jiao Wan'er and He Tieshou his companions and returned to the late Ming Dynasty to go home to visit relatives.

Now that he has returned from Ye Kai and Shangguan Xiaoxian's turmoil, it is naturally time to pick up Jiao Wan'er and his two daughters.

When Abi heard this, she just nodded with a smile.

After all, she was young and stayed on Taihu Lake all year round. Apart from A'Zhu, she had few friends with whom she could talk.

Although Jiao Wan'er was a few years older than her, her temperament was similar to hers. After the two got acquainted, they naturally had endless things to say.

"Okay, I'll take you to pick them up!"

Seeing Abi's admission, Murong Fu chuckled and made a promise.


Late Ming Dynasty, Jiangnan.

I don’t know since when, the weather has become more and more weird. Even Jiangnan, known as the land of plenty, actually has heavy snowfall during this twelfth lunar month.

Nowadays, the world is in chaos, and even in the Jiangnan area, there are many victims fleeing from the north.

The heavy snowfall at present has left many victims who are weak and have not had hot food for several days to freeze to death on the roadside.

All of this has long been regarded as ordinary, and even the locals have become numb after witnessing this scene.


At some point, a group of three people appeared on the path. One of them, a girl in a green shirt, looked at the countless victims who had frozen to death on the roadside with unbearable eyes.

When the man in white heard this, he shook his head slightly.

This group of people was none other than the three masters and servants of Murong Fu who came to the late Ming Dynasty.

Although the weather in Jiangnan during the Northern Song Dynasty was not smooth, it was said to be a land of plenty and plenty of food among people from all over the country. Although the people lived in poverty, most of them were able to eat well.

Especially in this generation of Taihu people, most people are good at water. In their free time, they can go fishing and catch fish to the city to exchange for a lot of money. Therefore, Abi naturally rarely sees this tragic scene on weekdays.

Although A'Zhu didn't speak, he was shocked by the cruel scene in front of him. After all, the two of them were still young and still children.

"Let's go, this heavy snow will last another day at least..."

Looking at the countless figures frozen to death on the roadside, Murong Fu just sighed.

These are troubled times, and human life is as cheap as a dog!
  Murong Fu and his party continued to go south. When they reached the outside of the city, they saw many more porridge shops set up by the government on the roadside. These porridge shops were built with simple straw sheds, and there was even a long queue. human dragon.

Most of these victims were skinny and skinny, their eyes were full of numbness, and they only knew how to line up mechanically.

Murong Fu scanned the crowd and noticed that there were almost no women or children in the team, and he couldn't help but frown.

"Let's go to the city and have a rest!"

Murong Fu, who had roughly guessed what happened, suddenly said.

The weather is snowing harder and harder. He has great skills and does not need wind and snow. However, the two daughters of A'Zhu are still young, so naturally they have to think about them.

Besides, he also needed to find out some information in the city.

An hour later, Murong Fu, who appeared in a restaurant in the city, had already learned from his mistress about the major events that had happened in the late Ming Dynasty during his absence.

It turned out that her good disciple released some poisonous insects in the Manchu Palace, poisoning all the princes and ministers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. The Manchu Qing Dynasty, which had no leader, elected Fulin, who was still a child, as the emperor of the Qing Dynasty. The queen mother temporarily assists the government.

Without the power of traitors like Fan Wencheng and the powerful Manchu generals such as Huang Taiji and Dorgon, the Manchu Qing Dynasty, with orphans and widowed mothers in charge, would naturally inevitably fall into a defensive position for the time being.

However, in the Ming Dynasty, the army led by Chuang Wang Li Zicheng still followed the same trajectory as before, and finally captured the capital.

However, perhaps due to Murong Fu's intervention, Chongzhen, who originally hanged himself under the crooked neck tree in Meishan, was escorted by a guard named Yuan, and finally arrived at Jinling City after experiencing hardships and hardships.

Now that the whole northern area is in the hands of Li Chuang, even Wu Sangui, who originally guarded Shanhaiguan, chose to surrender to Li Zicheng.

Perhaps thinking that the situation was irreversible, Li Zicheng couldn't wait to proclaim himself emperor soon after he captured the capital. He took "Dashun" as his country name and also promulgated the reign name "Yongchang".

Wu Sangui, who had been promoted to a noble rank by Emperor Dashun not long ago, personally led the army as the vanguard and went south. The two sides fought several fierce battles in Huaixi, with each winning or losing.

However, when the two sides were in a stalemate, Wu Sangui was mysteriously assassinated in the camp one day and died. The Ming army took the opportunity to attack and returned with a great victory!

According to rumors, Wu Sangui died at the hands of a descendant of Yuan Chonghuan, the former governor of Jiliao!

It is said that this descendant of Governor Yuan has practiced martial arts since childhood and has superb martial arts. Even when the emperor moved to the south to hunt, he was his personal guard all the way. He was favored by the emperor and even thought of recruiting him as his consort.

After hearing this, Murong Fu roughly understood the whole story.

But even if he had expected it, he still couldn't help but feel enlightened by the major events that had happened in recent days.

Li Zicheng proclaimed himself emperor, Wu Sangui surrendered, and even Wu Sangui's death afterwards did not surprise him.

But the news that Chongzhen could move to the south to hunt is really incredible!

"It seems we can only go to Jinling City to find out!"

Hearing the waiter talk about the major events that happened in recent days, Murong Fu put down the tea cup in his hand and suddenly had this idea in his mind.

Jiao Gongli is a native of Jinling and the leader of the Golden Dragon Gang. If you want to thoroughly understand the whole story of recent days, he is the best person to find.

Besides, if his predictions were correct, both Jiao Wan'er and He Tieshou should be in Jinling City right now!

Going now will naturally kill two birds with one stone and save him a lot of effort!

PS: There are at most one or two chapters in Jade Blood Sword, transitional chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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