Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 141 In the name of freedom, I invite two old friends to gather in Taihu Lake!

Chapter 141 In the name of freedom, I invite the two elders to gather together in Taihu Lake!
  Taihu Lake, Qinyun Xiaozhu.

Abi slowly walked into the hall, smiled lightly and said, "I'm sorry for the long wait, sisters, my young master is here!"

As soon as he spoke, Murong Fu had already stepped into the hall.

After Murong Fu stepped into the hall, he turned his eyes and quickly looked at several women on the side.

I saw these women wearing green cloaks of the same color, with black vultures embroidered on the cloaks. They all looked to be in their early twenties, so they were obviously very young.

Seeing Murong Fu finally appear, several women who had been waiting here for a long time couldn't help but stand up. Some of them even looked at the man in front of them unconsciously.

Murong Fu was just wearing ordinary clothes, but it was still difficult to hide his extraordinary demeanor. In addition, he had a face as handsome as a crown jewel, and he was handsome and unrestrained. For a while, several women couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

It should be noted that since the battle at Leigu Mountain, the nicknames "Nan Murong Feng" and "Bei Qiao Feng" have completely emerged in the Central Plains martial arts world. The girls have been in the Central Plains for some time now, so they naturally heard this nickname.

Seeing Murong Fu's extraordinary bearing, he naturally couldn't help but believe in this title.

Just as the girls were secretly sizing up Murong Fu, suddenly a woman in a green cloak stood up.

This woman was in her twenties, with a delicate appearance, but there was a hint of coldness in her eyes. She looked at Murong Fu and said, "You were the one who solved the old monster Xingxiu?"

"Is it possible that Ding Chunqiu still has an old relationship with Lingjiu Palace?"

Hearing the curiosity in the woman's tone, Murong Fu smiled slightly.

Murong Fu didn't take it seriously to the rude behavior of the woman in front of him.

It should be noted that most of the women in the Vulture Palace are abandoned babies adopted by child mothers. They stay on Tianshan Mountain all year round and have little contact with the outside world. Naturally, there will not be as many red tapes as in the Central Plains when interacting with people.

And unlike other sects, these women who have grown up in Lingjiu Palace rarely participate in the "Thirty-Six Cave" and "Seventy-two Islands" of Lingjiu Palace except for being ordered by Child Elder to travel around the world to supervise the investment. Jianghu affairs.

Except for the major cave masters and island masters who were given the "talisman of life and death", they rarely interacted with others, and no evil deeds were leaked. They can be regarded as a strange flower in the martial arts world!

As for the cave masters and island masters who are controlled by the life and death talismans, they are not kind people, and it is extremely common for them to kill people casually.

Murong Fu naturally showed no mercy to those people!

"Do you know the Vulture Palace?"

Hearing Murong Fu suddenly mention the Vulture Palace, the woman in the green cloak suddenly revealed a strange light in her eyes.

It should be noted that in the Central Plains martial arts world, the name of Lingjiu Palace has always been a secret!
  Even the famous Shaolin Temple has never known my grandma's reputation, but today in Jiangnan, someone took the initiative to tell the name of Lingjiu Palace.

"Not only do I know the name of the Piaomiao Peak Lingjiu Palace, but I also know that you are divided into nine heavens and nine divisions. I wonder which division the girl belongs to?"

Staring at the girl in the green cloak, Murong Fu then revealed their even more shocking secret.

"It seems that Mr. Murong knows a lot about our Lingjiu Palace!"

After hearing what Murong Fu said, the green cloaked girl's eyes flashed with something strange, and her tone immediately turned cold.

"Girl, please don't misunderstand me. Speaking of which, I have a connection with the master of your palace!"

Seeing that the girl was on guard, Murong Fu shook his head gently and explained.

"Do you have a relationship with my master?"

The woman in the green cloak couldn't help but have a strange tone when she heard this.

"Yes, your master and I are from the same school."

Understanding the origin of the strange look in the green cloaked woman's eyes, Murong Fu continued slowly.

"Going to the same house as my master?"

Hearing this, not only did the woman in green cloak look strange, but the women in green cloaks beside them couldn't help but look at each other, obviously finding this matter too unbelievable.

If they hadn't come to the island as a group, Abi treated guests well and was not rude in the slightest, and Murong Fu had a dignified appearance, unlike those who talk nonsense, they would have changed their faces long ago.

"Mr. Murong, please stop joking like this!"

The woman in the green cloak was obviously angry, and her tone became colder than before.

"It seems that the girl thought I was telling lies on purpose!"

When Murong Fu heard this, he just shook his head slightly.

"Mr. Murong, today we sisters, in the name of my master, are here to investigate the truth about the battle between the young master and the old immortal Xingxiu. I hope the young master will tell the truth!"

The girl in green cloak controlled her emotions and asked slowly again.

Along the way, the sisters discovered that the Murong family had a good reputation in Jiangnan, so it was rare for them to have such a good temper.

It should be noted that Lingjiu Palace controls the thirty-six caves and seventy-two islands. These people are all tyrants in various places. However, when they saw their sisters and their group, they were like mice seeing cats, and they did not dare to offend them at all!
  "Investigating the truth?"

When Murong Fu heard this, there was a rare hint of curiosity in his words.

"Yes, my master ordered us to come here to check whether the rumors in the world are true!"

The girl in green cloak nodded and said.

Murong Fu said: "What if it is true?"

The girl in green cloak said: "If the rumors are true, my master will invite the young master to visit Lingjiu Palace!"

"So, does the master of your family want to stand up for Ding Chunqiu?"

After hearing this, Murong Fu already understood the reason why their group came.

"I advise the young master to follow my master's words, otherwise if she visits in person, the young master will regret it by then and it will be too late!"

The girl in the green cloak stared at Murong Fu in front of her, and she also felt a little confused in her heart.

The old monster Xingxiu had been hiding in the Xingxiu Sea for many years and had no contact with his master in previous years. But not long ago, the news of Ding Chunqiu's defeat reached his grandma's ears.

She was rarely angry, but her expression suddenly changed, and then she ordered them to go to Jiangnan quickly.

They had joined Lingjiu Palace for many years, but they had never seen such an angry grandma, so it was rare that the girl persuaded Murong Fu at this time.

Others don’t know how powerful grandma’s methods are, so how could they, the women of Lingjiu Palace, not have seen it before!

Over the years, no matter how famous the heroes are, as long as grandma personally takes action, they will all kneel at her feet and cry bitterly!
  The green cloaked girl and her group had been in Jiangnan for a long time, and they knew that Nan Murong had a good reputation, so they rarely took the initiative to persuade him.

"The girl is very kind!"

When Murong Fu heard this, he smiled softly.

From the few words of the green cloaked girl, he seemed to have guessed something.

The grievances and hatreds between the three elders of Xiaoyao back then are a bit strange if you think about it carefully.

Back then, Wu Yazi was obsessed with jade statues, which led to him neglecting Li Qiu Shui. Li Qiu Shui went out of his way to make out with the handsome man to piss him off, and the two separated.

People in the Xiaoyao Sect are all high-minded people, especially since this matter involves the love between men and women, so neither of them is willing to bow down.

At this time, the story of Ding Chunqiu's secret attack on Wuyazi began to emerge. Li Qiushui and Tong Lao must not have known about this, otherwise Ding Chunqiu would not have had a chance to survive!
  When Child Elder heard that Ding Chunqiu was defeated, she felt that she had lost the face of the Xiaoyao Sect, so she sent her disciples to find out the truth about this battle!

However, this time Child Elder failed to act in person and only sent her disciples to come, which naturally made Murong Fu feel looked down upon.

The truth is exactly what Murong Fu guessed. The Tianshan Child Lao didn't know about Ding Chunqiu's murder of his master.

Ever since Li Qiushui married Wu Yazi, the two of them had little contact with each other, so they suddenly became angry when they heard the news of Ding Chunqiu's defeat. As for this reason, I naturally felt that Ding Chunqiu had fallen into the prestige of Xiaoyao Sect!

"Girl, don't you want to know why I want to fight Ding Chunqiu?"

It was obvious that the girl in the green cloak did not know the secret from back then. Now that Murong Fu needed her to send a message to Child Elder, he simply mentioned the previous battle again.

Murong Fu said slowly: "This man is despicable, shameless, and dirty. He even tried to kill my master in his early years. Later, after I became a disciple of the master, he naturally wanted to clean up the family for my master!"

Hearing this, all the women looked surprised.

Naturally, these women have heard of the bad reputation of Xingxiu Old Immortal, but most of these rumors refer to his poisoning martial arts and have nothing to do with his personality.

Now that they heard Murong Fu mention the past, the women naturally despised Ding Chunqiu even more.

"Speaking of which, my master and the master of your palace have an old relationship. They both entered the same sect. However, my master is still young, so he calls her senior sister!"

Seeing a group of women listening quietly, Murong Fu suddenly spoke again.

"Mr. Murong, are you serious about what you said?"

Hearing this, the girl in green cloak couldn't help but shine in her eyes.

Murong Fu said: "Whether this matter is true or not, the girl can verify it with her master in person in the future!!"

Hearing this, the girl in green cloak couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

She was quite senior in Lingjiu Palace, but she had never heard any news about her grandma's sect. Naturally, she would not believe what Murong Fu said.

But after grandma heard about Ding Chunqiu's defeat, her expression suddenly changed. After thinking of what Murong Fu had just said, all this could be explained clearly.

"Girl, look at this!"

Knowing that words alone could not move them, Murong Fu suddenly picked up the teacup beside him.

Under the gazes of all the women, the cup of hot tea suddenly turned into ice, and then suddenly merged under their gazes, causing steam to rise.


Seeing this scene, the green cloaked girl and others all changed their minds.

The others were okay, but the girl in the green cloak was quite senior after all. Murong Fu's bizarre methods even reminded her of her grandmother's method of controlling the "Thirty-six Caves" and "Seventy-two Islands".

"Girl, did you remember anything when you saw this?"

Murong Fu put down the tea cup in his hand and smiled slightly.

"The Talisman of Life and Death!"

Staring at the steaming teacup in Murong Fu's hand, the girl in the green cloak couldn't help but speak solemnly.

"Yes, although this life and death talisman is a method developed by my uncle himself, it is not a secret in the Xiaoyao sect. As long as it is the true successor of the sect, it will naturally use this method of yin and yang!"

Murong Fu, who showed off his skills a little, slowly explained.

"I wonder if the girl trusts my words now?"

Seeing that the girl was deep in thought, Murong Fu waited for a moment and then spoke again.

The girl in green cloak said: "Whether this is true or not, I need to tell the master personally to know!"

Regardless of whether what Murong Fu said was true or false, judging from the methods he just revealed, the seven of them together on this trip would probably not be able to defeat this Young Master Murong.

Even so, Master Murong always treated them with respect and courtesy, and never bullied the weak in the slightest!

In addition, what Murong Fu said was not groundless, so she believed most of it now!
  "If you go back, girl, you might as well take this thing with you!"

Having said this, Murong Fu took off the Seven Treasures Ring from his thumb.

"This is……"

Seeing the gemstone ring handed out by Murong Fu, the girl in the green cloak had a strange look in her eyes.

Murong Fu said: "This thing is a symbol of the head of our sect. If you take this thing back, your master will definitely not blame you!"

Knowing the child's temperament, it would be difficult to win her trust with just ordinary things, so Murong Fu simply took out the Seven Treasures Ring.

As long as the woman brings this thing back, once the child elder sees it, she will rush here personally without anyone saying anything.

"it is good!"

The girl in green cloak heard this and nodded after a long time.

"Then I'll trouble the girl!"

Murong Fu smiled slightly.


The group of girls in green cloaks did not stay here for long. After resting for a day at Qinyun Xiaozhu, they set off towards Tianshan Mountain on the third day.

Knowing that the journey was long, Murong Fu specifically asked A'Zhu to find fast horses for them and told them that Fuwei Escorts could change horses at any time along the way.

At present, the Fuwei Escort Agency, after Lin Zhennan took over, has already expanded from the four provinces of Jiangnan to the territory of the Song Dynasty.

Nowadays, there is naturally no branch rudder in the Western Regions, but not long ago, there was a branch rudder in Shanshan.

After the girl and her group left, Murong Fu personally went to Mantuo Villa and asked his aunt to write a letter in person, inviting his uncle to come to Taihu Lake for a reunion.

Different from his uncle, this uncle has already married into the Xixia royal family, and he must have never paid attention to the so-called rumors!

Therefore, she might not know about her battle with Ding Chunqiu yet!

Others who want to convey a message to the Xixia Princess are naturally talking nonsense!
  But Murong Fu was different. After all, his aunt was still Li Qiushui's flesh and blood, so of course she had the means to contact her!
  After sending messages to the two of them respectively, Murong Fu went to visit Wu Yazi again.

"Have you found the whereabouts of your uncle?"

When Wu Yazi heard this, he was surprised.

"Disciple has found the whereabouts of my uncle!"

Murong Fu nodded and said.

Wu Yazi let out a long sigh when he heard this.

"My teacher is now disabled, and it will be up to you to persuade them!"

Understanding that there was a deep gap between Li Qiushui and Tong Lao, Wu Yazi suddenly looked at Murong Fu and warned him.

"Disciple knows!"

After hearing this, Murong Fu nodded and replied.

He invited the two of them to come, so he was naturally prepared!

Only by resolving the grievances of the previous generation of the Xiaoyao sect as soon as possible can he have no worries when the Void Stone Gate opens again in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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