Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 164 The Invisible Man, Sikong reaches for the stars.

Chapter 164 The Invisible Man, Sikong reaches for the stars.

Weak woman?
  How could Gongsun Lan, who single-handedly founded the mysterious Red Shoes organization, be a weak woman!
  Anyone in the world who believes this sentence, even if he is not a fool, is not far behind!
  Murong Fu was naturally not a fool. On the contrary, he knew a lot of things, some secrets that few people in the world knew.

For example, although the Red Shoes in front of me is only an organization that only women can join, and although they only have eight people, their ability to make money is incredible!
  Just like the second lady in Red Shoes, Jin Jiuling's lover, her annual income is as much as 1.8 million taels of silver, and she is even confident of doubling her income in the coming year.

It should be noted that the combined income of the most famous and powerful gangsters in the underworld is not even half of hers!

This shows how amazing the money-making ability of the woman in the red shoes is!
  But unfortunately, it was also the case, and it was now targeted by Jin Jiuling and regarded as a scapegoat.

But Jin Jiuling is also a complete idiot. He seems to have forgotten one thing. How can an organization with such huge profits not be protected by other forces?
  Murong Fu said slowly: "I know that all eight of you sisters are very good at making money, but I also know that not much will fall into your hands in the end..."

Hearing this, Gongsun Lan, who had been smiling just now, suddenly changed his expression, and his eyes seemed to reveal a trace of unspeakable fear.

This scene fell into the eyes of Ouyang Qing who was standing aside, and she couldn't help but feel extremely surprised. It was obvious that she had never seen Gongsun Lan looking like this before.

"You know it too?"

Gongsun Lan stared at Murong Fu closely, with a strange expression in his eyes.

"Of course I know about the Invisible Man Organization, but I didn't expect that its invisible hand would actually reach out to you!"

Seeing Gongsun Lan's fear of the invisible man organization, Murong Fu couldn't help but sigh.

He had already understood everything from the different expressions of Ouyang Qing and Gongsun Lan, and understood that only Gongsun Lan in the red shoes knew about the existence of the invisible man!
  It can be seen from this that no wonder Jin Jiuling is so bold that he dares to get involved with the Red Shoes Organization!
  Judging from the current situation, the other women in Red Shoes have no idea about the existence of the Invisible Man organization, nor do they understand where the money they earn every year goes?

In the original work, even if Lu Xiaofeng did not intervene in this matter, even if Jin Jiuling escaped, he would have to face the liquidation of the Invisible Man Organization in the future!

Murong Fu said: "I am always very generous to my friends, but I hate it when people take things for themselves without asking for anything, so I want to make a deal with you!"

When Gongsun Lan heard this, with her intelligence, she naturally understood what Murong Fu meant.

The Fuwei Escort Agency is gaining momentum, so one day the invisible hand will definitely find it and take away 90% of his wealth, just like it did to Huo Xiu.

Murong Fu said: "You can rest assured that my conditions are not harsh, and I do not require you to do anything difficult for me. It just requires you to spend some time and accompany one more person for me!"

When Gongsun Lan heard this, he clearly noticed that Murong Fu's tone was slightly gentle at the end.

Murong Fu said slowly: "Don't worry, the person I want you to accompany is not someone else, but my cousin. She has just entered the world, is not experienced in the world, is still young, and stays at home all year round and rarely goes out... "

"With the young master's martial arts skills, why do I need to intervene!"

Seeing the tenderness Murong Fu showed when he mentioned his cousin, Gongsun Lan couldn't help but feel a little strange in his heart, and then he answered curiously.

"Because the place I am going to next is extremely dangerous, and I don't want her to worry about me, nor do I want her to encounter any danger!"

Staring at Gongsun Lan, Murong Fu continued to explain.

"So Master Murong just remembered our sisters?"

At this moment, Ouyang Qing on the side finally understood something, and his words were filled with envy for the girl.

Murong Fu nodded and said: "Yes, you sisters are good at martial arts and are interesting people. My cousin will naturally be very happy with you as my companion, and I don't need to be distracted by her safety for the time being!"

Gongsun Lan suddenly said in a complicated tone: "I suddenly envy the young master's cousin..."

Ouyang Qing on the side heard this and nodded with emotion.

There are many men in the world, but there are very few men like Murong Fu who are both top-notch in martial arts, good looks, and caring.

Murong Fu said: "Then what do you think?"

Gongsun Lan sighed: "As long as you spend some time in exchange for freedom, and you can make friends with a big shot like Mr. Murong, only a fool would not do this kind of business!"

She is a smart woman, otherwise how could she have founded Red Shoes, a mysterious organization dominated by women!
  If it weren't for the Invisible Man organization, the red shoes in her hands would be considered the most mysterious place in the world. Even Huo Xiu's Tsing Yi Building would be far inferior to hers!

So she quickly agreed.

Murong Fu made a deal with Red Shoes headed by Gongsun Lan not just on a whim, but because he had already had this idea in his mind.

This time the Void Stone Gate was opened, out of the previous guilt, Murong Fu took the initiative and agreed to travel with Wang Yuyan on the rivers and lakes.

It's just that Murong Fu misjudged one thing. This time the world is full of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and there are many peerless masters among them.

Just like Wudang Mu Tao Ren who goes by the pseudonym Lao Dao Ba Zi, and Wu Ming, the young old man who founded the Invisible Man Organization. If Mu Tao Ren is just for the position of Wudang leader, he does not pose much of a threat to others.

Then it is difficult to guess what the little old man Wu Ming is thinking. This man has wild and unconstrained ideas and his methods of doing things are very different from ordinary people.

For example, Pingnan Prince Shi Gongjiu's plan to rebel could be described as a first-rate event in the eyes of outsiders, but in his eyes it might just be because it was interesting.

Murong Fu appears in Jianghu with everyone, which will definitely attract his attention.

For the safety of his three cousins, he had to make arrangements in advance, especially since he understood his cousin's temperament. If she knew that she had become a weakness in the eyes of her enemies, she would definitely feel guilty again.

Murong Fu went out of his way to find Gongsun Lan. The women in the Red Shoes organization were all good at martial arts. Among them, Gongsun Lan's martial arts was the best among the women in the world.

With her and her daughters accompanying her, her cousin's journey in the rivers and lakes would naturally become safer.

Of course, in addition to Gongsun Lan, Murong Fu also had other back-up arrangements, such as the masters of Qingyi Tower and Tianqinmen, who were all hiding in secret to protect the safety of his three cousins ​​at all times.

But before leaving, Gongsun Lan seemed to still have unresolved problems, and his brows were still slightly furrowed.

Murong Fu said: "Do you still have questions?"

Gongsun Landao: "There is a deficit in Red Shoes, and now I am looking for a traitor!"

She originally didn't want to reveal her family scandal, but now she was entrusted with an important task by Murong Fu. If she guessed wrong because of a traitor, she was a smart woman and she would naturally understand what would happen.

"It's Er Niang!"

Seeing Ouyang Qingzhiqu exiting the room, Murong Fu replied slowly.

When Gongsun Lan heard this, he just sighed softly and said, "It turns out to be her!"

In his words, he didn't seem surprised.

As the eldest sister of Red Shoes, she has naturally been tracking each member privately.

Except for Xue Bing, the eighth child who has recently joined the Red Shoes, the most innocent old seventh child, and Ouyang Qing, who seems to be sitting in Yiqingyuan but still retains her virginity, the remaining three people have long been among her suspects. middle.

Now that she heard Murong Fu reveal his identity as a traitor, she was naturally not surprised.

"It's just that she has always been good at making money, why..."

After confirming the traitor candidate, Gongsun Lan was still a little confused.

Murong Fu said: "Who is her lover that you don't understand?"

"Er Niang's lover?"

Hearing this, Gongsun Lan frowned slightly.

Murong Fu said calmly: "A woman who can make money in her own right has suffered a loss. The reason is actually not difficult to guess!"

In fact, this principle is the same as when a man suddenly spends a lot of money!
  Gongsun Lan frowned and said, "Then who will be her lover?"

Murong Fu said calmly: "If you were asked to guess this person, you might not be able to guess it for a long time. He is Jin Jiuling!"

"It's actually him?"

Hearing this, Gongsun Lan's expression showed a hint of surprise.

Jin Jiuling's reputation is not great in the world, but his status is definitely extraordinary!
  Just because he is the head office of the first six doors, this person is very particular about food, clothing and daily life. Some people had earlier doubted whether his salary alone could support his squandering. And now we have the answer...

"So Er Niang is in a deficit in order to supplement Jin Jiuling..."

After saying this, Gongsun Lan sighed softly, obviously already understanding the whole story.

Murong Fu continued: "And this person is indeed not a simple person. He was responsible for the dozens of robberies that shocked the southeast in the past few months!"

"Is he the embroidery thief?"

Suddenly hearing the news, Gongsun Lan couldn't help but look strange. Apparently, he had never guessed that the embroidery thief was actually related to the former chief arrester of the Six Doors.

Murong Fu added: "This person has committed crimes continuously in the southeast area in just a few months, and robbed far more than ten million taels of silver. He alone will never be able to transfer such a huge amount of money, so you can be more careful!"

Jin Jiuling took away such a huge amount of money. He and a few subordinates alone would not be able to dispose of it in the short term, so this huge sum of money should still be hidden somewhere.

But Gongsun Lan had to act quickly, because Murong Fu believed that many people were also eyeing this huge sum of money!



Thanks to the embroidery thief who committed numerous major crimes a few months ago, the security bureau business in the southeast area is in turmoil.

On the busy official roads in the past, there are now only a few sparse businessmen.

And above this official road, there is a figure of a man in white.

Looking into the distance from the willow forest beside the official road not far away, a green cloth wine flag sticks out diagonally.

Apparently this is a place for passers-by to stop and buy drinks.

This place is quite unique.

Deep in the willow forest, the winding river is surrounded by green coconut trees. Especially at dusk, the green water reflects the red clouds, making your face look as red as a peach blossom.

There are several thatched huts through the willow forest, and the wine tables are placed on the beach outside. There are also some hazelnut flowers planted beside them.

As soon as the man in white sat down, the man came over.

This is a country boy with a straight face and rough eyes.

The man in white said: "First bring me a pot of the best bamboo leaf greens, and then give me a portion of your specialty dishes!"

When a person travels for a long time, his appetite will naturally increase.

The man in white obviously belongs to this category.

When the waiter heard this, he said coldly: "Sir, I'm afraid you can't eat so much by yourself!"

"What does this have to do with you?"

The man in white suddenly raised his head, stared at the waiter in front of him, who looked stunned, and said slowly.

The waiter's tone was still cold: "Although our store is small, we are not used to extravagance and waste!"

The man in white said: "Oh, but I never waste food!"

After hearing the promise of the man in white, the guy left with a cold face.

Soon the waiter had brought the cups and chopsticks, placed them on the table with a bang, and glanced at the man in white from the corner of his eye.

The man in white said: "You seem to have a strong opinion on me!"

The guy shook his head with a cold face and said, "No, I didn't!"

"Then why did you throw the bowl and chopsticks on the table?"

When he said this, the man in white seemed to be smiling, but his tone became cold.

The man held his head high and said, "I was born with this kind of temper!"

The man in white said: "Really?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the man in white reaching out and grabbing his wrist.

"Ah... it hurts..."

The frowning guy knelt down on the spot, his expression was so lifelike that even the corners of his eyes began to sparkle with tears.

However, just as he knelt down, his other hand quietly touched the corner of the man in white's clothes. His technique was incomparably clever, and his move was so silent that it would be difficult for even a person with advanced martial arts skills to detect it.

But he may be unlucky today. Just when he was about to hold the corner of his clothes, his hand was firmly grasped.

Bai Yi smiled and said, "What do you want to do?"

"This young master..."

This dull-looking guy seems to have finally learned to smile.

"Sikong Zhaixing, I didn't expect that you, the king of king thieves, are also good at acting!"

Holding Sikong Zhaixing's hands tightly, the man in white smiled slightly.

The captured Sikong Zhaixing naturally refused to admit it, and immediately shook his head and said: "What Sikong Zhaiyue, the King of Thieves, I don't know him!"

"How dare you pretend to be crazy and act stupid in front of me!"

When the man in white saw this, his tone suddenly turned cold, and the hands holding Sikong Zhaixing suddenly exerted force. In an instant, two yin and yang forces penetrated along his arms and into his meridians.


In the blink of an eye, Sikong Zhaixing's face changed drastically. His entire face turned red and white, as if he was trapped in a hell of ice and fire.

He deliberately wanted to break free and escape, but the man in white's hands held him like iron pliers, unable to move at all.

"Your Qinggong may be unparalleled in the world, but you shouldn't take the initiative to get close to me!"

Murong Fu held Sikong Zhaixing's hands tightly and spoke slowly.

Of course, this man in white can only be him!
  And only he could capture Sikong Zhaixing, known as the "King of Thieves", so easily.

"Master Murong, I admit defeat!"

Within a moment, Sikong Zhaixing's forehead was covered with large beads of sweat. It was obvious that he could not withstand the torture of Yin and Yang and he quickly gave up.

"Tell me, who asked you to steal my belongings?"

Seeing Sikong Zhaixing admit his identity, Murong Fu continued to ask.


When Sikong Zhaixing heard this, he fell silent. It was obvious that that person's identity was extraordinary. Even if he had been tortured, he was unwilling to reveal it directly.

However, his persistence did not last long. Murong Fu only had to slightly increase his yin and yang energy to exhale, and Sikong Zhaixing was tortured to the point where he was worse than dead.

Finally, he had to reveal: "I said...it's...Jin Jiuling..."

(End of this chapter)

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