Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 169 Join forces and behind the scenes

Chapter 169 Join forces and behind the scenes

Wuyang City, Nanwang Mansion.

Facing the hall where Nanwang Mansion welcomes distinguished guests, under the cold moonlight, stands a small building.

The small building was very quiet. Obviously the owner of this building liked quietness. Apart from the lights on the top floor, there was no other sound.

Murong Fu stood with his hands behind his hands, standing in front of the window on the top floor, overlooking the night of Wuyang City.

Since meeting Prince Nan Wang in Taolin, Murong Fu has been invited to Nan Wang Mansion as a guest, and today is the day for him to visit Nan Wang Mansion.

As for why they chose this remote building as a place to greet guests, Murong Fu naturally vaguely guessed their plan.

Suddenly, there was a creak, the door was pushed open from the outside, and a man in white walked in.

"You came!"

As if he was not surprised, Murong Fu answered without turning his head.

The man in white said with a smile: "Mr. Murong is a true believer, and he came as promised!"

And this man in white is none other than the owner of the palace, Crown Prince Nan. As for his appearance here, it was because he had an appointment with Murong Fu.

On his side, Ye Gucheng, dressed in white, still accompanied him.

Under the lonely moonlight, the face of the Baiyun City Lord became whiter invisibly.

But this kind of white is neither pale nor pale, but a color as crystal clear as white jade.

Under the moonlit night, his eyes were as bright as cold stars.

"The prince invited me here late at night, definitely not to reminisce about old times, just to say what I have to say!"

Continuing to overlook Wuyang City under the night sky, Murong Fu still never looked back.

"Xiao Wang needs Young Master Murong's help for something. I hope that Young Master will not refuse!"

Seeing Murong Fu arriving as promised, Prince Nan immediately held his hands in front of him.

He suddenly had a premonition in his heart that Murong Fu in front of him would definitely not refuse...

"You mean usurping power and treason?"

Murong Fu suddenly turned around and his tone was extremely calm.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from the young master!"

Prince Nan also became extremely calm at this moment, and spoke respectfully.

At this time, Prince Nan no longer looked as frightened as before, and he seemed to have understood that the figure in front of him had already understood his plan.

Murong Fu said: "No matter how secret the plan is, once someone is involved, the news will naturally be leaked!"

Hearing this, Crown Prince Nan didn't seem surprised.

Ever since the old prince came to Beijing last time and discovered that the crown prince looked almost exactly the same as the current emperor, he had begun to think of occupying the magpie's nest.

Therefore, over the past few years, plans have been secretly prepared, and the collection of relevant intelligence is naturally the top priority.

Most of the changes in the world in recent years cannot escape the control of Crown Prince Nan. Just like the Qingyi Tower founded by Huo Xiu, most of his wealth has long been swept away by an invisible hand.

As for the subsequent news that Qingyi Building had changed its owner, it was natural that he could not hide it from him!

However, Prince Nan Wang could not have guessed beforehand that Murong Fu, who took over the Qingyi Building, was far more difficult to deal with than Huo Xiu. Not to mention his martial arts skills, even the major events he secretly planned were revealed to him.

"Mr. Murong, Xiao Wang has learned a lesson!"

After a while, Prince Nan solemnly bowed his hands to Murong Fu.

"However, since the young master has learned about Xiao Wang's plan, he has not revealed it to the court, which shows that the young master's position is not on the side of the court!"

After saluting, Crown Prince Nan continued.

Murong Fu said: "Oh, so what?"

"So Xiao Wang boldly wants to ask Master Murong for help. Once the matter is accomplished, no matter what the master's request is, Xiao Wang will satisfy it!"

Crown Prince Nan continued to hold his hands in hand, his tone extremely respectful.

"Why do you think I will help you?"

Murong Fu smiled half-heartedly, staring at Prince Nan in front of him who looked extremely knowledgeable.

"Because Xiao Wang can see that the young master and the city lord are the same kind of people!"

Staring at Murong Fu's figure in front of him, Prince Nan's tone suddenly became extremely confident.

After hearing this, Murong Fu seemed to have a normal expression, but his eyes moved and looked at Ye Gucheng aside.

Looking at Ye Gucheng, who was dressed in white like snow, Murong Fu couldn't help but sigh and said: "The Lord of Baiyun City is like a fairy, living far away in the sky, he should not have interfered in such things!"

Ye Gucheng said calmly: "Others may not understand, but you shouldn't ask such questions!"

"I'm afraid it'll be cold in the high places!"

Looking at the white-clothed figure standing in the moonlight, Murong Fu couldn't help but shook his head slightly and sighed.

Ye Gucheng, this kind of person is really too lonely.

It’s not a lie to say that it’s cold at high places!

He and Ximen Chuixue are both the same type of people. They never drink alcohol and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the way of swordsmanship.

In their lives, apart from the sword, there is nothing else!

But Ximen Chuixue has something that Ye Gucheng doesn't have, and that is friends!
  Although Lu Xiaofeng is nosy, he is undoubtedly a trustworthy friend. With him by your side, no one will feel bored!
  And Ye Gucheng, from beginning to end, has only one person and one sword!

Because he is too lonely, it is difficult to find opponents in the world, and it is difficult to find confidants, so if he encounters something worthy of his action, he will naturally not miss it!
  What others may see as a serious crime of rebellion, in his eyes, is nothing more than a time-killing program!

Ximen Chuixue will not understand this feeling, because there are always differences between the two in their pursuit of kendo.

Lu Xiaofeng doesn't understand either!
  But Murong Fu understood!
  "You really understand!"

Ye Gucheng's eyes suddenly brightened horribly, and his tone also showed a hint of surprise.

That is the surprise of meeting a soulmate!
  Prince Nan said: "I wonder what your answer is?"

His behavior was still polite, but there was suddenly a permeating chill in the air.

"If I don't agree, the hundreds of crossbowmen guarding outside the building tonight, as well as the more than ten first-class masters lurking in the garden, will probably take action together!"

Speaking of this, Murong Fu looked at Prince Nan with a meaningful look.

Having practiced martial arts to his level, it is no lie that Murong Fu's ears and eyes are smart. Murong Fu can easily detect the movement within dozens of feet around him, and the movement of hundreds of crossbowmen is naturally not small, so how can he hide it from his hands? Where are the ears!

Prince Nan said: "To plan for a big event, you must be prepared with both hands. Although Xiao Wang trusts the young master, there cannot be any mistakes in this matter. I hope the young master understands!"

The atmosphere seemed harmonious at the moment, but both parties knew very well that once Murong Fu refused, an unprecedented brutal killing would break out here.

This battle has nothing to do with morality or reputation!
  The two sides are fighting only for life and death. Whoever loses will die!

"You are indeed an interesting person. No wonder Lord Baiyun chose to help you!" Upon hearing this, Murong Fu did not get angry as expected. Instead, he sighed.

"You will agree because you and I are the same kind of people!"

Looking at Murong Fu who was sighing, Ye Gucheng spoke calmly and seemed not nervous. He seemed to have guessed the result.

Murong Fu nodded and said: "You are right. When martial arts reaches the level of you and me, ordinary things can no longer be interesting to you and me. I have to say that this is indeed a way to entertain you!"

Compared with the arena in other eras, the arena Murong Fu is in now is too boring.

In Shen Lang's era, there were King Happy, Fairy Yunmeng, Wang Lianhua and others.

In Li Xunhuan's time, there were Shangguan Jinhong, Bai Tianyu and others.

In Ye Kai's era, there were Fu Hongxue, Shangguan Xiaoxian and others.

But this time, most of the top masters in the world have become cowards, leaving Ye Gucheng alone and feeling lonely!
  Hearing the hidden meaning in Murong Fu's words, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "Did Young Master agree?"

Murong Fu said: "I am different from Lord Baiyun. I just want to see how far you can go!"

When Prince Nan Wang heard this, he was overjoyed and hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Now that I have the help of the young master and the city lord, there is no need to worry about the failure of the great task!"

It should be noted that Murong Fu's martial arts is by no means inferior to Ye Gucheng. If the two of them join forces, who in the world can stop him?
  Although there are many masters in the imperial city, they cannot stop the two of them from joining forces!
  "Your Majesty, please don't be happy too early. You must know that you are not the only person in the world who is eyeing the throne!"

Seeing Prince Nan's face beaming with joy, Murong Fu suddenly shook his head.

"Could there be other forces?"

Hearing this, Crown Prince Nan instantly calmed down.

"I wonder if you have ever heard of the Invisible Man organization?"

Looking around the two of them, Murong Fu slowly revealed the most hidden force in the world.

invisible Man?
  Hearing this, Ye Gucheng and Prince Nan couldn't help but frown at the same time.

Ye Gucheng said: "Could it be the invisible hand that swept away Huo Xiu's wealth?"

Murong Fu nodded and said, "It seems that the city lord is indeed aware of it!"

Before and after the decisive battle, Ye Gucheng strangled Aunt Gongsun to frame the blame on the honest monk. His original intention was to frame the blame on the invisible force, but he forgot one thing.

That means Aunt Gongsun may be a member of the Invisible Man Organization!
  Murong Fu had guessed about this before, and after meeting Aunt Gongsun twice afterwards, his guess was confirmed to be true.

Aunt Gongsun and the red shoes she created were tools used by the invisible man to amass wealth, and the honest monk was the contact person between the two parties.

Murong Fu said: "With me and the city lord joining forces, it will be easy for the prince to seize the throne, but how to deal with that invisible hand afterwards is a problem."

Prince Nan Wang hesitated and said, "What about the young master's opinion?"

Murong Fu said: "I suggest digging out the invisible organization first, and then do the day-changing act in the future!"

Hearing this, Crown Prince Nan couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

In fact, he and Ye Gucheng had already noticed that there was an unknown force hidden in this world, but no matter how hard the Nanwang Palace tried their best, they could not find out the details of this force, so they had to start a hasty attack in the end.

"Okay, I'll just follow the master's orders!"

After a while, Crown Prince Nan finally made up his mind and nodded.

Prince Nan said: "Do you know anything about this invisible man organization, Sir?"

Murong Fu said: "I know something, but not much!"

His words were not intended to be mysterious. He did know a few of the masters at the head of the organization, the Invisible Man, but he did not know many of the chess pieces hidden in the Central Plains.

Since he agreed to participate, the ending must not be anticlimactic!

If he helps Prince Nan succeed in ascending to Dabao, and then after he leaves, Prince Nan is taken advantage of by Prince Taiping chosen by the Invisible Man, it will really become a joke!

Before planning for this, it is natural to eliminate these hidden dangers in advance just in case!

"Then I wonder if you have any other suggestions, sir?"

Hearing this, Prince Nan looked slightly disappointed, but soon looked at Murong Fu expectantly.

Murong Fu said: "As the saying goes, those who have gained the right will have many help, while those who have lost the right will have few. I suggest that the prince make more friends!"


Hearing this, Prince Nan was a little surprised, and then said: "Is it possible that Mr. Murong already has a candidate?"

Murong Fu nodded and said, "Yes, I happen to have a candidate in mind!"

Prince Nan became interested and hurriedly asked for advice: "I wonder who this candidate is..."

"Mu Taoist!"

Murong Fu spoke concisely and concisely.

"Mu Taoist?"

Hearing this, Crown Prince Nan seemed a little disappointed.

"Mr. Murong, I have heard from the layman Gu Song that Jin Jiuling's martial arts is already superior to that of Mu Taoist..."

At this point, Crown Prince Nan stopped intentionally.

The implication is that Mu Taoist is old and cannot be used for much purpose!
  Murong Fu shook his head when he heard this and said: "The ten golden nine-year-olds combined are not as good as Mu Taoist's wrist!"

Taoist Gusong is one of the right-hand assistants of the Ghost Villa created by Taoist Mu, so naturally he will not reveal the true strength of Taoist Mu!
  The more others underestimate Mu Taoist, the better it will be for Mu Taoist to carry out his plans in the future!
  Prince Nan said: "Is it possible that Taoist Mu deliberately concealed his strength?"

Murong Fu nodded and said: "Yes, looking at the world today, there are not many people who can rival the city lord, and Wudang's Taoist Mu is one of them!"

Hearing this, the stars in Ye Gucheng's eyes couldn't help but light up.

In the past ten years, Mu Taoist has been traveling around all over the world, his whereabouts are unpredictable, and few people have seen him take action!

And Ye Gucheng was lucky enough to meet him in Huangshan half a year ago. As the two world-famous swordsmen, it was inevitable that they would fight each other when they met!
  However, Mu Taoren seemed to have lost all his energy at that time, and declined the request to fight face to face, and frankly admitted that he was old and frail, and was no longer Ye Gucheng's opponent.

So in the end, the two never really fought against each other!
  In the eyes of outsiders, he was just an ordinary greedy talker, and they couldn't tell that he was hiding so deeply. Even Ye Gucheng was hidden!
  Prince Nan was a smart man after all. He looked at Murong Fu out of curiosity and asked, "Since the young master mentioned Mu Taoist, could it be that you are already sure of persuading him?"

Murong Fu nodded and said, "I'm not sure, but I want to give it a try!"

"Then I'll be in trouble, sir!"

Upon hearing this, Prince Nan Wang immediately saluted Murong Fu respectfully.

If Mu Taoist is really as powerful as Murong Fu said, and with his help in this plan, he will naturally be much more certain about achieving great things!
  There is no need to resort to covert tactics at that time. All it takes is for the three of them to work together and take advantage of the support of the internal forces at night to break into the imperial city...

Of course, this is only a last resort, and you will only use this dangerous trick as a last resort!
  PS: There are too many stories about Lu Xiaofeng, and there are many people writing them. I want to write new ideas and speed up the plot.

I am already trying my best to catch up on the plot... Lu Xiaofeng will write the Dragon Scroll as soon as the volume is finished. This time the Dragon Scroll should be longer, and then the subsequent copies will return to the Jin Yong series.

Please be patient, I am also working hard on the keyboard!

(End of this chapter)

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