Chapter 170 Seduction
  Mu Tao Ren, the elder of Wudang Sect.

As one of the six people considered by Lu Xiaofeng to have truly reached the pinnacle of martial arts in the world, his internal and external martial arts have reached the realm of transformation!
  But in the eyes of the people in the world, Mu Taoist is now only distinguished by his seniority, and it is impossible to see that his martial arts has long qualified him to aspire to the title of "the best in the world"!

Huo Xiu hides his secrets, and Jin Jiuling keeps his edge secret, but compared with Mu Taoist, they are nothing but dwarfs!
  Just because he unknowingly built a "Ghost Villa" with a power that could shock the world. In this "Ghost Villa", no matter what sins you have committed before, you can live a new life!

Of course, the price is to let go of the past and completely become a ghost without a past!


The night is already dark and the fog is thick in the mountains.

There is neither a villa nor a spring in front of it, only a vast and dense primitive jungle.

But this is a forest that can eat people. The bones of countless people have been buried in it for more than ten years. It can be said that only a few people can successfully walk out of the forest.

And those who were able to finally get out of the jungle, without exception, paid a heavy price!
  Under the cold moonlight, a figure of a man in white suddenly appeared outside the jungle.

He was the first outsider to successfully cross the jungle without anyone's guidance!

Ahead is a different world. The lonely moon has just risen from the distant mountains. The cold wind carries the fragrance of new leaves from the distant mountains. The dewdrops shine in the moonlight like the eyes of a first love.

An ancient pine stands alone among the rocks in front, far away from the dense jungle, as if it disdains to be associated with these common trees.

Under the pine tree, there is a bluestone as big as a tabletop. The stone is pure and beautiful, as soft as jade.

There is also a relatively small bluestone under the root of the tree, and there is a box underneath.

The box made of rattan contains a piece of cooked meat, a wind chicken, a bottle of wine, a pack of knife wound medicine, a whistle and a letter.

The shape of the whistle is very strange, and the color of the letter paper and envelope is also very strange. It looks like the skin of a dead person.

There were only ten words written on the letter: "Blow the whistle, listen to the echo, and follow the sound."

The man in white looked at the rattan box in front of him and had to admit that some people were really thoughtful.

Anyone who walks through that man-eating jungle will become extremely thirsty!
  Coupled with the subsequent pursuit, even if you pass through the jungle, you will inevitably be injured, so this knife wound medicine will naturally come in handy.

Of course, none of this can stop the man in white!
  As the sharp and peculiar whistle sounded, the same whistle sounded in the distance, heading due west.

The empty mountain is so lonely that it is not difficult to distinguish the whistle.

He followed the sound, gradually getting higher and higher, and the surroundings became white and misty. After a while, his people were already in the white clouds.

White clothes and white clouds make you look like a fairy from heaven!
  But it's a pity that no one has the chance to see this scene!
  Under the moonlit night in front, the blue sky is like washing and the distant mountains are picturesque.

But soon the man in white stopped, because there was a bottomless abyss in front of him. Although the picture-like distant mountains were right in front of him, there was no way to go.

The stones at his feet were blown down by the wind, and there was not even an echo to be heard.

White clouds were swirling below, and nothing could be seen, not even the ghosts of the dead.

Could it be that the Ghost Villa is under a deep ravine?
  Of course not!
  Under the cold moonlight, a person suddenly appeared among the white clouds in the abyss not far away.

There are white clouds in the blue sky, and there are white clouds under the ravine. This person is among the white clouds, as if he is standing in the sky.

Who can stand in the white clouds?
  Maybe just ghosts!

Because there is no light skill in the world to control the air!
  However, looking at this scene, the man in white looked normal, because he had already noticed a steel cable looming in the clouds and mist under the figure's feet under the moonlight.

This trick may be able to be concealed from others, but it definitely cannot be concealed from him!
  However, even if you rely on a steel cable to fly across the sky, it is definitely not something ordinary people can do!
  Just because this abyss is tens of feet long, and there will inevitably be sudden crosswinds in the valley, even if you have excellent martial arts skills, you will inevitably feel timid when stepping on the steel rope.

If there is a cross wind, then you can only ask for blessings!

But this man was moving, moving very fast, as if he were walking on flat ground. In an instant, you could distinguish the color of his clothes, and you should also be able to distinguish the outline of his face.

But this person has no face at all!

People who have never seen him with their own eyes can never imagine what kind of face that looks like.

His face was like a dark flat plate, with the entire outline of his face cut off except for a pair of eyes.

When ordinary people see his face, they will inevitably have nightmares for a few days!

But the man in white was obviously not an ordinary person. His eyes were fixed on the figure walking in the sky for a long time.

"Are you the soul seducer?"

The man in white finally spoke.

"You know me?"

The figure's tone was obviously surprised.

The man in white said: "There are very few things in this world that can be hidden from me!"

"Your surname is Murong?"

The seducer seemed to have guessed the origin of the man in white.

"Not bad!"

The man in white nodded slowly.

When the Lone Soul Messenger heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank and he said coldly: "It is indeed you!"

Not long ago, news about the embroidery thief was still circulating in the world.

But within half a month, news came that the embroidery robber had been executed.

The embroidery thief turned out to be Jin Jiuling, the chief arrester of the first six sects. Following his execution, his disciples and disciples were also imprisoned one by one.

Therefore, this incident is still considered a curiosity in the world.

According to the news from the Nanwang Palace, Jin Jiuling's identity was discovered by one person. This person was Murong Fu, who founded the Fuwei Escort Bureau.

Relevant to his deeds of defeating Ximen Chuixue, forcing Dugu Yihe to retreat, and taking away the foundation of Huo Xiu's Qingyi Building...

In just a few months, he has become a big figure who has almost affected the changes in the world!

Although the rumors of "Ghost Villa" are extremely secretive in the world, in the hands of those who have the intelligence of Qingyi Tower, it is naturally not a strange secret.

Therefore, it is not surprising that he found some clues and finally caught up with him.

"I've always wanted to know, who is faster compared to Ximen Chuixue or me?"

The seducer stared at Murong Fu for a long time and suddenly spoke.

"You want to try it?"

Hearing this, Murong Fu couldn't help but have a strange light in his eyes.

The seducer's eyes seemed to have flames burning. He didn't answer, but his eyes already gave the answer. As a dragon roar sounded, at the same moment, there seemed to be a flash of lightning in the night sky, and a cold light pierced Murong Fu's front door.

This sword completely abandons the change of moves, only the word "quick"!
  It's really fast!
  Judging from Murong Fu's experience fighting against swordsman masters, he is enough to rank among the top three!

He may not be as good as Ximen Chuixue, but the gap between the two is extremely small.

But sometimes, if you are almost close, you are very close, especially in a battle between masters, where a slight miss means you will lose!

Murong Fu just flicked his sleeves and robe, revealing two fingers and clamped them, and sure enough, he clamped the sword's edge in the air!

Seeing this scene, the seducer's face turned livid, because he noticed that Murong Fu's two fingers seemed to possess tremendous power, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not break free.

Suddenly there was a "click" sound, and the long sword was broken into several pieces, but the soul-enchanting messenger groaned and stepped back a few steps, his face turned pale.

It turned out that at that moment, a cold internal force invaded his body directly along the sword blade. Fortunately, he had good internal strength, so he was only slightly injured.

"Your martial arts skills are not as good as mine, but you still try to hide the origin of your master. You are overestimating your abilities!"

Looking at the injured messenger who took a few steps back, Murong Fu couldn't help but shake his head.

Naturally, he knew the origin of the Seducer.

He is Shi He, a direct disciple of Mu Tao Ren, and is of the same generation as Shi Yan, the current leader of Wudang.

Twenty years ago, his reputation was still higher than that of Shi Yan, and he was regarded by his colleagues as the most promising person to inherit the position of Wudang leader!
  However, after an accident, he suddenly disappeared from the world.

With Shi He's current swordsmanship, he can naturally be called one of the few top swordsmen in the world today!
  But he had too many constraints. He obviously wanted to have a fun battle with others, but in order not to reveal his master's origins, he had to give up what he was best at!
  "I advise you to get better, otherwise you will die next!"

Seeing that the fire in Shi He's eyes was still not completely extinguished, Murong Fu continued.

He naturally knew that Shi He had not used all his strength, but how could he not?

"I do not believe!"

Shi He said coldly.

As one of the few people in the world who is qualified to be called a swordsman, he naturally has great confidence in himself.

Murong Fu said: "I know you are not afraid of death, but there are some things in the world that are more terrifying than death!"

"for example?"

Shi He said coldly.

Murong Fu said: "Because within ten moves, I can tell where you are from!"

When Shi He heard this, he immediately shut his mouth, but held the hilt of the sword tightly with one hand, and veins popped out on his arm.

He is indeed not afraid of death, but the only purpose of a person who would rather disfigure himself is naturally not to let others recognize his origins.

Shi He was silent for a moment, the flames in his eyes extinguished, and then he said, "Why are you here today?"

Murong Fu said: "I'm looking for Lao Dao Baozi!"

Hearing this, Shi He looked at Murong Fu for a moment, and then sneered: "Since you want to see him, then come in!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure had already reached a height of ten feet. His figure looked light and airy, and his steps were at least half a foot off the ground.

Murong Fu had seen many masters of light kung fu, such as Lu Xiaofeng, Ximen Chuixue, Sikong Zhaixing and others, but this was the first time he saw such a weird movement technique.

Just because this man's Qinggong movement is weird, just like his face, unless you see it with your own eyes, it's simply unbelievable!
  But Murong Fu's Qinggong was not bad either. In this mist filled with clouds, his figure was set off like an immortal coming to the world!
  In the blink of an eye, his people followed him, and in the blink of an eye, they were several feet away.

Between the clouds and mist, there is indeed a slender steel cable extending to the other side, like a bridge, leading from the world to the ghost gate.

This steel rope is very slippery and the mountain wind is strong. No matter how good your qinggong skills are, you may fall if you walk on it!

Looking at the past, there are white clouds on all sides, misty and floating. The whole world seems to be floating. It is really not easy to walk smoothly and steadily on it.

As long as someone slips and falls, unless you are a Daluo Jinxian, no matter how high your martial arts skills are, it will be hard to survive!

There is no doubt that this is the most suitable place for those who are familiar with the terrain!

The two of them were galloping on the steel rope, one behind the other. The cold wind blew past them, and at the same time, white clouds flew past their eyes.

When he saw that he was only a few feet away from the cliff on the other side, Shi He suddenly moved.

He pulled out an ebony stick from his hair, turned around and stabbed Murong Fu as fast as lightning.

His moves didn't seem strange, and his moves were the same as before, but they were so fast that it was unbelievable.

One point faster than when he took action just now!
  Moreover, Murong Fu was not allowed to think too much at this time. There were not many options left for him but to retreat.

But the retreat was too slow, so he had to use his strength to rush backwards. At that time, another gust of wind came from the steel rope. Murong Fu's figure flashed as if he could not stand still, and he fell straight into the sky under Shi He's gaze. Cloud.

Shi He was like a stone statue, staring at this place for a long time. It was not until he didn't see Murong Fu reappearing for a long time that a smile appeared on his lips.

His martial arts skills may not be as good as those of others, but fighting between masters does not necessarily rely solely on martial arts skills, geographical location is also a factor.

"It's a pity that there will be one less person worthy of my sword in the future!"

Staring at the abyss obscured by clouds and mist, Shi He suddenly sighed, his tone full of regret.

However, at the next moment, a figure in white suddenly flew out from the clouds and mist. This person was like a flying fairy from the sky. He could actually walk in the clouds. It was simply incredible!

"This is impossible?"

Shi He thought he was well-informed, but he had never seen such an incredible scene. He immediately widened his eyes and lost his voice.

"You are too short-sighted!"

The cold voice of the visitor came from far away.

Suddenly, the figure in the clouds five or six feet away suddenly flew past, and flew in front of Shi He in the blink of an eye.

This change in the scene was beyond Shi He's expectation.

It's incredible that someone can walk in the clouds, but he can actually fly in the air!

After encountering such a bizarre attack, Shi He no longer cared about hiding his martial arts. He immediately turned his palm over and thrust his palm forward, hitting Xuanji acupoint directly. He used the palm power of Wudang Xiaotianxing, and he was extremely accurate in identifying the acupoint.

It's a pity that when he spit out his palm power, an unstoppable force had already hit him. There was only a crisp "click" sound, and Shi He's arms were bent involuntarily.

At the same time, the whole person seemed to have been hit by a blunt object, and flew backwards several feet, hitting the stone wall on the opposite side of the cliff.

"I intended to spare your life, but you repaid me with kindness. You really deserve to die!"

As the cold voice sounded again, Murong Fu, dressed in white, floated down on the stone cliff.

(End of this chapter)

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