Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 172 Ghost Villa, ghosts appear.

Chapter 172 Ghost Villa, ghosts appear.

Ye Ling is a good boy.

But the cabin she lives in is too small.

From the outside, this house looks very small, but after walking inside, it feels more like walking into a pigeon cage.

But although the pigeon is small, it has all the internal organs, and the same is true for this house. What other people's houses have, this house is almost the same, and there is even a gold-painted toilet.

Although Ye Ling is young, his movements are deft.

After a while, a small jar of wine, a pair of wine glasses, two pairs of chopsticks, a large earthen pot, a large spoon, and four or five steamed buns were placed on the small table.

The wine is aged bamboo leaf green, the chicken is stewed in the original sauce in the earthen pot, and the steamed buns are freshly made. It seems that although this place is remote, life is exquisite.

Ye Ling seemed to have turned into a very sensible little girl at this time, and took the initiative to fill Murong Fu's cup with bamboo leaf greens, and watched with a smile as Murong Fu slowly drank the clear wine in one gulp.

Just like a loving little girl looking at the man she loves.

"From now on, you are mine!"

Ye Ling stared at Murong Fu closely and spoke word by word.


Murong Fu held the wine glass in his hand and responded lightly.

Today's Ye Ling obviously has the nature of a little girl. Just like seeing a fun thing, she naturally can't put it down when she first sees it.

Murong Fu naturally would not argue with her, nor would he take her words seriously.

"Since you are mine, you must abide by my rules. You cannot talk to other people here casually, especially to Flower Widow and Big Leaf!"

Seeing Murong Fu's calm tone, Ye Ling couldn't help but lose her temper, and she spoke with a pout on her face.

"Oh, who is Big Leaf?"

"Big Ye Zi is Little Ye Zi's sister Ye Xue. You must not talk to her!"

Ye Ling's tone rarely became serious.

Ye Ling and Ye Xue are sisters, but they are half-sisters.

Speaking of this, I have to mention a past incident.

At that time, Mu Taoren was in his prime, and he and his cousin Shenyan Shen Sanniang were a talented man and a beautiful woman. They had an affair and had a daughter.

Mu Taoist was already an introductory disciple of Wudang at that time, and of course he could not marry her openly, so he came up with a plan to let Shen Sanniang marry his disciple "Yushu Swordsman" Ye Lingfeng and become his children. Father.

As Ye Lingfeng's direct disciple of Mu Taoist, in order to repay his kindness, of course he had to sacrifice himself as a disciple.

But later, Mu Tao Ren got old and wandered away for many years. Shen Sanniang was lonely in her boudoir, so she actually made the lie come true and had an affair with Ye Lingfeng. When Mu Taoren found out that she had a daughter she shouldn't have, he also discovered their affair, and of course he hated them deeply.

Ye Ling is Ye Lingfeng's daughter, and Ye Xue is Mu Taoren's biological daughter.

Afterwards, Ye Lingfeng was knocked off the cliff by Mu Taoist, and Shen Sanniang was naturally not spared!
  As a little girl who has never enjoyed the love of her parents, Ye Ling is a little more cunning, but she is still cute.

It should be noted that she is much better than Duan Zhengchun's other illegitimate daughter Azi. They both grew up among evil people, but one has a vicious temperament and the other just has a weird temper. This is a world of difference. .

"I see!"

Understanding the current situation of this little girl, Murong Fu couldn't help but feel a little sympathy in his heart, and nodded.

Hearing this, Ye Ling couldn't help but smile and said: "Very good, from now on, this is your home, you can rest here day or night!"

When Murong Fu heard this, he couldn't help but look strange. He had been walking around the world for a long time, but this was the first time he encountered such a request.

Ye Ling stared and said aggrievedly: "Do you think my house is too small?"

Murong Fu shook his head and said: "No, it is precisely because I have my own home that I understand how difficult it is to share it with others. Even though you are young, you are still so generous to me!"

He knew Ye Ling's situation. The only reason she could survive now was because of her sisterly relationship with Da Yezi.

If Mu Daoren didn't feel sorry for his biological daughter Ye Xue and didn't want her to be sad again, how could he have let her survive with his hatred for Ye Lingfeng and Shen Sanniang?

And although she is alive now, she will definitely not be liked by Mu Taoist!

Apart from herself, the only thing around her is probably this small house!

But a helpless little girl shared her only thing with Murong Fu. This friendship must be respected at all times!

But the good times are always short-lived, and trouble soon comes.

Outside the hut, someone suddenly said: "Ye Ling, come out quickly!"

This person's voice was cold, obviously a woman's voice.

In addition to the woman's voice, there were also the slight breathing of several people outside the room. These people's breathing seemed to be non-existent, and their breathing intervals were extremely long. They were obviously highly skilled in internal energy and mental skills.

Ye Ling raised her pretty eyebrows and said, "No, Big Leaf is here!"

Murong Fu said: "I have been waiting for them for a long time!"

Shi He's sudden disappearance did not surprise him. He had originally intended to let him go.

Apart from Mu Taoist, there are many masters of ghosts hiding here in Ghost Villa. Murong Fu has long wanted to learn how powerful these ghosts are.

And Shi He was seriously injured and left, so of course he would notify these guys, which would save Murong Fu the trouble of looking for them.

Soon, a group of people appeared in front of Murong Fu.

No, it should be said to be a group of ghosts.

A group of living ghosts who hide in corners where sunlight cannot reach them all day long!
  Perhaps after being ghosts for a long time, these people have strange appearances.

Murong Fu looked intently and saw that there were more than ten people in front of him. One of them was eight feet eight inches tall and weighed one hundred and seventy three kilograms. He had broad shoulders and a thick chest. His legs were as thick as tree trunks and his palms were as big as his palms when they were stretched out. Like cattail leaf fan.

He looks like a general. In fact, he calls himself "general".

Murong Fu knew this man. He was a fierce dragon and a flying lion. He was the owner of the twenty-six caves in the Miao Mountains on the border of Yunnan and a hereditary chieftain.

He has been in charge of Tiannan for generations. He is more noble than a prince, rich and honorable, and his status is more illustrious than the so-called general.

The other one-armed old man, with an iron hook attached to his broken arm, is the "One-Armed Divine Dragon" Hai Qikuo, who was so powerful in the seven seas in the past.

It is said that this person was hunted down by Ximen Chuixue and was forced to flee overseas. However, he did not survive the disaster and was found dead in a capsized boat at sea.

Another man with a fair complexion and whose exact age cannot be determined is Gu Feiyun, nicknamed "Cousin".

This person's identity is also unusual. He is the successor of Gu Daoren, the Bashan swordsman who was famous all over the world for his "Seven Seven Forty-Nine Hands of Returning Wind and Dancing Willow Sword".

Moreover, he has more than just this identity. He often travels with Mu Taoist as "Gusong layman" in the world.

The other tall, thin man with a hawk-nosed hunchback was Gao Tao, nicknamed "Guan Jiapo". He was originally the incense master of the third hall of the Fengwei Gang.

Because he collaborated with the enemy and betrayed his country, he was hunted down by Ximen Chuixue for twelve days, and finally died in a swamp.

Apart from these three people, there are several other people whose figures are eye-catching after all.

One is a strong man with ringworm on his face. He seems to move very slowly. The ringworm on his face makes him look even a little funny.

But if someone underestimates him, he will be in serious trouble.

Just because he is a descendant of the Jiangnan Hua family, it is said that he is one generation higher than Hua Manlou!
  The Jiangnan Hua family is the most prestigious hidden weapon family in the world, and he is a direct descendant of the Hua family.

When he takes action with his hidden weapon, no one will find it funny anymore.

Some even say that his hidden weapon skills rank among the top three in the world. There is a man who looks serious, just like the legal historian sitting in the execution hall. He is Du Tiexin, the former head of the execution hall of the seventy-two underworld villages.

And a man with a purple face and long beard who looks a bit like Guan Gong on the stage is Guan Tianwu, the "King of Yum Knife" of the Yandang Sect in the past.

As for the other old woman with all her teeth missing, she is the female ape in "Qinling Two Apes".

According to legend, she cut the neck of her husband, Lou Dasheng, the "Holy Hand Immortal Ape" just for a exotic flat peach that was said to be able to prolong life.

Apart from these people, there were also a few weird guys, but the only ones that made Murong Fu look at them more were four old men dressed in black.

These four people seemed taciturn, but Murong Fu understood that these four were the most difficult to deal with.

Before Murong Fu could speak, the crowd suddenly dispersed and a woman walked out.

She looks beautiful and soft, but her temperament is as cold as a leopard.

She is Ye Xue, the biological daughter of Taoist Mu.

"I will never listen to you again from today on!"

Before Ye Xue could speak, Ye Ling spoke first.

"Because I am already his!"

After saying this, Ye Ling smiled sweetly and leaned against Murong Fu like a bird.

What Ye Ling said was very childish, like a child who just found a new toy and wanted to show it off to his peers.

To be fair, Murong Fu had a majestic appearance and extraordinary bearing. What's even more rare is that although he was young, his martial arts far exceeded that of nine adults in the world.

Very few women in the world would not be tempted by such a man!
  Therefore, it is naturally more suitable as something to show off to others.

But Murong Fu understood her feelings. In Ghost Villa, she and Sister Ye Xue seemed to be adopted daughters by Lao Daobaozi, but in fact, their treatment was very different.

As Mu Tao Ren's biological flesh and blood, Ye Xue can leave Ghost Villa to hunt at will until she wants to come back.

But Ye Ling was forced to stay in the villa and was not allowed to go out at will all day long.

For Ye Ling, who did not know the truth, the injustice of all this naturally aroused rebellion in her heart.

"Did you hurt your cousin?"

Ye Xue stared at Ye Ling for a moment, and finally her eyes fell on Murong Fu.

"You want to avenge him?"

Murong Fu also looked at the woman in front of him who was as elegant as a cheetah, and slowly spoke.

Although Ye Xue did not answer, the sword in her hand already gave the answer.

The sword light flashed, and a long sword thrust forward as fast as lightning.

This sword is not only fast, but also accurate.

Not only is it accurate, it's also vicious.

This sword was extremely fast and tricky, but she encountered Murong Fu.

The moment she took action, Murong Fu's right hand had already lightly patted the side of the sword. As a huge force came out, Ye Xue's face turned red and she almost dropped the sword in her hand.

But she could still keep her figure steady, and stabbed out the sword in her hand again.

But this time, she only felt numbness in her right arm. It turned out that Murong Fu's two fingers lightly touched the sword blade again. Before she could recover, the sword in her hand had been snatched away by Murong Fu.


Seeing the sword in his hand being snatched away in the blink of an eye, Ye Xue couldn't help but stay where he was.

As the daughter of Mu Taoist, Ye Xue's swordsmanship is naturally inherited from him. It should be noted that even in this Ghost Villa where there are many masters, she can be regarded as a master.

Seeing that the sword in Ye Xue's hand was snatched away instantly, the ghosts behind him couldn't help but look strange.

As ghosts who have been hiding in the Ghost Villa for many years, they naturally understand Ye Xue's abilities. They were surprised when they saw her being taken away from her weapon even after she couldn't sustain three moves.

However, before Ye Xue could recover, Ye Ling struck like lightning and quickly hit Ye Xue's acupuncture points.

"Little Ye Zi, what are you doing?"

Seeing this scene, the group of ghosts not far away suddenly became alert, and a short man with a round face and a big head suddenly flew out of the crowd.

It should be noted that Ye Xue's identity is unusual. If something goes wrong with her, she will be blamed all over again. People like them will have no hope of getting any favors!

His head is as big as a bucket, but his body is thin and small. When he stands, he looks like a round persimmon stuck in half of a pen and chopsticks, which is really funny.

But his Qinggong was superb. In the blink of an eye, he flew three feet in front of Ye Ling and grabbed it with his right hand.

He is Sikong Dou, the "big-headed ghost king" who is the most nefarious among the ghosts in the West Pole.

And his martial arts skills are based on these hands. He practices the White Bone Claw with his left hand and the Black Ghost Claw with his right hand. Each hand has at least twenty years of hard training.

Now that he has used it, it will be easy to recapture Ye Xue.

Everyone present naturally understood what he was capable of, so they stood where they were.

However, Murong Fu reached out with a claw and grabbed Sikong Dou's wrist with his backhand.

Seeing Murong Fu take action, a cold light flashed in Sikong Dou's eyes. Even though he had both claws out, one hand had turned snow-white and the other turned pitch-black. It was obvious that he had used the skill of pressing down on the bottom of the box.

And he has used all his twenty years of skill. With just a touch of his fingertips, even the stone man will have ten more holes.

The fact that the soul seducer was defeated at the hands of the stranger has already spread throughout the villa. Knowing the martial arts of seducing souls, how could he dare to be careless!

But soon he heard a muffled groan and flew backwards. The hands he was usually proud of became bloody and bloody, and all his fingers were broken.

Seeing Sikong Dou's defeat, the ghosts behind him couldn't help but change their colors slightly.

Gu Feiyun, who had been pretending to be a layman in Gusong all year round, suddenly shook his head and said: "Boy, your martial arts are quite good, but it's a pity that you chose the wrong place to act wild!"

"One-armed Divine Dragon" Hai Qikuo nodded and said: "Yes, this person is still young, and he can definitely be regarded as a master of the previous generation in the world. It's a pity that he didn't give up on the great future and actually came here to die!"

"Dangerous Soul Chasing" Du Tiexin said coldly: "This man has such martial arts at such a young age. His muscles and bones must be no different from ordinary people. I want to test how long he can withstand it under my hands. "

Old Madam Lou's hoarse voice sounded: "Then this boy is going to be in bad luck. Who doesn't know the execution methods used by your Hall Master Du in the past!"

Ye Ling, who was supporting Ye Xue, heard this and said hurriedly: "He is already mine, you can't kill him!"

"King of Yum Knife" Guan Tianwu sneered: "If he dares to break in without signing a contract, he should be damned!"

Although Ghost Villa is the hiding place for these people, they all paid a heavy price to be able to hide in Ghost Villa in the first place.

Some of them paid tens of millions of wealth, some offered their family martial arts, and some may have paid an even greater price!
  Now that Murong Fu arrived uninvited, it naturally aroused the murderous intention of these people.

Murong Fu suddenly sighed: "It seems that in your eyes, I have become a fat piece of meat ready to be slaughtered on the chopping block!"

Gu Feiyun smiled and said, "Isn't it possible that you are not?"

He seemed to be smiling, but his smile made people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.

"No, of course I'm not!"

Murong Fu heard this and shook his head slightly to deny it.

Looking at these ghosts who thought they had a chance to win, Murong Fu slowly said: "Actually, you are all just a mob in my eyes. I only need to make one move and ninety percent of you will fall!"

As soon as Murong Fu said these words, the scene fell into an eerie silence. It was obvious that his words were too strange and bizarre!
  (End of this chapter)

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