Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 176 Overseas Island

Chapter 176 Overseas Island
  The little old man is indeed an unborn genius. His martial arts and talents are unfathomable, and it is even rarer for him to be proficient in astronomy and meteorology!
  Someone in the court colluded with Toyotomi Hideyoshi of Fuso, internally and externally, and even shipped a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry from the hinterland of the Central Plains to Fuso to please him.

However, after the little old man learned about this, he didn't waste any effort and just used the storm tide to obtain countless jewels that were envied by everyone in the world.

Moreover, he has single-handedly created countless masters of the invisible man organization, such as the Honest Monk, the "chief boss of the Twelve Links", Hawkeye Lao Qi, and others.

Among them, there are also masters who are proficient in underwater kung fu. Just like flying on the Yangtze River, this person is said to be the best in the world in water skills, but someone stabbed him in the vital point underwater. The underwater kung fu is certainly more refined than him.

Similarly, the old owner of Pengyang Iron Sword Villa died suddenly while practicing swordsmanship in his Hidden Sword Pavilion. No one knows the cause of his death yet.

Martial arts tycoons in the world of martial arts were assassinated many times in mysterious circumstances, but no one knew the culprit, leaving only relatives and friends who had made friends with him to feel uneasy.

But Murong Fu knew that they died in the Invisible Man Organization. The Invisible Man Organization also had killers, and their attacks were more ruthless.

In order to achieve the goal, you can even sacrifice your feelings and righteousness, and even give up yourself when necessary!

Huzhou, Woyun Tower.

The chef of the owner of Woyun Tower is famous for his work, and the Huzhou rice dumplings he makes are so delicious that the local government sends them to the capital every year by an 800-mile express horse.

It is said that the owner of Woyun Tower is also an old friend of Lu Xiaofeng. Now that the Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, how can Lu Xiaofeng, a foodie, miss it?
  Lu Xiaofeng did come. In fact, every year before and after the Dragon Boat Festival, he would come and stay here for a few days.

But when Lu Xiaofeng looked at the rice dumplings made by the chef of Woyunlou in front of her, she didn't take the initiative to use her chopsticks for the first time. Instead, she sighed inexplicably.

Just because there was a man in white in front of him.

He was no stranger to the man in white in front of him, he was even familiar with it.

In just a few months, he had met the visitor numerous times, but the two were not friends.

Lu Xiaofeng loves to make friends. This is well known in the world, but the man in front of her is an exception.

Next to the man in white, the owner of Woyunlou said respectfully, "I wonder if the chef's cooking skills are in line with your taste?"

“Not only does Woyunlou’s rice dumplings taste great, but its various dishes also have unique flavors. It can indeed be called a specialty in the south of the Yangtze River!”

Looking at the table full of wine and food in front of him, the man in white praised with a smile.

Hearing the compliment from the man in white, the owner of Woyun Tower had a clear smile on his face.

The owner of Woyun Tower used to be a well-known handsome man in the world. In recent years, his belly must have gradually bulged due to eating too much, which undoubtedly made him very troubled.

So when he talks, he always pats his stomach unconsciously.

The man in white was none other than Murong Fu. After gathering at Nanwang Mansion, he stayed in Wuyang City for a few days and then crossed north to Jiangnan.

Behind him, two figures stood quietly. These two people were Zheng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian.

"Second brother Gongye, could you please send someone to deliver a copy of these rice dumplings to my cousin!"

After tasting the delicious rice dumplings with his own mouth, Murong Fu then gave instructions to Gong Yeqian.

He appeared in Huzhou at this time, naturally for the Invisible Man Organization. After gathering with Prince Nan, Mu Daoren, and Ye Gucheng in the Nanwang Mansion, Murong Fu had plans to visit the unknown island overseas.

Just considering the power of the invisible man organization, I knew that my every move could never be hidden from them, so I specifically released the honest monk to report the news.

While Jiang Nan was waiting for a reply, Murong Fu heard that the owner of Woyun Tower was famous all over the world for his chef, so he simply paid a visit in person.

And I happened to meet Lu Xiaofeng here...

"Lu Xiaofeng, I never thought that you and I would meet here again!"

Looking at Lu Xiaofeng aside, Murong Fu smiled.

"But I don't want to see you!"

When Lu Xiaofeng heard this, he suddenly sighed.

Murong Fu said: "Oh, why is this?"

"Perhaps I am not compatible with Brother Murong Fu by birth, because every time I meet Brother Murong Fu, I have to be unlucky for a long time..."

Speaking of this, Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In fact, there was no deep hatred between him and Murong Fu. Even the previous encounters between the two were due to chance.

But Murong Fu hurt many of his friends one after another, including Huo Xiu and Sikong Zhaixing. Of course, speaking of the reasons, Lu Xiaofeng couldn't blame Murong Fu at all.

Just because they did something wrong first, like Sikong Zhaixing, although his martial arts was abolished, he finally survived. However, as a friend of Sikong Zhaixing, Lu Xiaofeng could never get over this threshold in his heart.

Of course, the two of them fought several times, and there was also an element of competition.

But since the case of the Embroidery Thief, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly felt like a fool. In the case of King Jinpeng, Huo Xiu, whom he regarded as his best friend, used him as a pawn...

In the case of the Embroidery Thief, Jin Jiuling, who had known him for ten years, also regarded him as a fool, and even almost endangered Xue Bing's life during the investigation.

After continuous setbacks, even a proud person like Lu Xiaofeng will inevitably feel a little depressed!
  What he couldn't accept was that he already owed Murong Fu a favor. In any case, with Xue Bing's safety, he did owe a favor.

And what makes him even more uncomfortable is that it seems that the favor he owes cannot be repaid in the short term!
  How could Lu Xiaofeng accept all this?
  "Lu Xiaofeng, you don't have to look sad, because I will be traveling overseas next, and you won't see me for a long time!"

Looking at Lu Xiaofeng with a wry smile on his face, Murong Fu shook his head gently and then revealed a piece of good news to him.

Traveling overseas?

Hearing this, Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, obviously feeling a little curious.

Murong Fu's identity was unknown to others, so how could he not be aware of it!

The owner of the Tsing Yi Building, the boss behind the Fuwei Escort Agency, if he wanted to, he could even take the world by storm overnight and accomplish the great feats of the Money Gang back then!
  But he suddenly gave up the fine clothes and food in the Central Plains and began to go overseas. How could all this not make Lu Xiaofeng curious!
  "Brother Lu, aren't you curious about the reason why I traveled overseas?"

Looking at Lu Xiaofeng who raised his head, Murong Fu continued to smile.

When Lu Xiaofeng heard this, she suddenly sighed, turned to look at Murong Fu, and suddenly said, "Why do you have to tell me everything about this?"

Murong Fu said: "Because I see that you don't want to see me!"

Lu Xiaofeng said: "Is there no other reason?"

Murong Fu said: "No."

Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly and said, "If I hadn't understood Brother Murong's character, I would have thought that you were waiting for me here on purpose!"

Murong Fu said: "So you should know that our meeting here is just a coincidence!"

Lu Xiaofeng couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "I know it very well, because you don't have to look for me in the first place!" It should be noted that with the power Murong Fu has under his command, it is still his personal martial arts, and there is no need to use other means.

Murong Fu said: "Then you can drink with peace of mind now!"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Very good. Then I can drink with confidence."

Although he said it was good, his smile was unnatural, and he even seemed unable to drink.

Murong Fu also smiled and said: "Lu Xiaofeng, who has always been nosy, is not curious. This is really a new thing!"

Lu Xiaofeng smiled bitterly: "People always have to grow."

Murong Fu said: "This sentence is indeed true, but you are definitely interested in the place I am going to this time. Do you really not want to hear it?"

"I suddenly remembered that there was something I forgot to do..."

As soon as he said this, Lu Xiaofeng suddenly stood up and moved, and saw his figure floating out of the attic like a wild goose, and soon disappeared into the distance.

"Why did he leave in such a hurry?"

The owner of Woyun Tower looked at Lu Xiaofeng's disappearing figure outside the window with some surprise, and couldn't help but feel confused.

Lu Xiaofeng is the most nosy person. As long as you tell him about interesting places in the world, he will definitely rush there as soon as possible.

But today, Lu Xiaofeng seemed to have suddenly changed his personality. He couldn't help but not being curious about these things, and instead left in a hurry. All this naturally made him a little surprised.

"If you knew what he had been through over the past few months, you would understand his reaction!"

Watching Lu Xiaofeng's retreating figure, Murong Fu said slowly.

It seemed that Murong Fu was not surprised by Lu Xiaofeng's change!
  In the original work, Lu Xiaofeng never tires of meddling in other people's affairs because he is always able to get to the bottom of things at the last minute. He enjoys the thrilling and bizarre process, so he never tires of indulging in it.

But since Murong Fu appeared in the world, he has repeatedly encountered obstacles. Not only that, his close friends have been seriously injured, and Xue Bing's safety has even been implicated!

After receiving these two lessons, Lu Xiaofeng will naturally learn from it.

But he was naturally curious. If Murong Fu had said it, he might not be able to refuse it so freely.

Mingzhou, Lishe Road Head.

As the first dock in Mingzhou, it dates back to the third year of Song Chongning. At that time, envoys and monks from Fusang and Goryeo often traveled to and from the Central Plains through here.

Although it has declined, it is still one of the four busiest docks in Jiangnan.

Murong Fu and Deng Baichuan showed up at Mingzhou Port, selected a large and stable ship, hired the most experienced crew from Mingzhou Port, and then began to sail across the ocean.

The isolated island overseas where the little old man Wu Ming is located seems mysterious, but in fact it is just in the sea between Yizhou and Fusang Jiuzhou Island. When Murong Fu captured the honest monk alive earlier, he revealed the location of the island from his mouth. .

Although the honest monk was dishonest, he was quite strict in his words. However, under Murong Fu's tactics, he persisted in revealing everything he knew in no more than one day.

The life and death talisman created by Child Elder is the most suitable for treating people like Honest Monk!
  Whether it is a demon or an eminent Buddhist monk, as long as his cultivation cannot break the two powers of yin and yang, he will eventually bow before the Talisman of Life and Death.

It is obvious that the cultivation level of Honest Monk is far from reaching this level.

As the ship began to set sail, Murong Fu and Deng Baichuan stood on the deck, looking far into the distance. Everywhere they could see was the vast expanse of sea water.

The warm and humid sea breeze blows from afar, carrying a pleasant salty smell.

As people from the south of the Yangtze River, Deng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian were naturally accustomed to seeing mountains and rivers, but how could the inland rivers compare with this vast ocean!
  Seeing the vastness of this vast ocean, the two of them couldn't help feeling relaxed and happy for a while.

During this trip overseas, Murong Fu only stayed with Deng Baichuan and Deng Baichuan, while Bao BuTong and Feng BoEi stayed with his cousin Wang Yuyan.

The island where the little old man Wu Ming lives is naturally far more dangerous than the Ghost Villa, so Murong Fu is naturally unwilling to take his daughters to risk it.

Just in case, Murong Fu left Wang Yuyan and the other girls in Wuyang City. As Wuyang City was the base camp of the Southern Palace, Murong Fu could naturally feel more at ease.

As for the girls of the Red Shoe Organization, the aunt Gongsun Lan had earlier eradicated the traitors in the organization in advance after she leaked information.

But after all, she was controlled by the Invisible Man Organization before. Now that Murong Fu is going to the headquarters of the Invisible Man Organization, she naturally does not want to go with her because of her guilty conscience.

Murong Fu had expected this and was not surprised.

After the big ship sailed on the sea for several days, no one knew how far it had traveled, and finally saw an island in the distance.

"finally reached!"

Staring at the island in the distance, a smile gradually appeared on Murong Fu's lips.

Sailing on the sea is always too boring. Except for storms, it can make people sleepy at other times.

Now that he saw an island appearing in the distance, Murong Fu naturally became interested.

Different from the opponents he encountered in other times, the owner of this unknown island was perhaps the strongest person Murong Fu had ever encountered.

The little old man Wu Ming has learned so much that ordinary people can hardly imagine it!

Only Murong Fu knew how astonishing the talent of this young old man Wu Ming was. He could often master the secret skills that his predecessors could not master even after exhausting their efforts in a few months. He could pick them up casually and have endless magical uses.

At that time, Fairy Ruyi was a talented woman in the martial arts world. It took her three years to practice the unique skill "Ruyi Orchid Hand", but her daughter practiced it for thirty years. In the end, she was exhausted mentally and physically and died of vomiting blood.

The little old man's daughter has an amazing talent for making beef soup, but it still took her five years to perfect it.

But the little old man only took three months.

Such talent in martial arts is enough to be called a martial arts genius. In the world of Tianlong, only Murong Fu and Qiao Feng have comparable qualifications!
  But although the little old man has learned a lot, how powerful his martial arts is cannot be seen until the real fight.

Half a day passed and the big ship gradually approached the island. However, there were many reefs in front of the island and the big ship could not go there. Murong Fu simply put down the small boat and took Deng Baichuan and two of them to land on the island.

But there were people waiting on the shore of the island early. These people were dressed as servants. When they saw Murong Fu and his party, they bowed respectfully and said, "Mr. Murong, my master invites you!"

"Okay, you lead the way!"

Murong Fu was not surprised at all when he heard this, he nodded and said.

He released the honest monk, and according to his footsteps, he must have returned to the unknown island early, so the little old man naturally learned the news of his arrival.

And with the little old man Wu Ming's method, he can easily calculate the time of his arrival as long as he knows the departure time of the ship under his feet, so it is not unusual for these people to stay here.

(End of this chapter)

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