Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 181 The trip to the capital, the eve of the decisive battle!

Chapter 181 The trip to the capital, the eve of the decisive battle!
  On a full moon night, on the top of the Forbidden City, a sword comes from the west, and a fairy flies from the sky!

Ximen Chuixue of "Wanmei Mountain Villa" and Ye Gucheng, the lord of Baiyun City on the overseas Feixian Island, these two most famous swordsmen in the martial arts world for three hundred years are about to have a decisive battle on the top of the Forbidden City on September 15th.

As soon as the rumor of the battle between the two spread, it caused a sensation all over the world!

In less than half a month, waves of martial arts people gathered in the capital, at least a thousand people.

In early September, five leaders, ten gang leaders, and twenty or thirty chief escorts rushed to the capital.

Even the Mu Taoist from Wudang and the Dharma Protector from Shaolin will rush to the capital as scheduled.

After all, as long as they can get away, who would be willing to miss this battle that will be passed down to future generations!
  However, in fact, this battle is not just a matter between Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue. The outcome of their battle will affect almost the entire world.

The reason is that some people in the world have long regarded the outcome of the battle between the two as a trap.

Some people in the world are lustful, some are addicted to alcohol, and some are addicted to gambling. If there is demand, there will naturally be supply, so as early as mid-August, someone secretly set up a handicap.

Some people will win against Ximen Chuixue, and others will win against Ye Gucheng!
  It is said that a few months ago, Ximen Chuixue was defeated by the boss behind the "Fuwei Escort Bureau". Therefore, as soon as the battle was rumored, many well-informed people chose to bet on Baiyun City Lord to win.

But not long ago, news came out that Ye Gucheng seriously injured Tang Tianyi of the Tang Sect with a move from the Heavenly Flying Immortal, but he himself was also poisoned by Tang Tianyi's poisonous sand.

It should be noted that no one in the world except the descendants of the Tang family can decipher the poisonous hidden weapons of the Tang clan in Sichuan. No matter who is hit by their poisonous hidden weapon, even if they don't die at the time, they won't survive for long!
  When the news reached the capital, those who had bought Ye Gucheng's victory all turned into ants on a hot pot. Some were so anxious that they wanted to hang themselves, while others tried every possible means to beg the other party to give up their bets. The agreement is void.

And who in the world is willing to let go of the fat they get, so they all take the wrong approach!
  After all, as long as the person dies, the bet will naturally be void!


The prosperity of the capital is famous all over the world.

Shops, restaurants, inns, etc. are lined up on both sides of the road. There is an endless stream of pedestrians and merchants coming from north to south. It can be said to be extremely lively!

But right now, the most people on the streets are people from the martial arts world holding swords. It is a grand gathering of martial arts, and the capital naturally has no shortage of these people from the martial arts world.

As the saying goes, chivalrous people use martial arts to disrupt the prohibition, and Confucianism uses literature to disrupt the law. This important place in the capital was suddenly invaded by so many people from the Jianghu, and it was inevitable that it would fall into chaos.

In just half a month, no less than a thousand bloody conflicts broke out in the capital, and no less than a hundred people died.

Even the yamen, which is responsible for the daily security of the capital, teamed up with the police and the guards of the capital to strengthen patrols. I patrolled the city continuously every day, but still couldn't change much.

Fortunately, these Jianghu people are also very knowledgeable, and the fighting between them is limited to Jianghu people, and no cases have been openly committed against important figures in the capital.

Therefore, as long as they failed to cause more trouble, the imperial court also selectively ignored these Jianghu people. Anyway, the more Jianghu reckless people died, the better it would be for the security of the world in the future.

The battle on the full night of September 15th was only three days away.

A group of people suddenly appeared in the capital. The leading figure was dressed in fluttering white clothes. He was elegant and handsome. As soon as he appeared in the capital, he attracted the attention of countless people.

Especially women from the age of fourteen to forty, when they see him, they still can't help but take a second look secretly.

And a man who is so outstanding has attracted the passing women to stop and take a peek, which naturally attracted the cold eyes of many people in the world.

The arena is a vanity fair. If someone attracts people's attention, they will naturally arouse the jealousy of others.

Jealousy itself is a terrible emotion, enough to motivate an irrational person to do many terrible things.

But they didn't dare at the moment, because there were several hidden masters behind the man in white, the leader of whom looked like a rich man. He seemed to be looking around with a smile, but his eyes were tightly focused around him, never relaxing for a moment.

The other person was dressed like a Confucian scholar. He seemed to have squinted eyes, but he gave people an illusion of femininity, making people reluctant to meet his eyes.

As for the other two people, one of them was tall and thin, but he was skinny and had slanted eyebrows, but there was an air of violence on his face.

The other person was short and thin, looking like a skinny monkey, but he looked quite tough. He eagerly stared at the people around him.

Judging from their expressions, these four people are masters who are not easy to mess with, but they are not enough to scare everyone away.

But someone noticed the flag on the carriage, a flag that said Fuwei Escort Agency, and another young man following closely beside the man in white.

This man is dressed in a green shirt. He looks equally young and equally impressive in appearance, but the only difference between him and the man in white is his age. He is obviously several years older than the man in white.

Huo Tianqing!
  The head escort of Fuwei Escort Agency!
  Soon someone recognized the man in green, he was Huo Tianqing!
  The young master of Tianqin Sect is now recognized as the number one escort agency in the world and the chief escort officer of Fuwei Escort Agency.

He had only been in charge of the Fuwei Escort Agency for half a year, but he had almost taken the world by storm. Situ Gang, the chief escort of the Qunying Escort Agency, had his martial arts skills revoked due to his rude remarks to him a few months ago.

Situ Gang is known as the "Iron Palm and Golden Sword". His iron palm power has been practiced to a high level. With a golden back machete mountain, he uses the Five Tigers' door-breaking sword skills. There are few opponents in the world, but in front of Huo Tianqing Like a child, without even the slightest strength to resist.

In the end, the Central Plains hero Xiong Tianjian was provoked. Xiong Tianjian was the uncle of Situ Gang, the head of the Qunying Escort Agency. He was chivalrous and upright and had always been very prestigious in the world.

But even though he was a famous Central Plains hero, he was carried out of the headquarters of the Fuwei Escort Bureau in Guanzhong in embarrassment in the end. According to later reports from his colleagues, Xiong Tianjian was unable to take even three moves from the escort leader Huo.

If you only talk about the first two people, it is not enough to show the terrifying power of Huo Tianqing's martial arts, but the battle between "Mighty Eagle" Ge Tong and Huo Tianqing in Huashan one month ago can prove his terrifying power.

"Powerful Condor" Ge Tong.

This person is the chief escort of Datong Escort Agency, who is much older, more powerful, and more famous than "Iron Palm Heavy Sword" Situ Gang in the escort industry.

The Huainan Eagle Claw King's powerful Eagle Claw Kung Fu has never been passed on to other people, but Ge Tong is the only exception.

Because he is not only the adopted son of the third-generation Eagle Claw King, but also the son-in-law of the Wang family. He is sincere and simple, and follows the rules. He joined the Datong Escort Agency at the age of eighteen, and was promoted to the Chief Escort at the age of twenty-one. The escorts I took never made a single mistake.

"As long as you find Ge Tong, all roads are open." Some people would rather pay multiple times more than find Ge Tong's bodyguard. "

This shows how successful his reputation has been. This battle also attracted elites from the northwest martial arts community to watch the battle. However, Huo Tianqing was forced to use Ge Tong's powerful Eagle Claw Kung Fu in less than half a cup of tea. Admit defeat personally.

He is a sharp-edged person who doesn't give any opponent any face, which naturally attracts many people to retaliate.

For example, the Eagle Claw King of Huainan once went to Guanzhong in person, but was stopped by a person on the way. This person was none other than the famous hero "Shanxi Yan" in Guanzhong.

The two just joined hands, and the third generation Huainan Eagle Claw King immediately returned south, and never mentioned revenge again.

There are many such examples. Not long ago, the five major escort bureaus in the Central Plains saw that the Fuwei escort situation was getting better and better, so they united and prepared to go to Guanzhong to launch an attack. But they also stopped in the Guanzhong area for the same reason as above. There were people waiting for them on the road long ago.

Among them are Fan Daxian, who once broke into Feiyu Pond alone, wiped out eight villages, and hit thirty-six major acupoints and seventy-two minor acupoints with a dry pipe, and Mr. Jian Er, the only successor of the "magical power of snapping fingers" in the past.

Thirty years ago, in the Northwest Double Show, Fan Jian was equally famous. He could be said to be a senior master with great reputation in the world!
  The two of them came forward together, so the Central Plains Five Escort Bureau naturally had no choice but to retreat.

Of course, superficial means cannot be used, and some people resorted to small methods, but they were soon punished because they were greeted by the Seven Heroes of the Market.

At this moment, everyone in the world realized that Huo Tianqing, the chief escort of the Fuwei Escort Bureau, was actually the son of the old man Tianqin.

And he is also the young master of the Tianqin Sect. Whether it is Mr. Fan Da, Mr. Jian Er, or Shanxi Yan, they all have to obey Huo Tianqing's orders.

A man who is one of the two top forces in the world and has nearly 10,000 men at his disposal is naturally an opponent that no one in the world wants to offend!
  What's more, one thing is scary, because Mr. Shanxi Yan and Mr. Fan Dajian have personally admitted to outsiders that the martial arts of Huo Tianqing, the young master of Tianqin Sect, has long surpassed those of their predecessors.

In addition, something suddenly leaked out not long ago. In the back mountain of Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion, Huo Tianqing had a fight with Dugu Yihe, the head of Emei.

When Dugu Yihe was injured and left the northwest area six months ago, everyone in the world was in awe.

Seeing Huo Tianqing following the man in white so respectfully, these people in the world couldn't help but have a guess. There were rumors in the world that the boss behind the Fuwei Escort Agency was a mysterious master.

According to legend, Ximen Chuixue, Lu Xiaofeng, Huo Xiu, Jin Jiuling and other famous masters all experienced defeat at his hands!
  Even the most powerful Qingyi Tower was said to have been annexed by him, so there were 108 branches of the Fuwei Escort Agency that took the world by storm overnight.

There were rumors in the world about such a mysterious master that he was a senior master from a previous era in the world. There were also rumors that he was the heir of a certain big shot, and that was how he was able to build such a business in just a few months!
  But most people obviously didn't expect that the big boss behind Fuwei Escort Agency was so young, looking like he was in his early twenties!

Seeing that the man in white was so young, people in the distant arena couldn't help but be greatly shocked. Even though some people were suspicious, they didn't dare to come forward and twist the tiger's beard alone!

Huo Tianqing's cold eyes swept over dozens of people not far away, all of whom lowered their heads or turned their heads to avoid his gaze.

"I'm hungry, I want to eat!"

Suddenly, a girl's light voice came from the carriage behind the two of them.

"Yes, yes, I'm hungry too, I want to eat too!"

Then I heard a well-behaved girl's voice coming from inside the carriage.

Soon I saw two girls jumping out of the carriage. One was a delicate and cute girl who looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old, but her eyes were wandering, and she was obviously an eccentric guy.

Next to her, another little girl who looked two or three years younger than her also smiled and looked at the bustling capital around her.

She gave off a well-behaved and sensible impression as soon as she got out of the car, but both Huo Tianqing and Deng Baichuan knew that this little girl was a naughty one.

"Ye Ling, Shangguan Xue'er, come up here!"

Soon a beautiful woman came out of the carriage. As elegant as a leopard, she stared coldly at the two girls who loved to play around.

Ye Ling said: "Ye Xue, this is not a villa, I don't have to continue to listen to you!"

But Shangguan Xueer hid behind Ye Ling with a smile. Among all the girls, she was the youngest and had the lowest martial arts skills, so she was good at hiding behind others at all times.

Seeing Ye Ling being so rebellious, Ye Xue frowned slightly, and she instinctively wanted to take action.

But soon A'Zhu's voice came from the carriage behind him: "Ye Ling, Xue'er, have you forgotten your previous instructions?"

As soon as A'Zhu's voice came, Ye Ling and Shangguan Xue'er had a grimace and boarded the carriage very obediently.

"I suddenly regret it!"

The man in white said.

"I can understand!"

Huo Tian smiled and kept looking at Shangguan Xueer behind him from the corner of his eye. At this moment, he could best understand the feelings of the man beside him.

The man in white was none other than Murong Fu, who had just returned from an unknown overseas island.

As for the girls behind them, they were cousin Wang Yuyan and the girls. Since the deal with Mu Taoren was reached, sisters Ye Ling and Ye Xue also left Ghost Villa.

The two sisters quickly became harmonious with their cousin Wang Yuyan and other girls. At the suggestion of Ouyang Qing and Xue Bing, they even joined the Red Shoes together.

Yes, cousin Wang Yuyan also joined Red Shoes.

However, she is not very old, so she is ranked ninth, but she is not the youngest in the Red Shoes organization.

Just because Shangguan Xueer and Ye Ling occupy the bottom ranking, they may not be a worry, but they are indeed qualified to join the Red Shoes.

So in just one night, the Red Shoes members, which only had eight members, turned into thirteen.

Because the two daughters A'Zhu and A Bi also joined the Red Shoes.

But at any time, once there are more women in a place, it will definitely not be quiet, such as this is the case now.

Huo Tianqing said: "But if you want to talk about eating, I know a place!"

As the former general manager of Zhuguangbaoqi Pavilion, Huo Tianqing does know many good places, such as Chunhua Tower in the capital.

"it is good!"

Murong Fu nodded after hearing this.

The group started heading directly to Chunhua Tower.

At this moment, the capital was extremely lively. Apart from their group, there were many people who arrived in the capital early just to witness this battle that would be famous for generations to come.

(End of this chapter)

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