Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 201 Father and son, love and hatred!

Chapter 201 Father and son, love and hatred!
  Hearing Murong Fu mention the past events, Qiao Feng frowned slightly at first, but as time went by, his expression became more solemn.

Only then did Qiao Feng understand the whole story of the Yanmen Pass massacre.

It turns out that Murong Bo falsely spread the news that Khitan warriors were coming to Shaolin Temple in large numbers to seize martial arts classics. Xuanci believed him and entangled more than 20 martial arts heroes from the Central Plains to set up an ambush in front of the rocky valley outside Yanmen Pass in advance.

That battle was so bloody that not only Xiao Yuanshan and his wife, and more than ten Khitan warriors accompanying them died, but most of the Central Plains heroes who were ambushing outside the Rock Valley were also killed or injured.

Except for Master Xuanci, who was the leader, there were only his mentor, Wang Jiantong, the leader of the Beggar Clan, and Master Zhiguang, who had not yet become a monk at the time. Finally, there was Zhao Qiansun, who was stunned and luckily escaped.

After this battle, only four of the Central Plains heroes survived!

Xiao Yuanshan and his wife, a family of three, also ended up with their family broken up and everyone dead!

After hearing Murong Fu reveal the whole story of what happened that year, Qiao Feng stood there speechless for a long time. Apparently these truths deeply touched his heart.

Xuanci sighed and said: "After this incident, Brother Wang and I, as well as Junior Brother Zhiguang, felt guilty about what happened outside Yanmen Pass. Apart from explaining the incident to the abbot of Shaolin Temple and reporting the bad news to the families of the brothers who died, we did nothing. I mentioned to others that the Khitan baby was fostered in a farmhouse at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain."

Seeing the change in Qiao Feng's expression, he naturally understood that this matter had a great impact on his heart, but the matter had come to this, and now he had no other choice but to tell all the past events.

When Qiao Feng heard this, his body suddenly trembled. Even though he already had the answer in his heart, he couldn't help but trembled at this moment: "Master Xuanci, that... that farmer at the foot of Shaoshi Mountain, he, he, What’s his last name?”

Xuanci said: "Gang Leader Qiao, you already have the answer in your mind. The farmer's surname is Qiao and his name is Sanhuai."

Hearing this, Qiao Feng closed his eyes in pain...

Seeing Qiao Feng's expression in such pain, Xuanci sighed secretly and then continued: "Gang Leader Qiao, now you know your life experience. Whenever you want to seek revenge on me, I am willing to accompany you!"

If you do something wrong, you should be punished.

After the battle of Yanmen Pass, Xuanci hid for almost thirty years, and it was time to pay off his debt.

Seeing Xuan Ci's expression of closing his eyes and waiting for death, Qiao Feng still couldn't help himself. He was not an unreasonable person.

When the tragedy at Yanmen Pass broke out, Master Xuanci was not the instigator. As Murong Fu said, if Murong Bo hadn't falsely spread the news, how could this tragedy have happened!

But now this matter has nothing to do with Murong Fu. He can tell the matter openly and honestly, without even concealing Murong Bo's identity...

Looking at the world, there are not many people who can achieve this kind of sincerity.

As the saying goes, Taoism is a taboo for the venerable. This venerable is not only a superior, but also includes his parents and elders. Qiao Feng asked himself in his heart, if there was something involving his parents and teachers, he would never be able to be so honest.

"Brother Qiao, no matter what your identity is, in the eyes of me, Murong Fu, you are still the upright man, and you are still my friend, Murong Fu!"

Seeing the confusion in Qiao Feng's heart, Murong Fu said slowly.

"Thank you, Brother Murong!"

Hearing this, Qiao Feng couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

Murong Fu said: "Brother Qiao, don't thank me in a hurry. Right now I have one more thing that needs Brother Qiao's understanding. I hope Brother Qiao can leave my father to me!"

When Qiao Feng heard this, he suddenly fell silent.

"My father has done many evil things, but he is my elder after all. It is really against filial piety to sit back and watch something happen to him!

I can promise Brother Qiao that I will never see my father again in the world! "

Although he understood that his request was too outrageous, Murong Fu could only continue, and then respectfully saluted Qiao Feng.

What Murong Fu said was naturally sincere. His identity was too contradictory, and anyone else would have been able to sit back and watch Murong Bo die in silence.

But he can't, because his identity does not allow him to do so!
  "I can promise you, Brother Murong!"

After a long time, Qiao Feng finally spoke.

Nan Murong and Bei Qiao Feng seemed to be equally famous in the world, but Qiao Feng understood that Murong Fu's martial arts was at least better than his.

In the past, when the two of them fought at the head of the Beggar Clan, he was inferior. Today, Fuwei Escort Agency's status in the world is no less than that of the Beggar Clan, which is known as the largest gang in the world.

Unlike his hidden Khitan identity, Fuwei Escort's property is the private property of the Murong family. As long as his Khitan identity is exposed, his identity as the so-called leader of the Beggar Clan may no longer be able to convince the public.

Qiao Feng knew this very well.

Faced with the fact that he was alone, Murong Fu first understood the situation and explained the guilt of the previous generation of the Murong family, while making no secret of his own embarrassment as a son.

In the end, he would rather bear the unworthy reputation and imprison his biological father for the rest of his life...

In this regard, Qiao Feng already understood that Murong Fu tried his best to make everything perfect.

As the saying goes, a father's debt must be paid by his son, and with Murong Fu's martial arts skills, he could have chosen an easier path.

For example, it would be easiest to reveal his identity to the world and finally take advantage of his ruined reputation!

But he first explained to himself the truth about the battle at Yanmen Pass, and asked his forgiveness in a humble tone!
  Qiao Feng was not unreasonable, so he saw Murong Fu's sincerity and finally agreed.

"Thank you, Brother Qiao!"

Murong Fu saluted solemnly.

"But there is one more thing that needs to be prepared by Brother Qiao right now!"

After saluting, Murong Fu slowly spoke again.

"What's the matter?"

Unknowingly, Qiao Feng's voice had become hoarse.

Murong Fu said: "Because of the battle at Yanmen Pass, your Majesty Xiao Yuanshan hated the martial arts in the Central Plains deeply. He has been hiding in the Shaolin Scripture Pavilion to learn martial arts secretly over the years, just to get his revenge!"

When Qiao Feng heard this, he fell silent again.

In just one day, he heard such shocking news one after another, and he couldn't calm down for a while.

Especially not knowing how to get along with his so-called biological father!
  "There is nothing wrong with taking revenge, but your father has become a demon in order to take revenge these years. If he knew that you and I had resolved our grievances privately, he would probably go crazy and become a demon! By then, not only the former enemies, but also the former enemies would be implicated. Innocent blades, such as your adoptive parents Qiao Sanhuai and his wife, and other irrelevant bystanders!"

Understanding Xiao Yuanshan's temperament, Murong Fu continued.

"Is the adopted father and adopted mother Mr. and Mrs. Qiao in danger?"

Hearing this, Qiao Feng couldn't help being shocked, and his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Although Qiao Sanhuai and his wife are from a poor family, they have regarded him as their own since they adopted him. Whenever there is something good, they will always think of him first.

Growing up under the two of them, Qiao Feng felt a lot of so-called parental care.

Now that he heard that if the news leaked, it might endanger the safety of the two elders, Qiao Feng's expression naturally changed greatly.

"Just in case, yesterday I sent four brothers, Brother Deng, to invite Qiao Sanhuai and his wife to Jiangnan Yanziwu overnight. Gang Leader Qiao doesn't need to worry for the time being!"

Seeing Qiao Feng's concern for Qiao Sanhuai and his wife, Murong Fu slowly explained.

"Thank you Brother Murong!"

When Qiao Feng heard this, he immediately handed over his hands and thanked him.

He has almost nothing right now, and he simply can't imagine if another accident happens to his adoptive parents' safety!
  Especially if his adoptive parents who were so kind to him died at the hands of his biological father, he really didn't know how to deal with it!

Murong Fu said: "Due to past feuds, your Majesty treats the people of the Central Plains as enemies. I'm afraid I will have to trouble Brother Qiao a lot!"

Qiao Feng took a deep breath and said, "I will do my best!"

Although he couldn't completely calm down because of the past, he also knew that he could never let his biological father kill innocent people indiscriminately.

There were grudges back then. Although the Central Plains Wulin people led by Xuanci did something wrong, they were not without grudges and Qiao Feng.

For example, Shaolin's Xuan Ku Shi personally taught him martial arts. During the ten years of cold and hot weather, he was able to get where he is today because he was cultivated by his mentor.

Although Xuanbei killed a good man by mistake, he made amends afterwards and tried his best to cultivate himself into a great hero!

Another mentor, Wang Jiantong, was certainly one of the participants in the Yanmen Pass massacre, but he had painstakingly cultivated him since he was sixteen years old. He not only taught him all the martial arts of the Beggar Clan, but also cared for him very much.

Every time he thought about this earlier, he couldn't help but feel grateful.

But now, kindness is kindness and hatred is hatred. The two must not be confused!

Murong Fu said: "Gang Leader Qiao, I have a plan to lure our elders out, but I need your cooperation!
  Qiao Feng said: "I would like to hear the details!"


Since ancient times, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. This saying is especially true in the martial arts world!

Nowadays, the younger generation of masters in the world are led by "Nan Murong" and "Bei Qiao Feng". Both of them have done great things that caused a sensation in the world in recent years, so they are regarded as the future influence by the heroes in the north and the south. The leader of the Northern and Southern Jianghu.

But many people are curious about who is better in martial arts between "Nan Murong" and "Bei Qiao Feng"!
  There were rumors in the world half a year ago that "Nan Murong" and four generals from the beggars personally came to the Luoyang headquarters of the Beggar Clan. In front of the beggars, "Nan Murong" and "Bei Qiao Feng" had a fight.

It is said that "Nan Murong" had the upper hand in this battle, but no one knows the specific situation except the group of beggars that day.

Therefore, most people in the world are inevitably curious. Which of the two is the number one among the young masters?
  "Bei Qiao Feng" leads the beggar gang and has more than ten thousand beggars under his command. Fuwei Escort Bureau under "Nan Murong" also has hundreds of rupees in the Central Plains. Both forces can be called behemoths.

Looking at the world, except for the Shaolin Temple, which is regarded as the leader of the martial arts in the Central Plains, there are very few other sects that can challenge the status of the two.

Originally, these were just things people in the world talked about while drinking, but not long ago, an extremely shocking news suddenly came out in the world!

"Southern Murong" Murong Fu personally invited "Northern Qiao Peak" to fight on the top of Huashan Mountain in the middle of next month. Once the news came out, the whole world was quickly shaken.

The two of them, one from the south and the other from the north, are both the top young masters from the north and the south. Now that the news of an official fight has finally come out, they are naturally shocked.

And it is said that this battle will be personally witnessed by Master Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin Temple, thus competing to determine the number one among the young martial arts masters in the Central Plains.

After hearing this news, the martial arts community in the Central Plains was plunged into a sensation. All the powerful people who had a close relationship with the Shaolin Temple sent people to inquire about the news personally.

However, it was later confirmed by Shaolin monks that this news was completely true. The abbot of our temple had gone to Huashan three days ago...

With Shaolin Temple's personal confirmation, the fact of this duel was completely confirmed. For a time, martial arts giants from all over the north and south rushed to the northwest, just to be able to witness this battle with their own eyes.

It should be noted that a year ago, "Nan Murong" invited "Old Monster Xingxiu" for a duel at the foot of Leigu Mountain. At that time, some people missed this shocking duel due to the long distance, so they still regret it.

Now I heard that "Nan Murong" and "Bei Qiao Feng", the two leaders of the Central Plains martial arts, were finally going to compete. How could they, the martial arts giants from all over the world, be willing to stay behind and miss this unprecedented battle!
  One month later, on the tenth day of July, there were only five days left before the invitation to fight in the middle of this month.

The foot of Huashan Mountain has long been crowded with people from all over the world. Some of them have traveled thousands of miles from Lingnan to witness this battle.

However, at the foot of Huashan Mountain, the only road leading to the top of the mountain from the foot of the mountain has been strictly guarded by members of the Beggar Clan, masters from the branch of the Fuwei Escort Agency, and Shaolin disciples, and no outsiders are allowed to pass through.

When many martial arts tycoons from various places saw this, they naturally stepped forward one after another, hoping that the other party would give them a favor.

However, without exception, they all failed!

For example, Shan Zheng, who is known as the "Martial Arts Judge", the Youjia brothers from Juxian Village, etc., all of them were rejected without exception.

Of course, there were some who wanted to force their way in, but when they saw the four Deng Baichuan brothers guarding the foot of Huashan Mountain, the eighteen escorts from the Guanzhong branch of the Fuwei Escort Bureau, and the seventy-two escorts, they Give up this idea wisely.

After all, the Fuwei Escort Agency has become famous recently. In just a few years, it has developed from the south of the Yangtze River to the northwest area. Many of the green forest people who were originally causing trouble in the northwest have also joined the Fuwei Escort Agency. Next, he started working as a escort and escort.

The reputation of these people may not be obvious in the world, but without exception they are ruthless characters in the northwest area. In their early years, they specialized in the business of licking blood from the edge of a knife.

Not to mention that some people even recognized Duan Yanqing, Yue Laosan and other villains hiding in the crowd, so for a while many people completely gave up their plans to break in.

Regardless of the manpower of the Beggar Gang and Shaolin guarding the foot of the mountain, the masters under the Murong family alone were enough to make the heroes from all walks of life who came all the way today have the idea of ​​​​retreating.

It should be noted that today is only the tenth day of the seventh lunar month, and there are still five days until the date of the battle. However, the foot of the mountain is already so lively. It is obvious that everyone in the world is extremely concerned about the outcome of this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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