Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 202 The top of Huashan Mountain, right and wrong, today’s discussion!

Chapter 202 The top of Huashan Mountain, right and wrong, today’s discussion! (superior)
  July fifteenth.

The top of Huashan Mountain is Luoyan Peak.

Huashan Mountain is divided into five peaks. Among them, the South Peak is the highest and is also the highest peak of the Five Mountains. The ancients once respectfully called it the "Head of Huashan Mountain". Because returning geese often rest here, it is also named Luoyan Peak.

Murong Fu was dressed in white clothes and stood with his hands behind his back.

In the distance, Qiao Feng, dressed in a light gray cloth robe, stood far away from him, but there was a sad look in his eyes, as if there was no place for him in the vastness of the world.

"Brother Qiao, this place is called Luoyan Peak. It is the pinnacle of the Five Mountains. It is just the right place for you and me to fight!"

Murong Fu seemed to see the hidden sorrow in Qiao Feng's heart, and suddenly spoke.

"Luoyan Peak?"

When Qiao Feng heard this name, he couldn't help but murmured to himself.

At the same time, looking far into the distance, I feel that I have reached the top of this place, and I feel that the sky is so close and the stars can be picked. Looking around, you can see undulating mountains, vast green mountains, the Yellow River and the Wei River, and the desert plains like silk and cotton.

For a moment, the sorrow and depression in my heart seemed to be swept away by the tall and majestic grandeur of Huashan Mountain.

"I said that no matter what the outcome of this battle is, Brother Qiao will still be my friend...or, does Brother Qiao think that I, Murong Fu, am not qualified to be your friend?"

Understanding Qiao Feng's feelings, Murong Fu stared at Qiao Feng's figure and spoke slowly.

"Okay, Qiao is so lucky to have Brother Murong as a friend!"

When Qiao Feng heard this, he immediately looked up to the sky and smiled.

In this world, confidants are rare, but today Qiao Feng happened to meet a confidant who understood him best, and the sadness in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Murong Fu and Qiao Feng faced each other from a distance. In the distance behind them, Deng Baichuan and the other four also appeared on Luoyan Peak. Ma Dayuan, who had been entrusted with an important task by Wang Jiantong, also appeared here.

"Gang Leader Qiao, Donor Murong, you two are both leaders of the young generation in the world. In order to prevent the Central Plains martial arts community from losing talents, is it okay to only judge the superiority of this fight?"

Master Xuanci, who was a witness, also spoke at this time.

When Murong Fu and Qiao Feng heard this, they both nodded at the same time.

Murong Fu looked at Qiao Feng and said slowly: "Brother Qiao, I tried my skills on a small scale in Luoyang that day, but it's a pity that I didn't appreciate the subtlety of the Beggar Clan's secret skill, the Dragon Subduing Divine Palm, in this battle. I hope Brother Qiao will not hesitate to teach me!" "

Qiao Feng cupped his hands and said, "Qiao has been famous for Brother Murong's family secret knowledge for a long time!"

Murong Fu spoke first: "Brother Qiao, please!"

When Qiao Feng heard this, he said in a serious tone: "Brother Murong, please!"

The two were obviously about to start a martial arts competition, but at this moment they were as polite as old friends who had not seen each other for a long time.

Murong Fu smiled slightly, and immediately used the Xiaoyao Sect's secret skill "Tianshan Six Yang Palm". His hands were circling and flying, making moves, and his body movements were as graceful as a butterfly flying. This is the unique elegance of the Xiaoyao Sect. feel.

When Xuanci on the side saw this, his expression rarely condensed. As the master of Shaolin, when it comes to martial arts knowledge, there are few people in the world who can match him.

However, the martial arts used by Murong Fu made him see the power at a glance, especially the palm technique that was both elegant and masculine, and its fierceness was no less powerful than any other Shaolin secret technique.

Including the Great Vajra Palm he learned!

But he had never heard of such a powerful palm technique in the martial arts world!
  When Qiao Feng saw this, he immediately shouted loudly: "Okay!"

Back then, the two of them had a battle in the Luoyang Headquarters of the Beggar Clan, and one of them, Murong Fu, mastered this technique. It was a pity that the two of them were just trying out their skills...

Now that the two are fighting against each other again, Qiao Feng naturally wants to learn from them.

Immediately, Qiao Feng stepped forward to meet him, waved his big hand, and thrust out both palms.

As soon as he released his palms, it was as if a strong wind blew out of thin air. Here, the two of them were at the top of Mount Huashan. This strong wind seemed to be mixed with celestial phenomena. Immediately, a howling cold wind blew from the top of the mountain. For a moment, everyone couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

At this moment, Qiao Feng's palms were pushed in front of Murong Fu's eyes like lightning. He felt that the power of this palm had increased compared to half a year ago. Murong Fu felt happy and at the same time he did not dare to be careless. With the palms closed, there was a sound of waves, and the two palm forces stirred up each other, and when they rushed forward, it seemed to form a whirlwind.

When the two palms met, they were evenly matched, and they both secretly admired each other.

Bao BuTong and Feng BoE were shocked when they saw this scene.

Half a year ago, the two brothers had not accompanied their son to the headquarters of the Beggar Clan due to their hard training in martial arts. Naturally, they had never witnessed the fight between the two.

Now that he saw that the leader of the Beggar Clan, Qiao, had the same palm power as his own young master, he couldn't help but be shocked.

The two palms met, and they seemed to be evenly matched, but Qiao Feng only felt his arms were slightly numb. It was obvious that Murong Fu's internal strength was still better than his. But he is still Qiao Feng after all.

When an ordinary person encounters a strong enemy, once he loses in a fight, he will secretly feel fear in his heart.

But when Qiao Feng encountered an opponent like Murong Fu, he felt a surge of pride in his heart. The more frustrated he became, the more courageous he became. He immediately raised his two index fingers, half a fist and half a palm, and struck forward while hooking his right hand inwards.

This move is originally the "Do not use Hidden Dragon" in the Dragon Subduing God's palm. Once used, it is extremely difficult for the enemy to dodge.

But this time, Qiao Feng changed his moves, which clearly shows that he is a rare martial arts wizard, and his ability to adapt to the situation is superb.

"it is good!"

When Murong Fu saw this, he couldn't help but praise him. He understood the power of Qiao Feng's move, so he immediately changed his move. His left hand turned into a claw, and his right hand came out with an empty point.

Murong Fu's left hand is the same as Tianshan Zhemei's capture method, which is both fast and accurate!
  No matter who the opponent is, as soon as the three fingers of his left hand touch his wrist, he will be controlled by him!
  The right hand has a weak point and strong energy.

A soft "chi" sound came out, and a hole the size of an index finger appeared in the cuff of Qiao Feng's right hand, while his right hand was firmly grasped with Murong Fu's left hand.

Murong Fu's three fingers had already been placed on his wrist, and his thumb was actually pressing on the pulse gate of Murong Fu's left hand. For a moment, the two were evenly matched!

But then there was a loud "bang" sound, and Qiao Feng's left hand and Murong Fu's right hand met in the air.

The palms of the two people met, and they were repelled by the huge force. They let go at the same time, and several muffled "bang bang" sounds were heard. In this short moment of letting go, the two of them started to compete with fists and kicks again. The harmonious atmosphere was no longer the same as before.

Watching the exchange between the two, there was gradually a hint of a life-or-death struggle, and the four Deng Baichuan who were watching the battle from a distance couldn't help but have a little more worry in their eyes.

Even Abbot Xuanci is no exception!

Deng Baichuan and the others did not understand the deep meaning of what they did, but he and Ma Dayuan knew it well, just to lure out the two elders who were hiding in the dark.

Murong Bo has been planning for many years just to restore the country!

Xiao Yuanshan has been hiding in Shaolin for more than 20 years, just for revenge!

In the eyes of the two of them, one is dedicated to the restoration of the country, and the other is dedicated to revenge. Even if something huge happens in front of them, it will never compare to the restoration of the country and revenge! But there are exceptions, such as Qiao Feng and Murong Fu!

Both of them have children. Unless Qiao Feng and Murong Fu put their own lives in danger, the two of them will show up!
  And today's battle at the top of Mount Huashan was designed to draw out the two of them!

But since they were going to act, it was natural to set up a trap. Besides, they both cherished each other and had long wanted to learn each other's martial arts skills.

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon for fake dramas to be real!
  In less than half a cup of tea, Murong Fu and Qiao Feng had already launched their clever moves and fought fiercely for more than a hundred rounds.

Seeing the two of them fighting against each other, Bao BuTong and Feng BoEi finally understood why their young master would look down upon the leader of the Beggar Clan, Qiao!
  Looking at the world, he is indeed qualified to be his own master's opponent!

"Bang bang" several loud sounds were heard, and the two of them continued to fight hard with several moves on Luoyan Peak. The palm power of the two was so majestic that every time their palms touched, it was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

It can be seen from this that the palm power of the two is strong and powerful!

"Brother Qiao, you and I have been apart for half a year. Your progress in internal energy is really amazing!"

Seeing Qiao Feng continuously fighting with him for several times and still not losing, Murong Fu couldn't help but praise.

After Qiao Feng heard this, he realized that he could fight Murong Fu for more than a hundred moves and still not fall behind, and he felt happy in his heart.

He thought to himself: "In the past few months, he has gone south to inspect various branches and worked hard. However, he did not expect that his work has not stopped, but has improved even more. It should be noted that half a year ago, he had a three-handed fight with Murong Fu and fell. Get downwind.”

Murong Fu opened his mouth and warned: "But brother Qiao, be careful next time, I will use the Murong family's secret skills!"

"Okay, I have long wanted to learn Brother Murong's family secrets!"

Qiao Feng laughed loudly after hearing this, and immediately used a palm move, one of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, "Seeing the Dragon in the Field", and struck Murong Fu fiercely.

Seeing that the two of them had been fighting for a long time but still couldn't draw them out, he quickly understood what Murong Fu was thinking, so he used ten percent of his strength to compete with Murong Fu in a few moves.

When Murong Fu saw this, he also used the family martial arts Dou Zhuan Xing Shift at the same time, as if he wanted to use the "Dou Zhuan Xing Shift" technique to resolve the counterattack.

The palms of the two men were strong and urgent, and this attack was extremely dangerous. The expressions of the four Deng Baichuan and others who were watching the battle changed drastically. Even Xuan Ci, who knew what the two were thinking, couldn't help but clasp his hands when he saw this. , chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice.


It was like a thunder exploded from the ground, and countless birds suddenly started flying on Luoyan Peak. They flew together in a black mass, occupying half of the sky in an instant.

Murong Fu and Qiao Feng had already made a mark with their palms. As their powerful palms came into contact, their faces began to turn pale, but their eyes began to light up.

There was a click, and the hard rock surface under their feet, which had withstood countless springs and autumns of sun and rain, began to explode as if it had been attacked by a nemesis.

Cracks like spider silk spread outward from the feet of the two of them until they stopped about ten feet away...


Qiao Feng couldn't hold on anymore at first. The energy and blood in his heart were agitated and he could no longer control it. Suddenly, he felt a sweet taste in his throat, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Murong Fu's face turned pale, as if there was no blood left, and there was faint traces of blood at the corners of his mouth.

If the two of them fought to the death, he would naturally not be injured so easily. After all, his inner strength was much stronger than others, but in order to create the sign of a life-and-death struggle between the two, he had to suppress his inner strength to the same level as Qiao Feng.

In addition, for the sake of Qiao Feng's safety, the move just now was to draw the aftermath of the fight between the two to his feet, otherwise Qiao Feng's injury would only be more serious.

"Come again!"

Qiao Feng was hit hard by this, but his heart was filled with fighting spirit. His tiger eyes were full of power. He immediately wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and waved his hand to attack.

When Murong Fu saw this, he also laughed loudly, swung his sleeves and robes, and rushed forward to meet him.

In the eyes of outsiders, after this move, the two will not only differentiate between superiority and inferiority, but also life and death!

Immediately, the expressions of Deng Baichuan and the four others changed drastically, and they immediately had the idea of ​​​​stepping forward to help. When Master Xuanci who was watching saw this, his expression also changed, and he clasped his palms together and said: "Two donors, no!"

But all this seems to be a little late, the two palms are about to merge together again!
  At this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of wind blowing from behind.

The next moment, a monk in gray clothes, his face covered with gray cloth, suddenly and mysteriously appeared behind Murong Fu. He stretched out his hand and wanted to help Murong Fu.

At this moment, a figure in black suddenly appeared in mid-air, swooping down like a big eagle, and landed right between the monk in gray and Qiao Feng.

This man suddenly fell from the sky, so unexpectedly that everyone couldn't help but be surprised. When his feet landed on the ground, they saw clearly that he was holding a long rope in his hand, and the other end of the long rope was tied to a large tree more than ten feet away. On top of the tree.

I saw this man masked with black cloth, revealing only a pair of eyes as cold as lightning.

But he and the monk in gray reached out to help Qiao Feng at the same time.

The palms of the two people touched each other in the air, and their bodies shook violently at the same time. They couldn't help but take a few steps back. The two of them were actually evenly matched.

The man in black and the monk in gray stood opposite each other. After a while, neither of them spoke.

Everyone saw that the two men were very tall, but the man in black was taller, while the monk in gray was extremely thin.

However, Qiao Feng and Murong Fu had complicated expressions. Qiao Feng was happy and excited, with an unspeakable emotion in his heart, while Murong Fu's eyes were full of complicated expressions.

After a long time, the two men in black and gray suddenly said at the same time: "You..."

But as soon as the word "you" was spoken, the two of them immediately stopped talking.

After a while, the gray-robed monk said, "Who are you?"

The man in black asked again: "Who are you?"

Everyone listened to what the two said and thought in their hearts: "It turns out they are both old monks too."

Xuanci looked at the two figures and kept chanting the Buddha's name in a low voice, obviously recognizing the two figures.

The gray-robed monk said, "You have been hiding beside the Shaolin Temple for decades, and have you stolen enough of the Shaolin martial arts secret books?"

The man in black said: "I was also about to ask you, you have been hiding next to the Shaolin Temple for decades, have you copied enough manuscripts in the Shaolin Temple's Scripture Pavilion?"

At the same time, the monk in gray and the monk in black recognized each other.

In the past twenty years, they have been hiding in the Shaolin Cangjin Pavilion. They have bumped into each other more than once, and the two have fought more than once, but every time it was difficult to tell the difference.

Unexpectedly, today, the two of them would meet again on the top of Mount Hua, and they would inevitably fight each other.

(End of this chapter)

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