Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 210 Mei Chaofeng arrives, and Zixia’s magical power begins to show its power!

Chapter 210 Mei Chaofeng arrives, and Zixia’s magical power begins to show its power!
  After he was brought to this world by the young master, he also told him about some of the masters in this world, such as the Five Ultimates in the World, and Qiu Qianren, the leader of the Iron Palm Gang, and others.

When talking about the leader of the Iron Palm Gang, Young Master made a few comments, saying that the leader of the Qiu Gang had three brothers and sisters, and he was the second oldest, with a twin brother above him and a young sister at his knees.

The two sisters are both rare martial arts prodigies in the world, but their elder brother Qiu Qianzhang has low martial arts skills. He has been pretending to be his brother Qiu Qianren's name and cheating in the world.

Thinking of this, Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but make a bold guess.

Among the six monsters on the side, the Horse King God Han Baoju, who has the most straightforward temperament, couldn't help but feel very angry when he heard this. He has a hot temper, but he respects loyal ministers and filial sons the most in his life.

Qiu Qianren's shameless words now undoubtedly made him furious, and he was about to start yelling.

However, Lin Pingzhi suddenly said: "I have heard about the name of my senior Iron Palm for a long time. I wonder if my senior would be willing to give me some advice?"

Qiu Qianren was startled when he heard this. When he looked at Lin Ping carefully, he raised his head and laughed. Said: "It's not easy for your parents to raise you, why bother sending your little life here?"

Lin Pingzhi said with a smile: "Senior, please give me some advice!"

When Lu Chengfeng heard this, he immediately spoke to persuade: "Brother Lin, no!"

Although the Six Freaks from Jiangnan on the side felt that Qiu Qianren, as a senior in the martial arts world, did not respect loyalty, filial piety and integrity, it was really despicable.

However, they were extremely afraid of his martial arts. However, before they could react, Lin Pingzhi took the initiative to invite a fight. This scene naturally surprised them. At the same time, they felt that it was a bit too much for him to challenge the famous martial arts master by himself. Be bold!
  Huang Rong, who was next to Guo Jing, had seen Qiu Qianren's four unique skills of holding an iron vat on his head, crossing the river by walking on water, blowing smoke from his mouth, and breaking bricks and stones with his hands. She was very impressed. But now she heard that he said such shameless words, and she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. His character is contemptuous.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi took the initiative to invite Qiu Qianren to fight, and saw that he was obviously confident, Huang Rong reached out and pulled Guo Jing who was about to speak, indicating to him to wait and see what would happen.

At the same time, Qiu Qianren suddenly stood up, picked up the chair he was sitting on, walked slowly to the center of the hall, put down the chair, and sat down, placing his right foot on top of his left foot, shaking and calmly He said: "Forget it, I will just sit and play with you."

Ke Zhen'e and others undoubtedly frowned when they saw this. They all knew that this man might not have superb martial arts, but they didn't expect that he would dare to do so!
  Lin Pingzhi jumped up and shouted: "Senior, be careful!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his left palm seemed to strike straight out, while his right palm penetrated from the bottom of the left palm at the same time. This move was exactly one of the "Yunli Qiankun" moves in the ancestral "Heaven-shaking Palm".

This move is extremely fast, and what's even more rare is that the power of the palm is hidden and not revealed, making it difficult for people to guard against it!

Since the father and son agreed to join the Murong family, Lin Pingzhi inherited the secret book of Zixia, the secret art of Huashan Town Sect, from his son-in-law. He has learned the Zixia magic skill for nearly two years now, and during this period, he was also rewarded by Murong Fu with the secret book of Zixia. Zhu Mu Bao Xue Pills that increase your power.

According to Murong Fu's comment, his current level of internal strength can be compared with that of Yue Buqun.

Qiu Qianren saw that Lin Pingzhi was so young and his kung fu was not very strong when he jumped out just now, so he thought that his martial arts must be ordinary.

Unexpectedly, the impact of his palm was so fast. He immediately jumped into the air with his feet, and with a click, the rosewood chair he was sitting on was smashed to pieces by Lin Pingzhi's palm.

Qiu Qianren fell to the ground, his expression was extremely embarrassed, and he shouted angrily: "You are rude!"

Then he sneered, first used his right hand to make a false move, and then used his left hand to massage his eyebrows. Seeing Lin Pingzhi duck sideways, he immediately hooked his hand and retreated. His eyebrow rubbing palm moved forward smoothly, turned around and sat in the cross-legged position, and quickly raised his right hand, which had collapsed. Palm.

Huang Rong couldn't help but be surprised when she saw Qiu Qianren's moves. She knew her family's origins and she recognized Qiu Qianren's martial arts at a glance. It was the Liuhe Palm, which was widely known in Jiangnan martial arts.

Qiu Qianren's palm technique is exactly the "Tong-Arm Liuhe Palm", which is derived from the "Tong-Arm Five Elements Palm".

Although the moves are not surprising, he has spent decades practicing this set of palm techniques.

The so-called "open arms" means that the two buttocks join together to form one force. It does not mean that the left arm can be retracted to the right arm, and the right arm can be retracted to the left arm.

But this boxing technique can only be regarded as an ordinary martial art in the world. No matter how you change, it will never become magical.

Unless you are the founder of Bodhidharma, or Huang Shang who single-handedly created the "Nine Yin Manual", or you are a rare martial arts practitioner like Qiao Feng, you can use this ordinary boxing technique to have a different flavor.

Lin Pingzhi saw that his right hand was sending out, and his left hand was sending strength into his right hand. When his left hand was following the move, his right hand was pulling back to increase the strength of his left hand. His hands were indeed supporting each other, and the chain was continuous, and his expression remained calm.

Instead, while taking a step back, he suddenly punched out with his left hand. Qiu Qianren narrowly avoided it by turning his head, but he felt a burning sting on the left side of his cheek. It turned out that he was still brushed aside by the wind of the fist, and before his eyes showed shock and anger.

Unexpectedly, Lin Pingzhi suddenly opened his left fist, and the fist turned into a palm, and the direct blow turned into a sweeping move. With a "seeing flowers in the smoke" move, he slapped him with a slap.

This slap was extremely loud, and everyone in the hall was stunned. No one could have imagined that Qiu Qianren, who had so many magical skills just now, would actually be slapped in the face by a junior in public.

"Boy looking for death!"

After receiving a slap from Lin Pingzhi, Qiu Qianren felt dizzy and realized that he had been humiliated. He immediately roared and rushed over to strike with his palms.

However, when their palms touched each other, Qiu Qianren's body flew straight out the door like a paper kite with its string broken.

Everyone screamed immediately. No one would have guessed that Qiu Qianren, who was famous all over the world and spoke loudly, could be so vulnerable!
  Naturally, they didn't understand that the Heaven-shaking Palm that Lin Pingzhi used just now was created by Lin Yuantu, the ancestor of the Lin family in the past. This palm technique may seem ordinary, but in fact, it needs to be combined with the internal strength cultivated in the evil-fighting sword manual to have great power. power.

The Heaven-shaking Palm that Lin Pingzhi used just now was modified by Murong Fu and became suitable for Lin Pingzhi's use.

Otherwise, if you want to show the power of the Heaven-turning Palm, you must first wield your sword from the palace. It is really not worth the gain!

However, before they could scream for too long, a person suddenly appeared at the door. He reached out and grabbed Qiu Qianren's collar, strode into the hall, put him down on the ground, and stood there frozen, with no smile on his face.

When everyone looked at this person, they saw that she had long hair shawl and raised her head to the sky. It was none other than Iron Corpse Mei Chaofeng.

Seeing Mei Chaofeng appear, Lu Chengfeng suddenly raised his hands and said, "Senior Sister Mei, we parted ways twenty years ago, and we finally meet again today. How are you, Senior Brother Chen?"

When Ke Zhen'e and Guo Jing heard that he called Mei Chaofeng his senior sister, they all looked at each other with awe.

It should be noted that the Seven Jiangnan Monsters and the Black Wind Twins formed a deadly feud in the desert. If Taoist Master Ma Jue had not intervened, they would have been divided in the desert.

Now the six brothers and sisters returned to Jiangnan, but unexpectedly they fell into a trap and fell into danger.

You must know that Mei Chaofeng is no longer easy to defeat alone, let alone the help of her junior brother.

Huang Rong on the side nodded secretly, obviously having already guessed that Lu Chengfeng was related to her father.

Mei Chaofeng said coldly: "Is it Junior Brother Lu Chengfeng who is speaking?"

Master Lu said: "That's right, brother. Are you okay, senior sister?"

Mei Chaofeng said: "What do you mean, you're fine? I'm blind, can't you see that? Your senior brother Xuanfeng was killed by someone a long time ago. Does this satisfy you?"

Lu Chengfeng was surprised and happy. What surprised him was that the two evil spirits of black wind were running rampant in the world. How could they fall into the hands of the enemy? Fortunately, there was one less powerful enemy, and the remaining ones were blind. But thinking about the situation in the past when they were studying together on Peach Blossom Island, they couldn't help but sigh and said: "Who was the enemy who killed Senior Brother Chen? Senior sister can take revenge." Do you have a grudge?"

Mei Chaofeng said: "I'm looking for them everywhere."

Lu Chengfeng said: "My little brother should lend a helping hand. After we have avenged our grievances, we will settle the old accounts between you and me." Mei Chaofeng snorted. Hearing the sound, Ke Zhene immediately slapped the table and stood up, shouting: "Mei Chaofeng, your enemy is here."

Mei Chaofeng was stunned when he heard the sound and said: "You...you..."

At the same time, Qiu Qianren, who was captured by Mei Chaofeng into the hall, suddenly said: "You talk about revenge and settling accounts. You don't even know that your master was killed by others. How can you be a hero?"

It turned out that Qiu Qianren was hit by Lin Ping's palm, which hurt his heart and lungs. Only then did the pain gradually subside. He was always the most respectable person, but now that he was embarrassed in public, he deliberately wanted to make some noise.

When Mei Chaofeng heard this, he suddenly turned his hand, grabbed his wrist tightly, and shouted: "What did you say?"

Qiu Qianren was so painful by her hold that he cried out urgently: "Let go!"

Mei Chaofeng ignored it and just shouted: "What did you say?"

Qiu Qianren said: "Huang Yaoshi, the master of Peach Blossom Island, was killed by others!"

Lu Chengfeng exclaimed, "Are you true?"

Qiu Qianren said: "Why is it not true? Huang Yaoshi was besieged and died by the seven Quanzhen disciples under Wang Chongyang's sect."

As soon as he said this, Mei Chaofeng and Lu Chengfeng burst into tears.

Huang Rong gurgled, and the chair and the person fell to the sky and fainted.

Everyone originally didn't believe that Huang Yaoshi's peerless martial arts would be killed, but when they heard that he was being besieged by the Seven Quanzhen Sons, they couldn't help but not believe it. With the combined strength of Ma Yu, Qiu Chuji, and Wang Chu, it would be difficult for Huang Yaoshi to resist.

Guo Jing hurriedly picked up Huang Rong and shouted: "Rong'er, wake up!"

Seeing that her face was pale and her breath was as thin as a thread, she felt anxious and shouted: "Master, Master, please save her quickly."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Cong investigated Huang Rong's condition and found that she had fainted due to excessive grief, so he rubbed the "Laogong point" on her palm a few times.

Huang Rong woke up leisurely, but her face was pale and her eyes looked sad.

Lu Chengfeng, who was on the side, realized later that Huang Rong was the master's daughter. He immediately burst into tears and shouted loudly: "Little junior sister, let's go fight with the thieves of the Quanzhen Sect."

When Lin Pingzhi saw this, he smiled and said, "Don't panic, this person is telling lies!"

As soon as they came out of this place, the hall instantly regained its calm. The always witty Huang Rong looked at Lin Pingzhi with a glimmer of hope. Lu Chengfeng hurriedly asked: "Brother Lin, are you serious about this?"

"This junior was also concealed by this person just now, but now he understands his identity!"

Staring at Qiu Qianren whose wrist was held by Mei Chaofeng, Lin Pingzhi said meaningfully.

Han Baoju whispered: "His identity, isn't he Qiu Qianren?"

Zhu Cong, who was on the side, was the most thoughtful. He seemed to understand something and asked tentatively: "Is it possible that he is not..."

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said: "Yes, he is not the real Qiu Qianren, but Qiu Qianzhang!"

Qiu Qianzhang's old face turned green and white for a while, as if he was ashamed of himself. He wanted to fabricate the news of Huang Yaoshi's death and sneak away in the chaos, but unexpectedly his identity was revealed by Lin Pingzhi.

"Qiu Qianzhang?"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but feel curious at the same time.

Lin Pingzhi continued to explain: "My son-in-law once mentioned that the martial arts of Qiu Gang Leader of the Iron Palm Clan is almost the same as the top five in the world. Even his sister Qian Chi is an accomplished martial artist, and among his three siblings, he is the only eldest. Qiu Qianzhang's martial arts skills are low, and he just pretends to be his brother and deceives people everywhere!"

"No wonder it's so!"

Hearing this, Zhu Cong had always been very clever. Looking at Qiu Qianzhang's appearance, he immediately guessed that he and the real Tie Zhang Shui Liao were twin brothers, and then nodded.

Mei Chaofeng said coldly: "You are so brave, how dare you falsely report the death of my master?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his five fingers were thrust straight into Qiu Qianzhang's head like a sword.

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing Mei Chaofeng suddenly kill him in pain, Lin Pingzhi said suddenly, and then he dodged and appeared next to Mei Chaofeng. His left palm was as fast as a lightning claw and struck Mei Chaofeng's wrist.

Although Mei Chaofeng is blind, his ears have been trained to identify the position of the wind. When he sensed someone approaching from behind, he immediately turned his wrist sharply and grabbed his right paw downwards.

There were only chi, chi, chi sounds in succession, and her claw actually cut through the air with such rapid speed that it made people shudder!

However, when Lin Pingzhi saw this, he did not dodge. Instead, he took the initiative to strike forward with a palm. It seemed that he took the initiative to use his strength to compete with him.

Seeing the two fighting each other, Zhu Cong and others couldn't help but change their expressions. The seven brothers and sisters had learned the martial arts of the Black Wind Shuangsha in the desert.

Among them, the Nine Yin White Bone Claws are extremely powerful. They can ignore the power of swords, grab the blade with bare hands, and can penetrate other people's skulls as if they were nothing.

Lin Pingzhi's sudden close encounter with Mei Chaofeng was naturally beyond the expectations of the six siblings. Even if they wanted to help, it was already too late!
  However, an unexpected scene happened. The palms and claws of the two of them met. Instead, Mei Chaofeng grunted and was forced to take two steps back.

There were five deep blood marks on Lin Pingzhi's arm. It was obvious that just now Mei Chaofeng's claw, which was still covered in flesh and clothing, had been scratched out bloody by her.

It turned out that when the two of them were fighting just now, Mei Chaofeng relied on her martial arts skills to protect her body. When faced with Lin Pingzhi's palm, she did not dodge at all. Instead, she directly grabbed Lin Pingzhi's right hand with her right claw.

Originally, she believed that this claw could cripple one of Lin Pingzhi's arms, but she did not expect that Lin Pingzhi's palm seemed to have ordinary power, but in fact it contained superb Taoist internal power. Just one palm caused her internal energy and blood to be affected. He was so shocked that he immediately retreated involuntarily.

The moment Mei Chaofeng retreated, Lin Pingzhi had already tapped Qiu Qianren's acupoints, grabbed it and threw it behind him.

At the same time, Lu Chengfeng and his son, Guo Jing, Huang Rong and others clearly saw a trace of purple energy on Lin Pingzhi's face disappear, and then returned to normal in an instant.

Seeing this scene, even Lu Chengfeng, Huang Rong and others couldn't help but be shocked. The two senior brothers and sisters had extraordinary experience, and they naturally understood that Lin Pingzhi had just performed an extremely brilliant internal skill and mental method, which had invisibly affected Lin Ping. He became even more curious about its origins.

"Boy, what is your relationship with the Quanzhen Religion?"

On the side, Mei Chaofeng was not paying attention for a moment. After suffering a secret loss, he rarely took action again and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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