Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 242 Ziyang Temple, a strange person.

Chapter 242 Ziyang Temple, a strange person.

Peacock Villa.

In a courtyard.

"he's gone?"

Looking at Murong Fu who suddenly appeared, Qiu Shuiqing, who was supposed to disappear, asked.

Murong Fu replied calmly: "He's gone!"

Qiu Shuiqing said: "What about Yan Nanfei?"

Murong Fu said: "He left one hand!"

Qiu Shuiqing said: "But you know that he is Gong Ziyu's man?"

Murong Fu nodded and said, "I know!"

When Qiu Shuiqing heard this, there seemed to be a hint of confusion in her eyes, and she immediately said: "Then why did you let him go?"

Murong Fu replied calmly: "You should know that he has always had many friends, and that Yan Nanfei happens to be still his friend right now!"


Hearing this word, Qiu Shuiqing's eyes couldn't help but have a hint of complexity.

Fu Hongxue had known him for many years, so he understood that there was always a kind of loneliness hidden in this man's bones.

His acquaintance with Fu Hongxue was just an accident. They didn't talk much, but this experience gave him an extra friend.

Precisely because she understood how much Fu Hongxue valued friendship, Qiu Shuiqing could only sigh helplessly.

As the person who had been indebted to Fu Hongxue for saving his life twice, he had always wanted to find an opportunity to repay the favor, but he had never had the chance.

Now that he realized that Fu Hongxue seemed to be involved in a conspiracy against him, he instinctively wanted to take action, but now he couldn't even get out of the courtyard.

That's right, the world-famous Qiu Shuiqing is now grounded.

"I know you want to help him, but you'd better not show up right now..."

As if he had guessed Qiu Shuiqing's thoughts, Murong Fu calmly warned him.

Qiu Shuiqing asked: "Why?"

"Then do you know the source of his pain?"

Looking at Qiu Shuiqing in front of him, Murong Fu slowly asked him a question that made him think deeply.

Fu Hongxue was in pain.

Anyone who has come into contact with Fu Hongxue can feel the inexplicable pain suppressed under his thin body.

He never drank, never even raised his eyes to look at a woman.

Although he knew all this, he didn't understand why.

"Past experiences seem to be the past, but there are only a handful of people who can truly get rid of the past, and the same goes for Fu Hongxue. Only when he truly escapes from the past that has been constraining him can he live a less painful life! "

After saying this, Murong Fu suddenly looked towards the sunset in the distance.

Hearing this, Qiu Shuiqing seemed to understand something.

"So how long am I going to stay here?"

After a while, Qiu Shuiqing stared at Murong Fu who was not far away and asked.

"It can range from a few months to half a year!"

Murong Fu replied.

Qiu Shuiqing said: "Then I have something to trouble you with!"

Murong Fu asked: "What's the matter?"

Qiu Shuiqing looked at him with a complicated look in his eyes, and suddenly said: "My wife is sick. I have a woman in the city. She is pregnant with Liujia now. If she gives birth to a son, it will be our Qiu Shuiqing's." The only descendant of the family.”

He continued slowly: "Her surname is Zhuo, and her name is Zhuo Yuzhen. Her father's name is Zhuo Donglai, and he is an escort."

Murong Fu listened quietly, listening carefully to every word.

Even though the name Zhuo Donglai was very special, it was so special that it left a deep impression on him.

Qiu Shuiqing stared at Murong Fu for a long time, and then slowly said, "I should have taken care of these things by myself, but now you have to do this!"

"I know!"

Murong Fu nodded.

No matter what, he had offended Gong Ziyu.

Although Gong Ziyu can't do anything to him, he will definitely take revenge on others.

For example, Qiushui please.

Three days ago, when he visited, Qiu Shuiqing had said that Gong Ziyu would come.

However, three days had passed and Gong Ziyu still hadn't shown up. Naturally, he had reason to worry about the others.


No one knows Zhuo Yuzhen. Zhuo Donglai is a very famous person.

A famous drunkard.

But when Murong Fu found him, he was already hanging under the locust tree in his yard.

His body was cold.

Apparently someone took action in advance, seemingly as revenge for Murong Fu's intervention.

In the girl's boudoir, a little Shi Niang with long braids was lying motionless on the dressing table, but her body still had warmth.

Judging from the look on her face when she was alive, the person who took action was extremely skilled in martial arts, and her heart was broken without even feeling a trace of pain.

However, the little girl and Zhuo Donglai died suddenly and mysteriously, and Zhuo Yuzhen was the only one missing from the girl's boudoir.

Fortunately, there was a letter buried under the little girl's body. The letter read: "My daughter is unfilial and has disgraced the family. For the sake of this piece of meat in her belly, she cannot atone for her sin with death."

But did they fail to discover this letter due to carelessness, or was it a deliberate conspiracy?

Murong Fu was not interested in all this. He only cared about one thing, and that was Zhuo Yuzhen's whereabouts.

Since he promised others, he must keep his promise.

Moreover, he understood that it was always inconvenient for an unmarried girl to move around, so the place where she and Qiu Shuiqing had a tryst must not be far from her home.

Soon Murong Fu found a small alley, a high wall and a narrow door, and a quiet and small courtyard. There were naked ginkgo trees in the courtyard and a dozen pots of rose flowers placed on the wall.

The rose flowers are fragrant on the wall, and the ginkgo trees are rustling in the wind.

This courtyard is very clean and specially planted with rose flowers. It is obviously the woman's residence.

Murong Fuben didn't want to break into a woman's private house at will, but now he had no choice.

However, the ginkgo trees in the yard were as thick as a canopy of shade, and the hut was as dark as dusk and in a mess. It was obvious that he was a step late again.

Murong Fu rarely frowned and looked around the hut carefully, not missing any clue.

As long as there is a little negligence, as long as a little clue is left, he will never miss it!

This time he almost missed it because the clue was so obvious.

There was a diamond-shaped mirror on the dressing table. Someone had written three words on the mirror in rouge. The writing was very scrawled. It was obviously left by Zhuo Yuzhen in a hurry, and the person who kidnapped her did not pay attention.

Why do people pay less attention to obvious things?

Blood-red rouge, blood-red words: "Purple Yang Temple!"


Ziyang Temple is a very common name. There are many Taoist temples called Ziyang Temple, and there happens to be only one in this city.

How did she know they were taking her to Ziyang Temple?"

Maybe she overheard it, or maybe there were Taoist priests from Ziyang Temple among those people. She grew up here, so she would naturally recognize it.

But all this was not important to Murong Fu. He only knew that he had to go to this place. As for the traps, he did not pay attention to them.

Because no matter what, he had to go and see, even if it was a trap, he had to go.

There was actually a ginkgo tree with thick shade in the courtyard of Ziyangguan. There were cigarette smoke in the main hall and no one could be seen. However, as soon as they arrived in the backyard, they heard the sound of people.

In the deserted courtyard, the cold voice said only two words: "Please come in!"

The voice came from a room on the left, and the people inside seemed to be waiting for him.

It seems that this is indeed a trap. But when has he ever been afraid of other people's traps?

Murong Fu walked over without even thinking. The door was ajar and opened with a gentle push.

There are three people in the room.

There were fewer people than Murong Fu expected, but to him, whether there were ten people or dozens of people, they were just numbers and had no meaning. Among the three people, two were playing chess, and a boy in white was trimming his nails with a knife.

There was no light in the room yet, so the young man's face looked like his knife, white and green, frighteningly green.

Of the two people playing chess, one of them was a Taoist priest. Although his beard and hair were all white, his face was as rosy as a baby. The other one was in green clothes and white socks. He was dressed simply and had a spotted finger on his hand, but it was a priceless Han jade.

Murong Fu looked at the three of them without any surprise in his eyes. He sat on the empty chair without waiting for his host to speak.

The ginkgo tree in the yard rustled in the wind, and the sound of the chessboard falling was as elegant as the strings of a piano. The young man in white who was manicuring his nails showed no expression on his face, and the two people playing chess didn't even raise their heads.

Murong Fu sat quietly on the chair, waiting for the two of them to play chess.

After an unknown amount of time, the boy in white clothes who was manicuring his nails suddenly raised his head, his eyes were as bright as a crescent moon.

He stared at Murong Fu for a moment and then took the initiative to say: "Are you Murong Fu?"

Murong Fu said: "There must be no other similar name in the world."

The boy in white said: "I am a descendant of the Xiao family in Luoyang."

Murong Fu said calmly: "Oh?"

The young man in white had a strange look in his eyes and said slowly: "Have you never heard of my name?"

Murong Fu shook his head and said, "No!"

The young man in white's eyes were still so sharp. After a long time, he said: "My name is Xiao Siwu. Don't forget this name in the future!"

Murong Fu smiled and said, "Is your name very famous?"

"This is the fourth son of the Xiao family in Luoyang!"

Suddenly, the person playing chess on the side spoke.

He was dressed in green clothes and white socks, and he didn't even look like a martial artist.

His tone focused on the two words "Four Nothings" and lingered for a moment, as if these two words contained great power.


Murong Fu just said lightly.

The man continued: "Four Wus means invincibility with flying knives, invincibility in killing people, and ruthlessness in turning against one another."

"What's left?"

Murong Fu seemed to have a rare interest.

"It's heartless even if you don't fall out."

The man continued: "He also has a very long and strange name, which is called 'Looking for Xiao Li in the sky and the earth, and wholeheartedly killing Ye Kai'."

In the past, Xiao Li's flying sword was very powerful in the world. Every time he flew out of the flying sword, he was an example of success. His glory and greatness are still unmatched by anyone.

Ye Kaide learned from his true story and talked and laughed in the world for thirty years. Although he had never killed anyone indiscriminately, no one dared to offend him lightly.

Hearing this, Murong Fu suddenly laughed.

"Not only is he confident that he can kill Ye Kai, but he also wants to compete with Xiao Li Tanhua?"

The man said: "It seems so."

Murong Fu smiled again and said, "He has such a loud tone!"

The man said: "But people who speak loudly are usually more capable than others!"

Murong Fu said: "Oh?"

But Xiao Siwu stared straight at Murong Fu, as if he didn't want to miss a moment.

After a while, Xiao Siwu finally said: "Have you ever seen Ye Kai's flying knife?"

When Murong Fu heard this, he just smiled lightly and did not answer.

Xiao Si didn't see anything but continued to stare at Murong Fu, and then said: "There were rumors in the world that Ye Kai's flying knife never failed, and even surpassed Li Xunhuan back then, but he only missed one person! "

Murong Fu just smiled.

"That person is you!"

Xiao Siwu stared at Murong Fu and continued.

"You want to try?"

Murong Fu finally looked at Xiao Siwu, or to be precise, at his hand.

He rarely looked at other people's hands, but now he paid attention to his, observing every movement carefully.

Xiao Si heard nothing, but pursed his lips and did not answer.

Of course, this does not mean that he lacks courage.

Rather, all his energy and spirit were gathered in one place at this moment, and any slight slack would lead to wasted effort.

Seemingly sensing the seriousness of the young man in white, Murong Fu rarely spoke to persuade: "But I advise you not to take action at the moment!"

After a long time, Xiao Siwu said: "Why?"

Murong Fu said seriously: "Because you are no match for me right now. If you take action now, you will not be able to change anything other than early death!"

Xiao Siwu pursed his lips.

Sometimes without answering, you have already given an answer.

"You do not believe?"

Murong Fu said.

Xiao Siwu said: "I don't believe it!"

Murong Fu said: "I can see that your hand is very steady."

Xiao Siwu said: "It's always been stable!"

Murong Fu said: "You must be very quick in your attack, and the knife itself will change after it is released!"

Xiao Siwu's eyes seemed to light up and he said, "Can you tell?"

Murong Fu said: "I can see that you throw the knife with three fingers, so you can leave a turning force on the blade. I can also see that you throw the knife with your left hand. You take the deflection first and then take the target! "

Xiao Siwu's eyes flashed strangely and said, "You can also see this?"

Murong Fu said: "The thumb, index finger and middle finger of your left hand are particularly strong."

Xiao Siwu smiled bitterly and said coldly: "Good eyesight!"

When masters compete, they compete for each other's weaknesses.

And now that the two of them haven't even fought, Murong Fu has almost seen through his trump card.

Murong Fu said: "Three years from now, you may still have a chance to become an opponent, but now you will only die if you take action!"

Xiao Siwu pursed his lips and said after a long time: "What about Ye Kai's knife?"

Murong Fu said: "You want to ask me, the difference between you and Ye Kai's flying knife?"

Xiao Siwu nodded.

Murong Fu said: "Ye Kai's flying knife rarely kills people, unless he encounters someone who has committed a truly heinous crime!"

"You mean back then when you..."

Xiao Siwu's eyes lit up again at this moment.

"No, whether it's Li Xunhuan or Ye Kai, their flying knives all imply the power of their respective beliefs. Li Xunhuan's flying knives are that evil prevails over good, and Ye Kai's flying knives represent the power of forgiveness.

When I fought with Ye Kai, although neither he nor I had any reservations, his flying knife was the one that saved people after all! "

Murong Fu seemed to have remembered something and spoke slowly.

Xiao Siwu said: "You mean my flying knife can't compare with his?"

Murong Fu said: "Although your flying knife is good, it is still not as good as his!"

Xiao Siwu's expression suddenly stiffened.

Maybe he already knew the answer, but the truth was always cruel.

Murong Fu said: "Perhaps only one person in the world can defeat Ye Kai's flying knife!"

Xiao Siwu raised his head and said, "Is it you?"

Murong Fu did not answer, but looking at the world, he was the only one who should praise Haikou for taking over Ye Kai.

(End of this chapter)

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