Chapter 245 Trap

The night is getting darker and the earth is dark.

Because there is no bright moon tonight.

Gorgeous carriage, heavy carriage.

Fu Hongxue closed her eyes and sat outside the carriage.

The pale hand held the dark knife.

He never imagined that that person not only handed Zhuo Yuzhen over to him, but also gave up the carriage.

He never liked riding in cars, but for the sake of the pregnant woman in the carriage, he couldn't help but make an exception and became a coachman.

"Why are we in this carriage?"

the woman in the carriage asked.

Fu Hongxue said: "Because we have a car!"


"Because the car has wheels?"


"We also have legs, why can't we walk on our own?"

"Because we are also tired, and our strength must remain."

"Stay and kill?"

"As long as there is someone to kill, as long as there is someone to kill."

"Then why didn't you take action just now?"

Fu Hongxue suddenly fell silent, holding the scabbard tightly in his hand, obviously not knowing how to answer this question.

"Are you worried about me, or are you unsure?"

The woman in the carriage had obviously guessed the answer.

Fu Hongxue did not answer, but his silence itself was an answer.

"I'm the one dragging you down!"

The woman in the carriage pursed her lips.

The woman's inexplicable sensibility made Fu Hongxue suddenly feel even more painful.

Qiu Shuiqing is his friend, but now not only is his life or death uncertain, but his ancestral inheritance has also been occupied by outsiders.

As his friend, Fu Hongxue could not avenge him at the moment, and could not even make any promise in front of his woman.

His heart suddenly felt extremely painful.

He had few friends, but he cherished every one of them.

He is a man of few words, but everyone who knows him knows that he values ​​friendship.

But precisely because you value it, precisely because you care, you will suffer...

Fu Hongxue's hand holding the knife was useless, but the muscles on her face were beating. Her pale face was red, strangely and horribly red.

Fu Hongxue suddenly stopped the carriage and shouted: "Hurry up!"

Zhuo Yuzhen was stunned and said, "You let me go?"

Fu Hongxue said no more, the corners of his mouth tightened.

Zhuo Yuzhen looked at him in surprise and stepped back step by step. Before she could withdraw, Fu Hongxue fell down, as if an invisible whip suddenly hit him.

As soon as he fell, he began to wince.

The invisible whip seemed to continue whipping, whipping.

Fu Hongxue's whole body was convulsed with pain and his throat was twisted and he let out a low roar, like the roar of a wild animal before its death.

He was scratching on the ground with one hand, like a drowning man trying to grab a piece of driftwood that didn't exist at all.

The ground was also paved with stones, his fingernails were chipped and his hands were starting to bleed.

His other hand was still holding his knife tightly.

A knife is still a knife.

The sword is ruthless, so it will last forever.

The woman knew that he never wanted anyone to see his pain and his chronic illness.

But she didn't withdraw because he also knew that although the knife was still a knife, Fu Hongxue was no longer Fu Hongxue.

Now whoever walks in can kill him with one knife.

Why did God torture him like this?

Why do people like this have this disease?

The woman barely controlled her tears.


The moonlight was getting thicker, and Murong Fu's figure appeared on the top of the mountain.

The bright moonlight fell on his body as if covered with a veil, making him look like an immortal under the moon.

He was holding a jug of wine in his right hand, staring at the night in the distance. He suddenly lifted the jug, and the wine drew a smooth arc into his belly.

Suddenly I heard him whisper: "Laugh the world

When will grudges and grudges end?

dusk near sunset

Walking alone without worries

Too chic

Regardless of the world, hatred is as light as tea


The melody of this song was novel and unique, and it quickly spread to distant places along with his voice.

In the woods, Fu Hongxue was lying on the ground in pain. Although his hand was still holding the knife tightly, his limbs were now stiff.

Not to mention killing people with a knife, even if you try hard to do it, you can't do it!

Suddenly a burst of singing with a unique melody came to his ears from a distance: "The beauty is graceful and fragrant everywhere."

The moonlight is bright in the mountains

The evening breeze blows melancholy like waves

Come, come, the cup is full of bitter wine

Don't let anyone stop you


Fu Hongxue could not move at the moment, but his ears were still sensitive, so the singing naturally reached his ears very quickly.

But the woman standing aside seemed to be able to identify the source of the singing. Her face turned pale and she said, "It's him!"

Fu Hongxue naturally identified the source of the singing, but he couldn't do anything at the moment, not even wanting the woman to leave.

Finally, after a moment, Fu Hongxue seemed to have gathered all her strength and said: "You... go..."

When the woman heard this, she said stubbornly: "I won't leave..."

Hearing this, Fu Hongxue bit her lips tightly and soon tasted the strong smell of blood.

He suddenly hated himself so much and hated himself for being sick at this time...

However, what was unexpected was that although the singing was close, the man never showed up.

Slowly, Fu Hongxue seemed to accept the result. He closed his eyes and tried his best to relieve the convulsions all over his body.

Suddenly, another song came from the distance: "Drink and sing happily."


Why do you have to endure missing her and ignore her?

Lonely boat floating in the sea

Live a different life

Still thinking about her so much


Why do you insist that she doesn't want to let go?


These lyrics were like a knife piercing directly into the depths of Fu Hongxue's heart. In an instant, her originally red face suddenly turned pale.

His face was thinner than white paper.

He couldn't help but think of the girl who once died in his arms...

The stars are still in the sky, and the moon is still in the sky.

But what about the people in the past?

Three months, they had spent three months together, ninety days and ninety nights.

Although it only seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, my sister remembered that every day, every night, and even every hour and every moment contained countless unforgettable memories. .

There has been pain, of course there has been happiness, there has been boredom, and there has also been sweetness.

How many sweet hugs are there?

How many gentle caresses?

Is all this now a thing of the past forever?

Must that kind of unforgettable and lingering emotion be forgotten now?

What if you can never forget it?

So what if I can't forget?

So what if you remember?

Life, what kind of life is this?

Fu Hongxue was in too much pain, and his epilepsy began to worsen.

His chronic illness has plagued him for his whole life, and he will start to relapse whenever he gets emotional. No matter how high his martial arts training is, he still can't get rid of it!

He is still him, but she has long since disappeared from his life.

Cui Nong.

"Fate doesn't last long

Want to love but refuse to give in

Why bother


Fu Hongxue's whole body was shaking violently and uncontrollably, and crimson blood gushed out from his mouth.

He couldn't kill anyone at the moment, but he was the only one who could kill himself. Sometimes he had hated the chronic illness he had contracted, but now he was extremely looking forward to death.

However, just when he was about to twitch and bite off his tongue, two fingers were inserted into his mouth. They were women's fingers, extremely slender.

Fu Hongxue's teeth bit her finger uncontrollably. She was in great pain, but she still did not withdraw her finger.

Finally the song ended and he was soaked to the skin, but the twitching all over his body suddenly weakened...

Under the moonlight, Murong Fu was drinking water while looking closely at the carriage that was as big as a black dot in the distance.

No one knows Fu Hongxue's pain better than him.

But he stepped into the current trap on his own initiative.

What Murong Fu could do was to wake him up sooner.

Sometimes the pain you perceive is not your limit.

For example, Fu Hongxue right now.

But not everyone’s life will always be in pain. Only when you get over it can you move forward.


A few hours later, when Fu Hongxue woke up, her eyes were completely dark.

The moonlight seemed to be completely blocked by the clouds. He was lying in the carriage at the moment. When he opened his eyes, he saw a woman with a simple bandage on her right hand, quietly guarding beside him.

He has night eyes, and even if he is deep underground, he can still move freely.

"you're awake?"

The woman said.

Fu Hongxue nodded.

Fu Hongxue's pale face suddenly tightened: "How did you know I was awake?"

Bo Hongxue began to practice her eyesight when she was five years old, in a dark and hot secret room with flickering incense heads. Day after day, year after year.

He practiced hard for ten years before he could see the mosquitoes and ants in the darkroom, and now he can also see Zhuo Yuzhen's face.

Just because he had practiced before, he knew that this was by no means an easy task.

But how could Zhuo Yuzhen see him?

Zhuo Yuzhen suddenly smiled and said, "Maybe you haven't thought about it yet, but some people are born with night eyes."

Fu Hongxue said, "That's you?"

Zhuo Yuzhen said: "Not only do I have night eyes, I can also see through other people's thoughts."

Her smile was dim: "I can see that you are missing a woman. She seems to be the most important person to you..."

Fu Hongxue was silent, and after a long time she slowly said: "Maybe you shouldn't be so smart."

Zhuo Yuzhen said: "Why not? How could a man like Brother Qiu find a woman to give birth to his child?"

Fu Hongxue closed her mouth.

But Zhuo Yuneng refused to stop: "The child I give birth to will definitely be smart, so I will never let him be born without a father. I can't let him suffer and hate for the rest of his life."

Fu Hongxue's face twitched.

He knew what she meant, no one knew better than him.

He is also a child who was born without a father.

A smart child without a father is a tragedy in itself.

When he grows up, he will definitely cause many tragedies for others.

Because there is far more hatred in his heart than love.

Like him.

Bo Hongxue finally sighed and said, "You can find a father for your child."

Zhuo Yuzhen said: "I have found one"

Fu Hongxue said: "Who?'

Zhuo Yuzhen said: "You."

The car was even darker, and Zhuo Yuzhen's voice seemed far away in the darkness.

"Only you are worthy of being the father of my child. Only you can protect this child from growing up. There is absolutely no one else except you."

Zhuo Yuzhen had rejected all his excuses for rejection in advance.

In the darkness, Fu Hongxue felt that every muscle in his body was gradually stiffening.

However, what she said next surprised Fu Hongxue even more: "If you don't agree, I will have no choice but to die here with my child."


Fu Hongxue lost her voice.

Zhuo Yuzhen said: "It's now, because I feel that he is coming soon."

Although she was trying her best to endure it, her face was distorted by pain.

The pain of a woman's childbirth is one of the most unbearable pains for human beings.

Fu Hongxue hesitated and said, "But you..."

Zhuo Yuzhen smiled bitterly and said: "Pregnant women should not be frightened..."

Fu Hongxue soon understood everything. It was the experience just now that caused the woman to give birth prematurely...

Suddenly there was a strong sense of guilt in his heart.

Zhuo Yuzhen could no longer continue speaking. The pain caused her whole body to convulse and twist.

Fu Hongxue said: "I...I can be his adoptive father."

He seemed to have used all his strength to say these words, and even his voice was hoarse.

It is extremely difficult for a person like him to give such an answer.

But Zhuo Wuzhen shook his head and said: "But the adoptive father cannot replace the father, absolutely not."

Fu Hongxue said: "Then what should I do?"

Zhuo Yuzhen said, "I want you to marry me as your wife. Only in this way will my children have their own father."

The labor pain seemed to be coming again. She gritted her teeth and forced a smile: "If you don't agree, I will never blame you. I just ask you to bury our bodies at the foot of the mountain outside Peacock Villa."

Fu Hongxue was stunned.

He has encountered the most terrifying enemies and the most dangerous crises.

But he had never faced such a problem.

Qiu Shuiqing is his friend, and Zhuo Yuzhen can be said to be Qiu Shuiqing's wife.

Now Qiu Shuiqing's life and death are uncertain, how can he agree?

How can such a thing be done?

However, Zhuo Yuzhen's face has become increasingly pale. Giving birth is always a dangerous thing for a woman, and now she is experiencing the most thrilling scene in her life.

Fu Hongxue finally made a painful decision: "I promise you!'

No one knows how much courage it took for him to give such an answer?

"Promise to be my husband?"



With the baby's first cry.

Fu Hongxue suddenly had a new understanding of life, a correct understanding

Listening to the beating of life in his arms, he suddenly felt an unprecedented tranquility and joy.

Zhuo Yuzhen was asking in a weak voice: "Is it a boy? Or a girl?"

Fu Hongxue said: "They are both male and female."

At this time, his voice was surprisingly cheerful: "Congratulations, you gave birth to twins."

Zhuo Yuzhen sighed contentedly, with a smile full of happiness on her tired face, and said, "I should also congratulate you. Don't forget that you are their father."

When Murong Fu heard this, he remained silent for a long time.

Father, this word, this is a title that feels strange to him!

But now he has become the father of two children inexplicably.

Life is amazing.

Fu Hongxue couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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