Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 253 Jump out of the cage

Chapter 253 Jump out of the cage

Peacock Villa.

In a corner where the setting sun doesn't shine.

Qiu Shui asked someone to sit there. His expression was neither happy nor sad, as if he had accepted the result.

"When did she leave..."

I don't know how long it took, but I finally heard Qiu Shuiqing speak.

"When Fu Hongxue showed up at the Phoenix Collection, she might have been targeted by Gong Ziyu's men!"

Murong Fu stood opposite in white clothes, looking at Qiu Shuiqing sitting in the dark, there was a rare hint of apology in his tone.

The woman Murong Fu mentioned was naturally Zhuo Yuzhen.

In order to deal with Fu Hongxue, or perhaps to seize the peacock feather, Gong Ziyu's men, under Yan Nanfei's instructions, followed the trend and set up a conspiracy against Peacock Villa in advance.

The real Zhuo Yuzhen was probably replaced by the eldest sister of the Ni family, the fake Zhuo Yuzhen, as early as the moment Murong Fu stepped into Peacock Villa.

She liked it when people asked her name. It at least meant that he recognized her as a person.

She had moved her eyes away from Fu Hongxue's face and looked crazily at the sunshine outside the window.

As the saying goes, there are three types of unfilial piety, the worst is not having children, not to mention that he is the current owner of Peacock Villa.

There is a small window in the hut, and the sun is still shining brightly outside the window.

She does not expect others to take care of her, as long as she takes care of others, she is satisfied.

But Fu Hongxue understood how she felt, which was by no means something that could be described by a "good" person. It also included satisfaction, security and happiness, because she felt that she was no longer lonely.

"I'll make him pay!"

Although the sun was shining brightly, her eyes were dim. Did she think of those unbearable pasts long, long ago...

Fu Hongxue said: "You are not!"

This is such a humble request, so humble that even the shadow seems to be fading.

If someone does something wrong, they should be punished, even Gong Ziyu is no exception.

Seeing Fu Hongxue sizing her up, the girl looked a little embarrassed. She lowered her head and said, "When I'm not dressed up, do I look like an old woman?"

She smiled and said: "My surname is Zhou, and my name is Zhou Ting. Others used to call me Xiaoting."

A real person, an independent person, is neither a tool nor a plaything of others.

The moment Fu Hongxue opened her eyes, what she saw was a girl wearing a jasmine flower on her head.

The girl smiled.

Fu Hongxue fell into silence again.

Those days were obviously not spent in the sun. She probably never spent a day in the sun in her life.

Finally Fu Hongxue spoke.

When the girl saw him opening his mouth, she couldn't help but smile and said softly: "Actually, this is also my first time to take care of others. I don't know how it is?"

Murong Fu replied calmly.

Because he used to be like this too...

The generally sweet and warm soup flows down the throat, and the cramped and tightened stomach immediately relaxes and relaxes, as if the barren land has received nourishment and moisture.

Seeing the grief in Qiu Shuiqing's heart, Murong Fu slowly spoke.

But Fu Hongxue understands this feeling, understands the girl's helplessness, and understands the sincerity in the girl's words.

Qiu Shuiqing's tone seemed to be suppressing great grief, and she suddenly asked.

It should be noted that he is the 30th generation successor of Peacock Villa, and he is already responsible for the inheritance of Peacock Villa. However, he has already passed his thirties, but he still has no heirs.

Her hands were very small and white, and she was holding a very white and very small spoon, feeding him a bowl of thick, hot, fragrant and sweet soup spoonful by spoonful.


And for this plan, they even did not hesitate to create a pregnant woman. This shows that they are determined to win Peacock Ling.

After a long time, she slowly continued: "Now I know that whether being taken care of or taking care of others, it turns out that it is such a good thing."

For the first time, Fu Hongxue realized that her smile was so innocent, because she had washed away the thick layer of makeup on her face, revealing her true face.

Hearing this, Qiu Shuiqing was speechless for a long time.

She was not a girl who knew much, and it took her a long time to think of using the word "good" to describe her feelings.

He is not a person who talks much.

Fu Hongxue wanted to refuse, but he was really not good at dealing with the girl's sincere eyes.

"What's your name, I mean your real name?"

"I have punished all the culprits who participated in framing Zhuo Yuzhen!"

"Where's Gong Ziyu?"

The girl suddenly laughed.

Just three words, but they represent Fu Hongxue's sincerity.

The girl didn't ask any more questions. She had long been used to others' rejection of her. She didn't have high hopes for anything. She had almost no extravagant hopes or demands for this ruthless world. She didn't even Don't even ask his name because...

Maybe it's the fear of disappointment, maybe it's the fear of getting hurt.

After all, in the eyes of others, she is just a prostitute who is bullied at will.

Although these two words are simple, for a woman, they represent judgment from the depths of her soul.

She may not understand this truth, but she understands her identity and her status in the eyes of others.

I don't know how long it took, but the two of them remained silent for a long time.

Perhaps because she understood Fu Hongxue's character, the girl suddenly spoke again. She said, "I know you are a good person. Although you hit me lightly, you didn't insult me ​​like others. You still gave me this for no reason." You gave me so much money."

To her, these things were a great favor, enough for her to be eternally grateful.

"I have no use for the money you gave me. Even if I buy chickens every day, it will be enough for a long time. So you must stay here and wait until your illness is cured before you leave."

She gently held his hand: "If you leave now, I will feel very sad..."

The girl's tone was soft and humble, and there was a hint of expectation.

In the dark years of her life, Fu Hongxue's appearance seemed to bring her a beam of light.

Let her understand that not everyone in this world looks down upon her, but there are also people who care and love her.

In the eyes of others, she was a humble and despicable woman who sold herself for five pieces of silver.

But she asked for nothing from him, as long as he could let her take care of him. She was already satisfied. Compared with those women who claimed to be "noble", who was more noble?

Who is humble?

She only sold herself because she wanted to survive. Who doesn’t want to live?

Fu Hongxue suddenly closed his eyes because his heart was beating fast.

It was as if all the blood in his body was rushing to his heart, and his heart that had stopped beating finally resumed beating after eighteen years of absence.

Could it be that he was moved?

Such a simple and kind-hearted girl will make anyone's heart move.

But she has a humble past.

Fu Hongxue closed her eyes and suddenly asked, "Do you have any wine here?"

The girl said: We don’t have it here, but I can buy it. "

Fu Hongxue said: "Okay, you go buy it, I won't leave."

No patient should drink alcohol.

Why does he drink?

Is it because there are troubles and pains in your heart that you can’t understand?

——But drinking can’t solve anything. What good will being drunk do to him?

She didn't think about any of this.

She had always thought little and asked for little; as long as he was willing to stay, it didn't matter what he asked her to do.

As for those big principles in the world, she doesn't understand them at all. She has lived in the quagmire for too long, and no one has ever given her a chance to get up.

For her, life is not as complicated or noble as others think.

Life has not given her any benefits, so how can it demand too much from her.

The girl left.

Fu Hongxue was lying quietly on the bed, his fists clenched and his expression faintly showing a trace of pain.

Why is he suffering and why is he conflicted?

After all, having a woman beside you who cares about you and takes good care of you is what many men dream of.

It's a pity that he happened to be Fu Hongxue.

Proud Fu Hongxue.

His lips were bleeding.


Fu Hongxue was drunk.

He didn't know how many days he had been drunk.

When a person is drunk, he will always do some inexplicable and unreasonable things, but she has no complaints at all. When he asked for wine, she went to buy it again and again. Sometimes she would knock on the door of the liquor store in the middle of the night. Not only did she never reject him, she never looked unhappy at all.

It's just that sometimes she goes too long, and the place where she buys wine is not too far away.

Of course, Fu Hongxue occasionally woke up, but he never asked her why she stayed there for so long.

What he gave her that day was just some scattered silver, because he only had some scattered silver on him. He was always poor, just as he was always lonely.

But he never asked her where the money for the wine came from...

Because he couldn't ask and didn't dare to ask.

His heart suddenly felt so painful.

This scene was very similar to eighteen years ago, and it reminded him of the person from back then, a woman named Cui Nong.

The girl never asked him anything, but she said something he would never forget.

That was what she said one night when she was a little drunk.

"Although I don't understand anything, I know you must be in pain?"


How could his feeling be described as pain?

Finally one day, he left.

That day should have been the girl's birthday, and she should have been very happy, because it was her birthday, and it was also the first birthday that she did not have to spend alone.

To this end, she bought a lot of things, and even bought an old hen that was hard to eat these days.

But when she came back, he had already left, without leaving a word.

The wine bottle fell to the ground and shattered.

She stood in front of the bed in a daze, from day to night without even moving.

The girl's heart seemed to be in pieces. Maybe she didn't understand the word, but that was exactly what she felt.

She didn't blame him, he had been with her for a long time, how could someone be so greedy?

His hair was still on the pillow. She picked it up, wrapped it, hid it in her arms, and then went out to buy wine again.

Today is her birthday. How many birthdays can a person have in his life?

Why can't she get drunk?


The sky was already dark, and the stars seemed to have lost their light at this moment.

Just like Fu Hongxue's mood at the moment, her pale face was as expressionless as ever.

But his heart was in great pain.

He has not been drunk for the past two days. He had been walking forward without any purpose or direction. He just wanted to leave her as far away as possible.

Maybe he was indeed moved, but he still couldn't face himself.

Just like the painful loss of that person back then, perhaps as others said, he really didn't know how to love.

The word love is sacred and contradictory to him...

As contradictory as the first half of his life.

Although separation is always painful, he has to do it.

Because he understood the fact that if he stayed for one more day, he would not be able to leave.

When he was tired from walking, he would just find a place to lie down, and then start walking forward again. He did not eat a grain of rice and drank only a little water. His beard has grown like a hedgehog, and the stench of his body can be smelled from a distance.

He was torturing himself, torturing himself desperately. He almost stopped thinking about her, but the reality simply did not allow him to do so.

Under the lonely moonlight, there was suddenly an extra person.

To be precise, a man in white.

His appearance was very familiar to Fu Hongxue.

Not long ago, there was a fight between the two.

Only he lost.

Fu Hongxue suddenly tightened his grip on the knife. He knew that this man had made an appointment with him and agreed to fight another day.

Could it be today?

Fu Hongxue did not ask or answer. He just held his own knife in his hand.

Even though he was exhausted and his eyes were no longer sharp, he never chose to back down.

"Fu Hongxue..."

The person finally spoke.

"You are such a strange person!"

I thought that opening my mouth would be an invitation to fight, but the person who came here just said such a sentence.

"Can torture yourself really make you feel comfortable?"

Looking at Fu Hongxue in front of him, Murong Fu said these words next.

Fu Hongxue didn't answer, he just stared at Murong Fu stubbornly.

Murong Fu sighed and said, "I know you are very proud, but you don't seem to understand the truth?"

"What's the point?"

Fu Hongxue finally spoke.

"Once some people miss it, it may be forever!"

Looking at Fu Hongxue in front of him, Murong Fu said calmly.

Clearly he knew something, and a lot.

Hearing this, Fu Hongxue's face turned a little pale. For some reason, his heart seemed to suddenly feel heartbreaking at this moment.

"You despise her, but actually you despise yourself. Fu Hongxue, do you really not know how to love?"

Looking at Fu Hongxue, whose face was as thin as paper, Murong Fu's words were like a knife, cutting straight into the depths of his heart.

"What on earth do you want to say?"

Suddenly there was a bright moon in the night sky, and the bright moonlight fell on Fu Hongxue, making his thin figure look even more lonely.

He gritted his teeth and said suddenly.

"Why don't you touch yourself?"

Murong Fu said calmly.

When Fu Hongxue heard this, he reached out his hand and touched it into his arms, and soon his expression froze.

Just because he found a small handkerchief on his body.

An embroidered pure silk handkerchief is one of the few luxury things a girl can have.

Wrapped in the handkerchief were several large banknotes and several ingots of silver. These were his few belongings.

He was poor, just as he had always been lonely.

But these things, which he had always kept in his arms, fell from his body not long ago when he suffered from a sudden illness and kept twitching and twisting.

This scene was seen by the girl, so she wrapped it up with her most cherished handkerchief.

I thought that the money had already been used by the girl to buy him wine, but now a lot of it appeared in his arms.

The girl could sell herself for five pieces of silver, or even sell herself for a bottle of wine, but she didn't even touch these things. She would rather betray herself than touch anything from him.

Fu Hongxue's heart ached.

"You know, she often goes to a liquor store to buy wine for people. She should have paid for it. Maybe she drank too much and even stopped doing business. When her alcohol addiction broke out, she had to go on credit... "

Looking at Fu Hongxue, Murong Fu continued to speak word by word.

Fu Hongxue's heart suddenly hurt even more.

He naturally understood who the girl was buying wine for and who she was buying wine on credit for.

"But not long ago, she actually went to a liquor store to drink alone and got very drunk. The owner of the liquor shop was naturally overjoyed when he saw it. He thought this was a great opportunity, so he took advantage of her while she was drunk. The overlord raised his bow, but she didn't know that although she was trying to be funny, she refused to let the man touch her, so he picked up the pork-cutting knife on the cabinet and chopped the wine shop owner's head in two. .”

Fu Hongxue couldn't bear to listen any more.

His heart suddenly trembled, and his whole body trembled.

He understood that he had misunderstood the girl and that he had been avoiding her.

Why on earth was he escaping?

"She's gone, but if you're quick enough, you might still be able to find her!"

Looking at Fu Hongxue, Murong Fu continued.

Fu Hongxue suddenly moved. He stood up and ran wildly towards her cabin like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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