Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 285: Full Moon Scimitar, Xiaolou listened to the spring rain all night!

Chapter 285: Full Moon Scimitar, the small building listened to the spring rain all night!

Murong Fu borrowed the so-called method of returning the orifices of life and death to the Tibetan area from the essence of the Duan family's inner strength in Dali, which is "guiding qi and returning it to the void".

Just as Wanwan was able to conceal the sixth sense of the two dragons back then, Murong Fu's method of hiding his life and death orifice was able to hide his own qi.

Although the four elders of the Demon Sect have profound cultivation, they do not understand this method. After following Murong Fu for several days, they mistakenly thought that Murong Fu was seriously injured in the battle with Yan Shisan, so he Dare to show up.

The moonlight was thick and Murong Fu had already crossed the stone bridge.

After the wooden bridge, there was a path leading directly to the top of the mountain. Murong Fu quickly followed the path to the top of the mountain.

The bright moonlight fell on his body like a veil, and there was a person at the end of the path.

He is Bai Xiaolou, the leader of the Demon Sect.

Snowflakes have begun to fall in the sky.

The snowflakes were floating like mist, silvery white and vast.

In the past hundred years of martial arts, there have only been two swords that can be called magic swords.

He stared directly at Murong Fu with a pair of sharp leopard eyes.

Neither of them took the initiative to answer, but they both responded.

The long dark blue cloak on his body fluttered with the wind blowing from the mountain top, like the wings of a bat fluttering.

And this story is related to a woman.

He suddenly spoke, but the helplessness and pain on his brows did not diminish.

One of them is Fu Hongxue's knife!

"The small building listens to the spring rain all night!"

This knife has a strange magical power. This knife does not belong to the human world. It is a magic knife from hell. Originally, this knife could only bring death and misfortune to people.

Although Murong Fu was talking, his eyes were looking at the knife in his hand. To be precise, it was the magic knife in his hand.

A figure finally appeared in the field of vision.

Murong Fu's eyes met her, but there was still no expression on his face.

It turns out that many years ago, Bai Xiaolou passed through a rural area in the south of the Yangtze River.

A figure dressed in white.

At that time, she was just the daughter of a teacher, a village girl in a cotton shirt and skirt, but she was already very beautiful. And she seemed to be attracted by the leader's grace and beauty. After just a moment of conversation, she followed the leader away. She abandoned her old father and became the leader's concubine.

This beautiful poem was carved on the scabbard by him himself in order to curb his temper.

This is a poem, a very beautiful poem, so sad and heartbreakingly beautiful.

Beautiful poems are mostly related to sad stories.

Bai Xiaolou is no exception.

This sword is the Full Moon Scimitar, and it is also the second magic sword in the martial arts world after a hundred years. Since this sword was cast, it seems to have been cursed by the gods and Buddhas in the sky.

There is no expression on his face at all, but if you look carefully, you can definitely find a touch of helplessness and a slight hint of pain between his eyebrows.

From the moment it appeared in the world, it seemed to have a magic sword that could not be described in words, because once anyone holds this sword, they will be infected by the magic in the sword unknowingly and become The puppet of the magic sword!
Even if Bai Xiaolou is the first owner of this sword, he cannot reverse the magic power contained in the magic sword.

His eyebrows were covered with a thin layer of snowflakes, but he couldn't suppress the coldness in his heart.

What is the reason for his helplessness?
What is his pain for?
For the upcoming duel?

Bats fly quietly and quickly.

"Are you Murong Fu?"

In the arena a hundred years ago, it was the only knife in the world!

If looks could kill, Murong Fu would have been killed probably seventeen or eighteen times by now.

The other knife was the knife in Bai Xiaolou's hand in front of him.

Under the full moon, the bright moonlight was shining, and the scimitar in Bai Xiaolou's hand seemed to suddenly have an inexplicable magic power.

Murong Fu asked: "Are you Bai Xiaolou?"

The scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is picturesque. There is a thatched cottage beside a stream. There is a beautiful voice inside that is reciting this poem. The leader is immediately attracted, so he follows the sound to visit and meets Sun Chunyu, the "Mrs. Weak Willow".

He had turned around and looked back, his bright eyes staring at the source of the footsteps.

There are seven words engraved on its scabbard: "The small building listens to the spring rain all night!"

A jet black knife with a jet black handle and a jet black scabbard.

However, the romantic Sun Chunyu later fell in love and eloped with the uncle of Tongtuo, one of the four heavenly kings. The daughter "Tianmei Palace Master" born from the elopement inherited the natural charm of "Mrs. Weak Willow".

The sound of footsteps coming from behind made him raise his head slightly.

Although Bai Xiaolou already had a wife, he still fell in love with Sun Chunyu, a naturally charming woman from the world, "Mrs. Weak Willow", thus giving birth to the beautiful legend of "Xiaolou listened to the spring rain all night".

Before another sword appeared, it was once recognized as the unparalleled magic sword in the martial arts world.

The scimitar in Bai Xiaolou's hand also has a curved handle.

The dark appearance is due to the fact that the knife was soaked in a pool of bright red blood before it was born. The blackness is the dark red color of blood deposits. This knife is the famous magic knife - "Blood Knife", which symbolizes death. In fact, this sword is the Bai family's magic sword, which is the sword enshrined in Bai Tianyu's magic sword hall.

Just when Bai Xiaolou was devoted to practicing the magical skills of the Demon Sect, she secretly seduced the three elders of the Demon Sect, and was fueled by the "Palace Master Tianmei".

Under the pleading of the five major sects, the third young master of "Excalibur Villa" who had not been involved in worldly affairs for more than ten years finally agreed to come out and invite Bai Xiaolou to fight on the top of the Qilian Mountains.

The result of that battle was naturally that Xie Xiaofeng won, while Bai Xiaolou was knocked off the mountain and fell into the thousand-foot peak of Qilian Mountain.

But this story will take place ten years later...

Bai Xiaolou knife is in his hand.

Murong Fu's sword was still hanging on his waist.

Murong Fu said: "Do you know that Yan Shisan was defeated by me?"

Bai Xiaolou said: "I know!"

Murong Fu said: "Since you know, why did you come to die?"

Bai Xiaolou said: "The fifteenth sword should be invincible, but there is still one sword in the world. As long as this sword exists for one day, then this sword should not be said to be invincible!"

Murong Fu said: "You mean the knife in your hand?"

Bai Xiaolou said: "Yes, this is the knife in my hand!"

Murong Fu said: "The sword in your hand is indeed a magic sword that dominates the world!"

Murong Fu admitted that the magic sword in Bai Xiaolou's hand was indeed the most precious treasure among demons, because it had demonic properties. Whoever owned it would dominate the world, but they would also be destined to be unable to get rid of its demonic properties.

Murong Fu said: "But as far as I know, although this sword can bring incredible power to people, it can also plunge people into the abyss!"

Bai Xiaolou was silent.

He knew the figure in front of him, the martial arts myths he had created in the martial arts world, and he knew what he said was right.

Because this knife does possess an incredible magical power, even he cannot guarantee that he will not be affected by this magical power...

"Are you sure you want to draw your sword?"

Looking at Bai Xiaolou in front of him, Murong Fu said slowly.

Although Bai Xiaolou did not answer, his actions already gave the answer.

His hand has reached for the knife.

The jet black sword body, the scabbard as pure white as snow.

Black as the sword of death.

Isn’t pure white also like death?

The distance between the sword and the sword has gradually become closer.

The distance between them gradually became closer.

The murderous aura has appeared and is getting stronger.

Thick as snow.

Bai Xiaolou has taken a step forward, getting closer to Murong Fu.

Suddenly he drew his sword. The light of the sword was as distant as death, but as beautiful as a rose in the sun.

The sword energy was between Murong Fu's eyebrows.

Murong Fu didn't move.

Then the sword light suddenly disappeared.

The knife is still there, in the snow. Bai Xiaolou drew his knife, slashed it, and inserted it into the snow.

The blade of the knife was submerged in the snow, but the handle was still shaking.

Bai Xiaolou also uses unparalleled sword skills, just like Fu Hongxue back then.

The black knife, the pale hand.

But he looked paler.

And a very strange expression suddenly appeared in his shining eyes.

A kind of joy that I don’t know is close to liberation?
Or helpless sadness?
The eye contact between the two people seemed to trigger a series of invisible sparks, like meteors streaking across the distant sky.

"Why don't you draw your sword?"

White small corridor.

"Because your sword skills at the moment are only at the level of a demon and not yet at the level of a god. If I draw my sword first, you will definitely die!"

Looking at Bai Xiaolou in front of him, Murong Fu also had a strange look in his eyes.

Although it was the first time for the two of them to meet, from the moment Murong Fu saw him, Murong Fu seemed to understand the pride of Bai Xiaolou in front of him.

The only chance he has to defeat himself is to take advantage of the moment when the four elders take action.

But he is a proud man, just like Fu Hongxue and Ye Kai back then, he would never take action behind someone's back...

"very good!"

Bai Xiaolou suddenly spoke.

"I'm good?"

"I know you must be fine."

"Of course I'm fine, of course you must know." Murong Fu said calmly: "Otherwise, why would you invite me here?"

Bai Xiaolou's eyes seemed to be pierced by needles. He turned his head and stared at an unknown tree in the distance. After a long time, he slowly said: "Except for the grudge you had with my teacher back then, you are always a person." Very good opponent!”

"But you're wrong!"

Murong Fu said.

Bai Xiaolou said: "Am I wrong?"

Murong Fu sighed: "Yes, you shouldn't have come. If it were you ten years later, you would still have a chance to beat me!"

Bai Xiaolou said slowly: "But I can't wait ten years!"

Murong Fu said: "So you are wrong and so am I!"

He was sighing, lamenting that he really shouldn't have come this time.

The arena is always there, but opponents are not always there!

What's more, the Bai Xiaolou in front of him is a proud man. Once the two of them fight, even Murong Fu cannot guarantee that he can keep his hand.

"No, none of us are wrong. The only fault lies with fate!"

Bai Xiaolou sighed, and then said: "Why did fate want us to meet? Why did it want you to be Murong Fu and me to be Bai Xiaolou?"

The sword light reappears.

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Xiaolou pulled out the knife in the snow.

The sword flashed, and this time what fell was not the pine tree ten feet away, but Murong Fu's hair.

But Murong Fu remained motionless.

Bai Xiaolou said: "Please draw your sword!"

"it is good!"

Murong Fu said.

The sky is filled with sword light, and the sword is like lightning.

The sound of the knife pierced the air.

Murong Fu moved his body and dodged seven times but still couldn't avoid the sword.

The light in Bai Xiaolou's eyes became even brighter, as bright as fire.

With a cry, Murong Fu's sword was finally unsheathed.

The dark sword, the green blade.

When the swords collided, sparks burst out, just like the sparks produced when meteors collide.

The spark-bright sword light seemed to have locked Murong Fu.

Bai Xiaolou's cruelty, anger, ruthlessness, and quickness were all revealed under his sword.

I saw him suddenly slashing with his backhand, diagonally upward.

Murong Fu clearly saw the move and position of his sword, and could obviously dodge it, but when the sword came to his eyes, he still couldn't avoid it.

Could all of this be the unknown magic power of the Full Moon Scimitar?
The sword flashed across and blood splashed.

Blood splashed and fell like snowflakes.

Snowflakes are desolate, blood flowers are passionate.

A deep wound was made on Murong Fu's shoulder, but surprisingly, only a faint splash of blood spattered from it.

The snowflakes are silvery white and the blood flowers are bright red.

The blood quickly condensed with the snowflakes.

The silvery white turned bright red in an instant, just like a rose blooming, as red, sad and sad.

But Bai Xiaolou's face had turned pale, and the pitch-black sword had stabbed his ribs, and he could feel his strength gradually disappearing along with the blood flowing out.

There are only two colors in Bai Xiaolou's eyes, black and silver, but his knife is still cyan.

It's so dark that it's as strange and distant as the moment before death, yet it's as if it's embracing you like a best friend.

It's not the pitch black sword, it's not the silvery white snow.

When the sword struck him, he did not see the edge of the sword, only the darkness.

All he saw was the darkness like a lover's open arms, flowing toward him softly.

Just when this darkness was about to completely surround Bai Xiaolou, it suddenly stopped.

Murong Fu held the pitch-black sword in his hand and stared at Bai Xiaolou, who was almost exhausted. There was an indescribable expression in his eyes.

It was a mixture of hate, sympathy, and some sadness.

Is this sword thrust in? Or not to penetrate?

As long as he stabs with a little luck, there will be no more Bai Xiaolou in the world.

But in the future, he will also have one less opponent.

Destiny changes often lie in a person's thoughts.

"Why don't you kill me?"

Bai Xiaolou's face was pale, and there was blood oozing out from the corners of his mouth, but he still stood up straight proudly.

"If I kill you now, I will have one less opponent in this world in the future!"

Seeing the hidden flame in Bai Xiaolou's eyes, Murong Fu said slowly.

"The sword in your hand does have incredible power, but right now you are only controlled by the sword and cannot control it freely. If one day you can control its power as you wish, you will have a chance to defeat me!"

Looking at the cyan blade in Bai Xiaolou's hand, Murong Fu's eyes flashed strangely.

Yan Shisan's fifteen life-threatening swords and the divine sword slash under the full moon scimitar in Bai Xiaolou's hand are both equally powerful. It's just that Yan Shisan cannot control this power at will, and Bai Xiaolou has neither Break free from the demonic nature of the Full Moon Scimitar.

And the current Bai Xiaolou is indeed inferior to Yan Shisan.

If one day, if he can take this step, he will be qualified to be Murong Fu's real opponent.

After saying this, Murong Fu withdrew the sword in his hand, and his right hand that had just recovered suddenly transformed into a terrifying bone claw.

The divine sword slash issued by the Full Moon Scimitar has a power close to that of Yan Shisan’s fifteenth sword!
Both have incredible power. Even though Murong Fu had fought against Fu Hongxue in his early years, he had experienced the power of the magic sword.

But after all, his right hand had not yet been freed from the attack of the fifteenth sword of death. Now his right shoulder was struck by Bai Xiaolou's divine sword slash. This indestructible sword cut off the life that had just been regained in his right hand.

Seeing the terrifying look on Murong Fu's right hand, a strange light flashed in Bai Xiaolou's eyes.

Bai Xiaolou, who was seriously injured, watched Murong Fu's retreating figure, but felt an unfounded confidence in his heart.

Bai Xiaolou believes that he can get out of this predicament, and also believes that he can see him again in the future!
Just like him a hundred years ago, he did great things in the martial arts that shocked the world, and was hailed as a new martial arts myth!
(End of this chapter)

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