Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 286 Return to Tianlong, goodbye three elders!

Chapter 286 Return to Tianlong and see the three elders again!
Western Region, Piaomiao Peak of Tianshan Mountain.

The sunset is gorgeous and the sky is filled with colorful clouds.

Under the setting sun, a figure in white clothes suddenly appeared, with a fluttering figure, as if he were riding the wind. His light skill was so high that he seemed to be facing the wind.

The mountain road is rugged, but it feels like walking on flat ground in front of the figure in white. In the blink of an eye, the figure in white has passed several cliffs and climbed straight into the clouds like white clouds.

The figure in white suddenly stopped, looked at a mountain peak in the clouds and mist in the northwest corner, and said to himself: "Uncle's Vulture Palace is really secretive!"

It turns out that this mountain peak is covered with clouds and fog all year round. From a distance, it looks like there is nothing there, so it is called Piaomiao Peak.

As for the man in white, it was Murong Fu. He returned to the world of Tianlong not long after the battle with Bai Xiaolou on the top of the mountain.

The magic weapon "Full Moon Scimitar" in Bai Xiaolou's hand that originated from the Demon Cult does have incredible magical properties. Coupled with the magic sword slash issued by the "Full Moon Scimitar", there is already a sword that can touch Yan Shisan's fifteenth sword. the power of.

But Bai Xiaolou is not Ding Peng after all. Even though he used the full moon scimitar to cultivate his own demonic nature, he still cannot escape the state of being controlled by the sword.

Even if he had never met himself, he would still be in the realm of "demon" in the end, and would be unable to escape the shackles of the demonic nature of the "Full Moon Scimitar" throughout his life.

After hearing this, Mei Jian and the other three women respectfully led the way.

Therefore, many people in Lingjiu Palace were curious about Master Murong.

When the four girls raised their heads, Murong Fu was slightly startled.

Looking at the plum sword wearing red cedar in front of him, Murong Fu asked.

Looking at the four girls with exactly the same appearance in front of him, Murong Fu seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly asked: "Are you Mei Lan Zhu Ju?"

Murong Fu was able to win because of his fight with Fu Hongxue.

Perhaps thinking about the outcome of the previous battle, Murong Fu sighed softly, and his whole body was like white clouds floating out again, and he soon arrived at Soul-Desolating Cliff.

Murong Fu just showed the gem ring on his thumb and said calmly: "Is the wizard uncle here?"

Although the two quarreled many times and fought against each other during this period, they were still much better than when they were on the same page.

But after the battle with himself, no matter whether Bai Xiaolou can finally escape from the shackles of the "Full Moon Scimitar"'s demonic nature in the future, that sword is enough to be regarded as stunning in the world.

After several years, Fuwei Escort Bureau has become the largest escort bureau in the Central Plains. Their business has also begun to spread to the Western Regions. Knowing the relationship between the two families, the girls of Lingjiu Palace have also taken care of the escort teams passing through Tianshan Mountain many times.

Ever since Tong Lao brought back an old man with a beard three feet long and a face like a crown of jade a year ago from the south of the Yangtze River, the decades-long battle between Lingjiu Palace and Xixia Yipintang came to an end.

Similarly, Child Elder also informed the girls about the identity of the next generation master of Lingjiu Palace, who was none other than the world-famous Mr. Murong.

Seeing that Murong Fu was dressed in white and the gem in his hand was very similar to what Child Elder said was the symbol of the head of the sect, the four girls hurriedly bowed down and respectfully said: "Grandma Child, you have four maids, please see Mr. Murong." "

The Demon Sect's Divine Sword Slash was born out of the Bai family's Divine Sword Slash. There are too many similarities between the two, so it is not surprising.

"It turns out that the young master has also heard of my maidservant's name..."

Murong Fu heard this and said: "Okay, you can take me to see the wizard uncle!"

Because the four girls were not only exactly the same in height, shortness, and slenderness, but also had no difference in appearance. They had average melon-seed faces, eyes like dots of paint, and were extremely delicate and elegant. The only difference was the color of their clothes.

The people who come to Lingjiu Palace are naturally all highly skilled in martial arts, and it is not difficult to pass by on the rope.

Even Li Qiushui, who was regarded as an enemy by Child Elder, also followed Child Elder to Piaomiao Peak this time.

Mei Jian respectfully replied: "Master, Master Li returned to Xixia a month ago, and now only Senior Wu Yazi and Child Elder are in the palace!"

Murong Fu said: "You don't have to be polite."

Sure enough, I suddenly heard a woman's voice coming from the other side: "Who is here? How dare you break into my Lingjiu Palace?"

Naturally, these include the four plum sword girls...

The four women bowed and then stood up. They each held a long sword in their hands and floated in.

It's just that although everyone knows about the relationship between Lingjiu Palace and the Murong family, except for those few girls, no one else can witness the elegance of Mr. Murong with their own eyes.

During this year, the girls not only interacted with the disciples of the Xiaoyao sect, but also with the bodyguard agency of Mr. Murong.

But today, I saw Mr. Murong's true appearance. Seeing his tall and straight figure, handsome face, and aloof temperament, all the girls turned around to look at him.

Murong Fu's Qinggong was extremely good, so the disciples of Lingjiu Palace did not notice him along the way. He passed by Luozu Rock and Baizhang Stream until he reached Jietian Bridge, when he suddenly stopped.

Different from the women from the Central Plains, the four girls, Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum, looked back and did not try to hide themselves at all.

The four girls, one wearing light red, one wearing moon white, one wearing light green, and one wearing light yellow, passed through the iron chain at the same time, landed on the ground at the same time, bowed to Murong Fu, and said: "My maid is late to welcome you, please welcome me, sir." Forgive me."

However, after this battle, his right arm, which was eaten away by Yan Shisan’s Death Sword Intention, became more injured...

"Are Uncle Wizard and Uncle Li in the palace right now?"

Perhaps because he saw the Seven Treasures Ring in Murong Fu's hand, he soon saw four girls jumping out from the other side of the bridge. They looked to be about seventeen or eighteen years old.

When he noticed the ladies looking at him, Murong Fu just smiled and said nothing.

Understand that the four girls, Mei Lan, Zhu Ju, stay in the Lingjiu Palace all year round and rarely have contact with outsiders. This allows them to maintain the innocence they had as children.

Jietian Bridge is the only way to connect the two natural dangers of Baizhang Stream and Xianchou Gate. Although it is a bridge, it is actually just an iron chain, spanning the cliffs on both sides, and descending into the deep and rugged valley.

It was at this time that the girls in the Lingjiu Palace learned that Tong Lao and the others had studied under the same discipline in their early years, and they were siblings.

But people who come here, in order to cross this overpass, naturally cannot continue to hide their traces.

"Sir, please!"

Hearing Murong Fu speak, the woman in a light red shirt couldn't help but smile, and then said: "My four sisters have twins. Grandma Tong named me Mei Jian. These three girls are Lan Jian, Lan Jian, and Mei Jian." Bamboo sword, chrysanthemum sword.”

After about a cup of tea, Murong Fu, led by the four women, came to a stone castle.

On the left and right sides of the entrance to the stone castle, there is a stone vulture, which is more than three feet tall, has a sharp beak and huge claws, and is an extraordinary horse.

On top of the stone castle, there is a huge stone plaque with the three characters "Lingjiu Palace" written on it with flying dragons and phoenixes.

"It's rare that you can come to my Piaomiao Peak from Jiangnan. Is there something important?"

Suddenly, a figure flew out of the stone castle.

This person was petite, seemingly only the size of a ten-year-old child, but she also had a delicate face and gleaming eyes, and she looked like a beautiful girl.

This person is Tong Lao.

"Uncle, I came here today for two important things!"

Seeing this woman's figure, Murong Fu bowed slightly.

"Two big things?"

There was a hint of curiosity in Tong Lao's words.

Murong Fu said: "One of them is related to the old injury of my mentor Wu Yazi..."

When Child Elder heard this, she couldn't help but said with excitement: "Could it be that you found the black jade intermittent ointment?"

Murong Fu nodded and said: "Not bad!" "What about the second thing?"

Child Elder suppressed the excitement in her heart.

It should be noted that she and Li Qiushui have spent countless manpower and material resources searching for the whereabouts of the Black Jade Intermittent Cream throughout the Western Regions over the past year.

However, she has found nothing so far. Now she suddenly heard the good news from Murong Fu, and she was naturally very happy.

Murong Fu said: "I had an appointment with my uncle back then, and this second thing today is why I came here!"

"Do you have a solution?"

Hearing this, Child Elder's petite body couldn't help but tremble. She stared at Murong Fu and asked immediately.

"I can't guarantee that everything will go wrong, but I have some clues about it..."

Murong Fu smiled.

"Okay, you heal your junior brother first!"

After hearing Murong Fu's answer, Child Elder suppressed her excitement again and immediately urged.

Soon, under the leadership of Child Elder, Murong Fu stepped into the castle.

"This ancient castle was discovered by Xiaoyaozi, the ancestor of my sect, when he traveled to the Western Regions in his early years, so it will be regarded as the sect of our Xiaoyao sect from now on!"

Seemingly seeing that Murong Fu was very curious about this castle, Child Elder left and explained.

"I see!"

When Murong Fu heard this, he nodded.

Regarding the castle in front of him, Murong Fu had had suspicions from the first moment he saw it, and now it was confirmed by Tong Lao!
After entering the stone castle, Murong Fu discovered that there was a different cave inside the stone castle. There were still courtyards and pavilions inside. When he entered a courtyard, he saw an old man sitting quietly under a tree not far away.

He seemed to have noticed Murong Fu's arrival, and immediately opened his eyes and smiled: "Fu Guan, you are here!"

"Master, my disciple is late!"

Seeing Wu Yazi face to face, Murong Fu bowed and saluted, then took out a wooden box from his arms.

"This is……"

When Wu Yazi saw this, he seemed to understand something, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

Murong Fu smiled and said: "Fortunately, my disciple lived up to his mission and found the black jade intermittent ointment for the master!"

Then they opened the wooden box in their hands in front of Wu Yazi. Wu Yazi and Tong Lao saw that it was full of black ointment, but the smell was fragrant and cool.

Wu Yazi's tone trembled: "Could this thing be the black jade intermittent paste?"

Back then, he was attacked from behind and knocked off a cliff. Although he was later rescued by his eldest disciple Su Xinghe, his injuries were so severe that he became physically disabled and trapped in the cave for more than twenty years.

Murong Fu said: "Yes, Master, it is exactly this!"

In fact, the black beard intermittent ointment is thanks to Lin Pingzhi. When he was in the age of the Condor Shooting, he went to the desert to bring Guo Jing's mother back to the south of the Yangtze River on the orders of Murong Fu. He passed through a certain place in the Western Regions.

By chance, he encountered the disciples of the Vajra Sect oppressing the local people. After Lin Pingzhi acted righteously, he provoked the Shaohuo Tutuo. Fortunately, after experiencing the disaster of destroying his family, he always acted cautiously.

Knowing that his mission to eradicate evil was done, he sent someone to send Guo Jing's mother to Jiangnan in advance, while he himself stayed.

However, Shaohuo Tutuo's martial arts skills were indeed extraordinary, and he was especially proficient in Shaolin's fierce outer martial arts. Lin Pingzhi's fight with him was extremely dangerous.

Fortunately, Shaohuo Tutuo's internal strength was not high, so in the end Lin Pingzhi shot him to death at the cost of serious injuries, and found the black jade intermittent ointment from his body.

But because Murong Fu left the world of the Condor Shooting, Murong Fu did not know about this.

It wasn't until he brought Duan Yanqing and Ye Erniang back to Tianlong because of Duan Yu's incident that he learned about the matter from Duan Yanqing.

However, because he had to deal with the affair between his aunt Li Qingluo and the King of Dali Zhennan many years ago, he was too busy to deal with it, so he temporarily forgot about it.

And when he returned to the world of Tianlong today, he personally brought the black jade intermittent ointment to the Lingjiu Palace.

"This medicine is extremely overbearing. If Master wants to recover as before, I'm afraid I have to break those abnormal joints and crush them completely. The process may be extremely painful..."

Looking at Wu Yazi in front of him, Murong Fu made a shocking suggestion.

"Do you need to completely crush the deformed joints all over your body?"

Before Wu Yazi could answer, Child Elder asked in surprise.

Murong Fu replied: "Yes, Master, he fell off a cliff and suffered multiple bone fractures all over his body. Although the injuries have healed now, there are inevitably some bone deformities, so he can only choose this most tyrannical method!"

Seeing Child Elder's concern for him, Wu Yazi shook his head and replied: "Okay, senior sister, you don't have to worry about me. Compared with being physically disabled and paralyzed for many years, these pains are nothing!"

"How about trying the efficacy of this medicine first?"

Child Elder, who usually acted decisively, was still a little hesitant at this moment.

Wu Yazi laughed and said, "Senior sister, aren't you still worried about reinstatement?"

Then he looked at Murong Fu and urged: "Reinstatement, let's start now!"

Then, at Wu Yazi's urging, brothers Murong Fu and Su Xinghe personally used kung fu to crush Wu Yazi's deformed joints, and then applied black jade intermittent ointment on Wu Yazi's body.

As expected, the Black King Intermittent Cream worked wonders, but after more than a month, Wu Yazi could easily lift his legs.

It's just that Wu Yazi has been disabled for a long time, and it's difficult to restore his old outlook. But looking at his recovery from injuries, after half a year, he may be able to go to the ground alone.

Although he is far worse than before when he was not injured, he is no longer a useless person who cannot move at all.

"The efficacy of this black jade intermittent plaster is indeed miraculous!"

Wu Yazi sat on a chair, looked up at the sunset on the horizon, and suddenly praised.

"This medicine is indeed miraculous!"

Su Xinghe on the side also echoed.

"Thanks to you this time, I'm reinstated!"

Looking at Wu Yazi who had barely gotten up, Child Elder said with joy.

Murong Fu said: "Uncle, you are too polite. Since I am a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect, I naturally have to serve my teacher as a disciple!"

"Reinstatement, since you know that you are a disciple of my Xiaoyao Sect, why do you still hide some things from me?"

After hearing what Murong Fu said, Wu Yazi let out a long sigh, and his eyes suddenly fell on Murong Fu's right hand, which had been hidden under his sleeve robe.

As early as the moment Murong Fu arrived at Lingjiu Palace, he and Tong Lao noticed something strange about Murong Fu.

Child Elder also looked at Murong Fu and asked: "Tell me, Fu Guan, what kind of powerful enemy did you encounter?"

(End of this chapter)

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