Everything starts from Tian Long Ba Bu

Chapter 287: The wind suddenly tightened, and there was an occasional rebellion.

Chapter 287: The wind suddenly tightened, and there was an occasional rebellion.

With the martial arts skills of Wu Yazi and Tong Lao, even if they were placed in any Gulong world, they could be called the rare masters in the world.

Therefore, the two people's senses were naturally sharp, so they saw through the strangeness as early as the moment Murong Fu arrived at Lingjiu Palace.

Knowing that he couldn't hide it from the two of them, Murong Fu had no choice but to say: "I still can't hide it from Master and Uncle!"

Child Elder stared at Murong Fu's right hand hidden under his sleeve robe and asked directly: "What's wrong with your right hand?"

"Not long ago, I encountered a strong enemy..."

Murong Fu's tone was calm, but the right hand exposed under his sleeves and robe was a bit scary. The palm that should have been white was dry and hollow, like a bone claw covered with skin.


Seeing this scene, Tong Lao and Wu Yazi were both shocked at the same time.

The two brothers and sisters have been in the world for many years and have met many masters. For example, the former master of the Shaolin Temple, the Lingmen Master, was just a junior in the eyes of Child Elder.

"It's good that you have a solution!"

"But your hands..."

"Sword Intent?"

Seeing Child Elder rarely showing such a panicked expression, Wu Yazi couldn't help but have a strange look in his eyes.

"Reinstatement, do you have a solution?"


"What a terrifying sword!"

Hearing this, Child Elder couldn't help but feel curious, and immediately reached out and grabbed Murong Fu's right hand, trying to use her strength to explore.

Soon, she heard Child Elder exclaim in surprise, and she suddenly took several steps back with her face turned pale.

Murong Fu said: "Master, don't worry about me. I have a solution now, but I'm afraid it will take a long time!"

After hearing this, Murong Fu had no choice but to follow the instructions and step forward.

Murong Fu's right hand looked like it had been instantly robbed of life by a terrifying technique.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Wu Yazi's eyes flashed and he spoke.

Seeing the sudden change in Tong Lao's expression, Murong Fu immediately understood something. Just when he was about to help Tong Lao...

Murong Fu said: "My right hand was injured by the sword intent of his sword!"

But today...

Seemingly taking Murong Fu's words as words of comfort to the two of them, Child Elder said: "Reinstated, what are your plans next?"

Wu Yazi, who quickly woke up from the terrifying sword intent, turned pale and sighed.

As the heir to revive the reputation of the Xiaoyao Sect, Wu Yazi had high hopes for Murong Fu, and knew that with his current skills, he had no rivals in the world.

Because she saw the terrifying sword of the man in black. Under that sword, it seemed that all life and strength had been taken away by this sword.

However, in the blink of an eye, Wu Yazi's expression changed one after another, as if he had seen something terrifying.

Murong Fu said: "Uncle, there is no need to test him. This person's sword intent is extremely terrifying. I have tried almost all my methods, but I still can't get rid of it!"

Under the red maple forest, two people, one white and one black, were facing each other from a distance.

He and Tong Lao thought that they had extraordinary knowledge, and there were no martial arts in the world that they could put into their eyes. However, the terrifying sword intent that severely injured Murong Fu just now made the two of them completely understand the world. So big!

"Junior brother!"

Even Ding Chunqiu, an evil disciple of Xiaoyao Sect, who created the infamous "Gong Transformation Technique" with his own hands, would never achieve such a terrifying scene.

Wu Yazi said with a solemn expression: "Reinstated, who is the powerful enemy you have encountered?"

However, the next moment, Child Elder seemed to have seen the scene of that battle.


Hearing this, Wu Yazi couldn't help but sigh.

Murong Fu said: "Reporting to Master, this person is unknown. He died of serious injuries after fighting with me!"

Child Elder, who had just experienced the terrifying sword intent, couldn't help but worry about Wu Yazi's body. She pressed her palms on Wu Yazi's shoulders and stabilized his body in advance.

After experiencing the terror of the sword intent, Wu Yazi raised his head and asked.

Child Elder stared at Murong Fu's right hand and felt a chill in her heart.

"Senior sister!"

However, as soon as Wu Yazi's left hand touched Murong Fu, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a maple forest in front of him...

After coming back to his senses, Child Elder's eyes showed strange color, she shook her head and sighed.

"Reinstated, come here!"

"It's rare for you to survive that sword attack!"

"This sword is indeed terrifying!"

Soon a look of extreme fear suddenly appeared on her face.

Murong Fu said: "Uncle, I am going to visit Shaolin next!"

Wu Yazi nodded and said: "Shaolin has a long heritage, no less than that of our sect. It's time for you to pay a visit to Shaolin!"

Child Elder said: "Reinstated, if you still have something important to do, you can instruct the disciples of my Lingjiu Palace!"

Murong Fu said: "Master, please don't worry. If I encounter any difficulties, I will certainly not forget about our sect!"

Murong Fu then stayed in the Lingjiu Palace for several more days. There was a hidden stone room in the Lingjiu Palace, with some profound martial arts carved on the stone walls.

With Murong Fu's cultivation level, it was natural to see that the contents on the stone carvings were quite similar to those of the Tianshan plum-breakers of the Xiaoyao sect, but some of the contents were beyond what the Xiaoyao sect had learned.

Obviously this stone chamber predates the founding of the Xiaoyao Sect, and was probably left by the owner of the stone castle. After staying in the stone chamber for two days, Murong Fu said goodbye to Wu Yazi and the others and began to head south.


Lingjiu Palace and Shaolin Temple are thousands of miles apart. With Murong Fu's current attainments in Qinggong, it would take several days even if he didn't sleep.

One day, Murong Fu was in a hurry and missed Sutou. He walked straight until dark and was still on the mountain road. The grass beside the road grew longer as he walked.

Anyone else would have rested on the spot and continued on their way during the day.

But Murong Fu continued on his way. With his current cultivation level, not to mention traveling in the dark, even if he galloped without sleep for several days, it would be impossible.

After running for a few miles, I turned a hillside and suddenly saw a little light emerging from the valley on my right.

When Murong Fu saw this scene, his brows could not help but move slightly.

It is naturally a strange thing to suddenly see lights in this barren mountain.

Thinking of this, Murong Fu immediately stared and saw that the lamp was emitting a green light, which was very different from the usual dark red or yellow color of the lamp.

"Hmm, interesting!"

When Murong Fu saw this, there was no fear in his eyes, but a smile appeared on his lips.

Murong Fu quickly used Qinggong again, and moved forward a little further towards the green light, and then he could see more clearly.

I saw a yellow light rising in the southeast corner in the distance, followed by red lights rising in the west and northwest corners. In an instant, lights were rising from all directions, some were lanterns, some were torches, some were Kongming lanterns, and some were pine firewood. The lights brought from various places were quite different, some were crude and simple, while others were very detailed.

The lights flickered on and off, reflecting on everyone's faces, which was strange and inexplicable.

These people include men and women, some handsome and some ugly, both monks and Taoist priests, some with fluttering sleeves, some with narrow clothes and short skirts, some old men with flying beards, some women with tall buns, and most of their costumes are strange. , which is very different from the people in Middle-earth. Most of them hold weapons, and most of the weapons are strange in shape and have no name.

Seeing this, Murong Fu couldn't help but feel something in his heart, and he had roughly guessed the origins of these people.

"Could it be the thirty-six holes and seventy-two islands controlled by Master Lingjiu Palace?"

Thinking of this, Murong Fu immediately used Qing Gong and continued to move forward.

With his current attainments in Qinggong, he was able to move forward silently in the night. There were many people around, but no one noticed his presence.

Suddenly, a clear voice was heard coming from mid-air: "Dear cave masters and island masters! It's time for me to be polite!"

Everyone looked up to where the sound came from, and saw a black-bearded Taoist standing on the top of a tree, holding a fly whisk in his hand. The branch at his feet bounced and sank, and he rose and fell according to the situation, with a handsome expression.

Under the light of the lights, I saw that he was about fifty years old, with a smile on his face, and he was looking at everyone quietly.

A man in black clothes and holding a knife looked at the black-bearded Taoist who suddenly appeared, and took the initiative to step out and said: "Didn't you ask for your surname?"

A voice in the bush said: "Boss Wu, this man's background... is very important. He is... an amazing... amazing person. He... he... he is Jiao... Jiao... Jiao..."

After saying the word "蛟" three times in a row, he still couldn't continue. The man stuttered and became anxious, so he kept saying "蛟" all the way to the end, unable to continue.

The man in black, who was called Mr. Wu, suddenly thought of someone and said loudly: "Could it be King Jiao... King Jiao is unfair to the Taoist?"

The stutterer was happy to be out of trouble. Someone said the sentence that was stuck in his throat and said quickly: "Yes... yes... yes, he... he... he is... Jiao... Jiao... Jiao... Jiao..." When he came to the word "jiao", he got stuck again.

Boss Wu didn't wait for him to finish speaking, and he raised his hands to the Taoist on the top of the tree and said, "Are you the Taoist Priest Buping, who is famous all over the world? I have heard about his name for a long time, and it is really like thunder. I am honored to meet you. I am honored to meet you." As he spoke, everyone All eyes have fallen on the Taoist.

The Taoist smiled and said: "How dare you, how dare you! People in the world say that Pindao has died a long time ago, so Mr. Wu doesn't believe it, right?" As he said that, he jumped lightly and slowly descended from the air. Originally, when his feet left the branches, he would naturally fall to the ground very quickly, but swinging the whisk in his hand stirred up a strong wind, hitting the ground, creating a backlash, supporting his body and falling slowly. The power of anger backlash is truly extraordinary.

Boss Wu blurted out: "What a light kung fu!"

As soon as he stopped shouting, Taoist Bu Ping also had his feet on the ground, smiled slightly, and said: "Mr. Wu, the masters of the thirty-sixth cave and the masters of the seventy-two islands are gathering here because of the Tianshan man? "

Boss Wu's face changed color, then calmed down, and said: "I don't quite understand what Taoist Priest Buping said. We brothers are scattered in all directions, and it is rare to see each other. We have made an appointment to gather here, and we have no other intention. ”

The unfair Taoist said: "Boss Wu, you have suffered a lot in your life, Misty Peak Lingjiu Palace Tianshan Child Elder, naturally I am here to help you!"

As soon as the four words "Tianshan Child Mother" were spoken, the heroes around him couldn't help but say "oh". These voices all seemed to be in a very excited mood, some were frightened, some were angry, some were confused, some were miserable, and some even took a few steps back, trembling, as if they were terribly afraid.

Seeing everyone's moved expressions, Daoist Bu Ping continued to smile and said: "You have all been humiliated and tortured by the Tianshan Child Elder. You really have no joy in being a human being. The heroes in the world are all sad when they hear this. You are rising up to resist this time. Who is not willing to help? Even the poor. Incompetent people like this are willing to draw their swords and join in the righteous deeds. Are you going to continue to hide your ears and steal the bell today? "

Hearing this, Mr. Wu smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know where the Taoist master got the information from. It's all a mistake in hearsay. Elder Tong should have stricter control over us, and that's for our own good. We are grateful and virtuous, How can you say the word 'resistance'?"

The Taoist Bu Ping laughed loudly and said, "In this case, the poor Taoist is troubled."

Before Taoist Buping finished speaking, a cold and arrogant voice from the west peak came from far away: "Taoist Buping, I told you not to meddle in this business, but you have to come!"

The voice was at least three or four miles away.

As soon as the man finished speaking, a woman's voice on the mountain peak to the north rang out loud and clear: "Niubi, who wants you to meddle in other people's business? They have already arranged everything properly, so if you start to attack now, Child Elder will be able to do it." It’s really bad..."

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed drastically. The two men were three or four miles away, and they couldn't catch up to them no matter what. It was obvious that Taoist Buping had made careful arrangements in advance and arranged for a response from a distance. What's more, it sounds from the words that those two people are people with profound internal skills. Even if they catch up, they may not be able to defeat them.

Boss Wu obviously knew the origins of the man and the woman, and hurriedly raised his voice and said: "Taoist Buping, Mr. Sword God Zhuo, and Fairy Furong are willing to help us get rid of our difficulties. We are all very grateful. Don't tell lies in front of a real person. Since the three of you already know the inside story, it’s useless to hide it, so how about we invite you to discuss the plan together?”

When Murong Fu heard this in the distance, he suddenly smiled.

Boss Wu had obviously invited the three Buping Taoists in advance. At this moment, the two of them were just deliberately performing a double act.

Child Elder's methods were extremely strict. The people in these thirty-six caves and seventy-two islands were either tortured by the life and death talismans, or were tortured by other means.

Over the years, these people naturally have thoughts of rebellion.

However, due to the majesty of Child Elder, most of these people did not dare to make mistakes, so Boss Nawu specially invited the three unfair Taoists to sing a double act. Naturally, he wanted to force others to join this plan.

In just a few breaths, Murong Fu already understood Boss Wu's plan.

Unlike other sects in the martial arts world, the forces of Thirty-six Cave and Seventy-two Islands controlled by Tong Lao are not members of any sect or gang.

These people have high and low martial arts skills, good and evil, and most of them have weird tempers. If they are displeased by an action, they will be killed.

Knowing the nature and temperament of these people, Murong Fu did not take the initiative to recruit them earlier.

I saw these people gathered here today to discuss how to deal with Tong Lao, but how could Murong Fu just sit idly by and ignore them.

It should be noted that there is not only Tong Lao in the Lingjiu Palace now, but also his mentor Wu Yazi and other disciples of the Xiaoyao Sect. If this ragtag group of people really rush to the Lingjiu Palace, wouldn’t it become a joke!
"The evil heretics are gathering here!"

After figuring out the key, Murong Fu suddenly snorted coldly and shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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