Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 179 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die [2 in 1]

Chapter 179 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die (15) [-in-]

Let’s talk about Liu Xianglian on the other side.

He did not go to a place far away from the capital, but found a nearby corner with almost no one around, and began to interrogate Taoist priests and monks.

This capital city is sparsely populated, and there are no uninhabited places. He actually flew into the royal enclosure.

Nowadays, the royal family does not come to hunt.

Naturally, there seemed to be no one in the paddock.

However, the specific location here does not affect Liu Xianglian's interrogation of Taoist priests and monks. Although both of them are practitioners, their abilities are actually not very good. In addition, Dantian has been abolished, and various high-tech methods are used in other worlds. Constantly, there is a certain amount of research on the soul and spiritual power. So after trying more than a dozen methods, Liu Xianglian finally pried their mouths apart.

And through the information they revealed voluntarily or involuntarily, not only did they get a lot of skills in the practice world, but they also roughly figured out what they were doing.

It's a complicated thing.

Let’s start from a long time ago.

This world was originally just a very ordinary mortal world, without even internal martial arts, and the so-called Xuanmen magic was probably at the level of Ma Daopo, not much stronger. Whether it is the so-called Taixu Illusion, the Jinghuan Fairy, or the Shenying Attendant, they are actually outsiders, including the Heaven-Mending Relic Stone.

The Taixu Illusion Realm is actually the illusory space inside Fengyue Baojian, but because of the level of this treasure, or the insufficient origin, it cannot evolve into a real world like the Cave Heaven Paradise, and can only exist as an illusion.

More similar to the holographic world.

Life stays inside in the form of soul.

Fairy Jing Huan is the spirit of Fengyue Treasure Appraisal, so she can naturally be regarded as the master of Taixu Illusion Realm. As for the so-called Twelve Golden Hairpins and others, most of them are lonely ghosts she collected from the outside world. Because they have the qualifications to practice, they died. Later, he was still very spiritual and won her favor. He was brought into the illusion of Taixu to teach the soul cultivation method, and relied on it to maintain his life.

On the surface, they are sisters, but in fact, the police fairy has the absolute ability and power to take control of their lives.

But Fairy Jiangzhu is an exception.

Fairy Jiangzhu and Waiter Shenying do not live in Taixu Illusionary Realm, but live near the Western Spirit River in another world. Fairy Jinghuan is just an ordinary practitioner in that world, and has friendship with Fairy Jiangzhu. Okay, it also has something to do with the Shenying waiter.

She and Fairy Jiangzhu are on an equal footing, and although she and Waiter Shenying are equals, after all, Waiter Shenying has a strong sect, so she has to bow down.

On weekdays, he is actually a bit flattering.

Fairy Jiangzhu was transformed by the nectar of the Lingshan Mountain from the Jiangzhu grass. She indeed owed the favor to the attendant of Shenying, and the attendant of Shenying was indeed a disciple of Venerable Ananda, but he was just a registered disciple. But even so, he was still there. Among all the minor gods and immortals, he still has a transcendent status.

After all, registered disciples are also disciples!
The two named disciples of Patriarch Hongjun are also the founders of Buddhism. They are the named disciples of Confucius. They are also direct descendants of saints. Venerable Ananda is the second ancestor after Sakyamuni. His status in Buddhism is still very high. His named disciples are incomparable to the big shots, but they are already beings that minor gods and immortals look up to.

Before Fairy Jinghuan became friends with Waiter Shenying and Fairy Jiangzhu, she had already discovered the Red Mansion Small World and a fragment of the Sky-Mending Relic Stone in the Red Mansion Small World, and she coveted the Sky-Mending Relic Stone fragment.

Although it was just a fragment of the Sky-Mending Relic Stone, the fact that the Five-Colored Stone could mend the Sky meant that it was not a bargain, let alone something that could be found casually.

The five-color stone is an innate thing. It has all the five elements. At the same time, it contains the innate pure Qi. Let’s put it this way, the origin of the Three Purities is the fusion of the innate pure Qi and the fragments of Pangu Yuanshen. If there were no five-color stone, the sky would be broken. Complemented by the origin of the Three Pure Ones, one can imagine the rarity and preciousness of these five-color stones.

Only one group was born at the beginning of the world.

It is formed by the fusion of the origin of the five elements and the innate Qi.

The follow-up can never be born again.

Nuwa has basically used up more than 99% of the five-color stones in the world to mend the sky. Although most of the merits of mending the sky have been obtained by Nuwa, the five-color stones have also participated in mending the sky after all, and there are still a few remaining in the world. In between, all the remaining five-color stones in the world are more or less enriched with some great merits of mending the sky.

The five-color stone fragment in the world of Red Mansions.

Naturally, it is no exception.

Moreover, even if merit is not mentioned, the five-color stone itself is a good thing. For a high-ranking saint, Daluo Jinxian may not be a good thing, but for small gods and immortals, it is definitely an extremely rare good thing.

Think about it, the five-color stone is mainly transformed from the origin of the five elements and the innate Qi, and the origin of the Five Elements and the innate Qi are the foundation for building the cave sky and even the world. In addition, this thing is an innate thing and contains innate energy. Theoretically speaking, as long as Fairy Jinghuan absorbs and swallows this five-color stone, it will be enough for her body Fengyue Baojian to smoothly transform from an ordinary fairy weapon into Innate magic weapons are still innate magic weapons with merit.

At the same time, the illusion of Taixu is transformed into the cave of Taixu.

You can also upgrade yourself to an innate spirit.

There is no obstacle to the Golden Immortal Realm before, and there may even be a chance to peek into the Daluo Realm in the future.

A long, long time ago, except for some special caves and blessed places and saints' dojos, there was no innate Qi in the world. Even the innate Qi did not exist. Of course, there was no way to give birth to innate life. The most important sign of becoming a golden immortal is to condense one. A thread of immortal gold.

And transform the true spirit into the innate immortal true spirit.

Only the innate immortality can possess the immortal golden nature.

So to a certain extent, if the acquired life is exhausted, you can only cultivate to the realm of Xuanxian, and you will never be able to break through to the Immortal Golden Immortal. The prerequisite for breaking through is to have enough innate spiritual energy or innate spiritual objects.

Transform yourself into an innate life, and even the most ordinary innate life can break through the golden immortal.

Disciples of saints, sects that occupy special caves and blessed places, and even huge forces such as Heavenly Court, naturally do not lack this innate spiritual energy. However, casual cultivators, small sects and small households, and even some forces that have emerged later, do not have this blessing. , Xuanxian is their final destination.

Fairy Jing Huan originally thought that she would be an ordinary fairy weapon in this life and would never be promoted.

You even have to worry about being discovered and refining your body.

The unexpectedly found fragments of the Heaven-Mending Relic Stone undoubtedly gave her new hope, but she soon discovered that the fragments of the Heaven-Mending Relic Stone had unlocked her spiritual intelligence. Once she tried to devour and refine the opponent, she would only be able to get the other side at best. Don’t even think about the merits of the Five Elements origin and innate Qi contained inside. In addition, those merits will also turn into karma. After all, the fragments of the Sky-Mending Relic Stone that unlock spiritual wisdom are already considered life, and those merits naturally belong to the other party. Killing a creature with great merits will definitely have karma. At that time, I'm afraid it will be a waste of money.

Even if she can successfully transform her body into an innate magic weapon, her weapon spirit will inevitably die due to divine punishment. For Fairy Jing Huan, the most important thing is of course that she herself must live. No matter how powerful and useful her body is after she dies, What is it for? It’s just a dowry for others for nothing!
So she could only start planning how to kill the fragments of the Heaven-Mending Relic Stone without affecting herself, so that she could devour the opponent's body.

I won’t go into details about how much effort went into the process.

Anyway, her final plan was to train a monk and a Taoist priest in the world of Red Mansions, and let them seduce the intelligence of the fragments of the Sky-Mending Relic Stone, making them yearn for the prosperity of the human world and want to see it.

As for herself, she tried hard to make friends with the only attendant of Shenying who she could come into contact with and who practiced the world of mortals. When Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao reported back that the fragments of the Sky-Mending Relic Stone had already moved their minds, she began to make insinuations with Shen Ying. Waiter Ying said that going down to earth to experience the ups and downs of the world in person would be more conducive to cultivating the world of mortals.

How can you put it down if you don't pick it up, etc...

The final result was that both the Shenying attendant and the Butian relic fragments were moved by it. The former chose to go down to earth to experience calamity, while the latter asked Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao for help, hoping to see the prosperity of the world.

The waiter at Shenying is Jia Baoyu.

As for the fragment of the Sky-Mending Relic Stone, it was divided into two parts. Lingzhi turned into Zhen Baoyu, which basically fulfilled his wish to see the prosperity of the world, while the real body was sent to Jia Baoyu by Master Mang Mang and Miao Miao.

The purpose is to use the worldly path practiced by Shenying's waiter to pollute the remaining spirituality of the fragments of the Sky-Mending Stone.

Except for monks who practice special methods, most monks are afraid of things like mortal air and the evil power of love. At the same time, these things also have the effect of contaminating and corroding many spiritual items.

After all, the waiter Shenying came down to earth to undergo calamity in order to practice the path of mortals, so even if he turned into a mortal Jia Baoyu, he would still absorb all kinds of mortal scents unconsciously. Out of concern that the quantity of mortal scents was not enough, the Jinghuan Fairy specially sent The twelve golden hairpins and twelve pairs of hairpins in the illusion of Taixu descended to earth, and together they collected the breath of mortals and the evil power of love. They were transported to Jia Baoyu with the help of Master Mang Mang and Master Miaomiao, and polluted the five-color stone.

In addition, Fairy Jiangzhu is also the vigilant fairy who deceives the lower world into tears. Compared with the evil power created by the emotions of ordinary mortals, the evil power generated by the emotions of Fairy Jiangzhu and Shenying is naturally more powerful. First, the pollution effect is also more powerful.

When the remaining spirituality within the fragments of the Heaven-Matching Relic Stone is completely eliminated, the result is that the spiritual intelligence of the Heaven-Mending Relic Stone fragments that have been reincarnated as adults will never be able to return to their original bodies, which is equivalent to being completely separated from each other.

Although the merits and the fragments of the Heaven-Mending Relic Stone go together with wisdom.

But at least Fairy Jing Huan can successfully obtain the fragments of the Heaven-Mending Relic Stone without any hidden dangers, and improve her body level.

As for whether there are hidden dangers, karma.

In this regard, Fairy Jinghuan has actually calculated in advance. According to her estimation, even if there is karma, most of it will be borne by Shenying's waiter, Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao. After all, they are the actual operators, and she is only behind the scenes. Just a plan. If she's lucky, she might not be contaminated with karma at all. Even if she's unlucky, the bulk of the karma probably won't befall her.

A little karma compared to the benefits.

She was still willing to take it.

Of course, a large part of this information is calculated by the biological artificial intelligence chip that controls Liu Xianglian's body based on the information provided by Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao. Considering the computing speed of the biological artificial intelligence chip, it is accurate. Sex is high.

The estimate is very close to the actual situation.

[So much emotional torment, planning for thousands of years, just for a stone? 】

[Wait a minute, according to this calculation, Zhen Baoyu is actually the real treasure jade, and Jia Baoyu is indeed the fake treasure jade, but both of them have been plotted. They are just two little white rabbits, being played around by the old vixen! 】

[It seems like I’m going to have a brain. 】

[No, since the whole thing was planned by Fairy Jing Huan, and the jade in Jia Baoyu’s hand was very important to her, why didn’t Fairy Jing Huan do anything, not even snatch the jade back? I said It's a real gem, not Jia Baoyu. 】

[Didn’t he appear before? He was just scared away. Brother Liu has the mental power to detect the illusion. 】

【Still unreasonable! 】

[If it were me, I would definitely ignore it and fight tooth and nail even if there was danger. How could I just run away? 】

[Is it possible that the Jing Huan Fairy actually can't do anything at all? Think about it, whether it's the Shenying Waiter, the Twelve Golden Hairpins, or the spiritual wisdom of the Heaven-Mending Relic Stone, they all were reincarnated into this world by their souls. As for the police fairy, she can only do something in other people's dreams, or guide them appropriately.

The only two people who have appeared in the flesh, Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao, if I remember correctly, they are actually natives of the Red Mansion World. They just received the Dharma taught in the dream by the Fairy Jinghuan, and were able to practice and be controlled. 】

[I remembered that many novels mentioned that immortals cannot come to the mortal world casually. They either need to pay a high price or have a high level of authority. 】

[So the police fantasy fairy may only be able to fall asleep, or may only be able to allocate a small part of her mental power to enter the world of Red Mansions, and there is no way to attack with all her strength. Not to mention, this explanation does sound quite reasonable! 】

[I wonder if Brother Liu is willing to sell us the pieces of the Heaven-Mending Relic Stone. I feel that the value of that thing is super high, and the research value must be quite high. 】

[Wait a minute, I remember that Fengyue Baojian seemed to have appeared before, and it was in the hands of Master Mangmang. 】

[It is estimated that it is unlikely to be the main body of the police fantasy. 】

[Didn’t Brother Liu search their bodies just now? No Fengyue Treasure Book was found on them. They may have been taken away by the Fairy of the Fantasy Police. Of course, it is not ruled out that they have storage equipment in their hands and what they have up their sleeves. 】

[I don’t quite understand why Waiter Shenying and the others were deceived by the police fairy...]

[Emperor Qin was deceived by Xu Fu! 】

[Unable to refute...]

[I feel that if we can capture the Fantasy Fairy and her body, we will have all the best things in this world. I just don’t know if Brother Liu is willing to trade these things to us. 】

[I don’t know, what if he also wants to become an immortal! 】


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