Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 180 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die [2 in 1]

Chapter 180 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die (16) [-in-]

At this moment, the management department of the other world is very lucky. Fortunately, they have controlled Liu Xianglian in advance, otherwise they would not be sure that Liu Xianglian would voluntarily trade all these things to them.

In order to prevent long nights and long dreams, they quickly issued an order for Liu Xianglian to first remove the piece of psychic jade in Jia Baoyu's hand, which was the five-color stone fragment.

Send it to them...

As for the other treasure, the Fengyue Treasure Mirror, the body of the Jing Huan Fairy, of course they also want it, but they haven’t gotten it yet, so they can only take it slow for now.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xianglian, who received the order, naturally found the psychic jade from Jia Baoyu.

And open the transmission channel.

Prepare to send the psychic gem away.

It was at this moment that Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao, who had their Dantian destroyed and lost all their mana, suddenly opened their eyes. While their bodies instantly turned into withered bones, two vast spiritual powers directed toward Liu Xianglian's Lingtai Sea of ​​Consciousness. And attack the newly opened plane channel.

After planning something for thousands of years, how could she not keep an eye on it all the time for fear of an accident?

Just as some netizens guessed, she cannot come to this world in person. On weekdays, she can only understand the progress of the plan, the degree of spiritual obliteration of the five-color stone fragments, etc., through the slave brand engraved on the true spirits of Mang Mang Da Shi and Miao Miao Zhenren. And by the way, he issued orders to the two guys, Mang Mang Da Shi and Miao Miao Zhenren.

Once the plan is successful, she will let Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao take away the psychic gem. Then she will naturally be able to successfully bring the five-color stone fragments into the illusion of Taixu to devour them. Unfortunately, Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared. .

That is to say, Liu Xianglian suddenly came to the door.

They also encountered unprecedented attacks.

During the previous fight, Fairy Jing Huan had been observing through the slave brand. During this period, she even thought about whether to give it a try. She would do her best to kill Liu Xianglian at the expense of her own origin.

To ensure that nothing unexpected happens to the psychic gem.

But in the end she restrained her impulse.

Decided to remain on hold.

At least you must first find out Liu Xianglian's background and trump card, as well as find out whether the other party is coveting the psychic gem, and then consider whether it is worth harming yourself.

Later, when Liu Xianglian pried open the mouths of Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao, Fairy Jinghuan knew that there was no room for maneuver between them. Even if this weird guy had not coveted the five-color stone fragments before, he would definitely covet them after hearing the detailed descriptions of Mang Mang Master and Miao Miao Master. After all, who would not want to monopolize a magical good thing if he cherishes it so much!
Even the waiter Shenying knew.

I'm afraid I might want to take it by force.

That's why she had no choice but to make these plans without telling the waiter Shenying, but who knows, something went wrong!
It can be said that from the moment the mouths of Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao were pried open, Fairy Jinghuan had already begun to plan a counterattack and made several preparations. The minimum standard was to at least keep the fragments of the five-color stone, and the highest The standard, of course, is to capture Liu Xianglian and even explore the power and trump cards behind him.

The situation at this time was the first step of the desperation plan made by Fairy Jing Huan, to forcibly burn their physical origins and soul origins through the slave brand engraved on the souls of Mang Mang Master and Miao Miao Master.

Deliver the strongest blow respectively.

This attack was very sudden. In just a moment, the plane channel that had just been opened was destroyed. The locator that opened the plane channel was also damaged, the signal was lost, and the live broadcast was interrupted. At the same time, another spiritual force directly hit Liu Xianglian's Lingtai Consciousness Sea. After entering his Lingtai Consciousness Sea, he instantly understood his situation and the real culprit.

Just kidding, the vigilante fairy shouldn't be too familiar with how to control others through mental power, or even enslave others.

Twelve golden hairpins, great master Mang Miao, true man Miao Miao.

All are controlled and enslaved by her.

So this path was controlled by her, burning the spiritual power born from the essence of Master Mangmang's body. As soon as he entered Liu Xianglian's Lingtai Consciousness Sea, he knew that Liu Xianglian was just an ordinary mortal, and his soul had no trace of practice at all. Lingtai Consciousness The sea is also as big as a mortal. At this time, it is a little stiff and has no wisdom or spirituality.

But a very large spiritual body controls it!

So next, she naturally ignored Liu Xianglian's soul and directly attacked the strange spirit that controlled Liu Xianglian, and destroyed it easily.

Just like Master Mang Mang and Master Miaomiao don’t understand Liu Xianglian’s trump card, oh no, it’s the biological artificial intelligence chip from another world, the biological artificial intelligence chip from another world also doesn’t understand the trump card of the police fairy. The police fantasy fairy suddenly attacked.

It is normal to lose at this time.

However, after these two attacks, not only Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao were completely dead, their souls were scattered and turned into mummies, but Fairy Jinghuan's soul was also severely damaged. In addition, she feels that Liu Xianglian may be a little special or important, and she also needs the natives of the Red Mansion World to continue to help her, whether it is sending the five-color stone fragments to the Taixu Illusion Realm, or continuing to collect the evil power of the mortal world to kill the five colors. The remaining spirituality on the stone fragments.

They all need the help of the natives of the Red Mansion World.

So after considering it comprehensively for a while, she could only choose to parasitize Liu Xianglian's spiritual sea of ​​consciousness, and use her remaining power to brand his true soul as a slave.

To ensure nothing goes wrong.

Even if the strange spirit of that strange force comes to visit again, Liu Xianglian will not lose control easily.

It can be said that he was really miserable.

Just after leaving the wolf's den, he enters the tiger's den again.

However, the slave brand is relatively obscure, so after Liu Xianglian woke up, her first reaction was that she had finally regained her freedom, and she was grateful to the vigilant fairy.

During the period of being controlled, Liu Xianglian's soul was actually awake, and he knew what was happening outside and what his body had done, but he could not control his body. Therefore, he was actually quite aware of the previous plans of the Jing Huan Fairy, but he still knew more Letter to the police fantasy fairy.

Because in his opinion, Fairy Jinghuan may not be a kind and good deity without any scheming, but she is still a deity. She is the deity of their world, the fairy world, and she is also planning the treasures of the fairy world. Although he has manipulated the fate of some characters' families, at least he will definitely not covet their ownership of the world.

It is definitely much more reliable and safer than the person from another world who he was worried about coveting their world, and later imprisoned his soul and used his body to do many things that were against his true intentions.

Not to mention that the police fantasy fairy saved him.

It can be said that from the moment she was rescued, Liu Xianglian's wariness towards the Jing Huan Fairy was at its lowest.

The follow-up spirit of the vigilant fantasy fairy probably also noticed this, so she did not mention the slave brand, let alone activate the slave brand. Instead, she directly and tactfully talked with Liu Xianglian while inquiring about more forces from the other world. message, while expressing his helplessness and hoping to get help from Liu Xianglian in the future. And successfully obtained Liu Xianglian's promise.

It wasn't until Liu Xianglian's soul reintegrated with the body with the help of Fairy Jinghuan, she took control of the body, opened her eyes, and saw the mummies of Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao that he was both shocked and a little scared.

Fairy Jing Huan's previous attack was too fast, so he didn't even see the fate of Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao. At this time, when he first saw the two living people suddenly turned into mummies, he would inevitably be shocked, and then he thought that they were The men of the Jing Huan Fairy, the Jing Huan Fairy used their bodies to do something, so it is natural to suspect that their becoming like this has something to do with the Jing Huan Fairy.

Or to put it more simply and straightforwardly, what did the police fantasy fairy do to make them look like they are now? So, how could Liu Xianglian not be afraid?
However, the vigilant fairy who possessed Liu Xianglian's spiritual sea of ​​consciousness and imprinted the slave brand on his true soul could not read his mind, but she could still sense his emotional changes. After a moment's thought, she understood that Liu Xianglian was more afraid. What, so he quickly started to lie and comfort him:

“But were you frightened by their corpses?

Don't worry, their souls have been sent into the illusion of Taixu by me. They only need to rest for a period of time to recover. Next, whether they are practicing the path of ghosts and immortals, reincarnation, or reincarnation, it doesn't matter.

I will lead them back to the path of immortality.

The core of us monks is the soul. As long as the soul is immortal, it is not dead. The body is nothing more than a skin. Reincarnation is just a change of skin, which is harmless. "

The souls of those two guys were completely burned, so there was no chance of rebuilding or reincarnation.

But Fairy Jing Huan still needs Liu Xianglian to help her sincerely. At this time, naturally, she cannot reveal the truth of the matter and threaten her directly. She can only lie to fool her first.

Liu Xianglian doesn't understand this either. In addition, there is indeed a saying in Buddhism that the physical body is just a stinky skin. These relatively familiar contents are undoubtedly more interesting to him than the alien knowledge that he cannot understand and is not familiar with. Accept understanding. So he quickly put aside most of his worries and discussed with Fairy Jing Huan whether he should collect the corpses of Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao.

And how to arrange Jia Baoyu!
And how to deal with another world?

The final result of the discussion was that Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao dug a random hole and buried it, and dust will return to dust. Jia Baoyu will have to send it back later, and he will still use the same invisible aircraft as before.

As for how to deal with the other world.

Fairy Jing Huan thought for a while and said: "The strength of those extraterrestrial demons cannot be underestimated, but after all, we are separated by a world barrier, and it is not that easy for them to invade directly. Master Mang Mang also has a storage bag in his hand. You take it off and I'll teach you how to use it.

Later, you will put the so-called locator from another world into it, and I will teach you the cultivation method and the sealing method. As long as you get started, you can completely seal the storage bag with the help of my split soul.

It should be safe for now.

When the remaining spirituality of the psychic gem is completely wiped out later, you can give me the psychic gem and the storage bag together.

I'll try to get rid of that thing! "

Practically speaking, the police fantasy fairy has no good way to deal with it now, and she dare not directly confront that other world head-on. After all, that other world can observe the fate of the Red Mansion World, and can even open plane channels to transfer things back and forth at any time. These two points alone are stronger than her. The success in repelling the opponent this time was completely unexpected and caught the opponent off guard.

If we meet head-on next time.

It’s not certain who will lose or win.

Therefore, Fairy Jing Huan's current idea is to delay the head-on encounter as long as possible until the spirituality in the psychic gem is completely wiped out.

Then she just needs to get the psychic gem.

As soon as she got the thing, she would directly find a hidden place to retreat and devour it. As for the world of Red Mansion, what did it have to do with her? Even if the other party invaded, it would only invade the mortal world of Red Mansion, and it would have no effect on her.

Of course, there is no need to tell Liu Xianglian these inner thoughts, just promise that you will help deal with them.

After hearing this, Liu Xianglian felt that the vigilant fairy was still responsible, and hurriedly got busy, such as finding the storage bag, burying the bones of Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao, and learning how to control the invisible one. Aircraft, send Jia Baoyu back and so on.

After finishing everything and practicing for a while according to the guidance of Fairy Jinghuan, he suddenly remembered the Zhen family:

"Fairy Alarm Fantasy, Fairy, I suddenly remembered something. The Zhen family may also have extraterrestrial demons. I have heard those extraterrestrial demons say that the Zhen family may have time travellers. Those who have traveled from other worlds should be considered extraterrestrial demons. They are now The technologies brought out are probably from other worlds, similar to those provided by the extraterrestrial demons that controlled me previously.

And Mrs. Zhen is still alive.

The Supreme Emperor died early. "

In fact, the strength of the vigilant fairy is not enough to observe the future fate of the world of Red Mansions. Her plan is not as detailed as who will die when or when she will fall in love with a certain person. The core purpose of the vigilant fairy is only one thing. To collect enough Too much evil power in the mortal world consumes the spirituality of the psychic gem, and other things are trivial.

Is Old Concubine Zhen dead? Is the Supreme Emperor dead?

It didn't affect her much.

The things Master Mang Mang and Master Miao Miao intervened in were just to increase the evil power of the mortal world.

That's why she didn't go to Bai Sheng.

The most important thing is that at this time, the police fantasy fairy really didn’t want to cause trouble, so she immediately replied:

"Don't worry, even if there are extraterrestrial demons in their family, as long as those extraterritorial demons don't do anything to destroy the world or disrupt the world, there is no need to pay attention to it.

The most important thing for you right now is to practice hard.

Only with enough strength can you have the confidence to deal with everything. "

Fairy Jing Huan's split soul was no longer able to cope with the next crisis, and Liu Xianglian was too weak. Even if he burned all his body and soul, it wouldn't have much power, so she naturally had to urge him to practice hard.

As for other things, as long as they don't affect her plans.

It doesn't matter...

However, can everything really go as she wants?

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