Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 181 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die [2 in 1]

Chapter 181 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die (17) [-in-]

Wudang Mountain, in a hidden canyon.

The moment the bioartificial intelligence chip was destroyed by the police fairy, the backup chip stored here was immediately activated. The artificial body of the backup chip also started to recover simultaneously, and Liu Xianglian was quickly located.

Even if the bioartificial intelligence chip is destroyed, some residual material will remain in Liu Xianglian's body, which will be difficult to remove with surgery unless nanorobots are used.

Or come to the world of spiritual practice to cleanse your mind and cut your marrow.

But Liu Xianglian obviously didn't have this condition.

Therefore, those remaining fragments became the best locators for the backup chip, making it easy to locate Liu Xianglian.

The main reason why they kept a spare chip and artificial man was that they were not sure about the specific strength of Fairy Jinghuan, Master Mangmang, and Master Miaomiao, and they were afraid that Liu Xianglian's death would not be caused by their opponents.

Keep a backup copy of the chip and the cyborg.

At least give them a chance to make a comeback.

As the line of fate continues to change and the oscillations of time and space intensify, the plane channels they open become more and more stable and larger. Liu Xianglian is no longer a necessary figure for them. As long as they are fully prepared in advance, Even if he dies unexpectedly, it doesn't matter...

After the biological artificial intelligence chip controlled Liu Xianglian, the first thing he did was to temporarily block Liu Xianglian's consciousness at any cost, and without his knowledge, he hid backup chips and other things that could help him make a comeback.

The main reason is that they are no match for the police fantasy fairy.

And the police fantasy fairy can search for souls and other methods.

That destroyed their comeback trump card.

The backup chip that is now awakened will naturally perform tasks according to the priorities set at the beginning.

The first priority is to find Liu Xianglian if Liu Xianglian can still be located. No matter whether he regains control of her or takes back the locator bound to him, the locator must be in his hand now. The focus is not on Liu Xianglian. Xianglian, but the locator in his hand.

Its cost is quite high. Despite its small size, its total value is comparable to gold the size of an asteroid. If it can be recovered, of course it must be worked hard to recover.

The second priority is to locate Liu Xianglian if Liu Xianglian cannot be located, then locate the position of the locator and try to find and bind it.

The third priority is the worst result, that is, if the locator is destroyed, the backup chip needs to activate the expansion command of its own artificial man, which means to continuously collect minerals, copy the artificial man, and build a space positioning and traction device. It is convenient for the other world to search for the corresponding signal, reopen the plane channel, and then send a new locator over to restore the original stable communication.

Doing so is not only difficult and complicated.

The price is also quite high.

If they don't know the magic and high value of the five-color stone fragments, it is estimated that if the worst result comes to this, the other world may not send locators over again, because the gain outweighs the loss.

Scouring all the minerals in the world may not be as valuable as customizing a new locator.

As for backup chips and artificial humans.

Just stay here and fend for yourself!

But at this time, because the other world already knew that the five-color stone fragments were extremely valuable and might even be involved in world creation, when the backup chip followed the original program plan, it was looking for Liu Xianglian. The other world is also trying to bypass Liu Xianglian, the binder of the locator, and obtain the highest authority of the locator through the backdoor.

Perform automatic repair of locators.

In addition, the analysis of the final operation of the police fantasy fairy and the formulation of a strategy plan are also in progress.

At this moment, they were no longer satisfied with just acquiring some practice skills and calling it a day. They had not wanted to invade the Red Mansion World before, mainly because they did not know how precious the five-color stone fragments were. Nowadays, even real immortals are coveting him, and they are even unable to come in person due to the distance between immortals and mortals. However, they have no such scruples. If they miss such a great opportunity.

They themselves cannot forgive themselves.

Therefore, after reporting and negotiating, the Red Mansion live broadcast room quickly disappeared from the entertainment section and was transferred to another section, the alien development unit of the military section. Many professionals joined it to formulate invasion and development plans.

【what happened? 】

[The signal is cut off. Oh my God, something happened to Brother Liu. That monk and Taoist priest are so scary. In a split second, they suddenly turned into mummies...]

[Brother Liu, I’m afraid it’s going to be very bad! 】

[It feels like a spiritual attack, but the explosion of the monk and the Taoist priest was a bit too strange. It broke out sooner or later, but it happened just when the psychic gem was about to be sent away, and it looked like they would both die together. , is this really necessary? 】

[Don’t you think Brother Liu’s operation is a bit strange? I remember that he didn’t seem to have learned much about our knowledge before and didn’t know much about many of our things. However, he is obviously very skilled in flying that invisible aircraft and seems to have used it before. It seems like I’ve driven it many times, but I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen him learn it before! 】

[Don’t you want people to download and learn secretly? He doesn’t live broadcast 24 hours a day. Don’t discriminate against ancient people. Their IQs are not any lower than ours.

We can learn it, they just have to study hard.

It can definitely be learned...]

[I'm not questioning his IQ, the key is that the operating procedures of his invisible aircraft are so standardized, as if they were operated by a robot. 】

[Speaking of this, I also think Liu Xianglian is a bit strange. He clearly didn’t like selling things from his world to us before, even if they were just relatively common things. But this time he was faced with such a precious psychic. Baoyu, he didn't negotiate any conditions.

Just choose to trade directly with us...

It really didn't feel like him at all. 】


[Everyone, take a look at the properties of the live broadcast room. It is no longer the original entertainment section, but has been transferred to the alien world development section. Are you going to start a war on the world of Red Mansions? 】

[Oh my god, it’s true. 】

[Just for that piece of psychic jade? 】

[It is estimated that it is not only for the psychic jade, but also for the Fengyue Baojian. The former is a fragment of the legendary stone left by Nuwa to mend the sky, and the latter is an immortal artifact. The combination of the two can become an innate magic weapon. If you can get it These two things, if studied thoroughly.

It should be of great benefit to our technological development.

After all, our technological development has been stagnant for hundreds of years. Although there has been progress in some small directions, there has been no major breakthrough for hundreds of years.

In recent years, he has planned to invade the world of spiritual practice.

It is also to change the direction and draw parallels. 】

[It’s so outrageous. I suddenly feel like I’ve been stabbed in the back by the country. Previously, I had categorically told Liu Xianglian in the live broadcast room that we would never invade their world, but now I’m slapped in the face. 】

[Actually, it’s okay. I guess the main targets this time are still the Psychic Baoyu and Fengyue Baojian. They shouldn’t have any impact on the natives over there. At most, they will cause some accidental damage. 】【It's hard to say, if the process does not go smoothly or the losses are relatively large, it may be possible to directly hollow out all the various minerals in the Red Mansion World to make up for the losses. It's not like there were no previous cases. If this happened, although there would appear to be no casualties in Red Mansion World, their future technological development would be completely blocked. 】

[The development of science and technology, especially the development of science and technology in the early stages of civilization, is very resource-constrained. If a country does not have iron ore or coal mines at all, it will be difficult for them to develop various iron-related technologies.

We must really dig out all the mines in the world of Red Mansions.

They were afraid that they would be crucified in the feudal era. 】

[Alas, this live broadcast room has completely deviated from its original intention. Not only has the anchor died, but the development direction and attributes have also changed. I can't bear to continue watching.

See you all in other live broadcast rooms, bye! 】

[Actually, I think intrusion is normal, especially after the locator is lost. If I remember correctly, the original plan should be to recover the locator after collecting enough practitioners' skills and information.

But now, the locator cannot be recovered through peaceful and simple methods. It can only be invaded and retrieved.

The value of the locator, to put it bluntly, except for the cultivators in the Red Mansion World, all other people, land and materials combined, are probably not as expensive as the locator. It is impossible for the higher-ups to just give up recycling. 】

[That's right. Our civilization emptied half of the river system of rare and precious metals to create a dozen locators. Not to mention that they are not sold to the outside world at all. Even if they were sold to the outside world, it would probably take three to five living planets to exchange for one. The locator is indeed more expensive than Red Mansion World. 】

[Unfortunately, Brother Liu is gone like this! 】

[We are still too anxious and have to let him deal with Jia Baoyu directly and then face the Jing Huan Fairy.

We bear a great responsibility for his death...]

As the live broadcast room moved from the entertainment section to the other world development section, most of the people in the live broadcast room instantly decreased, and they were all people who didn't like blood and fighting.

In addition, the remaining audience was also divided into several camps.

Some are asking about Liu Xianglian's life and death, some are asking why they changed their original intentions, and some are opposed to the invasion of the Red Mansion World. However, after the live broadcast room was moved to a different world to open up a section, the opinions of netizens had no effect, because during the war, Military law is the highest.


At the same time, Beijing.

Since the end of the Rongguo Mansion War, most people's attention, or discussion, in the entire capital has been basically focused on the battle between Rongguo Mansion and Rongguo Mansion. His family has been the center of public opinion recently.

Even Emperor Yuan Xi was no exception.

Not only did they send people to make insidious inquiries on the surface, they also sent people secretly to investigate the truth of the matter.

Especially after Jia Baoyu returned safely.

He even specially summoned Jia Baoyu, hoping to get more information through Jia Baoyu. Unfortunately, Jia Baoyu's memories of that period were all managed to be erased by the Fairy Jing Huan, so Emperor Yuan Xi had nothing to gain, and he was not good either. Directly persecute or imprison descendants of the founding fathers.

So in the end Jia Baoyu could only be released.

Then they continued to send people to keep an eye on their house.

How to describe it?
During the recent period, Emperor Yuan Xi didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the state, and he didn't pay much attention to it. He was ready to correct the mistakes of the nobles. Most of his attention was focused on the Jia family in Rongguo Mansion. At the same time, he also sent people to inquire about the practice of alchemy.

Many ministers were frightened and submitted memorials one after another.

Either subtle or explicit advice.

He was afraid that Emperor Yuan Xi would follow the old path of some emperors who visited immortals and made elixirs for immortality, which would eventually lead to the decline of the country or eat him to death.

Fortunately, Emperor Yuan Xi was relatively young, at least he was not suffering from any illness, his energy was still good, and he was able to listen to advice.

So after a period of obsession.

Finally calmed down.

Although people are still sent to keep an eye on the Jia family, they have at least restored their original diligence, as if everything is back on track.

Until the side courtyard of Duke Liguo's mansion was destroyed.

After a long journey of less than half a month, the artificial man controlled by the backup chip finally arrived in the capital and found Liu Xianglian. Next, of course, they started fighting. The android wanted to regain control of Liu Xianglian and take back control of the locator from him, but Liu Xianglian was of course unwilling.

Liu Xianglian, who had just practiced for half a month, would definitely not be a match for the artificial man even with the guidance of the police fantasy fairy. But at this critical juncture, Fairy Jinghuan could not care about her other losses. In order to save the five-color stone fragments, she forcibly absorbed the souls of the other twelve golden hairpins in the capital, except Fairy Jiangzhu, and used them to Provide nutrients to help Liu Xianglian grow seedlings.

Improve Liu Xianglian's cultivation level.

In an instant, Xue Baochai, Shi Xiangyun, Jia Tanchun and others perished. Only Jia Yuanchun survived because he was a noble concubine at this time and was protected by the luck of the dynasty.

But even if one is missing, so many fairy essences are still enough to push Liu Xianglian's cultivation to an extremely high level, but his soul power is insufficient and difficult to control.

It is also difficult to perfectly absorb these spiritual energies.

The Jinghuan Fairy had no choice but to separate her soul and die in person. While seizing Liu Xianglian's body, she absorbed the essence of those fairies to improve the body's cultivation level.

Wait until she fights the androids.

Liu Xianglian's soul was gone, and she took away her body. At the same time, nine of the twelve golden hairpins also perished.

Not only the body of reincarnation in this life has fallen.

The soul essence also completely dissipated.

It's the same as losing one's soul, and reincarnation is impossible.

In addition to Lin Daiyu and Jia Yuanchun, the other survivor was Qin Keqing. She died early and her soul had returned to Taixu Illusion, so she was not devoured this time.

Liu Xianglian, whose cultivation level has reached a certain level and whose body was taken away by the vigilant fairy, can be said to be quite angry and is fighting the androids to the death. After all, she had suffered too much because of this artificial man. She had cultivated the twelve golden hairpins with great difficulty. She was very distressed if one of them died, not to mention nine of them. She could not blame herself for this.

He can only vent his anger on the artificial man.

The scope of this battle was even larger than that of the previous battle. After the two of them destroyed everything around them, they flew directly to the sky to fight. Many onlookers nearby could clearly see it.

Some people even recognized Liu Xianglian.

It was at this time that the locator sealed in the storage bag finally repaired itself successfully.

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