Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 183 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die [2 in 1]

Chapter 183 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die (19) [-in-]

Half a month later, Bai Sheng drove a carriage to Zhen's house in Jiangnan Mansion and asked Concubine Shu to come forward. Only then was he successfully invited in by the concierge of Zhen's house with great respect.

There is no way, Bai Shengdu has not returned to the Zhen family for more than sixty years. She is the old concubine Zhen. Everyone in the Zhen family knows and has heard about her, but few people have seen her. On the contrary, she is Concubine Shu. , after all, it had only been less than a year since he entered the palace, and it had only been less than two years since he left the Zhen family.

The concierge Bingda recognized her at a glance.

Then, while ordering people to open the door of the mansion, he sent people to the backyard, the government office and other places to inform Mrs. Zhen, the head of the Zhen family, and the elders of the clan.

Although Bing Da is just a gatekeeper, it doesn't mean he has little knowledge. Nowadays, everyone thinks that the royal family is completely destroyed and is ready to take action. The third girl in their family who married into the palace may now have become the late emperor's concubine. It is self-evident what it means to be pregnant, if the child in the belly is a baby.

He is simply the most justifiable new emperor.

The future is simply unimaginable.

Of course, for such an important matter, everyone in the clan who could be notified must be informed. As for the old lady who came back with Concubine Shu, he didn't pay much attention.

I just thought it might be an old nun in the palace or something.

I didn't dare to think in the direction of Old Concubine Zhen at all.

After half a stick of incense, Mrs. Zhen rushed out with a happy face, and was about to salute when she saw Bai Sheng, but Bai Sheng stepped forward quickly to help her:
"No need to be polite, you mother and daughter can have a heart-to-heart talk.

Also, hurry up and ask some doctors to come over and take a look at her body and take care of her. It’s been a tiring journey all the way, and although there’s no major reaction, it’s more reassuring to ask a doctor to take a look at her, and we’ll do the rest after everyone arrives. "

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Zhen hurriedly made a simple ceremony instead, and ordered the housekeeper to immediately invite all the famous doctors in the city, and at the same time pay attention to the safety of the Zhen Mansion.

Then he turned around and hugged his daughter and choked:

"It's so pitiful. I've been so scared to death these days. I thought you were with the others. Your grandmother almost cried her eyes out. Fortunately, God bless you.

Just come back and be safe..."

What followed was mainly about mother and daughter talking to each other. Mrs. Zhen talked about what happened during the more than a year since her daughter left the Zhen Mansion, while Concubine Shu told about the things she encountered after entering the palace, the dangers that occurred, and the ancestors. How much help he provided her, how many times he saved her, without his ancestors, he would have died long ago, etc.

Because a large part of what she said was related to Bai Sheng, Bai Sheng had to accept Mrs. Zhen's thanks many times until Zhen Yingjia came back.

In addition, several clan elders came back with him.

As soon as he entered the house, Zhen Yingjia saw his third daughter with a big belly. His face immediately became happy, and at the same time, he was even more ecstatic inside. When he saw Bai Sheng, he was even happier.

If only his daughter had survived.

Maybe others will still question it.

After all, how come most of the capital city and even the palace have disappeared, and everyone inside is dead, but your daughter, who is still pregnant, can survive.

Is it fake? Is it fake?

Do you want to confuse the royal bloodline...

But now that there is another old concubine Zhen still alive, the trustworthiness of the two of them surviving together is undoubtedly higher. The most important thing is that it is impossible for the pregnant concubine to leave the palace, but what if the old concubine Zhen took his daughter with her when she left the capital to pray for the Supreme Emperor.

Not to mention how reasonable it is.

But at least it makes sense!

Everyone knows very well how deep the relationship between Old Concubine Zhen and the former Supreme Emperor is. They also know that if Old Concubine Zhen really wants to leave the capital and find a efficacious temple to help pray for blessings, there is a high probability that His Majesty will not refuse her.

In addition, everyone has actually heard that Concubine Shu was plotted by many people in the palace. Thanks to the protection of the old concubine Zhen, she was able to have a safe pregnancy so far. Therefore, the old concubine Zhen left the capital to pray for blessings. If she did not trust her, she would take her with her.

Also quite reasonable.

These reasonable factors, coupled with the fact that many people in Jiangnan Mansion have met his daughter, including some older wives who have retired and returned to their hometowns as ministers, have also met Old Concubine Zhen, are enough to help determine their identities.

Thinking about this, Zhen Yingjia quickly saluted and said:

"I have met the old concubine and the empress Shu!"

Seeing this, except Concubine Shu, who was still a little confused, everyone else present basically understood what he meant, and they all knelt down and saluted. For a time, the entire Zhen Mansion, including outside the Zhen Mansion, could almost hear Concubine Shu saying "Thousands of years old, thousand years old, thousand years old" Thousand years old, the voice of the old concubine is blessed.

In fact, the main purpose of doing this is to show everyone, or perhaps call it a declaration, that their daughter of the Zhen family is not dead and is now back alive.

After the ceremony, Concubine Shu was taken to the backyard by her mother, Mrs. Zhen, to receive the doctor's diagnosis and treatment and rest. She was not needed for the next thing. She only needed to take good care of her body and give birth to the child in her belly safely. Bai Sheng, along with Zhen Yingjia and a group of clan elders, went to the left wing of the Zhen family's ancestral temple.

After everyone sat down one by one, Bai Sheng said:
"I know you have a lot of doubts, but listen to me first. You don't need to know too much about the things in the capital. You just need to know that it was not done by me, nor by some traitor. If you have to tell me the reason, you can only To describe it, when gods fight, mortals suffer.

Concubine Shu and I were able to escape with luck, and the reason has been told to you, so you should treat it as if it were true.

The most important thing now is not to trace the reasons.

But what the future should be like!
The current situation is quite obvious. It is not an exaggeration to say that the world is in constant turmoil and is in danger. It may fall apart at any time, the heroes may segregate themselves, or even be invaded by foreign enemies. If I have a choice, I actually don't want to push our Zhen family to the front, and I don't want Concubine Shu and the child whose gender is unknown in her belly to bear such great pressure and such a heavy burden at such a young age.

Bear the safety of the world on them.

But there was no way. I really couldn't save too many people at that time. I was lucky enough to be able to save her, or even myself, because the child in her belly was the only one of royal blood.

Only by pushing her and the child out of her belly can it be possible to barely guarantee the unity of the country and concentrate its strength to resist the invasion of neighboring countries. "

"So I hope that you can shoulder the responsibility and support Concubine Shu as the Queen Mother and her children as the new emperor. At least keep their nominal identity and status to maintain the stability of the country. As for compromises in other aspects, If you can compromise, try to compromise first.

The most important thing now is to stabilize people's hearts!

I’ll talk about the rest later. "

Under the current circumstances, it is certainly impossible to expect Concubine Shu and the unborn child in her belly to immediately hold the power and dominate the world, but there is still a lot of hope for them to be in power and to have the leader of the group again.

As long as you are willing to make more exchanges of interests.

Delegating power to local wealthy families and so on.

Of course, there are definitely hidden dangers in doing this, but there is no way. During the Yellow Turban Uprising at the end of the Han Dynasty, could the emperor at that time not know that delegating power to local governors would lead to the hidden danger of separatism? Yes, but if he did not delegate power, the entire Han Dynasty would die. It will only happen sooner, and delegating power to those local county guards will at least extend their lives for a few more decades.

If you are lucky, a promising leader will emerge.

Maybe there is still the possibility of re-centralizing ZTE. It's a pity that they were unlucky and failed to produce a promising king. In the end, they could only continue to decline. Delegating power to the county governor at the beginning became a desperate method to quench thirst by drinking doves.

But now Bai Sheng hopes to do this.

Firstly, the current situation is too bad. Without an exchange of interests, it is difficult to reach an agreement quickly. When foreign enemies invade and local governments are divided, if we try to do this again, even if there is an exchange of interests, it will be difficult to achieve it, and the world will inevitably be in chaos.

Secondly, of course, it was also because she had the confidence to spend more than ten or twenty years slowly returning the rights that had been exchanged to the court and revive it again.

Now compromise, exchange of benefits.

But it's just a stopgap measure.

Everyone present was not stupid and immediately understood what Bai Sheng meant, but Zhen Yingjia still asked immediately:
"Old concubine, of course I agree with what you said, but there is still another question, and that is whether the child in my daughter's belly is a son or a daughter.

If it's a son, everything will be easier.

But if it’s a daughter…”

"Concubine Shu must give birth to a son!" In this situation, it is obviously not suitable to promote a princess to the throne, so Bai Sheng's attitude is quite clear, that is, Concubine Shu must and can only give birth to a son.

"You mean, we need to make some preparations in advance. If there is an accident, the civet cat will be replaced by the prince?"

Zhen Yingjia seemed to understand something.

"There is no need for the civet cat to exchange for the prince. When the time comes, I will personally deliver the baby for her. No matter whether she gives birth to a son or a daughter, he will always be a son to the outside world. You are responsible for finding some absolutely loyal personal caretakers. It won't take too long. As long as you don't give birth to a son in the first ten years." It's enough to reveal the secret. I think the world will be stable in more than ten years, and even if she is revealed to be a girl, it will not cause too much turmoil.

The worst that can happen is to recruit an imperial husband! "

Concubine Shu is now more than seven months pregnant. How could Bai Sheng not know that she is pregnant with a girl? Originally, she thought this was good. If she gave birth to a girl, she would not pose much of a threat to others, and the Zhen family would grow steadily. that is. But that was before something happened in Beijing. Now that something happened in Beijing, she could only suffer as a daughter.

I have been pretending to be my son for more than ten years.

There is no way, when the world is stable, it is extremely difficult for a woman to ascend the throne and become emperor. It can even be said to be impossible. From ancient times to the present, there has been Wu Zetian, at least under their social atmosphere and political system.

There was only one Wu Zetian.

Under the current circumstances, if we really want to announce to the public that the late emperor's only surviving pregnant concubine gave birth to a daughter, then we can basically directly declare that the late emperor and the royal family are extinct, and everyone will fight for hegemony!

So we can only tell the outside world that she gave birth to a son.

Hearing this, Zhen Yingjia's reaction was slow, but she probably understood what Bai Sheng meant, and immediately said bitterly: "So she is pregnant with a daughter?"

Bai Sheng said nothing, only nodded silently.

At this time, everyone present except Bai Sheng became anxious. They knew very well that some of the imperial doctors in the palace were very good at diagnosing the pulse, especially after the child was six months old. A capable imperial doctor could indeed The gender of the child has been diagnosed, and if Mrs. Zhen said this, there is a high probability that it is impossible to be false.

The difficulty of helping a prince ascend the throne is not at the same level as disguising a princess as a prince and helping her ascend the throne. The latter also requires huge risks.

"The world has just been at peace for less than a hundred years, and the people have only lived a peaceful life for a few years. Enemy countries in foreign lands are now eyeing them. If the world really falls apart, the people will suffer. We are not doing this for our own family, but for our own family. Is it for the common people of the country that you have read the books of sages in vain for so many years? "

Bai Sheng saw their hesitation and could only quickly increase the pressure again, or it could also be called moral kidnapping.

Use the common people of the country to kidnap them.

If their family was really bad, they wouldn't just ransack the house, and Zhen Yingjia would even be reused again. Moreover, although this matter was risky, the benefits were not small, so after carefully weighing the pros and cons, Zhen Yingjia still He nodded in agreement.

The next step is of course to discuss some details, how to publicize it to the outside world, how to contact other families, etc.

At the same time, some well-informed officials and families in Jiangnan Mansion had basically found out the relevant information. They hurriedly sent people, and even went to Zhen Mansion in person to meet with Bai Sheng and Concubine Shu, or to learn more about it. According to the specific situation, the Zhen family was even informed in advance.

In addition, it also means to test whether the news is true or false.

In order to tell the world about the survival of Mrs. Zhen and Concubine Shu as soon as possible, Zhen Yingjia quickly publicized the story compiled by Bai Sheng to the outside world, and said that there would be a family banquet in three days, and all the three people who had met his family would be invited. The daughter, who is now Concubine Shu, is a lady from a famous family.

And Mrs. Gaoming, who had met Old Concubine Zhen.

Everyone is invited!
The purpose is obviously to use these insiders, these people who have met Concubine Shu and Old Concubine Zhen.

Help verify the identity and show that the two of them are real.

It's not a substitute disguised by the Zhen family!
Although the family banquet has not officially started, the relevant news has spread quickly in Jiangnan Mansion and spread out at an extremely fast speed. I believe that once the relevant news spreads throughout the country, the whole world's attention will be focused on the Zhen family and Shu. On the fetus in the concubine’s belly.

Three days later, the family dinner officially started.

While the guests were seated, Bai Sheng and Shu Fei also showed up and chatted for a while with those they had met before before going back to rest.

Then those who have seen them before.

They all told their relatives that Concubine Shu and Old Concubine Zhen were indeed the Concubine Shu and Old Concubine Zhen they had seen before. They looked the same, and the royal court clothes they wore were consistent with their identities. The court clothes worn by concubines and old concubines are all custom-made. It takes at least a year to weave them successfully. Weaving them privately is tantamount to treason.

It has not been more than a month since the capital was destroyed.

It is simply impossible to find two special imperial court robes that look the same, are the same age, and have the same temperament, and at the same time weave them in such a short period of time.

All circumstances are enough to indicate that these two are real and may indeed be as lucky as they say.

I went out of the city to pray for blessings and luckily survived.

After confirming their identity, the officials of Jiangnan Prefecture began to contact and negotiate privately. At the same time, they reached some tacit understanding with Zhen Yingjia. In addition, they also cooperated to help Zhen Yingjia and contacted and negotiated with the governors of Yin County in other prefectures.

Various exchanges of interests have begun, but some people still continue to wait for the birth of Concubine Shu's child.

One corpse and two lives are too many these days.

There are also many children who die after birth.

Moreover, even the gender has not been determined yet. She has not been born yet, and the gender has not been determined yet. Everything is still difficult to say!

Some people hope that Concubine Shu can give birth to a prince safely, reorganize the imperial court, and stabilize the situation. Naturally, some people don't want that, and want the world to be chaotic, fishing in troubled waters, etc. So it didn't take long for Bai Sheng to discover that she still had to insist on protecting Concubine Shu. , to protect her and her children.

Otherwise, he might be killed one day.

It’s really a life of hard work.

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