Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 184 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die [2 in 1]

Chapter 184 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die (20) [-in-]

As relevant news continues to ferment and gradually spread throughout the country, the entire Jiangnan Prefecture, including the counties and prefectures near Jiangnan Prefecture, have united to reorganize the court system and even make preparations to make Jiangnan Prefecture the capital and worship heaven.

Today's capital city.

Obviously there is no way to become the imperial capital again.

Not to mention that there is already a big glazed pit over there. Just what happened there is enough to make people fear it. Let alone Dingdu, since the situation inside was discovered, no one dared to approach it for several miles. .

Everyone is taboo about that place.

Consider it a place of divine punishment and a place of demons.

The original capital has disappeared. Nowadays, choosing a new capital is naturally very important. The influence of a country's capital on all aspects is self-evident. As long as you can successfully establish a capital somewhere, that place can immediately become the political center of the entire country. Not to mention other benefits, just the price of nearby land will soar. There are benefits for all local people, and the benefits are greater for those with more local land assets.

These are just some of the most obvious benefits, and there are countless other invisible benefits.

The value of household registration in the capital is far higher than that in other areas.

Therefore, even though there is nothing yet, the southern state capitals centered on Jiangnan Prefecture are already quarreling over the issue of establishing their capital. But after all, the entire south was developed later than other regions. Even though some state capitals are indeed economically developed today, their background is indeed a bit poor. Only Jiangnan Prefecture once served as the old capital of four dynasties.

Although they are not powerful and long-lasting unified dynasties, they are already better than other states in the south.

In addition, Jiangnan’s economy far exceeds that of other regions.

So in the end, after making some appropriate compromises, they succeeded in taking the lead and became the new capital that was acquiesced and even supported by the nineteen southern states.

But in this case, the state capitals in the northwest and other regions are obviously not willing.

The original imperial capital could barely be considered to be in the middle of the country, and it was decided by the founder of the country. Everyone had no reason and did not dare to question anything. But now that the original imperial capital has been completely destroyed, who doesn't want to fight for some benefits for their own family?
Especially Luoyang Chang'an, which has its own heritage.

He is quite active in wanting to compete.

Some people have even shouted that if the new capital is not located in their place, they will not recognize the concubine Shu created by Jiangnan Mansion. The controversy is quite loud.

It was at this time that the Three Kingdoms invaded the pass.

Of course, it is not the Three Kingdoms of the late Han Dynasty, but the three nearby countries, namely the Qianxiang Kingdom on the southern border, the Quanrong Kingdom on the northern border, and the western border countries headed by the Xiongnu. They were confirming that the intelligence they had received was true. Dayong Kingdom was now leaderless, and Dang even felt that this was a good opportunity to completely capture Dayong and divide its territory.

Gather an army in a very short time.

There was quite a tacit understanding to besiege Dayong.

The worst result was on the southern border. Although the Qianxiang Kingdom did not reach the level of overwhelming force and rampage, it still broke through the border defenses in just seven days and rushed to the border to burn, kill and loot.

And approaching in the direction of Jiangnan Mansion.

On the contrary, the north and west are still able to defend themselves. Only a few cavalry enter the pass through some hidden passages to plunder, and most of the barbarians are still kept at bay.

The reason is simple. Although the western and northern borders have been relatively peaceful in recent years, they are only relatively peaceful. Small-scale wars have never stopped. Therefore, although the garrison soldiers there may not be as good as the ones at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, they still have combat effectiveness. They are by no means just raw melons and eggs that have never seen blood. Moreover, they also have military camps, and the level of self-supply of supplies is as high as five become.

Even if the material support from the imperial court is lost.

It can last for a while!
But the south couldn't do that. The south only fought one battle with the Qianxiang Kingdom at the beginning of the founding of the country, beat the crap out of the Qianxiang Kingdom, and signed a tribute agreement to surrender.

After that, the two sides ceased fighting for more than six years.

Many soldiers here have never seen blood, and some have even become fishermen, making a living by fishing.

How can you compete with the soldiers who are strong and powerful!
Naturally, they were retreating steadily.

At this time, all ministers who have some knowledge, and even some ministers who are concerned about the country and the people, will understand that it cannot be delayed any longer. When the court was still there and the dragons had a leader, it would be very difficult to deal with the current situation. .

It may require mobilizing national efforts to resist.

But now, if we can't quickly form a new imperial court and concentrate our efforts to resist foreign enemies, I'm afraid it won't be long before the land is filled with fish and the country is ruined.

The most important thing is that it may not be the country that dies.

But the world!

After all, the invaders now are foreigners, not internal peasant uprisings or vassal rebellions.

For this reason, the southern forces headed by the Zhen family, while persuading other counties with the righteousness of the family and the country, made appropriate compromises and exchanged interests. Finally, a month after the invasion of foreign enemies, they successfully reached an agreement and each region gained a certain degree of autonomy. , recognized Jiangnan Mansion as the new imperial capital, and the child in Concubine Shu's belly as the new emperor.

And concentrate our efforts to deal with the outside world unanimously...

However, at this time, three provinces had been lost in the south, and the border defenses in the west and north were also crumbling.

But Concubine Shu hasn't given birth yet.

Although the imperial court has been temporarily established, there are internal quarrels over issues such as official positions, and there is no preparation for the enthronement ceremony. It is outrageous!

Bai Sheng felt a headache just looking at it.

I really want to shoot all those guys to death.

How long has this been happening? It’s so urgent. The country is about to be destroyed and the family is about to be destroyed. They are still fighting for power. How is this virtue different from the small court of Nanming in her memory? No, there is still a difference. The small court of Nanming has an emperor after all. She, the emperor, was not even born yet!

In this regard, Bai Sheng could only continue to use his ultimate move.

It is to imitate the late Han Dynasty and completely decentralize power.

County governments close to the border are allowed to raise funds and recruit troops on their own. At the same time, local powerful people are allowed to recruit teams to join them, and are given regular establishments and rewards for meritorious service...

There is no way, the newly formed small court has constant internal problems, and the speed of information communication is now very slow, making it impossible to command operations remotely. It is even more difficult to provide enough food, silver, and weapon support to the soldiers on the border. Isn’t that nonsense if you don’t give them anything and let them prepare food and weapons to resist?
To sum up, all the previous restrictions that specifically guarded against local rebellions were lifted, allowing them to recruit troops, build forces, and resist foreign enemies.

The imperial court could neither provide money nor recruit people.

Rewards can only be given after they have made meritorious deeds.

That is to say, be granted a title, be rewarded with an official position, or something like that.

It's a bit similar to the operation of the Zhou Dynasty back then. I couldn't give you anything. I just allocated a piece of land and it was yours. I recognized your identity and gave you a certain title.

Doing this will definitely lead to the loss of imperial power and local separatism, but there is no other way. This is the best choice. At this point, Bai Sheng finally understood why some operations were obviously done by mistake after a moment's thought, but the emperor still did it. Apart from the possibility that the emperor himself had no brains, there was a greater possibility.

There’s really no choice…

This seemingly stupid operation is already the best choice after weighing the pros and cons. The final result of other operations will probably be worse than the current one.

The first and most important point is that the newly formed court is still leaderless and has basically no prestige. It is the result of compromise among the various counties. In addition, the newly formed court has no money, the national treasury and the royal family's internal funds were all destroyed, and the newly formed court has not even collected taxes once. Where will they get the money?
If you want money but no money, if you want power but no power, if you want prestige but no prestige, how can you concentrate all the efforts of the whole country to do things? You have to spend money to do things, let alone the new court.

You are the Jade Emperor, and I, the King of Hell, are here.

That can’t be done for nothing!
Without the support of money and food, how can the soldiers on the frontier rely on support and how to resist foreign enemies? They cannot be allowed to drink the northwest wind and resist foreign enemies with their bare hands!
If we really insist on not delegating power, the world will still be in chaos. In order to resist foreign enemies, various places will still spontaneously recruit troops. The only difference is that they may complain about the court, complaining about the court not fulfilling its responsibilities and not distributing the food, wages and weapons owed to them. wait.

The situation will obviously only get worse by then.

The court will even suffer more complaints.

So it is better to delegate power first, at least to get through this wave of crisis first, and then we will deal with issues such as local separatism that may arise next!

Now we can only take one step at a time.

As the newly formed small court of Jiangnan Prefecture officially announced the full delegation of power to the border counties, the border counties, local wealthy families, and even some ambitious wealthy families in other places responded one after another, recruiting troops and officially starting to comprehensively resist foreign enemies. Of course, there must have been some fishing in troubled waters during the process, and some even took advantage of the chaos to do illegal things, but the new court obviously couldn't control it at all.

In other words, it is difficult for them to even know.

After all, their actual area of ​​control is mainly Jiangnan Mansion and several counties near Jiangnan Mansion.

No matter how far it is, it will be beyond reach!

The real country is in pieces, barely patching things up.

Less than a hundred years after the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to this unexpected event, the overall scene was presented as a scene of the end of the dynasty.

But even so, there are still not many officials and families in Jiangnan Mansion, who are too concerned about the border war. What they are most concerned about now is when Concubine Shu will give birth.

And whether she will give birth to a prince or a princess!
Of course, the really smart people have actually guessed that Concubine Shu must and can only give birth to a prince.

Because I can only give birth to a prince.

Only then can we ensure that the world still barely maintains unity.

Once she gives birth to a princess, some counties that have already begun recruiting troops may declare a split and separate themselves as kings. Only by giving birth to a prince can she ensure that the current small court continues to exist and maintain the unity of the country as the late emperor's posthumous son.

More than half a month later.

Concubine Shu finally reached her due date.

In order to ensure that the world could still maintain a superficial unity in the future, Bai Sheng had made a lot of preparations in advance. When Concubine Shu officially started giving birth, she specially accompanied a dozen midwives into the delivery room to deliver Concubine Shu. . At the same time, the countdown to the preparations she had made in advance officially began.

The final result was that Concubine Shu successfully gave birth to a prince in front of more than a dozen midwives, with the help of Bai Sheng. At the moment when the prince was born, the sky was filled with auspicious clouds, full of rays, and purple energy.

For a moment, everyone shouted that the Holy Emperor had come to earth.

All people in the world can be saved and so on.

Some of the lurking personnel who had been watching, or were sent by other counties, were shocked after receiving the information about Wen Po and seeing the auspiciousness of her previous birth, and hurriedly wrote back truthfully.

All the people and officials in Jiangnan Mansion seemed very happy and felt that there was hope for the future.

The new emperor is born with auspiciousness.

The world will surely be restored and peace restored.

Of course, these are all external manifestations. In fact, Concubine Shu gave birth to a daughter. However, when Bai Sheng personally delivered the baby, he affixed a virtual projection device prepared in advance to the baby. As the virtual projection device was turned on, The baby girl looked like a very healthy baby boy to the naked eyes of other women.

Unless they have mental power.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to break through this disguise.

Those stable women were not so much invited by Bai Sheng to deliver her great-niece and assist her, but rather to witness that her great-niece had indeed given birth to a prince, and that the Zhen family did not engage in any roguery. For operations such as changing the prince, this kind of open attitude can also avoid the spread of rumors to a certain extent.

To prevent others from attacking the future new emperor's life experience.

Of course, this is something Bai Sheng has the ability to do. Without her ability, she would naturally have to hide it.

For example, this time, when Bai Sheng said that she would arrange everything and asked Zhen Yingjia to find more Wen women to help deliver the baby, she scared Zhen Yingjia. Until the child was born, all the Wen women came out and did not show any abnormalities. , his hanging heart was relieved.

He even had some doubts as to whether his daughter-in-law was really a prince, a holy emperor or something like that.

As for the auspiciousness when a child is born.

Of course it was Bai Sheng who did it.

You have to wear footwear when acting. Using these auspicious signs to increase the child's weight and prestige will also be good for finding ways to take back those rights that were previously released in the future.

Wait for a dozen Wen Pos to leave Zhen Mansion.

After telling the master behind him truthfully what happened in the delivery room, and showing that the Zhen family behaved very openly and that the child was definitely a prince, all those with ulterior motives stopped. The loyal ministers who were worried that the Zhen family would mix up their bloodlines and use their own children to replace Concubine Shu's children as emperors all breathed a sigh of relief.

At this point, everyone can barely be considered happy.

When the news spread, the small court quickly held a simple enthronement ceremony and elected the child who was less than three days old as the new emperor.

At the same time, Concubine Shu was promoted to the Empress Dowager.

Bai Sheng is the supreme empress dowager.

Zhen Yingjia was the Duke of Chengen and the first assistant and Taifu.

The rest of the people, those with interests involved, all received a lot of benefits and promotions because of Conglong's merits.

The new grass-roots team, oh, no...

It's the new imperial court, finally fully formed! !

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