Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 185 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die [2 in 1]

Chapter 185 Old Concubine Zhen doesn’t dare to die (21) [-in-]

Actually speaking, among the many canonizations and promotions carried out by the new imperial court, the most difficult and the most controversial one was Bai Sheng.

And her title of Supreme Empress Dowager.

There was no way, her status was really embarrassing. She had never been a queen or a queen mother. Her highest status was just an old concubine recognized by the emperor.

Although enjoying the same treatment as the Queen Mother.

But she was never the Queen Mother.

No matter how you look at it, she is not that legitimate, let alone like the emperor's biological mother, Concubine Shu. Everyone who thinks that the queen mother thinks it is natural.

Actually speaking, her ability to become the Supreme Empress Dowager this time was all due to the hard work of Zhen Yingjia and his daughter Shu Fei, the current Empress Dowager. As for the reasons, it is actually very complicated, but overall it is definitely beneficial.

First, they felt that Bai Sheng was kind to them.

The kind that is as heavy as a mountain of kindness.

When there was no trouble in the capital, their family relied entirely on the old concubine to support them. Subsequently, his three daughters were able to successfully enter the palace, even become pregnant, and were not killed, all because of the contribution and support provided by the old concubine.

When something happened in the capital, it was fortunate that the old lady took his daughter out of the capital to pray for blessings, which gave his family the opportunity to be so wealthy. He said that the old lady was his family's lucky star.

It’s not too much!

Is it appropriate not to offer sacrifices to such an ancestor?

The second is that they firmly believe that Bai Sheng, the old concubine, holds a force that no one knows about.

It's even possible that the old lady knew about something happening in the capital.

Otherwise, where would such a coincidence come from?

Why did it happen that I left Beijing at that time to pray?

They must deepen the bond between them, make the old concubine recognize them more, and be willing to help them, so that they can do more things with the help of the old concubine's power.

As for the third point, it is also the most important point.

That is, Zhen Yingjia and his daughter both felt that they were unable to cope with the current situation. If they had not been forced to go to Liangshan, there was really no room for maneuver. They even thought about directly announcing to the public that the child was a princess and retiring from the throne. scrambled.

This situation, surrounded by enemies on three sides, divided internally, and completely decentralized, seemed to them to be a sign of the end of the dynasty. At the same time, they have a very clear understanding of themselves and know that they really do not have the ability and confidence to turn the tide. At this time, there is no doubt that a capable and confident person is needed to help take charge, and it is best to make suggestions and control the overall situation. The most important thing is that the two of them must be trustworthy and will not take away their power.

Besides the old concubine, who can do this?

No more, only the old concubine!
It is precisely because of these three considerations that Zhen Yingjia and his daughter will find various excuses and reasons to try to persuade as many allies as possible to transfer Bai Sheng, who is one generation higher than Emperor Yuanxi's father, from the original position. The waiting concubines were pushed up to the rear, and only Bai Sheng became the rear, qualified to listen to the affairs behind the curtain and intervene in the government affairs.

Since ancient times, only the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother have participated in political affairs.

There is no mention of any concubine being involved in politics.

Of course, the success of the father and daughter in the end was not all due to their efforts. Bai Sheng himself had outstanding abilities and was recognized by all the ministers. As well as the current domestic affairs, including the entire court, it was a mess. If he was not careful, , it may be infamy for thousands of years.

Become a subject of subjugation.

This is also the main reason why they are willing to let Bai Sheng become the Supreme Empress Dowager and also listen to politics behind the curtain.

After all, in this way, if you still can't turn the tide and the country is destroyed, you can at least put all the blame on Bai Sheng. When the time comes, you can call her a demon queen and bring disaster to the country and the people.

They just had no choice but to do so.

How can the reputation of history books be better!

As for if she can really turn the tide, then the worst thing is to praise her a few words about the Holy Queen. Then they will also be worthy ministers. Moreover, the Supreme Empress Dowager is already over eighty years old, and she still has a few more years to live. If she can live until the little emperor reaches adulthood, it is considered an unprecedented longevity.

At least among the ranks of the Queen Mother.

An unprecedented longevity.

So on the seventh day after the birth of the little emperor, Bai Sheng was successfully promoted to the supreme empress dowager. At the same time, she and her great-niece, the current empress dowager, listened to politics behind the curtain, while Zhen Yingjia participated in politics and assisted.

At this point, Bai Sheng had no choice but to start listening to the government behind the curtain, which can also be called the road of regency.

There is no way, the younger members of the family are incompetent.

The mess was too big, so I had no choice but to deal with it myself.

After so many worlds, although Bai Sheng has never been an emperor, she is very skilled in how to climb the technology tree and develop and expand her own power.

She could easily handle those things in the portable plane before, not to mention the plug-ins now.

So next, it is natural that Bai Sheng is not in a hurry to take back his power or collect taxes. The first decree he issued is to exempt all disaster-stricken areas and war-torn areas from taxation and corvee for three years. After three years, he will consider it as appropriate. It will be re-determined, and at the same time, half of the taxes and corvees in other areas will be reduced for the same three years, and it will be re-determined three years later.

It is impossible for the current small court to complete the nationwide tax collection. It would be good to raise the taxes of Jiangnan Prefecture and the two or three counties near Jiangnan Prefecture. Therefore, it is better to directly extend kindness to the world.

At least I can get a good reputation.

Increase people's recognition of the court.

At the same time, during the three years of nationwide tax exemptions and reductions, most people should be unlikely to rebel. This undoubtedly gives Bai Sheng three years of development time.

With these three years as a buffer, coupled with the full set of technologies in the portable plane, it is impossible to directly enter modernization, but it is still no problem to accumulate enough supplies and take back the decentralized army.

With the decree of tax exemption and tax reduction.

As expected, the new imperial court's national recognition increased rapidly, and the situation in various parts of the country began to stabilize. At least those areas that had not been invaded by foreign enemies stabilized, and everything went as planned.

For example, promotion of improved seeds, construction and production of workshops...

It may be difficult for a country to quickly transform from an agricultural country to an industrial country, but if it only changes Jiangnan Prefecture, it will undoubtedly be much simpler and easier.

...While Bai Sheng was climbing the technology tree in full swing and developing and strengthening his own power, the other two forces were also very anxious at this time and were trying hard to come back.

I want to enter the world of Red Mansions again.

That is, the technological alien world and the police fantasy fairy.

On the other side of the world, the locator had been repaired through the back door, but because the locator was sealed in the storage bag, it was temporarily unable to unlock the seal, which wasted a lot of time. Then, the artificial man they left behind self-destructed, destroying the storage bag and the seal of the storage bag, and also destroyed the locator.

Then they could only continue to go through the back door and try to repair the locator. Unfortunately, before the locator could be repaired successfully, Bai Sheng discovered it and sealed it again.

Bai Sheng's seal relied on high-tech means, which were much higher than their civilization level.

At this time they had lost contact with the locator.

There is currently a heated discussion internally, whether to give up and continue to launch a new locator into the world of Red Mansions, and invade directly at all costs.

Try to find a way to retrieve the previous locator.

Both sides of the argument are fair and reasonable, and the mother-in-law is right. Those who want to give up think that the water in the world of Red Mansions is very deep, and may have exceeded their capabilities. Although losing a locator is not a light loss, at least the previous purpose can be achieved. Even if you have achieved the point of acquiring spiritual knowledge, it cannot be considered as gaining nothing no matter what you do.

The most important thing is that since the other party has the ability to easily cause them to lose contact with the first locator, they must also have the ability to cause the second locator to lose contact as well.

The losses will undoubtedly be greater by then.

Those who want to continue think that the value of the locator is too high, and the value of the practice knowledge gained cannot be compared with it. Moreover, the locator also contains the coordinates of their world. If they don't take it back, their existence will be reflected by others. What is possible to invade must be recaptured.

In addition, they felt that the previous failure was just because they did not try their best and did not originally have the idea of ​​​​invading. They got a new locator and directly sent an army of millions of robots to invade from the beginning.

I still don’t believe that I still can’t win that world.

Even if it cannot be taken down, the world will be destroyed, and the lost locator will also be destroyed.

To ensure that the coordinates of their world are not leaked.

After more than a month of quarreling, they have made a plan to invade again. The core reason is that compared to losses, they are more afraid of the world's coordinates being leaked.

In addition, because of this accident, they also specially added a self-destruction system to all existing locators. Once the locator loses contact with them for more than a month, the self-destruction program will be activated. There is no way, many rules are just accidents. , just trying to make up for it!
But this time when they launched the locator, they encountered a serious dilemma, that is, the world of Red Mansions began to instinctively resist them, and now they are trying to find ways to bypass the resistance and find people like Liu Xianglian.

Just kidding, they have made such a big mess in the world of Red Mansions, it would be strange if the world didn’t instinctively resist!

In addition, most of the characters in the world of Red Mansions are basically near the capital, but now the entire capital has been completely destroyed, and the people in the capital are naturally basically extinct. At the same time, the other world does not know this situation, and is now in a I tried it myself and wondered why so many people couldn’t successfully locate it after trying it.

They probably have to wait until they try people outside the capital.

Only those who try it out in Jinling Mansion may succeed.

On the other side, at the moment when her own soul was destroyed, Fairy Jing Huan in Taixu Illusion realized that something was wrong with her plan while her vitality was severely injured.

The five-color stone fragments were even lost in the Red Mansion World.

Immediately afterwards, Fairy Jiangzhu and Waiter Shenying, who also died in the capital and returned to their true form, also came to the door. However, they still did not know about many things. The part of the memory that Jia Baoyu, the reincarnation of Waiter Shenying, knew about had been The police fantasy fairy was cleaned in advance.

Therefore, they came to the door not to ask for guilt, but to wonder what happened in the lower world, which actually led to their immediate death and damage to their souls.

After all, one of them descended to earth to experience calamity, and the other descended to earth to shed tears. Both of them were considered to have a mission, and it could also be regarded as an experience and practice. Now that they died midway before completing the mission, it is undoubtedly equivalent to a failure of the mission, a failure of calamity, and even more. It is equivalent to an accident during the practice.

Being interrupted...

It's normal to suffer some backlash and have your soul damaged.

Of course it was impossible for Fairy Jing Huan to tell the truth. After thinking about it, she came up with an idea and said immediately:

"It's caused both of you to suffer...

This time it was the devil from outside the territory who caused trouble. Not only did you fail and suffer the backlash, I also suffered heavy losses. Most of the fairy spirits under me were killed or injured.

The two subordinates who were trained in the world below also lost their souls, and even my soul was destroyed.

It can be said to be a great loss of vitality!
Besides, I'm afraid there might be trouble in the lower realm. "

"I think you all know that once an extraterrestrial demon invades a world, all life will be devastated. Not even us practitioners can cope with it, and how can ordinary mortal courts resist it? Alas, the world is in trouble.

I have the idea of ​​​​helping the people and the country.

I wonder if you two are willing to help.

Not only for the sake of the common people in the world, but also for the sake of that world, if we succeed in resisting the extraterrestrial demons, I think we can also gain merit. I wonder if you two would like to give it a try? "


Fairy Jiangzhu hesitated, and couldn't help but look at the attendant Shenying beside her. At the same time, Fairy Jinghuan's eyes were actually mainly focused on the attendant Shenying, because whether her purpose could be successfully achieved.

It all depends on whether the Shenying waiter is willing to help.

As mentioned before, although these immortals are just small immortals and gods, they cannot descend to the earth at will.

Otherwise, why would the police fantasy fairy bother so much?

But the waiter Shenying is different. Isn't there someone above him? He is a registered disciple of Venerable Ananda. Just like many laws, they mainly target ordinary people and have no effect at all on the royal family, nobles, and even many officials and gentry. Some laws of heaven and fairyland are only useful to ordinary immortals. For those with great power and power, if they are in a good mood and are willing to give face, they can abide by them. If they don't give face, there is nothing wrong if they don't abide by them.

For example, the fairy Sifan of Yaochi gave birth to a son.

According to the laws of heaven, all her children should be put to death directly. In the end, except for Yang Jiao who died on the spot, Yang Jian and Yang Chan, who were under the disciples of Zhenren Yuxu and Nuwa Palace, were still alive and kicking. The fundamental reason was because of the power of their masters. It is huge and can ignore the laws of heaven.

The waiter of Shenying has his back against the Buddhist venerable Ananda.

As long as you think about it, this thing can still be done, not to mention that whether it is dealing with extraterrestrial demons or earning merit, for their Buddhist disciples, it is politically correct. Therefore, the waiter Shenying thought about it for a while and felt relieved. He nodded in agreement and said:
"I understand what you mean, but that world is one of the worlds under the control of Nuwa Palace. I have to report it to Nuwa Palace through my master. If Nuwa Palace agrees, we can go down to earth. Demon destroyed.

As for Nuwa Palace, which has always been short of manpower, there should be no problem with all the heavens and realms under its control..."

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