Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 187: Old Concubine Zhen Dare not Die [2 in 1]

Chapter 187: Old Concubine Zhen Dare not Die (End) [-in-]

Yes, Bai Sheng had no choice but to intervene.

When he got the five-color stone fragments and the broken locator, Bai Sheng knew that the original owner of these two things would never give up. After all, these two things were not cheap goods, and it was impossible to just throw them away. It didn't matter.

So from that time on, Bai Sheng made arrangements so that he could know the development of the situation in time.

But her arrangements were less detailed.

In other words, it cannot be too detailed.

After all, her abilities and equipment are limited, and it is simply impossible to monitor every corner of the world at all times.

Therefore, it was naturally impossible to know about the invasion of another world at the first time. It was not until a large number of robots were discovered that they realized that the plane channel in the other world had been opened again and a large-scale invasion had begun.

The most terrifying thing is that although most of the energy cores of the invading robots are just high-energy energy blocks, a considerable number of them use fusion hearts.

About ten to one.

But even so, the number is still quite terrifying.

Duo Tuo has the ability to destroy all the lives in the Red Mansion World if the invasion fails.

Compared with these invading robots, the Jing Huan Fairy and others who had already arrived on the other side, who were also noticed by Bai Sheng, were not that dangerous. After all, there were only three of them in total. At the same time, they would never dare to massacre ordinary people, and they were heavily restrained. The immortals are naturally far less dangerous than the unfettered and unscrupulous robots.

As long as Bai Sheng pulls away, he can easily avoid it.

After all, the current Jing Huan Fairy has always believed that her five-color stone fragments were snatched away by those extraterrestrial demons from another world, and now the large-scale invasion also wants to find her and take away her Fengyue Treasure Book.

Bai Sheng just picked up the leak and didn't do anything else. Naturally, it was difficult to connect the matter to her.

Therefore, if it was just the vigilante fairy who came to the world, or if the vigilante fairy and others were able to deal with the army of alien robots, Bai Sheng would actually be too lazy to bother, and would most likely choose to leave some backup to arrange the subsequent development of the country. , just pull away and leave.

But the key thing now is that the police fairy and the others are obviously unable to cope with this army of millions of robots. If Bai Shengzhen leaves like this, it will be a question whether the entire world will continue to exist, let alone the Zhen family.

The Zhen family would have perished within three to five years after she left.

So how can her mission be considered completed?

Besides, she couldn't just watch the entire world of Red Mansion be destroyed, so after thinking about it for a while, Bai Sheng took out a ray of the world's origin and offered it to the heaven.

Ordinary things, or things like pigs, cattle and sheep, are most likely useless. However, the origin of the world is different. The world will be instinctively attracted to it, and the world consciousness bred by the world is naturally no exception.

Therefore, Bai Sheng relied on that ray of world origin to successfully sacrifice to heaven, enter the world core of the Red Mansion world, and come into contact with world consciousness. And after expressing his goodwill and signing a contract with heaven, he successfully merged with the world consciousness temporarily.

To put it simply, it is Hedao.

It's similar to Patriarch Hongjun's union with the way of heaven, except that Bai Sheng's union is the consciousness of the world, and through the portable plane bound to her soul, she can barely protect herself from being assimilated, but even so, she can't hold on for long.

Once the union lasts too long, she may enter the state of transformation, perish, and be swallowed by the consciousness of the world.

It's not that the world's consciousness wants to harm her, it's mainly that her strength is far inferior to that of the world. It's normal for the weak to be assimilated by the strong, not to mention that Bai Sheng chose to actively integrate with the world's consciousness.

So what she needs to do now is to resolve the crisis before she becomes enlightened, and then breaks away from world consciousness.

In the state of harmony, Bai Sheng can basically exert the abilities of the Lord of most of the world. In addition, the world consciousness is also aware of the current crisis, and Bai Sheng does not have any malicious intentions and actively cooperates. Therefore, she is the temporary world leader of the Red Mansion World. Lord, there is actually no problem.


She can turn the world of Red Mansion from passive defense to active defense in an instant, cutting off all intrusion channels, that is, plane channels and lower realm channels.

For the world, whether it is a channel opened by technological means or a channel opened by spiritual practice.

They are all invasion channels and are treated equally.

With the closure of the plane channel, all robots are no longer subject to the remote control command of the other world, and some have even shown a tendency to lose control and self-destruct. Fortunately, Bai Sheng had foreseen it, and Dang even mobilized the world's authorities based on the basic operating principles of those robots to forcibly modify the robot's core chip code and control them instantly.

Use all those robots for your own use.

Bai Sheng had actually thought about using the artificial intelligence and artificial satellites in his portable plane before, and working together to control those robots through the network. But later it was discovered that a large number of robots have self-destruction programs and killing programs. If they cannot be controlled all instantly, the remaining robots will either start the self-destruction program or start the crazy killing mode.

The situation may get completely out of control by then.

Bai Sheng was not sure that he could control those robots instantly with his existing machinery and technology.

So we had to cancel the original plan.

And choose the Hedao plan after weighing the pros and cons.

As all the robots were brought under Bai Sheng's control using the world's power, she naturally hurried to find Wang Gou'er's family hidden deep underground, as well as the new locator.

Erase the chip controlling them.

And seal the new locator and put it away.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng also extracted the breath of the other world and incorporated the breath of the other world into the world rules to ensure that anything with the breath of the other world would not be able to come in in the future, and those who entered by force would be immediately punished by God.

It's a bit like compiling new defense rules into a firewall, defining anything with an alien flavor as a virus, and launching a forced anti-virus program if it is discovered.

This will prevent another invasion from another world.

This is an operation for other worlds. It is even simpler for the police fairy and the others. They can directly bring down the divine punishment, forcing them to break the seal and resist with all their strength, and then they can be kicked out of the world as a matter of course.

To teach them a lesson.

Bai Sheng did not let them go through the safe ascension channel, but directly kicked them out of the world, that is, into the endless plane sea. They need to face various dangers such as space turbulence. It is estimated that it will take a certain amount of time to find them. Return to the original world coordinates.

The Endless Plane Sea is much safer than Chaos. Unless they are very unlucky, with their true immortal cultivation, they will suffer a little at most and there is basically no risk of death.

After finishing these things, which could only be done quickly with the help of the authority of the Lord of the World, Bai Sheng quickly exited the state of harmony, and took back from the world consciousness the origin of the world that he had previously relied on, as well as the merits and luck he deserved. Then exit the fusion state.

The soul returns to the body.

And quickly took out the artificial intelligence and began to carefully sort out and adjust the robots that were already under her control.

Those robots are really too dangerous. Although Bai Sheng has taken control of those robots into her own hands through the world authority, after all, she did not make these things. Who knows if those aliens have left any more secrets in the robots? Hands and the like.

So of course you have to go over it thoroughly. Then I found out a lot of problems.

The self-destruction programs in some robots are uncontrolled, which means that even if Bai Sheng takes control of them, it will be useless. Once they lose contact with other worlds for more than a month, they will directly start the self-destruction program.

Simple control instructions cannot be changed at all.

In addition, it cannot be forcibly dismantled. Once it is forcibly dismantled, it may directly self-destruct and the fusion heart will self-destruct.

Fortunately, artificial intelligence can crack the source code.

It's troublesome, but it can be done.

In addition, the killing modes of many robots also have similar problems. If they lose contact for too long, they will automatically activate.

It can be seen that the other world should be specially customized for practitioners, or it should be appropriately modified based on the original robot. If it was really up to the police fairy and others to deal with these robots, it is estimated that there is a high probability that they will be helpless with these robots, or that there will definitely be an accident, causing a large number of casualties.

But unfortunately they met Bai Sheng.

Bai Sheng's related technology may not be very powerful, and she cannot crack the source code by herself, but she has brought many top-level artificial intelligences to crack the robot source code, which can be said to have happened to hit the muzzle of the top-level artificial intelligence.

So with the help of those artificial intelligences.

It only took Bai Sheng half a month to solve all the hidden dangers of the remaining robots. At this point, those robots were completely included in her possession. There were no more hidden dangers and there was no need to worry about them losing control.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng considered that these robots were left alone, so she did not put them all into the portable plane, but directly used those robots to start comprehensive infrastructure and industrial development.

With the help of robots, those plans that were originally progressing relatively slowly can be said to have entered the fast lane instantly, and Dayong is also transforming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Foreign enemies and internal strife are out of the question.

It only took a year for the Qianxiang Kingdom to be completely destroyed, and the west and north were expanded thousands of miles away. The powers that had been devolved before were easily regained by the court with great military exploits, and the world was quickly restored to peace.

As a result, Saint Bai became the Supreme Saint Queen.

Some people have even advised her to take the throne.

However, Bai Sheng had no intention of ascending the throne, so he immediately cut through the mess quickly, suppressed all voices, and made it clear that he would delegate power to the new emperor after he came of age.


Going back to a month ago, that is, the day when the plane channel collapsed, at that moment, the mentality of the people in charge of the other world collapsed, because they never expected that the police fairy had not been found this time.

It failed so inexplicably.

The most important thing is that they tried their best to promote this invasion. Now that it failed, someone must be responsible.

Not to mention losing another locator.

However, although the outcome was already determined, and there was a high probability that the participants would be beaten to the end, they were still quite unwilling to give up immediately. Instead, they quickly began to analyze as much as possible based on the last part of the data collected. The plane channel was broken. What happened in that moment? Why did they fail?
In the end, they actually analyzed something.

"So you think that the main reason for destroying the plane channel and leading to this failure is that the world consciousness in the Red Mansion world has taken action. Facing the world consciousness, unless the world can be destroyed in an instant, there will be no resistance at all. This is Do you mean it?”

Three days later, the censorship department arrived.

This led to the development department's reflection on such failure.

"Yes, we admit that we did fail this time, and we are willing to accept the punishment, but the special power that cut off the plane passage in the end really contains the origin of the world, and we hope that the higher ups will pay attention to it.

Here's the testing data and our speculation.

If there is a crisis in the world of Red Mansions and the world consciousness is likely to take action, the world consciousness of the practice world may be even more likely to take action. Therefore, we hope that the higher authorities will carefully consider starting a war against the newly discovered practice world.

The world of spiritual practice is not as simple as we think.

They have too many unknowns and must be cautious! "

Although the development department has the idea of ​​​​paying off with merit, they do believe that a world where the consciousness of the world can actively attack intruders is terrifying.

Must be treated with caution.

Even though the review department did not quite believe in their conclusion, after all, everything was based on scientific test results, so they did not immediately deny it, but submitted the relevant data for secondary review.

At the same time, many research institutions have joined in.

The final result is that most research institutions have recognized the failure reflection report submitted by the development department.

The original plan to conquer the newly discovered world of cultivation was urgently suspended, and after a detailed meeting and negotiation, it was modified into a plunder plan, because they felt that a large-scale invasion was likely to lead to the recovery of world consciousness, while small-scale plundering would Relatively safe.

In order to avoid suffering heavy losses like before in the Red Mansion World, they could only restrain themselves a little.

Bai Sheng probably didn't expect what she did.

He also indirectly saved a world of spiritual practice.

Although that world of cultivation still has not escaped the danger of being plundered, at least it will not be directly conquered by another world, or invaded and destroyed by an army of tens of millions of robots.


As for the expelled Jing Huan Fairy and others.

Among them, the Shenying Waiter had someone above him and felt that he had been deliberately deceived by the Jinghuan Fairy. Therefore, after he fell into the endless sea of ​​planes, he immediately tried to contact his master. No matter how much he suffered, he went back instantly.

Fairy Jing Huan was left alone to struggle.

When Fairy Jinghuan suffered divine punishment in the Red Mansion World, she was hit hard because of the heaviest karma and was seriously injured. Then she discovered that the waiter of Shenying had only brought Fairy Jiangzhu back to the fairy world and abandoned her.

He was so angry and annoyed that he vomited blood on the spot.

But that mouthful of blood attracted a nearby space beast. It was attracted by the space attributes contained in the body and blood of the Fairy Jinghuan, and wanted to devour her.

If she is not injured or carrying her own body.

Maybe she could still escape, or at least save her life without any problem, but not only was she injured, her body was also left in the fairy world for safety reasons and was not brought out. As a result, she was seriously injured and was eaten.

A fairy from a generation died tragically at the mouth of a ferocious beast.

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