Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 188: The Rise and Fall of the Zhen Family in Extra Years [2 in 1]

Chapter 188 Extra - Thousand-year history of the rise and fall of the Zhen family [two-in-one]

In the first year of Taihe, there was heavy snowfall in the south of Lingnan, thousands of miles of red land in northern Hebei, tsunami in Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Shaoxing, earthquake in Beijing, blizzard in Jinling, locust plague in six prefectures in the west, and floods in the east.

In the second year of Taihe, there was a severe famine in northern Hebei, famine in the mountains and Shaanxi, people eating each other, heavy rain, hail and earthquakes in Jinling, and heavy snowfall in the capital.

In the third year of Taihe, there was heavy rain and hail in Xiangyuan, a flood in Huaidong, an earthquake in Lintao, a breach in Mengjin, and the Yellow River changed its course.

In the fourth year of Taihe, all the mansions in Huaiyang were starved of food, and many people died.

In the fifth year of Taihe, the two mountains of Qinzhou were far apart, with millions of people living between them. One day, an earthquake hit the two mountains, and the residents merged into them. There were no survivors, and floods raged in the south.

Ever since Emperor Taihe ascended the throne, natural disasters have been continual in the world. Many people who could barely survive starvation were completely unable to survive, so the world was in chaos.

There were Xiongnu and barbarian invasions outside.

There are tens of millions of refugees inside, seeking to survive and revolt.

At that time, the Zhen family had been operating in Jiangnan Mansion for more than a hundred years. They were cautious and managed, and were considered one of the top ten wealthy businessmen in the area. However, when the world was in chaos, their business was not easy to do, and they were also deeply exploited.

After all, when the people are unable to squeeze out the money and water, and even a slight increase in taxes may force the people to rebel, but when the court has to continue to tax in order to provide disaster relief, suppress civil unrest, and resist foreign enemies, the court officials can only look at it. To a businessman with money but no status.

It is almost self-evident how chaotic everything was in the last years of the dynasty. Businessmen with backers were better off. Although they still needed to bleed, their families would not be ruined or they would be bloodletted continuously.

If you don't have a backer, or if your backer has an accident, it will be miserable.

The Zhen family was fine at first, but when Taihe was seven years old, his family's backer fell. As a result, the Zhen family quickly became a kid with gold bricks in his arms, a big, unattended fat man on the roadside that everyone wanted to bite. One mouthful.

The taxes collected must be apportioned to other families, and the corvee must be apportioned...

All kinds of exploitation methods that were originally imposed on Xiaomin were all used on his family, and they were even more ruthless, because those who exploited knew that Xiaomin didn't have much oil and water, and even if he was forced to death, he wouldn't have much oil and water, but his family There is a lot of oil and water, which can make them full.

At that time, the Zhen family was angry and forbearing, bleeding constantly while trying to find a new supporter.

At the same time, his family also realized deeply for the first time how sad it is to have money but no power. If his family had been willing to spend more and find more backers, they would not be helpless after losing one backer. If they could If you encourage the children of your family to study more, even if they are not able to become officials, if you promote more people, the situation will be better!

At least he can be considered a gentleman, not a businessman.

Unfortunately, it was already too late. Even if they wanted to find a backer, others were not willing to let them find a backer.

As for studying hard for the imperial examination now.

Then it would be too late.

After three consecutive legitimate sons brought rare treasures to Beijing to establish relationships and find new backers, but were intercepted and killed on the way, the head of the Zhen family at that time became completely desperate and worked hard to train servants so as to increase the number of family guards. Strength, while selling off all the family property at a low price.

He knew very well that he couldn't go on like this.

If this continues, there is a high probability that their family will be swallowed up completely by others, and there may not even be any scraps left.

So it is better to sell off your property and take gold and silver for a while.

In the future, whether it is to find a new supporter, wait for the world to be more stable, or the family to train a scholar, then revive the family business and make a comeback.

Of course, raising servants is to protect lives and assets.

Selling the property for gold and silver is actually not that safe. Without enough servants to protect them, they can't sleep well, let alone leave Jiangnan Mansion.

It can be targeted at those in his family.

How could he just let go of his family's assets?
When the Zhen family sold off all their fixed assets, exchanged them for gold, silver and grain, and brought with them more than a hundred servants, not long after they left Jiangnan Mansion, they were besieged by bandits.

As for whether they are real bandits or fake bandits.

It’s hard to say whether there is someone behind it to train him.

However, although the head of the Zhen family at that time was angry and desperate, he was not particularly desperate, because he had already asked his sons to take a sum of gold and silver and leave secretly in different directions, so even if he was robbed, , were all killed by these bandits.

At least his family would not be extinct.

There is hope for the future.

However, just when the servants suffered heavy casualties, and some even kowtowed and begged for mercy, another group of people suddenly rushed out, killed all the bandits, and demanded some protection money from the Zhen family.

I didn't grab it directly, I just asked for half of the food and grass.

Take away three thousand taels of silver.

Good guy, at that time, the head of the Zhen family, who was already prepared to die generously, was moved and thought that they were good people. Then he thought about it, he had picked up his life anyway, and by following this group of strong men, he might still be able to give something to his family. To take revenge, he immediately kowtowed and expressed his willingness to donate all the food, grass and money he brought.

I just hope the boss can help him get revenge.

After all, he has been rooted in Jiangnan Mansion for more than a hundred years. He is still very clear about which family is targeting him or even trying to harm him. It is definitely impossible for him to take revenge, and there is no hope for him to rely on the court, or to say that it is targeting his family. , in fact, it is a family with people in the imperial court.

The only hope for revenge is to rebel.

Anyway, the sons who inherited the incense have been safely sent away, so he is willing to fight for revenge.

Otherwise, I will die with my eyes closed! ! !
The mountain king thought about it and didn't refuse. He readily agreed and asked him to help manage money and so on.

Who is the mountain king?
The founding king of Dayong, Emperor Xuanwu.

Among the few leaders who fought with him and saved the Zhen family were the two brothers of the Jia family, who were the earliest generation of the Four Kings and Eight Gongs in the future.

Subsequently, as Emperor Xuanwu gradually developed from a mountain king to a vassal, and even eventually overthrew the old dynasty and founded a new dynasty, the status of the Zhen family also increased, including a founding marquis.

After all, his family's ability is average, and there are many businessmen who are willing to offer help in the future. For example, the Xue family is one of them, and their ability is better than his family.

If the Zhen family hadn't taken refuge earlier.

Considered a veteran, he probably wouldn't even be a Marquis.

Although he became the founding marquis, the head of the Zhen family also knew that he only provided some help in the early stage, but he really didn't help much in the later stage. To get this title was because Emperor Xuanwu was nostalgic for his old friendship. But after all, this title cannot be hereditary and will be demoted to the title, and his family does not have any capable descendants. If there is no accident, I am afraid that their family will decline in just a few generations.

Then they thought and pondered, and they decided to get married more often and to have a good relationship with the royal family.

After all, which backer in the world can be as big as the royal family?
So at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Zhen family has been trying to marry other noble families. However, their family's achievements were not great at that time, and their title was not very high. The Duke of the country would definitely be more willing to marry the Duke of the country, or even a prince or the like. , it would be even better if she could marry into the royal family.

Therefore, their family's marriage plans are not implemented very well. Most of them can only marry some marquises who are also marquises, and they may even have to marry off, that is, marrying their daughters to some people who are not currently in high title, but have good abilities and will have future prospects. Honorable men who have great hope of climbing up.

As for trying to have a good relationship with the royal family.

If possible, of course they also hope to send their daughter to the palace, but Emperor Xuanwu has a good relationship with his first wife. Although he has concubines, since he officially ascended the throne, he announced that he would no longer be drafted.

Therefore, it was useless for his family to send their daughter to the palace.

You can only enter the palace as a female official or maid.

Until the queen at that time gave birth to a child in middle age and needed several wet nurses to take care of her. The Zhen family immediately seized the opportunity and selected a healthy daughter-in-law from the family whose child was just one month old and sent her to the palace to act as a wet nurse.

This was also the beginning of the prosperity of the Zhen family.

The emperor who was nursed by the wet nurse became the second emperor of Dayong, and he himself was named the Holy Lady. Later, a daughter of the Zhen family was sent to the palace.

Became a concubine!

And the concubine lost her fertility because of the rescue.

That's right, that concubine was the later Mrs. Zhen, and the prince she raised became the emperor and became the previous Supreme Emperor. Her great-niece entered the palace again and became the concubine of Emperor Yuan Xi. She got pregnant safely with the help of Bai Sheng. She also successfully escaped the previous crisis of the destruction of the capital and survived.

Finally, he went to Jiangnan Mansion and gave birth to the only royal seedling.

At this point, Emperor Taihuang ascended the throne.

If we say that the previous Zhen family, although their status was not low, was basically walking on thin ice, now the Zhen family truly holds real power and has the charm of a top-notch family many years ago. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was able to usurp the throne of his grandson as his grandfather. Zhen Yingjia during his heyday obviously also had this ability.

Especially after Bai Sheng completely pacified the world.

As long as he gets Bai Sheng's acquiescence, he can usurp the throne and ascend the throne. I think his daughter, who will be the queen mother, should not mind changing from the title of queen mother to the eldest princess of a country.

But Bai Sheng did not agree.

Firstly, Bai Sheng felt that the royal family was slightly in danger. Once the imperial court was destroyed, although it was possible to survive, the probability of being annihilated by the entire family was greater.

The status of the top aristocratic families is quite good now.

In addition, there are many merits and blessings for the country and the people. As long as future generations don't mess around and nothing happens, there is a high probability that they can survive safely even if the dynasty changes.

There is really no need to usurp power and seize the throne.

Secondly, it is obviously impossible for Bai Sheng to stay in this world forever. If some of her policies and ideas are not succeeded by a successor who agrees with her thoughts and continue, although it will not lead to chaos in the country, it will also destroy the current situation. Great situation.

Zhen Yingjia obviously cannot be trained anymore.

So does his son.

On the contrary, the little emperor who has just turned one year old is very suitable. He is young, close to her, and has a blank slate mentally. If he is well cultivated, he will be able to take over her career.

Don't forget, Bai Sheng controls an army of millions of robots and many other industries. It is not too much to say that she has fought it all over again and centralized power again. Therefore, as long as Bai Sheng does not agree, Zhen Yingjia will not even think about it again. The emperor's addiction was helpless.

We can only hope that Bai Sheng will die soon.

There was no time to hand over the power in his hands to Emperor Taihuang.

Then he might usurp the throne.

However, he was destined to be disappointed, because Bai Sheng not only lived well, but also changed the entire world in the next fifteen years, from the political structure, land policy, legal system, to the people's daily life and other aspects. Undertaken an earth-shaking change.

Those who are willing to accept these changes will stay.

Those who are unwilling to accept are all packaged and sent overseas.

With the help of those robots, Bai Sheng does not have to spend time cultivating enough scholars to work for him, and then start to carry out major changes, even if all the old scholars, old gentry and officials are on strike.

They even all hanged themselves.

Bai Sheng doesn't have to worry about having no one to do the work.

A million robots can handle this easily.

Even when robots are used, there is no need to worry that they will violate the law, take bribes and bend the law. As long as the laws are formulated strictly enough, it is guaranteed that all of them will be Bao Qingtian.

Because of this, in just three years, no one in the world dared to go against Bai Sheng anymore. They all obeyed and did whatever they were told. After all, their strikes and other operations really did not threaten Bai Sheng at all. , on the contrary, you will be directly unemployed. If you accidentally cause trouble, you may even be packed up and sent overseas.

A family of officials are obedient, and there are robots to help with supervision and crazy climbing of the technology tree.

When the Taihuang Emperor is crowned an adult at the age of sixteen.

The world has basically become rich. After all, the total population of the country is less than 100 million. Many overseas countries have been conquered. Various resources are abundant, and it is difficult to improve living standards.

Of course, the most important thing is fair distribution.

As long as the distribution is fair, even in a feudal society with underdeveloped science and technology, food and clothing can be basically guaranteed, not to mention that preliminary industrialization has now been completed.

As for Bai Sheng's robots, they had begun to be gradually recycled five years ago. At this time, the recycling had been basically completed, and only 3,000 were left to be responsible for the Overwatch Council.

At the crowning ceremony of Emperor Taihuang.

Not only did Bai Sheng abide by his promise to completely delegate power to Emperor Taihuang, he also asked her to wear a phoenix robe, reveal her true gender to the public, and held a pro-government ceremony.

At the same time, he gave her control of three thousand robots.

There is nothing to worry about when you raise a child yourself.

All officials had no objections to this. After all, they had been ruled and managed by the Supreme Empress Dowager Bai Sheng for more than ten years. They found it a bit strange that the Supreme Empress Dowager did not choose to ascend the throne and proclaim herself emperor.

So now they know that Emperor Taihuang is a woman, and the empress will be in charge of the government next. What opinions can they have? Since they can't resist, they can only accept it.

After accepting it, I also didn't forget to select good-looking descendants from my family to see if they could get into the position of royal husband.

The Zhen family can rely on their daughters to rise to power.

They may not be able to rely on their sons to gain power.

Three years later, as Emperor Taihuang completely took control of the government, Bai Sheng specially left a family law robot to permanently reside in the Zhen family, and then left with peace of mind. The outward manifestation was that he died.

There is no way, the Zhen family is quite restless.

He is a particularly scumbag, not bad at all, but he keeps making small mistakes. If Bai Sheng hadn't been there, he might have done something wrong, in order to let the Zhen family survive for a few more years.

Bai Sheng could only impose a restraint.

Because there is a family law robot to supervise the family law, if the Zhen family violates the family law, they will be beaten to death by the robot, let alone violate the law. And such a person has a very good reputation, has made contributions to the country and the people, and at the same time, future generations will also A family that never commits any crime.

It is only natural that it should be passed down for thousands of years.

Even if robot technology is quite advanced four to five hundred years later, the so-called domestic robots have already been cracked and can even be mass-produced and manufactured.

The elders of the Zhen family, who had become accustomed to the constraints of family rules, did not destroy them in the end, and even made a few more.

Specifically used to supervise those children at home.

Wouldn't it be a pity to end the hardships and sins that I had endured back then? It would be unfair to let the children in the family enjoy them too.

And it’s also a good thing to have family rules.

It is even better to have domestic legal robot restraints.

Over the years, who doesn’t admire the family style of their Zhen family, and who doesn’t think that their family is a real family of sages!
Does it depend on self-awareness? no!
It all depends on the domestic law robot! ! !

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