Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 190 Extra: The World of Red Mansions without Bai Sheng [2 in 1]

Chapter 190 Extra - Wubai Sheng’s Red Mansion Realm [-in-]

On the 16th day of the seventh month of the third year of Yuanxi, Concubine Zhen passed away in her palace as her lifespan came to an end. The Supreme Emperor ordered her to be treated with national filial piety, and all noble people observed filial piety for three months.

Half a year later, the Zhen family was found guilty.

Fired from office, ransacked homes...

The Supreme Emperor did not stop him, but only asked not to expand, not to be exiled, etc. So in the end, although the Zhen family lost not only their official position, but also their ancestral home and the foundation they had accumulated over the years, at least everyone was safe and had not been arrested. Exile to the frontier, or suffer hardship in prison.

In addition, women's dowry and family fields were not within the scope of the house raid, so it was definitely considered appropriate. The skinny camel was bigger than the horse, so it still belonged to the local gentry.

In addition, their family also has a daughter who is the princess of Beijing County, and has been married to other families for generations.

So there is no need to worry about being bullied.

At least there is no need to worry within one or two generations, but if the descendants of the next three or two generations are not promising, it is hard to say. I am afraid that gradual decline cannot be avoided.

At the same time, there was naturally no movement in the stone book that Liu Xianglian picked up. After all, everything was developing according to its original destiny. The few changes Liu Xianglian made herself were to avoid contact with Xue Pan as much as possible. , the impact on the original destiny trajectory can be said to be minimal, almost equal to zero.

If there is no impact, it will not cause space-time oscillations.

The locator also cannot take the opportunity to activate.

People in the other world thought that after Liu Xianglian knew a lot of things in the future, even if he didn't change his destiny through the knowledge of future events, he should still get more benefits for himself and even revive his family.

But the reality is that Liu Xianglian doesn't think that much at all. After reading The Story of the Stone, the only thing she wants to change is not to get engaged to Sanjie Na You in the future.

To avoid misunderstandings and harming people’s lives.

The other thing is not to become a monk with Pozu Taoist priest.

Now he couldn't understand at all why he would give up all his troubles in the future and become a monk with that Pozu Taoist priest. Even if he misunderstood that Third Sister You was unclean and asked to break off the engagement, causing Third Sister You to commit suicide, he would be disappointed at most. Feeling guilty, there is no reason to become a monk?

Both of these things are relatively late.

Therefore, Liu Xianglian naturally did not take any action at this time, and Fairy Jing Huan's plan was also advancing normally.

Only the other side of the world is more anxious.

After all, it has been three years since the locator was released and bound to the host. Logically speaking, even if the host does not have a golden finger and its ability is not particularly strong, three years is enough to do something.

And cause space-time oscillations.

The locator is officially launched.

However, the reality is that the locator is obviously safe and sound, but it is as if it has been destroyed and completely lost contact. After three years, there has been no movement at all.

You know, the locator must be recycled.

If the locator cannot be officially started, there will be no recycling, which will definitely be a lot of trouble.

Therefore, when it was the fourth year after the launch of the locator and it still had not been officially launched, the relevant departments in the different world became anxious and demanded that the plan be adjusted quickly, instead of aiming to complete the final mission.

Just ask for safe recovery of the locator.

For this reason, they had to activate a backup plan, which was to use high-energy dark matter weapons to quietly open a space gap as large as sesame seeds and mung beans based on the positioning of the locator, and activate an auxiliary function of the locator.

Directly blasting open a plane passage is equivalent to starting a war, but it opens a gap the size of a sesame seed and a mung bean.

The impact is no greater than letting mosquitoes in!
And this auxiliary function has only one effect, which is to amplify the host's various emotions, including ambition. This is just in case, to prevent the host from being too lazy, having no ambition, or even not wanting to change its destiny. An auxiliary function remains.

If there is no ambition, create ambition!

They still have this little trick.

As for why not just use the sesame and mung bean-sized gap to completely activate the locator.

Mainly because the locator is fully activated and the moment the two parties are connected, a relatively strong alien atmosphere will be emitted, which can easily attract the attention of the world's consciousness. The purpose of completely activating the locator during the oscillation of time and space is to use the oscillation of time and space to divert the attention of the world's consciousness in order to cover up the strong atmosphere of the other world.

Diversion and masking are core.

Everything else is just to facilitate this.

As the emotion amplification program contained in the locator started, Liu Xianglian's originally relatively stable and peaceful emotion soon began to change. The external manifestation is that it becomes easier to become obsessed with singing, and sometimes his emotions become more extreme. Some of the emotions that were originally suppressed in his heart, or some things that he could treat calmly, are now a little difficult for him to accept.

For example, some people in the clan looked down upon him and felt that his occasional singing outside was really damaging to the family.

For example, I saw someone selling his son or daughter.

Another example is seeing someone being oppressed by powerful people.

Originally he didn't care, or it didn't matter after seeing too much, but now he is angry. Even thinking about it in the middle of the night, he feels that it is difficult to relieve the depression in his heart, and he wishes he could do something heroic, kill relatives for justice, or something like that. In short, the whole person becomes more emotional.

Becoming more impulsive.

It can also be called gradually losing your mind.

As a result, Xue Pan was stabbed to death by him.

In the original destiny track, didn't Xue Pan once molest Liu Xianglian? Liu Xianglian knew about it after reading The Book of Stones and had been deliberately avoiding Xue Pan. He didn't want to deal with Xue Pan because of something that hadn't happened yet. .

I don't want to actually run into him and be disgusted.

But recently, when I am emotionally unstable and out of control, many things I do are not as cautious and thoughtful as before, such as deliberately avoiding Xue Pan.

As a result, the two met.

As for Xue Pan, a handsome man, he didn't even care that Liu Xianglian was a handsome knight carrying a sword. He was deceived by his beauty and stepped forward to tease her.

Just move your hands and feet, just barely move your mouth.

Under normal circumstances, although Liu Xianglian would still be very angry and dissatisfied, the most she could do was beat him up and teach him a lesson. But the current situation is not normal. His emotions have been amplified for nearly two months, and nothing happened, all thanks to his efforts to control it.

Xue Pan's teasing was like the straw that broke the camel's back, directly causing Liu Xianglian to completely break her defense.

The result is that his eyes are scarlet and he draws his sword out of control.

The male and female swords were raised together, the female sword pierced his heart, and the male sword cut his throat. With just one move with two swords, Xue Pan, who was smiling ambiguously, died directly.

The bright red blood and the screams of other people nearby finally made Liu Xianglian wake up a little. In panic, she threw down the male and female swords in her hands and hurried back, preparing to collect some gold and silver and escape first.

Although he is not proficient in the law, he also knows that killing is a serious crime, let alone killing someone on the street, and that the person he killed was the only son of the main line of the Xue family. Unlike the Duke of Liguo, there is a high probability that he will not stand up for him, a descendant of the side branch, knowing that he Aunt Xue, whose only son died, is definitely capable of taking revenge with enough money to impress Jia and the Wang family.

He didn't want to end up like the Meridian Gate Wen Zhan.

So of course you have to run away first to respect yourself.

It was at this time that the Story of the Stone finally shined and was officially launched. Although the impact of Xue Pan's death was not as great as the death of the Supreme Emperor or the death of Old Concubine Zhen, it was enough to cause a certain space-time shock.

Got that locator fully activated.

The next step, of course, is for the management of the live broadcast room to contact Liu Xianglian and communicate with him appropriately to understand each other's situation as Liu Xianglian escapes from the capital. He was given two suggestions at the same time.

One is to directly try to get rid of Luo Cao and rebel, and the other is to exchange some technology from the mall that is enough to atone for one's sins.

As long as the merit is great enough, killing a businessman who first teased him is not a big crime. As long as the emperor is not stupid, he will definitely be willing to pardon and grant favors.

For example, Huo Qubing shot and killed Li Gan, Li Guang's son.

Emperor Wu directly protected Li Gan, saying that Li Gan died in a fight with a deer while hunting, and the burial expenses were paid by the court.

In addition to Huo Qubing being considered a relative and shooting Li Guang's son Li Gan to avenge his uncle Wei Qing for being provoked by Li Gan, Huo Qubing himself had made great contributions and his ability far exceeded Li Gan, which was undoubtedly an important factor.

If he was just a loser.

At least it's a death sentence, otherwise I can't explain it.

Liu Xianglian thought about it for a while, and finally felt that rebellion was too dangerous and troublesome, and being wanted all the time was nothing. Coupled with the influence of the emotional amplifier, he directly ignored the possible dangers of the locator and began Work actively and complete tasks.

In order to facilitate the exchange of those technologies in the mall.

At the same time, Aunt Xue went crazy and directly issued a reward of 500,000 taels. She would give 500,000 taels of silver to anyone who could bring Liu Xianglian's head to her.

This bounty, let alone the ranger.

Even Emperor Yuan Xi was a little moved.

He directly dispatched all the secret guards he had under his control, asking to find Liu Xianglian and bring his head back.

For a moment, Liu Xianglian was really in danger.

There are enemies almost everywhere. People in the rivers and lakes want to kill him, the court wants to kill him, and some families who are greedy for money also want to kill him, including the Duke Li Guofu.

One has to say with emotion, money really can make all the difference, Aunt Xue's money making ability is so great.

Fortunately, he was not fighting alone. The other side of the world had always tried their best to help him, and even gave him a lot of points on credit so that he could buy weapons and avoid several fatal crises. Because of this, Liu Xianglian became more and more trusting of those in the other world, and developed disgust and hatred for many people in this world.

After all, while they are constantly helping him, they also want his life. It is self-evident who to trust more.

But, as he continued to escape from more and more people, he even used Gatling to easily kill hundreds of masters who surrounded him. Undoubtedly, many people, and even forces, who originally wanted to kill him and earn the 500,000 taels of bounty, turned into curious about his secrets, curious about where the terrifying firearms in his hands came from, etc.

Then the chasing team became larger and larger.

Liu Xianglian, on the other hand, was under the influence of the emotion amplification program and simply stopped pretending and started acting chivalrously all over the world. What he longs for most deep down in his heart is actually to act chivalrously and uphold justice for others, but he also knows that neither his abilities nor his power are enough to allow him to do whatever he wants and realize his inner dream.

So I have been suppressing and restraining myself.

Until now, under the influence of the emotion amplification program, he completely let himself go and regained his dream. Coupled with the help provided by people from other worlds, he had enough abilities. It was natural for him to start to realize his dream.

As a result, the world was in chaos.

Corrupt officials and bullies put everyone in danger...

He also became a real top figure for a while, and his story was spread in most places around the world.

Well, this time it wasn't that he went to find Jia Baoyu's trouble and was stopped by Master Mang Mang and Master Miaomiao, but that Master Mang Mang and Master Miaomiao discovered his anomaly and came directly to catch him.

Want to find out...

What followed was a big battle. The other world tried its best to provide a variety of high-tech weapons and protective equipment, and finally succeeded in defeating Master Mangmang and Master Miaomiao while saving Liu Xianglian's life.

Through interrogation, they learned a lot about the cultivation techniques and knowledge about the cultivation world, as well as what exactly they were planning, and how precious the five-color stone fragments were.

Immediately afterwards, Alien changed the original plan of course and came up with ideas about the five-color stone fragments.

But because I have a good relationship with Liu Xianglian.

It’s been a pleasure working together recently.

So they did not control Liu Xianglian this time, but negotiated with Liu Xianglian to see if they could cooperate. They could do their best to help Liu Xianglian rebel and become emperor. Liu Xianglian helped them find more practice techniques and seize the five-color stone fragments. If possible, it would be even better to get the original body of the so-called vigilant fairy.

At this time, Liu Xianglian already knew that she was being hunted by the whole world, and she had no idea of ​​performing meritorious service in exchange for pardon.

So after thinking about it for a while.

Finally decided to cooperate.

With Liu Xianglian's cooperation, it was undoubtedly easier to do various things in the other world. It didn't take long for them to successfully teleport an army of 100,000 robots over.

And handed over the secondary authority of the army to Liu Xianglian.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xianglian led an army of 100,000 people to directly attack the capital, wipe out all the resisters, and assassinate those behind his assassination, including Emperor Yuanxi and other royal families, before he calmly surrounded Jia's mansion and ransacked his house.

Then of course, he successfully obtained the psychic gem.

And was assassinated by Xue Baochai and others.

Of course, Xue Baochai at this time is no longer the original Xue Baochai. They were all awakened by the Jing Huan Fairy from their past lives, and they cooperated with the Jing Huan Fairy to deal with Liu Xianglian so that their fate could be set right.

However, those in the other world, including Liu Xianglian herself, had guessed that Fairy Jing Huan would not give up the five-color stone fragments just like that, and were already prepared. So what followed was nothing more than another big battle, and the anti-matter weapon Liu Xianglian successfully sent through the other world, successfully killing the twelve golden hairpins, and taking away the divided souls of the vigilant fantasy fairy.

Although I couldn't get the Fengyue Treasure Book.

But the five-color stone fragments were finally obtained.

After getting the things, the other world naturally hopes that Liu Xianglian can keep his promise and give them the five-color stone fragments, but Liu Xianglian's emotions and ambitions have been amplified. Now that he has the throne at his fingertips, his heart is Of course you want to live forever.

And these five-color stone fragments are coveted by even immortals. They must contain the secret of immortality. All they have to do is find a way to use them.

He might actually live as long as heaven.

Became the first emperor to achieve immortality.

So he broke the agreement and wanted to destroy the locator. He thought that as long as the locator was destroyed, he would have fragments of the five-color stone and an army of 100,000 robots. Whether it was immortality or becoming emperor, he would have everything at his fingertips, and he would not have to suffer from others. Constraint, truly self-centered.

Unfortunately, he made the wrong calculation.

He also underestimated the strength of the alien world and the secret hand left behind.

The final result was that Liu Xianglian became a puppet after all, and the psychic gem was sent to another world for study.

At the same time, the world of Red Mansions was also included.

After careful study, they set up a dragnet and waited for the Fairy to come, because they felt that the Fairy was unlikely to give up and give up the five-color stone fragments, and would most likely find ways to try to take it back, and this was what they were trying to catch. Capture the police fantasy fairy.

The last chance to obtain the true form of the Police Fantasy Fairy.

A big war is ready to begin!

Who will lose and who will win is yet to be determined...

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