Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 191 The old lady dies tragically in the future [2 in 1]

Chapter 191 The old lady dies tragically in the future (1) [-in-]

After returning, Bai Sheng immediately sold the two locators harvested this time and successfully exchanged them for more than 20 million tons of gold. He also used the gold to buy many locators that could help the evolution and expansion of the portable plane. , the five elements and the spatial attributes of heaven, material and earth treasures.

The next step is to integrate the five-color stone fragments into the origin of the portable plane and match those heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

prompting it to begin evolutionary expansion.

Because the five-color stone fragments have innate properties, and Bai Sheng's soul is bound to the portable plane, if nothing unexpected happens, after the evolution is successful, the area of ​​her portable plane can be expanded at least a hundred times, which is no less than an ordinary small world. At the same time, the core of the plane will have a trace of innate attributes and can derive a small amount of innate aura.

The most important thing is that the White Holy True Spirit bound to the core of the world can also be transformed, even if it cannot immediately become a very complete and pure innate immortal true spirit.

It can also reach the half-step level of innate immortal true spirit.

After that, even if Bai Sheng had no other gains.

They can all rely on a small amount of innate spiritual energy derived from the core of the plane and a long period of time to truly return to the innate world.

It can be said that as long as she does not die midway, the realm of the innate immortal true spirit and the immortal golden fairy is already considered stable, comparable to the direct guarantee of the immortal golden fairy realm.

As for the shortcomings, in order to make the evolution of the portable plane relatively perfect, the true spirit can also absorb the transformation of innate spiritual energy to the maximum extent. She will not be able to open and use the things inside until the portable plane is fully evolved.

At the same time, the true spirit needs to guard the origin of the plane.

When the true spirit cannot be used, the soul attached to the existence of the true spirit will also be greatly restricted. To put it more simply, when she goes to other worlds to complete her mission, not only will she not be able to use the portable plane, she will also be unable to use her personal plane. Even the mental power cannot be used much.

The restrictions are so great that except for the knowledge reserves accumulated over the years, the rest is no better than ordinary people.

But Bai Sheng didn't feel that she couldn't complete the task without her portable plane and mental power, so after the portable plane began to evolve, she returned to her job and chose a world again to go to work.


As soon as she entered the new body, Bai Sheng's mood collapsed, and she also felt a little regretful, because her condition was so miserable and it was too difficult to survive.

I don't know how many bones were broken all over the body, internal organs were bleeding, and there was congestion in the brain. The most important thing was that this body was already quite weak. It felt like it had been hungry for a long time and was seriously deficient. Now it was seriously injured and in a state of desolation. In the countryside, it is really difficult to survive.

If the portable plane can be opened, the current state will certainly be easy to handle, and you can restore it by just finding some potions.

Or if you can use your mental power, you can at least use your huge mental power to forcibly stabilize the injuries in your body, and then practice the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique to save your life, and then find a way to seek medical advice.

But she couldn't use these two points for the time being.

For a moment, it seemed as if he could only wait to die.

At the last moment of death, Bai Sheng really didn't want to fail the mission, so he could only grit his teeth and use the magic of demon disintegration to forcefully squeeze out all the remaining vitality from this body, allowing him to barely move without dying, but he could only move Half an hour, half an hour later, he will definitely die, the kind that cannot be saved by gods.

However, Bai Sheng's Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique is an exception.

Even if she uses the method of disintegrating the demon, she can always recover slowly as long as she does not completely die and is provided with enough nutrients in time before she stops breathing.

So after using the method of disintegrating the demon.

The most urgent thing for Bai Sheng to do is to survive. She can find a hospital to save herself, or find enough food to eat. At the same time, she only has half an hour. Once it exceeds half an hour, she may have to change her form to complete the transformation of her original body. The last wish was fulfilled in the form of soul.

In order to seize the time to survive, Bai Sheng did not sort out the memory of the original body, but only checked the recent memory of the original body, trying to figure out where he was now, how far he was from the nearest hospital, etc.

If it's not far away, find a way to get to the hospital. If it's too far, it's more reliable to find a way to get some food.

At least save your life first, don't die.

Then think about the rest.

Because he only checked the recent memory, Bai Sheng roughly understood the original situation in a few seconds.

The original person was not from this world. She came from a village in a parallel time and space. The local food production was reduced and there was not enough food to eat. She watched her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren become hungry and skinny, and even bloated. In order to save more food, the original person, To give my family a little more hope of survival, I drank enough water this morning and secretly went up the mountain, hoping to starve myself to death there.

If there is one less person in the family to eat, the others will naturally be able to eat more or hold on for a longer period of time.

The original body was very hungry, and the way up the mountain was naturally quite difficult. He walked and stopped all the way, from morning to evening, and then he was too tired to walk any more, and found a cave. The original body thought, he was buried in this mountain. It's better to be in a cave than to expose the body directly in the wilderness.

So she gave herself one last pep talk.

Reluctantly moved into the cave.

And he specially walked inside, it was where he was buried after all, so of course he still had to pick and choose.

After walking for a while, the original body felt like the world was spinning. She suddenly left the cave and came to a very strange place. For a moment, she was in a trance and even suspected that she might be dead.

At this time, he has arrived in the underworld.

Immediately afterwards, when the original body was walking randomly in a trance, she was hit by a speeding car and flew out. Then the car suddenly braked, and a drunk man got out and took a rough breath from the original body, thinking that she was dead. , Dangzhuang was extremely annoyed and dragged the original body into the trunk, transported it to a remote place and threw it away.

However, the original body did not actually die on the spot. He just couldn't take a breath and did not die until Bai Sheng arrived.

If you were sent to the hospital immediately for rescue.

Most likely to survive.

Although she hasn't had time to look through the earlier memories, the information she has learned so far is enough for Bai Sheng to know that the place where she is now is quite far away from the hospital, and even far away from inhabited places. The most important thing for her now is to find something to eat. Only with enough food can she practice the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique to the maximum extent and restore her vitality.

To ensure that he can hold his breath and survive.

The next step was to find something to eat. Although it was impossible to use mental power to scan the surroundings, and it was already late and there were no lights around, but fortunately it was probably because the location was remote and the environmental pollution was not serious.

Moonlight isn't too bad.

Through the moonlight, I could barely see the surrounding environment clearly.

And with good luck, he found a river, or it can also be called a lake, after a few minutes. It was a place with water anyway. At this time, Bai Sheng didn't care whether the water was clean or not, and how his injuries were. Stay alive, dive into the water and start fishing.

Then there is no time to kill, scale and cook the fish.

Eat it raw directly in the water. Half an hour later, or to be precise, half an hour after she executed the demon disintegration method, the last ray of vitality in her body was completely exhausted, and it was logical that she should die.

But fortunately, Bai Sheng had already eaten a lot of fish raw at this time, and those fish had been transformed into vitality by her using the turtle breath nourishing technique. The supplement of these vitality not only made up for the depletion and consumption of vitality in the body by the demon disintegration method, It also made his injury slightly better.

From the original state of imminent death.

Became seriously injured and dying.

At this time, Bai Sheng was not in a hurry to go to the hospital, but continued to catch fish and eat it raw, and temporarily stored the converted vitality to ensure that he would have enough vitality to replenish it in time when his injuries worsened.

Her idea was to keep herself in a state of being seriously injured and dying, but not really dead, and go to the Sheriff's Department, and then the Sheriff's Department would send her to the hospital for treatment. Then she could pretend to have amnesia. It was the best process she could think of to obtain identity.

In a world where technological civilization is more developed, it becomes more difficult to obtain a formal household registration. Even if the level of technological civilization in this world is not particularly high, it is definitely not low. It may not be easy for a black householder to obtain a formal household registration.

Plus I still don’t know if I can go back.

So of course we have to try to obtain household registration first.

This went on for a long time, until Bai Sheng felt that the energy she had accumulated should be enough to last her to the Public Security Bureau, so she stopped fishing, found a slightly higher place to overlook, and then moved towards a place with light.

She knew almost nothing about this place, so she could only use relatively primitive judgment standards to go to places with light. Places with light at least proved that there should be people there.

No one at least has a way.

What followed was a long journey. She dragged her seriously injured body and had to replenish some of her stored energy every time she walked.

It was very difficult to keep moving forward.

Finally, she finally came to a road with street lights, and picked up a slender stick from the side. When she saw a car passing by, she quickly waved it, hoping that the other person would stop and help her and take her to the nearest public security department.

Or if you really can’t help reporting a case, you can do it.

Unfortunately, it might be because there were too many car accidents, or it might be for other reasons. Anyway, half an hour passed, and dozens of cars passed by, but not a single one stopped to ask.

Not to mention giving help or something.

Fortunately, Bai Sheng was not discouraged and continued to persevere. Finally, his hard work paid off. After persisting for more than an hour, he encountered a car from the Public Security Department passing by.

After seeing it, he stopped next to Bai Sheng.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng collapsed and fell to the ground quite naturally, and used the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique to lock his own vitality to ensure that he was seriously injured but would not die easily.

"What's going on? Are you having trouble?"

"No way, we are from the Public Security Department. Are you so brave to mess with us? Let's go down and have a look."

"There seems to be a lot of blood on her body..."

The moment they saw Bai Sheng fall to the ground, the two staff members in the Public Security Department car were also startled. They thought they had encountered a daring and recidivist criminal who wanted money at the risk of his life!
But soon they noticed that the clothes of the man who fell to the ground were very shabby and bloody.

Then of course, I quickly got out of the car to check what happened.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Bai Sheng, who was now skinny and obviously seriously injured. After checking Bai Sheng's breathing, they quickly called the hospital and asked them to send a car to rescue people. After all, they didn't understand. For medical skills, of course you have to seek help from professionals.

During the process, they also made a video call with the hospital, live broadcasting Bai Sheng's specific condition to the hospital's emergency doctors, so that they could make emergency preparations in advance.

And let's see if there's anything they can do now to increase the chance of this injured man's survival.

"Don't touch her. Not only does this person look malnourished and abused, but she also seems to have been in a car accident. The injuries on her body look like she was in a car accident.

Alas, to be honest, the chances of survival are slim. "

After only watching the condition of the injured for a while through the video, the emergency doctor didn't have much hope.

The other party's injuries were very serious at first glance, coupled with the long distance, and the fact that this guy may have moved here from other places to call for help, all the circumstances undoubtedly showed that she was probably bleeding internally, and she would not even be able to hold on until they arrived. It's all a problem, unless there's a miracle.

Otherwise, there is basically no possibility of resuscitation.

Of course, even though they said that, they still quickly adjusted their cars and rushed here quickly. In any case, at least the person was not dead yet, and even if the person was dead, they had to go over and try to save him.

Then issue a death certificate or something.

As the video call was hung up, the two Public Security Department staff members next to Bai Sheng were also in a low mood.

"Oh, I don't know if she can survive. I feel like she has tried to ask for help from many people before, but there has been no car to stop or help to call the hospital, which has wasted a lot of time. It's a pity..."

"The perpetrator is even more hateful!"

"Can we wake her up, ask her if she remembers the perpetrator, and help her bring the perpetrator to justice? At least we can give her an explanation."

"No, didn't the doctor say don't move?"

"Yes, it should be the same if we go back and check the nearby surveillance cameras. However, her clothes are too old and shabby. The clothes on the homeless are better than her clothes. Also, I never knew that people can be so thin. She What kind of life were you living in the past?”

"I don't know. The last time I saw a patient with severe anorexia in the hospital who was about to die was similar to her. Logically speaking, if there was no anorexia, no one would starve themselves like this.

I remember various subsidies, although not many.

But basic food and clothing should still be enough. "

"It's hard to say. Could it be that he was imprisoned and starved to this point? Is it possible that there are other cases?"

"I hope she can survive. Only if she survives can we get more information. Otherwise, many clues may be lost. At best, we can only try to find the perpetrator."

"By the way, haven't we reported it yet?"

"It seems not, and our original mission has also been delayed, so we must report it as well."


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