Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 192 The old lady dies tragically in the future [2 in 1]

Chapter 192 The old lady dies tragically in the future (2) [-in-]

Nearly half an hour later, the hospital car that was far away from here hurriedly arrived. The emergency doctor quickly got out of the car and roughly checked Bai Sheng's condition. To put it more simply, he wanted to see if Bai Sheng was still alive. Angry, and then the emergency doctor was also quite surprised:
"This injured man has a strong will to survive!"

Originally, he had already made preparations to issue a death certificate after coming over to check the injured, but then he found that Bai Sheng was still tenaciously alive.

Naturally, I was quite surprised!

But he couldn't think about gods and ghosts, he just felt that the other party had a strong will to survive.

Sometimes the human body is indeed miraculous, and thoughts can really burst out the miracle of life. For example, when a mother falls from a building, she suddenly bursts out and catches the child faster than an Olympic champion; another example is that a mother can still survive after her death in a flood. Lift the child and hold on for a long time.

Although the human mind cannot transcend life and death.

But occasionally miracles can happen.

Of course, after sighing with emotion, the emergency doctor hurriedly cooperated with others to carry Bai Sheng into the car, and immediately used the instruments and medicines prepared earlier in the car.

Start emergency rescue.

There is no need to go into details about the process. Anyway, Bai Sheng used the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique and the vitality accumulated from eating a lot of fish when he was young, to extend his life and ensure that he would not die. So it was natural that she broke the common sense of many doctors and created a medical miracle.

As Bai Sheng's physical condition stabilized and he was pushed out of the emergency room and sent to the intensive care unit, the staff of the Public Security Department who had been waiting outside the emergency room quickly brought a cup of tea to the surgeon responsible for the operation and asked:

"Director Zhang, how is the condition of the injured? Is his condition stable now? When will the injury report be released?"

"This old lady can be said to be the injured person with the strongest desire to survive that I have ever seen. I can't imagine that she can survive. Several times I was afraid that she would die on the operating table, but every time it was a miracle. It lasted.

Now...it should be considered a rescue.

However, there is still congestion in her brain. It is unclear whether she can wake up and whether there will be any sequelae after waking up. We really don’t dare to perform craniotomy on her when her injury is so serious, and The craniotomy for her bruised area was quite troublesome.

Fortunately, at least her brain waves were relatively stable, and the congestion did not seem to affect her life for the time being. We would wait until she woke up.

As for the injury report, I'll get it tomorrow morning.

However, it can be basically concluded that she was in a car accident and may have been moved or dragged. In addition, she is in poor health and looks like she is often hungry.

Of course, there is no need to check.

You can tell just by looking at her appearance that she may need to take nutritional injections for a period of time, and then her diet must be as light as possible.

I hope you find the perpetrator as soon as possible. "

After the chief surgeon briefly explained what he knew about the situation, he specifically mentioned the perpetrator, hoping that the Public Security Department could solve the case as soon as possible, whether it was to figure out the identity of the injured person or find the perpetrator, so that the injured person could be brought to justice. How have you paid for your medical expenses?

Now they are self-financed.

The cost of rescue and follow-up treatment is not low. Judging from the appearance of this old lady, it is estimated that she either has no family or her family cannot afford it. The hospital can only hope to find the perpetrator and make him compensate.

The staff of the Public Security Department probably understood what the other party meant. After nodding to express their understanding, they quickly reported the current situation and left someone waiting here.

Mainly because I wanted to wait for the old lady to wake up.

See if you can get some clues.


At the same time, the night duty officers at the Public Security Department have begun to check the surveillance cameras near the area where Bai Sheng was waving the stick, and compared Bai Sheng's photo fingerprints in the household registration network.

Times have changed and technology has advanced.

Many things have become much simpler and more convenient.

However, Bai Sheng was not hit by someone in the area where she asked for help. After being hit, she was transported to a far away place and dumped her body. Then she found a nearby creek to catch fish until she was full. After drinking enough and having enough energy reserves, I walked to the area where I needed help.

Just let Bai Sheng speak for himself.

She couldn't even tell where she was hit!

Therefore, the staff of the Public Security Department watched the surveillance for a long time at double speed, and they only knew that the old lady came from the left side of the road. At the same time, they did not see any trace of her in the nearby 24-hour surveillance.

Coupled with the information obtained from the hospital, it can be roughly guessed that she may have been in a car accident and the perpetrator thought she was dead and dumped her nearby.

The real location of the accident is not here.

In this regard, they can only increase their workload and change from monitoring surveillance with a radius of two to three kilometers to monitoring surveillance with a radius of more than ten kilometers. If there are still no clues, and the old lady is not awake, or is said to be awake, But he couldn't pinpoint the location of his accident.

Then the workload may continue to increase.

In addition, the comparison of portraits and fingerprints on the household registration website also failed, and no corresponding population was found.

In short, there are currently no clues in this case.

At the same time, the next morning, the person in charge of the case held a meeting specifically about the matter. At the meeting, they speculated that the old lady might be a homeless person, or she might have been missing for a long time, but no one at home reported her missing.

There is even a possibility of being trafficked and imprisoned.

It is estimated that he has missed the census several times, and may even be a black household, or he may be considered dead and his household registration has been cancelled. There are many possibilities.

For this reason, they specifically contacted the local civil affairs and asked them to cooperate with the investigation.

If you look back and confirm that this old lady has no household registration.

And there is no such thing as finding family members.

The local civil affairs department may have to help with resettlement and settlement. After all, no matter what, the old lady must be allowed to live. Either she must be given a job to survive, or she must be given a place where she can survive. , we can’t just ignore it no matter what!
The next step is to continue the in-depth investigation.

And Bai Sheng finally opened his eyes in the intensive care bed that afternoon after being in a coma for eighteen hours.

He opened his eyes with a confused look and looked around.

Bai Sheng may not be good at acting, but it's not difficult for her to pretend to have amnesia, because she doesn't need to act amnesia at all. She just needs to temporarily block most of her memories. At this time, she is not pretending to have amnesia, but It’s true amnesia, just like true amnesia.

I don't know anything about anything, and I am confused about everything.

He doesn't recognize people or most things.

I don’t know who I am, where I live, how old I am, and I don’t know who my relatives are. The only special thing is that my eyes light up when I see something to eat, but I don’t dare to grab it. After hearing that others made it clear that the things were for her, she quickly stuffed the things wherever she could, saying that she would take them to the child.

This part of the operation is actually part of the instinct of the original body. If the original body has any good things, or it can be said that it is reluctant to eat anything that can fill its stomach, it wants to take it back to the children to eat. This part of the instinct is not blocked by Bai Sheng.

Even if you have amnesia, you can't remember nothing. It's like a blank sheet of paper, leaving some instinct behind is more like amnesia. In this regard, the staff of the Public Security Department can be said to be quite disappointed, because this undoubtedly means that the case has returned to its original point again, and there is still no clue at all.

But there was nothing they could do.

After all, amnesia is real, and there is currently no cure. We can only arrange for people to help take care of him first.

At the same time, we will continue to step up investigation and monitoring.

After several days of this, they finally discovered a car that was moving strangely on another roadside surveillance. After in-depth investigation, it was basically determined that the owner of the car was the one who caused the accident. The surveillance could clearly see it. , he lifted someone out of the trunk.

Follow the license plate and continue looking for previous surveillance.

We even found the scene of him causing the accident.

"Uh... that old lady seemed a little out of her mind, and she just ran onto the road in a daze, but there was something wrong with the driver too.

He looked like he was drunk.

Especially when I walked crookedly when I came down.

He was obviously drunk, and very drunk..."

"After I got out of the car, I saw that I had hit someone and saw blood. I may have woken up from fright, or at least I woke up a little bit. Then I went to touch my nose again. I probably thought that the old lady was dead and stood there hesitating. for a while.

In the end, I chose the worst path. "

"But where did that old lady come from? There seems to be no homes or villages near that road."

"Forget it, let's arrest the perpetrator first."

In any case, at least there is only one very clear case that caused the accident. As for what the old lady had experienced before, and why was she so hungry?

No one reports the crime, so why bother yourself!
If there are clues, investigate, or if the old lady recalls something, report the crime and investigate again. Otherwise, there is no need to continue to investigate. After all, except for being severely malnourished by hunger, the old lady has no signs of abuse. The injuries on his body were basically caused by the previous car accident and the abrasions caused by subsequent transportation.

But I have to say that this is beneficial to Bai Sheng.

After all, the original person really cannot withstand investigation.

After that, everything became much easier. It was nothing more than catching the person back and showing him the surveillance video. Because the evidence was conclusive, he really had no way to refute it. In the end, he could only basically tell the truth. Why did he say basically truthfully?
That is, he firmly refused to admit that he was drunk driving.

Probably because he felt that if he did not admit to drunk driving, if he caused an ordinary accident, the final punishment would be slightly lighter.

Anyway, several days have passed now.

He has not dared to drink recently and is not afraid of checking at all.

The Sheriff's Department did not delve into this aspect in particular. After all, the hit-and-run accident was already a proven fact. Adding or not including drunk driving had little impact on his sentencing, which was more than three years and less than seven years. At the same time, this was all thanks to Bai Bai. The saint is not dead, if he has been dead for more than seven years.

As for whether it is three years or seven years, it depends on whether he can get the forgiveness of the victim or the victim's family, and whether he can actively compensate.

If you can actively compensate and get understanding.

It will reach its peak in about four years.

Maybe even less, like three years...

Out of consideration that Bai Sheng is now in a state of amnesia and unable to contact her family members, and that she will also need money for her future life, the local civil affairs department finally sent someone to discuss with the perpetrator and his family, and finally reached an agreement. Agreement and issue a letter of understanding.

The first condition is to be responsible for all of Bai Sheng’s medical expenses.

The second is a one-time compensation of 300,000 yuan.

After all, if someone loses his memory, it’s okay to lose the ability to work. If he doesn’t have enough money, how will he make a living in the future? Originally, the relevant person in charge wanted to ask for more for Bai Sheng, but the perpetrator's family said that if it was more, they would rather spend a few more years in jail. There is no other way, and in the end, the specific compensation can only be discussed.

At the same time, the money was not given directly to Bai Sheng. After all, Bai Sheng is now an amnesia patient, and his understanding of many things may not be as good as that of a primary school student, so it is temporarily kept by the civil affairs department.

In the future, someone will be sent to teach Bai Sheng some basic common sense and fraud prevention knowledge, if she can pass the assessment in the end.

The money will then be transferred directly to her.

If not, the civil affairs department will apply for a card for her, divide it evenly based on her life expectancy and take into account interest, and pay money into her card regularly.

All in all, people are quite considerate.

Immediately afterwards, their department specially sent a volunteer to teach Bai Sheng some basic knowledge.

Although Bai Sheng has temporarily blocked most of her memories, her IQ is there after all. In addition, those memories are only blocked and not deleted, so her learning speed can be said to be quite fast.

In less than a month, I have basically mastered the skills necessary for normal life for most people in modern society.

Those responsible for teaching her couldn’t help but marvel at how smart she was!

It would be better if I studied from a young age.

Then she got a big eye roll from the doctor next to her: "She just lost her memory. It's not like she didn't know anything before. Maybe she knew what you taught her before, but she just forgot. Now it's like reviewing it again. The speed is Of course, it's fast, she's fine, she can be discharged from the hospital.

The congestion in the brain miraculously disappeared.

This old lady is really lucky..."

"That's right, forget it, no matter what, it's always a good thing that she can master this common sense as soon as possible. Aunt Bai, let me take you to go through the discharge procedures. Your injuries are generally healed, and there is no need to be hospitalized again.

Have a good rest at home on weekdays.

Just come back and check again every month.

After maybe two or three re-examinations, you don’t need to come back again! "

When Du Ju suddenly woke up, she had already helped Bai Lin up, explained, and took her to go through the formalities.

Although she had been injured for a hundred days, after all, Bai Sheng had deliberately slowly released her previously stored vitality before blocking her memory, so she recovered much faster than ordinary people. Although her body had not fully recovered at this time, she had already The discharge criteria were met.

The wards in the hospital are tense.

Naturally, she had to be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible according to normal procedures.

The memory unblocking time that Bai Sheng set for herself was one month later, which was still two days away, so it was natural for her to go through the procedures in a simple and obedient manner.

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