Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 195 The old lady dies tragically in the future [2 in 1]

Chapter 195 The old lady dies tragically in the future (5) [-in-]


At this moment, Bai Sheng was really full of questions. Shouldn't the Black Mountain Cave take her back to her original world? But what the hell is it now?
Where is this? Did you go through time-traveling too much?

Isn't it obvious that the original person was just sold and before she met her husband? The error is too big!
While Bai Sheng was stunned and stunned, the bandits had already seen her carrying a large package in the grass not far away. A little leader gave a hint, and there were two younger bandits beside them, rushing towards Bai Sheng. Come over.

For a moment, Bai Sheng was really at a loss.

It wasn't that she was particularly scared, the main reason was that she had no idea what the situation was like now, and she didn't know whether she had traveled to a parallel time and space, or whether she had really traveled through time and came to the past. I don’t even know if resisting or killing people now will have any impact on the future.

But the current situation obviously does not allow Bai Sheng to think deeply.

After a minute or two, the two gangsters rushed over and shouted at Bai Sheng to throw away the package in her hands, and they let her go. Obviously, they mainly seek money and don't value human life that much. The most important thing is that Bai Sheng is an old lady and is really worthless. If she were a little girl, she might be kidnapped together.

But there were too many things in Bai Sheng's package that didn't belong to this era, and since she was unfamiliar with the place, the money in her card obviously couldn't be used in this era, and the things in the package were also related to her food and clothing.

So Bai Sheng made up his mind in the next second.

Put the package on your back, turn around and run.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't know the road, just run in the opposite direction. The two minions don't have hot weapons in their hands. As long as she's fast enough, it's still possible to escape.

As a result, of course Bai Sheng escaped from danger successfully.

After all, her skills in the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique during this period were not in vain, and the two minions probably didn't have enough to eat. At the same time, they might be a little worried that they would be ambushed if they left the big team, so they didn't dare to pursue them. .

After being out of danger, Bai Sheng did not stop there. Instead, he continued to walk aimlessly while thinking about what went wrong and how could this happen?
After thinking for a long time, she could only guess.

The space-time channel in the Black Mountain cave is very likely to be disordered and random. That is to say, the space-time channel is most likely not a stable space-time channel between two worlds, but connects three or even more worlds, or directly Connected to countless timelines.

Each time it goes to a certain time node randomly.

There is also an error in the transmission position.

It will not be transmitted directly from the Black Mountain Cave in this world to the Black Mountain Cave in another world, but it will be transmitted to any place within a radius of hundreds of kilometers around the Black Mountain Cave, or even farther away. It is very possible.

The guess of hundreds of kilometers is based only on the fact that the original person's time and Bai Sheng's time were not particularly far from the Black Mountain. According to the memory of the original person, her husband was a piece of grass that fell near his hometown. The place where they robbed could not be too far from their hometown, and it was impossible to travel hundreds of kilometers across mountains and rivers to rob other places.

But if you want to verify the authenticity, you probably need to wear it a few more times.

This randomness is really torturous. Who knows when I can go back randomly? Even after I go back randomly, I don’t know how many times I have to be random if I want to go back to that modern society again.

The money in the card can only be used in that world.

It’s useless in other worlds.

Just thinking about Bai Sheng gives me a headache, it's so troublesome!

However, no matter how troubled he is, the most important thing for Bai Sheng right now is to find a place with people and try to find out which way to go in Montenegro. Of course, the people mentioned here are definitely not bandits or bandits.

They have to be normal ordinary people.

Although there is no mobile phone map available, there are hills nearby. Ordinary people probably burn firewood, or at most briquettes, etc. So when you climb the hills and look far away, you can still see where there is smoke.

Next, just make a judgment and don't break into the bandit village or the evil village where all the people are evil.

Bai Sheng has his own judgment on this, which is to go directly to the direction with the thickest and most smoke. The more people there are, the less likely there are all evil people.

With direction.

Next, of course, is the journey.

After a lot of running around, Bai Sheng finally managed to reach the nearest small town before the sun went down and the sky turned completely dark. Because there is no common currency here, I had to dig out a few canned fruits from my bag, tear off the labels and erase the dates, then find the only inn in the town, and talk to the shopkeeper until he agreed to use the canned food. Make an exchange.

Get a room with him and stay one night.

As the shopkeeper agreed and his son couldn't wait to open a can of yellow peaches to eat, Bai Sheng was not in a hurry to rest, but simply asked directly:

“Shopkeeper, I’m here to join my relatives.

Do you know if there is a village called Zhangjiacun nearby? There are several mountains next to that village. The largest mountain is called Black Mountain. Many of the rocks on the mountain tend to be dark black. There is no vegetation or animals. It is relatively desolate. You are familiar with it. This place? "

Without a mobile map, Bai Sheng could only use the simplest method of asking for directions, asking people directly.

"Zhangjia Village? Black Mountain..."

"I know two or three of Zhangjia Village, but I don't know if there is a Black Mountain nearby. The nearby Zhangjia Village can be reached by turning left at the entrance of the town and walking ten miles away.

But there are no mountains nearby, and you can see any mountains.

It's hard to say if it's far away...

Moreover, this is a village whose name is directly called Zhangjiacun. In addition, there are many people with the surname Zhang in the village, and there are also many nearby villages that people use to call it Zhangjiacun. There are too many people with the surname Zhang in our area, and there are also many mountains.

You can go to the teahouse next door and ask.

There are many people over there, maybe someone will know. "

It was actually profitable to use a room that was not busy and empty with no one to use it for one night to exchange several large fruit cans. Not to mention that the cans were in glass bottles, so the innkeeper was in a good mood. After thinking for a while, he answered truthfully.

And by the way, Bai Sheng pointed out a clear path.

Ask her to go to the nearby teahouse and ask. There are many customers there and many people from outside the area. The source of information will undoubtedly be wider.

After receiving the advice, Bai Sheng hurriedly took out some more melon seeds from the package, and then took the melon seeds with him to the teahouse to share the melon seeds and inquire about the situation.

Hey, don't tell me, you're lucky.

He happened to meet someone from Zhangjiacun. He was not only happy to meet an old friend in a foreign country, but also a little confused. He approached Bai Sheng and asked: "Auntie, which family are you related to?"

"Tell me, maybe I know him. The Zhangjiacun you mentioned should be my hometown. There are several mountains next to my hometown, and there is also a relatively desolate Black Mountain. If you go, can you help me deliver it? I wrote a letter to my parents. I haven’t been back for more than half a year. "The families in the village who have a lot of land are okay. Although they can’t get rich, they can at least have enough food to keep them from starving. They can even eat more during the good harvest years. A meal of meat.

A family with little or no land.

They can only try to go out to find work and earn some money, otherwise they will really starve to death just relying on the little harvest in the fields.

If there are lush vegetation on the nearby mountains and there are many hares and pheasants, or if there are large landowners nearby who rent fields for them to grow, they may not need to leave their homes. But Zhangjiacun obviously avoids these two points perfectly. There is no way to rely on the mountains to rely on the mountains, so those who have little land and no land can only come out and work everywhere.

"I am a relative of Zhang Sanhe's family. His family has a son named Zhang Zhu, also named Zhang Donkey, yes, Donkey Dan!
His wife's surname is Liu and she lives in the west of the village...

It's on the hill to the west. "

Fortunately, the original body's husband once told the original body some past events, and even the situation of his parents.

So Bai Sheng can still tell some information.

Hearing this, Zhang Daan, who had just spoken, suddenly nodded: "Yes, yes, there is such a family."

"But you are late. I remember that Zhang Sanhe and his wife disappeared several years ago, and his son Zhang Zhu also left. I don't know whether he is dead or alive now. You..."

After saying this, he realized that the aunt opposite was going to find relatives, but now that the people who were looking for relatives were gone, there was no need to go to Zhangjiacun again. If so, wouldn't he bring his family letter with him? Not going back?

"That's right!
I knew about him and his wife, but I didn't expect that his son Zhang Ludan would be missing.
I originally wanted to meet his son this time, and I brought him a lot of things, but it's a pity! Uh, but I still want to see them, or at least pay homage to them, but I'm not very good at finding directions, so can you give me some advice on how to get there?

I can take your letter with you. "

"Oh, that's right. The couple have been gone for several years. Okay, I'll tell you how to leave now."

After all, nowadays, the war is chaotic, and news is not transmitted very quickly, and if the two families are far apart, even if they know the news of the death, they may not be able to rush over to attend the funeral. It is not too outrageous to go to visit after knowing for several years.

So Zhang Daan immediately expressed his understanding.

He dipped his hands in tea and drew a picture for Bai Sheng. Although it was relatively abstract, Bai Sheng relied on his super memory and understanding ability, and after repeated questioning several times, he finally succeeded in figuring out the specific path.

I also roughly figured out the nearby terrain.

Then of course, Zhang Daan wanted to find someone to help him write a letter home, and Bai Sheng said that he was literate.

I borrowed pen and paper and wrote a letter home for him.

He dictated it and Bai Sheng wrote it.

After finishing these things, Bai Shengcai returned to the inn to sleep with peace of mind, and early the next morning, he hurried to Zhangjiacun. There were no buses or buses here, and donkey carts were not only expensive, but also had to be taken along the way. , wanted to rent a donkey cart and an ox cart, but Bai Sheng didn't have any money.

So I can only be simple and rely on my legs!
The whole process only consumes a few steamed buns.

Although he was carrying a heavy load and the whole journey was nearly two marathons, it took Bai Sheng less than six hours to successfully reach Zhangjiacun. First, he sent the letter to Zhang Daan's parents and read it for them. Then he went to pay homage to his parents-in-law, then put on the package and continued climbing the Black Mountain.

This time she did not rush through time and space again, but stopped when she was two or three meters away from the chaotic time and space energy, and tentatively threw things inside.

Throw away everything from rocks to grass roots.

After throwing it away, observe carefully.

He even used his mental power to observe the fluctuations in space-time energy when the stones and grass roots he threw disappeared.

After dozens of experiments like this, Bai Sheng's face became even more ugly, because through these attempts and observations, she could basically conclude that this thing was disordered, and every time the stones and grass roots disappeared, the space-time energy fluctuations occurred. A little different from last time.

Dozens of times in a row, never the same.

Now, let alone whether she can return to the original time and space, there is a big question mark as to whether she can return to the time and space where the original body was killed. Today's Bai Sheng is very regretful. If he had known better, he would not have been in a hurry to upgrade his portable plane.

Because there are things in the portable plane that can help locate time and space coordinates, she can easily locate her original time and space using her original body, and she can also locate modern time and space using things purchased from modern time and space.

But her portable plane is evolving. Although forcing it to open now will not cause the evolution to fail, it will undoubtedly affect the perfection. Bai Sheng is not willing to do this.

"Wait a minute, my portable plane will evolve perfectly in about ten years. As long as I live for another ten years or so, I can easily solve the current problem.

And this cave can travel through different time and space.

This also means that actually, because I have lived in another world for ten years, I can only go back to the original world ten years later when I return to the original world. As long as I look back and set the time and space coordinates at sixty years.

Even ten years later, I can go back directly to the point where the original person just disappeared, or disappeared for a few days.

This seems to perfectly solve the problem..."

After struggling for a long time with a frown on his face, Bai Sheng suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a very critical issue, and it was the one that could perfectly break the situation.

Since the time and space passage in this cave can travel through time and space, rather than simply traveling through space and the world, then time is actually meaningless.

She could appear in the current 30th year, and naturally she could also appear in the 50th, 60th, or 70th year.

Even in the future.

Thinking of this, Bai Sheng suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

It was only ten years of waiting, which was not very difficult for her. However, before that, Bai Sheng once again resolutely carried the package and stepped into the time and space channel.

She didn't want to spend ten years in these chaotic years. If possible, she still wanted to choose a relatively peaceful and safe time and space to spend ten years. It would be better if the supplies were richer.

So she plans to try a few more times.

No matter what, you have to choose a peaceful and prosperous age.

It would undoubtedly be better if we could go back to a time and space where we could use the cash in our savings cards.

Ever since, Bai Sheng began to frequently travel through the years. He not only found out more rules, but also experienced different eras. Later, he even started trade in different time and space to increase the valuable things in his hands.

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