Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 196 The old lady dies tragically in the future [2 in 1]

Chapter 196 The old lady dies tragically in the future (6) [-in-]

After dozens of consecutive time travels, Bai Sheng probably figured out some more detailed rules. In terms of time, the space-time passage in the Black Mountain cave has a travel range of about a hundred years.

Taking the original 1960s as the center of time.

The earliest one can go back to the 1960s and one hundred years ago, and the latest one can go back to one hundred years after the 1960s.

The space is basically in line with Bai Sheng's previous guess.

With Montenegro as the center, it has a radius of one hundred kilometers.

This cave is truly magical.

But when the experiment reached this point, Bai Sheng stopped continuing the experiment. First of all, he had basically figured out the general rules, and there was no need to continue to mess around. Secondly, she came to a time and space where her original body died in a car accident, one year later, where her ID card and bank card could be used normally.

It was a time of peace and prosperity, and it was a good time to stay there for ten years.

Of course, the more important point is that Bai Sheng found that the chaotic space-time energy in the Black Mountain cave seemed to be weakening. Even if he continued to travel dozens of times, the space-time energy in the cave would not completely disappear.

But when the future situation is still uncertain and we need to wait another ten years, it is undoubtedly better to be cautious and reduce its space-time energy consumption.

Therefore, it is natural for Bai Sheng to settle down temporarily in the time and space of 21st year after 20th year.

And by the way, he used some of the things he had obtained from dozens of previous time travels in exchange for more funds for investment and financial management, so as to increase the mobilizable funds in his hands.

Prepare for returning to the original time and space in the future.

Although when the portable plane can be opened, there will be a lot of gold and various rare treasures in it that can be exchanged for money, but anyway, idle time is idle, and doing some investment and financial management is just to pass the time, otherwise eating, drinking and having fun every day, Bai Shengdu I feel a little guilty, too decadent and indulgent.

It would make her feel better if she had something to do.

I am a serious person with a serious job.

However, she doesn't dare to make too much money, let alone make big moves. She basically adheres to the principle of keeping a low profile and earns one or two small goals to ensure that she has enough funds in the future.

Because through these dozens of experimental time travels, she also discovered another problem, that is, anything she does in any time and space will have an impact on the future. In other words, the time and space passage in the Black Mountain cave did not go there. Parallel world, but always traveling in different timelines of the same world.

things done in the past.

It will directly affect future time and space.

Some small things, such as taking some antiques that are not even cultural relics, trading some supplies, or letting an ordinary person who has nothing to do and has nothing to do, live a few more years or lose a few years, have little impact. .

Because these antiques and materials, and even people who have done nothing in the first place, and may have never left the local area in their lives, have very little causal involvement.

For example -

An ordinary old man in a certain village who has been honest and fulfilled his duties all his life will live ten years longer or ten years less, except for a slight impact on his family.

What impact can it have on others?
Unless his son is Zhu Yuanzhang.

But Bai Shengdu has already known most things in the past two hundred years through traveling back and forth. Naturally, it will not interfere with the fate of some people who have great causal influence, and it does not intend to change the fate of too many people in the future.

Just let your children, grandchildren, etc.

Just live a slightly more comfortable life.

Based on this, of course she has to keep a low profile. As long as she makes enough money, there is no need to involve too much cause and effect.

Although ten years have not passed by in a flash, it still feels like a fleeting time when life is comfortable, carefree and without any pressure.

That day, Bai Sheng was lying on the sofa, watching an old drama that he had watched several times, feeling sad about the lack of drama.

There was a sudden roar deep in her soul.

At this moment, Bai Shengdu had no time to press the pause button, so she opened the portable plane with a happy face. What appeared in her mental field of vision was the portable plane whose overall area had increased more than a hundred times. Perhaps at this time, actually It can no longer be described as a portable plane.

It's a small world.

The total area reaches more than 30 million square kilometers.

Of course, it is certainly impossible for her portable plane to evolve to this extent solely because of that five-color stone fragment. The five-color stone fragment can only be regarded as an introduction and a catalyst at best. The rocky soil asteroid and ice asteroid purchased by Bai Sheng brought a large amount of acquired five elements origin, which was the key to the total area increasing a hundred times.

The five-color stone fragments only play a role in sorting out the five elements within the plane, maintaining the balance of the five elements, and stabilizing the space to ensure that the plane can evolve stably.

I won't be overwhelmed by these things.

Nor will it cause the end of the world within the plane.

In such a short period of time, the total area of ​​the entire plane has expanded a hundred times. If there are no five-color stone fragments to help sort out the five elements, then even if Bai Sheng's portable plane can successfully evolve, there is a high probability that magma will rage inside, and a planet has just been born. How long does it look like.

Then it may take a lot of effort and time.

Slowly regulate the ecology and make it livable.

The cost is no less than transforming an uninhabitable planet or a newly born planet into a habitable planet.

But now in Bai Sheng's portable plane, except that the originally planted vegetation has become sparse and the animals are separated by the expanded land, there are basically no other changes. It is still a normal livable plane.

This is the preciousness of the five-color stone fragments.

Not to mention that the innate energy contained inside also makes Bai Sheng carry with her the origin of the plane with some innate attributes, which can slowly breed the innate spiritual energy and help her true spirit complete the half-step transformation of the innate true spirit.

Looking at the new portable plane, Bai Sheng was very satisfied with its internal area, as well as the mountains, rivers, lakes and oceans.

But I still feel that there is too little vegetation inside.

There are also too few types of creatures.

So I immediately mobilized my mental power and began to order the millions of robots that had been taken into the portable plane in the Red Mansion World to let them do their best to sow and breed, and even cultivate more according to the genetic maps of some species.

Make the portable plane as colorful as possible as soon as possible.

Promote internal ecological diversity.

After doing this, she began to look through her inventory, and found a space-time coordinate locator from a pile of inventory. This thing is incomparable with the locator obtained in the previous world. It is a relatively useless thing. It must be You must first have a space-time channel and something corresponding to space-time, and then you can use this space-time coordinate locator to locate the space-time where the item is located.

At the same time, there is still a certain error, but the error will not be too big. It should only linger for a few months, and it will definitely not wander for hundreds of years like the Black Mountain cave.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng, of course, quickly customized a batch of Sanwu product materials that could be taken out directly in the 1960s, and began to re-read the memories of the original person and his family, while thinking about what excuses he could make.

to explain that she was not dead and to bring back a large amount of supplies.

A few days later, when all the supplies were in place, Bai Sheng used her personal plane to take those supplies with her and rushed to the cave in Black Mountain again. She took out the space-time coordinate locator and pointed it at the one she had kept. That piece of shabby clothing with original blood stains.

After some complicated debugging procedures, the time was finally adjusted to the 1960s, the time point after the original time travel. But after all, the price of this space-time coordinate locator is not high, and you get what you pay for, so it is difficult to locate a certain day, time, and moment. You can only make a rough estimate, and then Bai Sheng holds the locator and travels through time. And travel directly from cave to cave.

How pitiful...

Finally, I no longer have to look for Montenegro as soon as I cross.

Next, of course, Bai Sheng hurriedly entered his personal plane and changed his clothes into the clothes that his original body wore when he traveled through time. He also picked out some inconspicuous items from the supplies he brought and stuffed them into the bamboo he had found. In the basket, some grass roots and wild vegetables were covered on top.

Then he left the cave carrying the bamboo basket.

According to the original memory, he hurried down the mountain and rushed home.

Because this mountain has always been desolate, with no vegetation or animals, and even the soil is not Guanyin soil, Bai Sheng did not meet anyone along the way. It was not until he came down the mountain that he saw someone digging wild vegetables nearby. Grass roots, even peeling bark and leaves.

No matter how unpalatable these are, they are still better than Guanyin soil.

At least in the short term, it will definitely not kill anyone.

Most of the people visible to the naked eye at this time had numb expressions and haggard faces, some were as skinny as firewood, and some were even bloated. Even if they saw Bai Sheng, they didn't have the energy to say hello, and they didn't even recognize her.

After all, the Bai Sheng at this time is not the same as when he first traveled through time. He looked malnourished at first glance.

Her face was rosy, and she even looked younger.

Even wearing shabby clothes doesn’t affect your good looks!

It wasn't until Bai Sheng saw them that he realized that he was a little too healthy at the moment. He quickly lowered his head, trying not to show his face, and hurried towards his home.

"Who was that person just now?"

"The clothes look familiar!"

"You are in really good health. I don't know if there is anything to eat in the backpack. There should be something to eat."

"I guess one of the families went back to their parents' home, or went to a relative's house to borrow some grain, or went to the black market to sell some things in exchange for some high-priced grain. Alas, they also have wealthy relatives to help us. Us, alas..."

"I wonder if the village chief can get some relief."

"Xuan, our village chief is so cowardly."

Because they were not very close to each other, and they were still hungry and dazzled, the nearby villagers did not notice Bai Sheng's face. Most of them just thought that someone in the village might be returning to their parents' home, or borrowing money from relatives nearby. Food, otherwise, it is possible to go to the black market in the town and exchange for some high-priced food.

Afraid of meeting an acquaintance, I hurriedly walked.

While Bai Sheng was keeping her head down and just rushing on her way, less than half an hour later, she returned to her home smoothly, then opened the door and walked in.

No one locked the door during the day and there was no need to knock.

The next second, Zhang Shan, who was grinding corn cobs with a small grinder in the yard, looked up and saw Bai Sheng. For a moment, he felt familiar and strange. He felt a bit like her mother, and the clothes on her body were also a bit similar, but looking at But she is much younger and prettier than his mother, and her appearance, skin color, and even weight are much better than his mother's.

Therefore, he was stunned for a while before asking:
"Then...well, who are you looking for?"

He now has some doubts that the woman in front of him is his mother's sister, but his mother has been missing for nearly a month and is most likely dead.

How to say this to the other party?
If he wasn't too incompetent, how could his mother...

"Little bastard, who am I looking for?
I am your mother, who am I looking for? How long has it been since we last met? You don’t even recognize me. Why don’t you come over and help me? Forget it, I’ll do it myself. "

Although Bai Sheng scolded Zhang Shan mercilessly, looking at his stature, he still couldn't bear to let him come over to help. He walked directly to him in a few steps and put the bag on his back. The bamboo basket was put down.

Then he pulled out a steamed bun and handed it to him.

The noodles-stuffing steamed buns from the north are honest.

Although Zhang Shan couldn't resist his instinct and took the steamed buns, his pupils clearly showed confusion. After a while, he asked in a hoarse voice:

"Mother...mother, are you my mother?"

"This kid is starving. Where are your wife and two children? I brought back a lot of things..."

Before Bai Sheng could finish her words, Zhang Shan, who was opposite her, finally came to his senses. With his left hand firmly holding the steamed bun, he hugged Bai Sheng fiercely and choked with tears: "Mom, where are you running? It scared me to death. I looked for you for a long time more than half a month ago. Many people in the village said that you went up the mountain to die on your own.

But I never found your body.

Fortunately, I insisted on not having a funeral. "

When the original person first disappeared, her son Zhang Shan didn't notice it because everyone in the village who could move was trying hard to find something edible to take back. Even because the wild vegetables nearby were basically hollowed out, many people went out in the morning. It’s not too strange to come back at night.

Until dark, the original body still did not go back.

Only then did Zhang Shan realize something was wrong.

If it was a normal year, then he might rush to the village chief and ask the village chief to beat the gongs and drums and ask the villagers to help find his mother. If someone went missing or had an accident in the village, in the past, he would usually call the whole village for help.

Just treat everyone to a meal afterwards.

But now, every family is basically tightening their belts to get by. Looking for help will undoubtedly waste time and energy, and will make you even hungrier. At the same time, Zhang Shan can't come up with something to treat the whole village to a meal, let alone After a full meal, even a mouthful of porridge can make his family poor.

So he could only grit his teeth and search for it on his own.

Two days later, other people in the village probably knew about his family's situation. Some people told him that they saw his mother going to Montenegro, and others probably guessed why his mother went to Montenegro. It was just to relieve the family's food pressure.

After Zhang Shan cried bitterly, he hurriedly went to Heishan to find his mother, that is, to find his original body. At the same time, he already had bad suspicions in his mind, but even so, he still thought that it would be best if his mother was still alive when he found him. If she was no longer there, he would at least help his mother collect her body and bury it with his father. .

You can't let your mother dump her body on a barren mountain.

It's just that Zhang Shan couldn't find any trace of his mother after climbing Heishan for three days. There was basically no vegetation in Heishan, and there were no wild animals. Even if his mother died, it would be impossible for him to be torn apart by wild animals within three days. So while he was filled with despair, he could not help but also hold on to a glimmer of hope, feeling that his mother was not dead.

If no body is found, there is a glimmer of hope for survival.

Later, because his wife and children still needed him as the mainstay of support, he stopped wasting time looking for her, but he also did not organize a funeral for his mother.

The villagers had no doubts about this.

Every family is tightening their belts, how can they have the money to hold a funeral or something? And if the other party really does it, what can be given to them to eat, are they embarrassed not to go?

Are you embarrassed to go empty-handed?

It’s stressful for everyone, so it’s okay not to do anything.

In the next half month, several elderly people in the village began to learn from the original body. Some went on a hunger strike directly, and some took rat poison themselves. As a result, some died, while others reluctantly ate something and continued to live while their children kowtowed and begged.

This is probably the case after the original body traveled through time.

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