Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 197 The old lady dies tragically in the future [2 in 1]

Chapter 197 The old lady dies tragically in the future (7) [-in-]

At this time, Zhang Shan's wife Huang Zhaodi, who was lying in the room to reduce her own consumption and not be so hungry, had been awakened by the sounds outside, struggled to get up and walked out slowly, and then saw Bai Sheng.

His mood swings were so severe that he fainted on the spot.

Of course, she was not frightened and fainted. The main reason was that she usually withheld food from herself and secretly gave it to her two children, which made her body too weak.

Only then will he be knocked down by the slightest stimulation.

Qi and blood flowed backwards, and he fainted on the spot.

Fortunately, she walked out holding on to the wall, so when she fainted, she didn't fall to the ground suddenly, but slowly collapsed to the ground. Although there was some noise, it didn't hurt her body or hit her head on the ground. kind.

But even so, it was enough to attract the attention of Bai Sheng and her son, who were lovingly embracing each other.

They quickly separated and rushed over together.

Rushed over to check on Huang Zhaodi.

Then Bai Sheng didn't need to check her pulse at all. He turned around and took out a thermos filled with warm sweet soy milk from the bamboo basket he had put down earlier. He returned to Huang Zhaodi and started pinching her to wake her up.

When Huang Zhaodi woke up reluctantly, but her energy was not concentrated yet and she was still a little distracted, Bai Sheng hurriedly started feeding her sweet soy milk, and she instinctively started sucking it.

But I didn’t drink for long.

After only three or five sips, she was completely sober.

She closed her mouth tightly and refused to continue drinking. At the same time, she shook her head instinctively. Although she still didn't understand the current situation, she knew that sweet soy milk was expensive and was not willing to drink more. Seeing this, Bai Sheng did not force it.

Immediately remove the thermos cup and close it.

"Let's go inside first. I brought a lot of things back this time. You don't have to worry about not having anything to eat. You can help your wife in quickly and I'll get you something to eat."

"If you have any questions, let's wait until after eating."

Although Bai Sheng knew that the two of them would starve to death for a while, and at most they were a little weak, not even swollen, he still had to take care of them.

After saying that, she carried the bamboo basket and went to the kitchen.

After having a big pot meal last year, there were no iron kitchen utensils at home, so the kitchen was very empty at this time.

Just a stove and a casserole.

Normally, whatever is eaten is cooked in the casserole, with some salt, and cooked in one pot. As long as it is edible, it doesn't matter whether it is delicious or not. As long as the taste is a little more delicate, it is a supreme delicacy.

Bai Sheng didn't dare to go too far at this time. He couldn't take out the big iron pot from the bamboo basket, let alone take out the Man-Han banquet directly, and their bodies didn't allow it. So Bai Sheng thought for a moment and just boiled water in a casserole, then put four torn steamed buns into it. When the steamed buns were cooked through and the water in the pot boiled again, he cracked four eggs into it and put them in. Season with salt and sesame oil and wait until the eggs are cooked.

Then he took the bowl from the side and started serving it.

Although it may be more appropriate to cook some millet porridge, is it not too slow to cook millet porridge? Anyway, they are all things that can fill the stomach, and steamed buns are not harder to digest than millet.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng directly placed four bowls of steamed buns and egg soup on the cutting board and carried them into the back room with the cutting board.

Even without Bai Sheng greeting her, her grandchildren had already been awakened by the fragrance. They were staring longingly at the four bowls on Bai Sheng's chopping board. Bai Sheng did not waste any time, quickly put down the chopping board and said hello. road:

"Sit down and eat quickly, be careful, it's a bit hot."

"I know you have questions, but if you have questions, wait until after eating before asking. Look, these two children are hungry."

Although they were full of doubts, the steamed buns and egg soup in front of them were indeed delicious. In addition, they saw that Bai Sheng's face was obviously rosy and shiny. They thought that he was not hungry during the more than half a month of his disappearance and even ate well, so they stopped. Confused about what to do, I quickly divided the steamed buns and egg soup.

It was Huang Zhaodi who divided it. One bowl was given to Bai Sheng, one bowl was given to her husband Zhang Shan, and the remaining two bowls were brought to herself. She also poured half of one bowl into another bowl and filled the other bowl to the top. , then put the smaller bowl in front of him, and pushed the larger bowl in front of the two children, letting them share the food.

At the same time, he said that he had a small stomach and could not eat much.

Bai Sheng was not hungry, so he pushed his bowl directly in front of her daughter-in-law: "I'm not hungry, do you think I look hungry? You'd better eat more."

"Stop trying to shirk away from me! Hurry up and eat. I still have something to tell you after eating!"

The original person has been in the bandits' den for more than ten years. It is inevitable that people who are close to red will be red, and those who are close to black will be black. Therefore, her personality has always been relatively straightforward, which may also be said to be shrewish, especially at home.

At least that was the case in Zhangjiacun.

Therefore, Bai Sheng's actions and tone were normal and quite in line with his original temperament. Zhang Shan and his wife did not dare to refuse and hurriedly implemented it.

The only difference is that Zhang Shan brought the bowl and started eating, while his wife Huang Zhaodi directly put the bowl of steamed buns and egg soup that Bai Sheng pushed to her in front of her daughter, and pushed the extra bowl in front of her son, but she still He ate from the half-already bowl.

When the original person was alive, the original person shared the food at home, and he used to share more food with his son and grandchildren. He and his daughter-in-law were the least, or he was the least.

Because the original person disappeared some time ago, Huang Zhaodi was the one who distributed food in their family. She also distributed the most to her husband and two children, and ate the least for herself.

At this time, it’s just a matter of adhering to previous habits.

Then came the four of them, eating the things in their bowls with happy faces. After everyone almost licked the bowls clean, Bai Sheng took out two handfuls of toffee and gave them to the two children, asking them to go back first. Don't come out of the house.

Then, he looked at his son and daughter-in-law and said:
"Xiaoshan, your wife doesn't know, but you should know very well who your father is. After all, you also lived in the village for a few years. You must have an impression."

After hearing what Bai Sheng said, Huang Zhaodi was still looking at her mother-in-law and her husband in confusion, not knowing what riddle they were playing. Zhang Shan quickly recalled his childhood and nodded hesitantly.

"As long as you have an impression, you only need to know that the fact that my mother can bring these things back this time, or even bring back a steady stream of things in the future, is related to your father's original identity. You don't need to know too much about the rest.

You can think about it yourself later in the evening.

Do you want to tell your wife?

I’m telling you just to give you some idea, don’t worry too much, but don’t be too high-profile either…”

Bai Sheng didn't elaborate too much, and didn't even bother to make up a more perfect excuse. She just revealed it a little bit and let her son Zhang Shan guess blindly.

Presumably he can think of reasons to convince himself.

Besides, it’s not outrageous that the bandits left some legacy.

After saying that, Bai Sheng went to the kitchen, carried his backpack back again, and took out things from the basket in front of them, mainly multigrain steamed buns, some soy milk powder, ordinary canned meat and so on. Compared with milk powder and malted milk powder that are rarely seen in the city, soy milk powder is undoubtedly much more low-key.

Canned meat is more low-key than roasted meat when eaten cold.

"This is just part of it. I also hid some things in Montenegro. It will get dark at night. Xiaoshan, please come with me to Montenegro and move the things back.

Zhaodi, please clean the cellar a little.

It is convenient to put food back later.

No matter how much you ask, don't ask. I will bear all the dangers for you. If something happens, you can break up with me directly. Okay, I have told you everything I can tell you. The more you know about the rest, the more dangerous it will be. I'm tired, so I'm going to rest first. You two should pack up and go to bed early. Especially you, Xiaoshan, you have to do heavy work tonight. "

Bai Sheng didn't give them a chance to study or refuse at all. After speaking, he turned around and returned to the original room.

It's the house where the original person used to sleep.

At the same time, it also gives an opportunity, time, and space for the couple to communicate with each other privately.

Sure enough, the next second, Zhang Shan took his still confused wife to the utility room, closed the door of the utility room, and then paced back and forth hesitantly.

He was thinking about what riddle his mother was playing and what he relied on to obtain these supplies. He was also struggling with whether to tell his wife something.

Huang Zhaodi undoubtedly saw Zhang Shan’s dilemma:
"If you don't want to say it, forget it. It doesn't matter whether I know these things or not. I just listen to my mother's wishes. Is there any danger in handling these things?

Just let my mother take the risk to get food for us.

Could it be that we are a little too unfilial..."

"How should I tell you this? It still feels a bit dangerous. I can tell you, but you must keep it a secret, let alone tell the two children at home.

No one can say, God knows and the earth knows, you know, I know, and my mother knows, can you guarantee it? "

His wife was so considerate, Zhang Shan was really embarrassed not to say anything, but he still told a lot in advance before saying it. At this time, Huang Zhaodi began to swear that she would never reveal it to others.

At the same time, he was still muttering, "Our family is all a grasshopper on a rope. If I harm you, I will harm myself!"

I'm not stupid or anything.

At this point, Zhang Shan said confidently and boldly:
"Okay, then I'll tell you the truth. My father used to be a bandit. Although he didn't rob houses, he also did business of robbing roads. Even my mother was the one who took it back and later gave it to my father. But my mother was She was sold by her parents, my grandparents.

I heard that it might be sold to a kiln.

In addition, my father was not ugly and was very kind to my mother, so my mother later settled down in the mountains with my father and lived a peaceful life. Although she had to take some risks, she could still count on having enough food and clothing at that time.

But later that copycat was taken away.

My father and mother took my sister and me and escaped, and then returned to our hometown to resettle. Because when the fields were divided later, my family only had two acres of land that had just been reclaimed a few years ago, so we became poor farmers. "

“As for where my mother got these supplies.

And what are the dangers.

I have two guesses. Either she and my father hid something before and secretly buried it somewhere, and now they are trying to dig it out and exchange it for money and food. Or, my mother may know some people who were also bandits back then, but escaped, survived, remained anonymous, and are probably even living a good life now.

Threaten them and get supplies in exchange. "

In just that moment, Zhang Shan had already imagined many stories in his mind, and at the same time, he also figured out the two most likely scenarios.

"Why is it threatening them? Couldn't the supplies we get in exchange be asking them for help?

After all, your father was with them before..."

Huang Zhaodi didn't want to think too badly of her mother-in-law, and the word threat made her feel a little awkward no matter how she heard it. She had a feeling that her mother-in-law was not a good person.

Zhang Shan immediately rolled his eyes and said:
"They are bandits. Do you think they are heroes? They care about brotherhood and so on. Most of the men are dead, and their wives are directly taken over by so-called brothers. My father is usually relatively independent, and there are not many good friends. .

According to my father, they should all be dead.

Besides, these days, let alone the fact that they haven’t been in contact with each other for decades, they are still so far apart, they are just brothers, look at how many of them can borrow food and stuff!

What's more, there are still so many...

My mother didn’t bring back much, but there are still quite a few hidden in Montenegro. These things should be difficult to buy on the black market. Aren’t there many people in the village trying to go to the black market to exchange for food? I went there some time ago I went to the black market and finally came back with some corn cobs.

Food is most scarce on the black market now.

Basically you can only trade food for food. "

In order to get more edible things, Zhang Shan tried his best. Two days ago, he went to the black market to exchange five kilograms of corn kernels for forty kilograms of corn cobs.

He was grinding corn cobs in the yard just now.

Mix corncob flour with other things to eat. Forty pounds of corn kernels will make you fuller than five pounds of corn kernels and can last you longer. Besides, a lot of corn flour now has corn cob powder mixed with it, so corn cobs must be non-toxic and edible, but they have a bad taste and lack of nutrition. But now, how can we pay attention to these things?
Thinking of this, Zhang Shan felt more and more that his mother might have threatened other bandits who were now living a good life.

Because he believed that even if his father and mother hid something back then, they probably hid some gold, silver and jewelry. However, it is now difficult to exchange gold and silver jewelry for food on the black market, let alone such abundant food.

"Did the danger that mother mentioned mean..."

Hearing her husband's explanation, Huang Zhaodi immediately understood. At the same time, she also instantly understood the dangers her mother-in-law had mentioned before, and what dangers they probably were.

Threatening others, or threatening people who turned out to be bandits, to obtain supplies, and wanted to continue. After all, her mother-in-law just said that she would continue to bring food back. I also knew that the bandits who were threatened would not be willing to do so. Will there be no danger by then?
Thinking of this, Huang Zhaodi's face turned pale for a moment, but she was even more moved in her heart. Her mother-in-law really put her life at risk for them.

I just don’t know if it will implicate them.

After all, the other party turned out to be a bandit.

What if you want to eliminate the root cause?
Bai Sheng probably didn't expect that just because she was too lazy to make up a clear and logical excuse, she actually asked her son and daughter-in-law to come up with a story about her threatening other bandits and obtaining a large amount of supplies.

Uh... As far as imagination goes, it's pretty good.

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