Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 198 The old lady dies tragically in the future [2 in 1]

Chapter 198 The old lady dies tragically in the future (8) [-in-]

Although he was a little troubled and worried in his heart, he considered that this batch of supplies was indeed very important to his family. Besides, their mother or mother-in-law had already asked for the things, so there was no point in returning them now.

After all, everyone has already been offended.

So Zhang Shan and his wife Huang Zhaodi decided after private discussions to tell Bai Sheng not to do it after everything was transported to the cellar tonight.

Stop in time and leave some room.

Even if the food may not be enough to eat, the worst thing is to take those things to the black market and exchange them for more other edibles, or even food substitutes, such as wheat straw and wheat bran, corn husks, corn stalks, and corn cobs.

Something no one ever ate or fed to livestock before.

Nowadays it is regarded as a food substitute.

After all, no matter how unpalatable these things are, no matter how nutritious, bad taste, etc., at least they are not poisonous and will not kill people if eaten, it is better than poisonous and inedible food.

After the discussion, Zhang Shan hurried out and brought back the corn cobs and ground corn cob powder that had been ground outside. Huang Zhaodi locked up all the things Bai Sheng took out, and then took them without rest. Get a broom and other equipment and go to clean the cellar.

After a few more hours, it became dark.

Those who can come back from the village have basically gone home to rest. Now everyone's principle of life is that as long as they are not working, they can lie down and never sit, and sit and never stand, so as to reduce consumption and slow down hunger. a little.

Bai Sheng, on the other hand, had already woken up and quietly left home with Zhang Shan. He turned on a very weak flashlight and headed for Montenegro, avoiding other people around him.

There was no way, Zhang Shan had night blindness, or many people at this time had night blindness. It was fine if he walked on flat ground, but he had to carry things on his back when going up the mountain. Bai Sheng was afraid of throwing him. So I had no choice but to find a relatively weak flashlight from my personal plane and use it to illuminate Zhang Shan's way.

Of course there are bright flashlights, but those things are too conspicuous. They are just sneaking around. What's the difference between using a bright flashlight and telling the world?

With the help of flashlights, Bai Sheng and Zhang Shan were not slow, and soon they arrived at a hiding place chosen by Bai Sheng. Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng asked Zhang Shan to be responsible for watching with his back turned, while she took advantage of the darkness of the night to quickly take out the supplies that had been prepared long ago from the portable plane, and then greeted in a low voice:

"The things are still there, come here and move them..."

The next step was the moving process between mother and son. Even though the two of them could move hundreds of kilograms of things at a time, because Bai Sheng brought out more supplies, it took them three or four times to finish.

As those things entered the cellar, neither Zhang Shan nor his wife Huang Zhaodi felt tired, let alone sleepy. At this time, tears of excitement filled their eyes.

There are all these things.

I have been worried for half a year and can finally let go.

Because they were too happy and too eager to find out how much food they had gotten this time, they had the rare luxury of lighting the oil lamp and began to sort out and calculate what edible supplies were in the cellar.

And how much of each thing there is...

“100 kilograms of polished rice, 100 kilograms of fine flour, 100 kilograms of unhulled rice, 100 kilograms of wheat grains, and a full 100 kilograms of pure cornmeal, my God, it’s too much.

If we replace it with cereals, our whole family can eat them for a year...

There are also bacon, brown sugar, and canned food. During the best years of the past two years, our family didn’t have so many good things.

Boss, am I dreaming? "

After counting everything, Huang Zhaodi even started pinching her thighs, suspecting that she was dreaming.

It was the pain that made her gradually wake up and realize that everything was real. These things were indeed stored in their cellar. These things were there, even if the year was not good in the next quarter.

She was confident she could get through it.

"The things are all here. How could this be a dream? I don't know how my mother got those things to the mountains. It feels like my mother gave me a designated place, and then someone else delivered the things to the designated place.

Alas, mother has gone to bed now.

Let’s talk about persuading mother until tomorrow…”

After Bai Sheng finished moving his things, he went back to his room to sleep. At this time, he and his wife were the only two people left in the cellar.

Zhang Shan thought that it was impossible for his mother to go out overnight to threaten the bandits he knew and ask for some supplies, so he was not in a hurry to persuade his mother to stop.

It won’t be too late to tell you when you wake up tomorrow morning.

"I know, it's not urgent, but it's too much of a waste for us to eat these good grains, and there's no need to eat them so well. Let's save a little for mother to eat. The rest, when we have time, we can go to the black market and exchange them for grains. Bar.

Didn't you just go to the black market two days ago?
How many grains can these be exchanged for now? "

Huang Zhaodi is more concerned about how to replace the refined grains that Bai Sheng brought back with coarse grains. They have been eating coarse grains for these years, and during the holidays, they may occasionally eat two meals of fine grains to reward the whole family. In the past six months, if you can eat cornmeal mixed with corn cobs, it is considered a good thing.

Keep these good things for yourself.

That is really too sinful and too conspicuous.

"It's hard to say, it depends on luck, but one pound of polished rice or flour can be exchanged for more than ten pounds of sweet potatoes and potatoes. It's no problem. If you exchange beans, you can exchange it for about three pounds. If you exchange it for sorghum, millet, etc., it's probably one for three, or one for three. Five, it depends on whether others need it urgently or not.

You can also exchange one for three for broken rice or old rice. "

After roughly talking about the exchange ratio, Zhang Shan began to think about what to exchange the food at home:
"I think I should keep ten pounds of refined rice and noodles each for my mother and two children to change occasionally. One of them is older and the other two are younger. Their stomachs are not as good as ours. Eating some refined grains should be better for their health. .

In addition, ten kilograms of rice and wheat grains were left each.

Eat it during the Chinese New Year.

I won’t exchange those cornmeal. I happen to still have a lot of corncobs at home. When I have time later, I will grind the corncobs into corncob powder and mix it into the cornmeal.

Change the rest to some potatoes and sweet potatoes, but not too much. Two to three hundred kilograms is almost enough.

In addition, you can change some soybeans and millet. The soybeans can be used to grind soy milk and make bean dregs cakes. The millet can be used to cook some millet porridge. Millet porridge nourishes the stomach. My mother can also eat some. It is good for the stomach.

The rest is replaced with broken rice, brown rice, old rice, poor quality flour, and some bran, mixed with it. "

"If nothing happens, we will eventually be able to replace the 600 kilograms of food at home with nearly 2,000 kilograms of edible food, which will be enough for the whole family for a year."

Even if calculated, the average person has one kilogram of food per day, but in the case of extreme shortage of oil and water, one kilogram of grain can only be eaten half full at most. With the addition of wild vegetables, pumpkins and the like, it is estimated that only six or seven points can be eaten. Full, and just that, they were quite satisfied.

With this calculation, Zhang Shan and Huang Zhaodi felt more at ease. Enough was enough, enough was enough to eat. Not only was there enough to eat, there was even some left over to help their relatives at home.

After all, what I just calculated was just the food that his mother brought back this time, and their family actually still has a hundred kilograms of grain and several hundred kilograms of substitute food. In addition, in a few months, there will be some harvest in the fields. After all, it can even be said to be somewhat wealthy.

A couple who were completely relieved.

Soon he blew out the oil lamp with great distress and took a rest.


Early the next morning, before dawn, Zhang Shan woke up early, took ten kilograms of polished rice, and went to the black market in the town more than ten miles away to exchange for coarse grains.

He obviously did not have the ability or dare to transport all the refined grains at home to the black market and replace them with coarse grains and other coarse grains to bring back. Moreover, he could not transport so much stuff back, so he could only do it slowly and slowly in small quantities.

As for what to change specifically, he was really not sure.

Only after you get the black market do you know what is available for exchange. Then change whatever you have!

By the time Bai Sheng got back to her normal schedule for the past ten years, not only had Huang Zhaodi cooked broken rice, vegetables and dry wheat bran porridge, but Zhang Shan had also returned after changing the grains. I was lucky today. I met someone who was willing to exchange dried sweet potatoes for polished rice. The ten kilograms of polished rice he brought were exchanged for forty kilograms of dried sweet potatoes. Although one kilogram of polished rice can be exchanged for more than ten kilograms of sweet potatoes, sweet potatoes and dried sweet potatoes obviously cannot. Equal sign.

Generally speaking, four pounds of sweet potatoes are dried for one pound.

It's the kind that's so dry that you can barely bite it and can be used as a teething stick. It's not the same thing as the candied sweet potato made by steaming and drying it for nine times.

This kind stores well and will be fine for a year or two.

Add some when cooking porridge. Although it is not as sweet, delicious and glutinous as fresh sweet potatoes, it will make you feel fuller.

However, Bai Sheng's attention at this time was not at all on what Zhang Shan had changed. She was almost crying because of the unpalatable broken rice and vegetable dried wheat bran porridge. Although this thing was called broken rice and vegetable dried wheat bran Porridge, but this name is as fake as the shredded pork and fried chili in the restaurant.

There is no shredded pork in the stir-fried chili peppers, it’s basically just chili peppers, and there is no broken rice in the broken rice, vegetable and dry wheat bran porridge.

Mainly wheat bran, followed by dried vegetables.

At the end you can see some scattered broken rice.

And it's very thin.

In addition, let’s not mention the taste of wheat bran. The dried vegetables are all dried vegetables that have grown old. Many people in later generations like to eat wild vegetables, but they eat the fresh and tender wild vegetables that have just grown. .

Those wild vegetables are well prepared and really delicious.

Full of spring flavor, even slightly sweet.

However, once many wild vegetables are out of season, or grow a little larger and mature, their texture will become very rough, and they may also have a bitter and astringent taste.

In short, it will become unpalatable.

Definitely not as tasty as normal vegetables.

Nowadays, most of the dried wild vegetables put in this porridge are dried wild vegetables that have grown up and become worse in taste.

So Bai Sheng didn't know how to describe the taste of this bowl of porridge. It was bitter and astringent, with too much fiber to chew, and the wheat bran was hard to get into the throat. Even the broken rice had a vague musty smell. It was really delicious. It's quite hard to swallow.

In reality, not only Bai Sheng found it a bit hard to swallow, but Zhang Shan, Huang Zhaodi and the other two children also ate very slowly this morning. After all, they just had a good meal yesterday, even though today's porridge was better than the previous ones. The weather is getting thicker and it is still difficult to adapt quickly.

After taking two more bites, Bai Sheng suddenly realized that if she didn't say anything, she would have to eat like this with them in the future, and it might even take several months, or even a year or two, so he immediately put down the bowl and chopsticks and said:
"Zhao Di, there is no need to be so frugal in the future.

Let me tell you this, if we don’t want to be too ostentatious, our family will have no problem eating big fish and meat every day, so we don’t need to eat these things anymore.

And Xiaoshan, you don’t have to go to the black market.

Not to mention replacing polished rice with cereals or something like that.

If you're missing something, just tell me and I'll get it for you. By the way, didn't I have a lot of steamed buns left over yesterday? What's the use of keeping those steamed buns?
Take it out and eat it..."

"Mom, Zhaodi and I wanted to tell you about this last night, but you fell asleep before we mentioned it. Since you mentioned it now, let's just tell you directly. I guess you are probably How did you get these things, but it is too dangerous to do so.

It’s almost like seeking skin from a tiger!
Those bandits are not easy to deal with, especially those who have survived and are still in a low status. If you blackmail them once, they may be able to bear it, but if you continue to blackmail them, I'm afraid they have other ideas. Instead of swallowing my anger, I will silence you.

It might even affect our whole family.

You must not let your mind wander.

We don’t have to eat so well. After so many hard times in the past years, we have managed to survive. If we can barely eat, we will be very satisfied if we can eat enough.

So, you listen to me, that’s it.

But don't blackmail them again. "

After all, it was discussed yesterday, so Zhang Shan talked about it without any delay.

After speaking, he looked at Bai Sheng sincerely.

Of course, Bai Sheng didn't know what his cheap son was thinking until this moment. He really didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "What on earth are you thinking about? I paid for all these things. Together with other bandits, Those who are not bandits have no connection at all.”


"But...but, it is very difficult to buy food on the black market with gold, silver and jewelry now. One silver dollar can only be used as 80 cents, because everyone knows that the exchange ratio of bank silver dollars is one silver dollar for one dollar.

If you do not exchange it, but directly use silver dollars to trade, there is a high probability that there is a problem with your identity and you will not dare to go to the bank to exchange. Therefore, the price of silver dollars in the black market has been reduced to 80 cents. Even 80 cents is not enough to buy one in the black market. Kilograms of cornmeal mixed with corn cobs and pure cornmeal have been sold for one yuan and eighty one kilogram. "

"How much do you have to spend for so much? And ordinary retail investors probably don't have that much polished rice and noodles to sell.

Could it be that you bought it directly from the black market owner? "

Since it was not blackmail, Zhang Shan took it for granted that his other guess was probably correct, but even so, he still found it a bit difficult to understand, because in his impression, his father seemed to be a little guy, so he should It was impossible to save too much gold, silver and jewelry. One hundred and eighty silver dollars seemed too much to him.

So much food needs to be bought with real money.

It would cost at least one thousand three thousand to one thousand five hundred.

The prerequisite is that someone must be willing to accept money, but the reality is that most people in the black market exchange food for food. More than once, he saw people who only had money and could not exchange for food at all, and no one was willing to exchange with them.

No matter what, you have to get some industrial coupons or other coupons.

Only then can we get food in exchange.

Pure money transactions to buy grain are the least attractive.

"I didn't buy it on the black market. I don't know if you believe it or not. I can travel to the world more than sixty years ago, where food and other things can be bought casually.

I made a lot of money there, and I was able to buy millions and tens of millions of catties of grain, all of which I bought. "

Seeing Zhang Shan's determination to get to the bottom of the casserole, Bai Sheng knew that if he couldn't give a reasonable explanation, he would probably always think about it, or suspect that Bai Sheng was lying to him and still insist on eating whole grains.

Even food substitutes.

So Bai Sheng simply told the truth directly.

However, she did not intend to tell Zhang Shan and the others that the Black Mountain Cave could travel through time and space, because Bai Sheng only had a time and space coordinate locator, and that thing could only bind one person. If other people knew about the Black Mountain Cave, and out of curiosity If you try, you will most likely not know which time and space you have traveled to, and even Bai Sheng will have a hard time finding the other party back.

So Bai Sheng has already made a plan at this time, and will only tell Zhang Shan that he can travel through the future anytime and anywhere, but he can only travel by himself and cannot bring others with him.

If you want to demonstrate.

She could just enter her personal plane directly.

Anyway, they disappeared directly, and Zhang Shan couldn't accurately know whether Bai Sheng went to the future or entered the portable plane. In his opinion, it should be the same, no difference.

And in this way, it will be much more convenient for Bai Sheng to transport supplies. He can take them directly from the portable plane, eliminating the need to secretly hide those things in the mountains and then stay up late at night to transport them back.

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