Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 199 The old lady dies tragically in the future [2 in 1]

Chapter 199 The old lady dies tragically in the future (9) [-in-]

Zhang Shan and Huang Zhaodi were really full of doubts at this time. They felt like they understood every sentence, but together they just didn't understand what it meant.

What does it mean to buy something more than sixty years later? ?

Can you afford hundreds or tens of millions of catties?

I pity the young couple. They only knew a few words when they were literacy students, and they could barely reach the level of junior primary school. On weekdays, they talk to their parents every day at most. The Li family is short, and it is quite remarkable to be able to speak a few idioms. Who has ever seen that? I have never heard of the idea of ​​traveling through the future.

Naturally it is unimaginable.

Seeing their confused expressions, Bai Sheng could only continue to explain: "More than ten years ago, when your father was still alive, I called him over at that time. If I could go back to when your father was still alive, I would It’s called traveling to the past. A few decades later, when your kid gets married and has a child, I’ll call it traveling to the future.”

"Do you understand? Explain clearly enough."

However, Zhang Shan still shook his head and continued puzzled:
"I can understand the past and the future, but how do you travel through time? You are not a god?

Also, how can we buy and sell freely in the future? "

"We haven't been allowed to buy and sell freely for a few years now. Food stamps and the like have only been introduced for a few years. Have you forgotten that these things didn't exist in the past? Have you always been able to buy and sell freely?"

Bai Sheng was really tired, but he still had to explain.

"But... even so, how could you possibly earn enough money to buy hundreds or tens of millions of kilograms of grain in that future world in just half a month?

You are too bragging..."

It has to be said that Zhang Shan, this bastard, is really capable of getting into trouble, and I don’t even think about whether he can understand it himself.

Bai Sheng can clearly explain the cause and effect.

But he also has to understand!

"Don't worry about whether I'm bragging or not. Li Bai also wrote about a waterfall falling three thousand feet down. What kind of waterfall can be three thousand feet long? What's the point of comparing it with me? I mean, you can buy food and other things over there. The price is not expensive either, and the money I save is enough for you to last a lifetime.

It won’t have to be the same as it is today and in the past.

Eat these chaffy vegetables every day.

Of course, we should keep a low profile to the outside world. Let’s close the door at home and eat something good. Don’t be so frugal. "

After saying that, Bai Sheng dodged directly into the portable plane. After a two-minute pause, he brought out a whole pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge and a few bowls.

There are only four or five bowls in their house, and now they are all filled with brown rice, vegetables, and dry wheat bran porridge. Bai Sheng guessed that they were reluctant to pour it out directly, so he simply brought a few new bowls to avoid having to pour the porridge back out again. do the washing up.

At the same time, she did this as a demonstration.

Show that you can actually travel to the future and buy things.

In Zhang Shan's opinion, his mother suddenly disappeared with a wave of her hand, and after he and his wife searched frantically for a while, she suddenly appeared with a large casserole in both hands. In addition to the casserole, there was also a casserole hanging on her right wrist. He had a bag with several bowls in it.

As they continue to be stunned speechless.

Bai Sheng had already put the casserole on the table.

He also took out five new bowls from the plastic bag, placed them next to the casserole, and began to share the porridge with them:

"I just went to buy this from the future. It's a big pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge. The shop owner's skills are pretty good. Don't be stunned. Come sit down and eat. I'll leave the wheat bran porridge for now. I won't need it again in the future. have eaten."

While he was talking, Bai Sheng had already filled a bowl of porridge for everyone with a spoon. The porridge was thick enough to hold up even with chopsticks.

Garnished with plenty of preserved eggs and lean meat.

The aroma is fragrant, much more fragrant than steamed buns and egg soup.

After eating the broken rice, vegetables and dry wheat bran porridge that didn't taste good, didn't look good, and didn't taste that good, even Bai Sheng felt a little greedy when he smelled it, let alone Zhang Shan, Huang Zhaodi, and the two of them. A child.

So even though there are still many doubts in my mind.

They still cooked the porridge quickly.

Because these porridges are warm and not particularly hot, they eat quickly.

After a while, they had eaten up the entire basin-sized casserole of porridge. Finally, they poured some water into the bottom of the pot, stirred it and drank it. Not only was there no waste, the pot was also washed, so it was rare for each of them to have something to eat. Feeling of satiety.

Then he carefully warned the two children not to tell the truth to others. If anyone asked, they would only tell them about the wheat bran they ate.

Wait for the two children to complete the guarantee over and over again.

Then they were sent out.

Then Bai Sheng continued to answer the questions of his son and daughter-in-law. It can be said that apart from not taking them to experience it personally, Bai Sheng basically said everything he could say.

"Okay, what I told you is known to heaven and earth. You know it and I know it, so don't tell more people. Also, Xiaoshan, after dark tonight, you bring a flashlight and carry a hundred pounds on your back. Food for your sister.

Their family must not be having a hard time either.

There are four children in the family...

Your sister's future will be more miserable than yours. She died in her sixties, but you survived into your seventies. "

In addition to his son Zhang Shan, he also had a married daughter, Zhang Shui, who was married to Zhou Jiadong from another nearby village. She was an orphan who had escaped from other places. She was good-looking and hard-working.

The most important thing is that his original daughter has taken a liking to him.

After marriage, although the couple had no elders to help them, they were still young and strong, and they were willing to endure hardships, so their life was actually pretty good. After they gave birth to a child, the original mother also helped take care of them, so they were in a good year. Next, they are living a pretty good life.

I can't eat big fish or meat.

But there is absolutely no problem with food and clothing.

But the times have been bad recently, and their four children have not yet reached the age to earn work points. In addition, the original person cannot provide much help at this time, so the life of their family will not be better than that of the original person. How good is your net worth? Or maybe it's even worse.

After all, Zhang Shan only has two children.

Zhang Shui has four children, two more mouths. "I know, mother, is a hundred pounds enough?" In fact, Bai Sheng didn't need to say it. Yesterday, Zhang Shan had thought about giving a few hundred pounds to his sister after replacing all the refined grains at home with coarse grains and miscellaneous grains. At this time, he knew Bai Sheng can go to the future to buy food at any time, so he has no worries.

A hundred kilograms is enough.

If you let go and eat it, it will be gone in a month at most.

"Send some over first. If your sister insists on asking, you can reveal it appropriately so that she doesn't have to worry and can eat with confidence, as long as she keeps a low profile on weekdays.

In addition, if you want anything, please make a list for me and I will buy it for you when I have time. "

Through the memory of his original body, Bai Sheng knew very well that his two children were quite strict with their words. They never told anyone about the fact that their father was a bandit in the past. In addition, the daughter-in-law and son-in-law are okay. Compared with the son-in-law who is alone, without parents or brothers and sisters, the daughter-in-law is more likely to care about her parents' family and want to provide some help.

So after a pause, Bai Sheng simply continued:
"Also Zhaodi, if your mother's family is in trouble, our family can still sponsor two or three hundred kilograms of grains or something. If it's more, it will be a little conspicuous. I think you should understand... …”

Huang Zhaodi actually didn't have particularly deep feelings for her mother's family, but she was quite touched that Bai Sheng could say this at this time: "I understand, I understand.

But it’s better not to send it directly. When they ask for it from me, I will pick up a little bit of Sosou and give it to them. I know the people in my family. If I directly send two to three hundred kilograms of grains to them, I’m afraid they won’t do it at all. There is nothing to be grateful for, only to want more. "


Because Bai Sheng had already explained the situation, and also moved hundreds of kilograms of grain and many cans, filling the cellar full, giving Huang Zhaodi sufficient confidence.

So she gave up the original set meal at noon.

I cooked a pot of dry rice and opened canned meat to share.

Although people living in rural areas are relatively scattered, neighbors can smell clearly what they cook, but they are not too far away. If they really make something fragrant or strong, they will still be easily smelled by hungry neighbor villagers. Arrived. It's definitely not a matter of robbing, but it's inevitable that you'll ask, or even test, or want to borrow food.

Even if Huang Zhaodi's cooking skills are good and she can use the things at home to make a heartier and better-tasting meal, she is still very low-key and tries to reduce the aroma of food as much as possible. This can be regarded as following the principle of low-key.

However, after eating, Zhang Shan, who had been working in the fields all morning, kept looking at Bai Sheng with a rather troubled expression. Bai Sheng looked at him and curled his lips and asked:

"If you have anything to say, just tell me..."

"Mom, I don't know whether I should say it or not. I don't know whether I should do it. You don't know that since you disappeared, many people in our village thought that you went to the mountains to die. And many others imitate.

Four elderly people have left the village this month.

In addition, I see that several people in our village are already swollen. In the past, it was okay if there was nothing we could do, but now I want to help them, but I am afraid that you will be in danger, and I feel strange. "

Zhang Shan actually knew that the relationship between his family and the village was not particularly harmonious. After all, the land left by his grandparents had been swallowed up by the clan. This is also the root cause of his father's death. As long as he has a few acres of land, he will not become a bandit. Later, when I returned from the village, I was not treated well by the villagers. When the fields were divided, some people even complained that their family had taken advantage.

Until the past few years, it was all about eating from a big pot.

The relationship became harmonious.

But he still couldn't help but feel a little resentful, just because he didn't bring the food back, so he didn't dare, let alone feel embarrassed to move, so he could only ask Bai Sheng cautiously, just to test his mother's attitude.

"It's normal for people to have compassion..."

Bai Sheng was not surprised that his son suddenly had the heart of the Holy Mother of Mercy, nor was he disgusted by it, because unless there was a blood feud between each other, normal people would see animals of the same kind, or even non-kinds, suffering and being abused. , will have compassion.

If you have no compassion and feel happy, you may be mentally ill or have a criminal subconscious.

She just didn't go out to see it. If she went out to see it.

I'm afraid I will also feel intolerable.

Because of this, Bai Shengcai never went out, hoping to stay out of sight. However, now that her son has said so, Bai Sheng can no longer pretend not to see:

"But according to what I will learn in the future, although most families in the village have not died, there are more than a dozen families that are really at the end of their rope. Let me think about it, let me think carefully about how to help them, and at the same time, It has to be a relatively low-key one.”

After thinking for a while, Bai Sheng muttered again:

"If it's some vegetables and grains of poor quality, I should keep a low profile, and people in the village don't know my origin. I might be able to make up a fictional elder and talk to the village chief directly. As long as the quality of the food is poor enough, at the same time If it’s not about eating dead people, then it’s reasonable, I feel like this can be done..."

"Go and tell the village chief when you get to work in the afternoon. Ask the village chief to come over in the evening and say that I have something to discuss with him."

They will most likely have to live in this village for the next few decades. Bai Sheng has no intention of moving them to the city, at least not until the 1980s, so he has a good relationship with the villagers and even If you are kind to the village, it will be very beneficial.

Besides, their family can't always eat secretly and not change anything in the house.

The most important thing is that as they eat well and eat well, their complexion will definitely become better and better in the future. You can eat secretly, but don’t bother to disguise your complexion every day, rather than being asked when the time comes. Being questioned and passive is worse than taking the initiative directly.

While helping the people in the village.

He also vaguely revealed that there was someone behind his family.

Wouldn’t it make sense to bring out some good things in the future, or make the whole family look rosy and shiny?

After explaining these things, Bai Sheng said that she would go to the next few hours to prepare food. At the same time, it was difficult to bring the things directly home, so she was going to Montenegro to move the things to the back mountain to be more secretive.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng hurried to Black Mountain.

Through the space-time coordinate locator and the cave again, I traveled to the future and started buying things, especially things that others did not want or were of poor quality.

For example, rotten vegetable leaves from the vegetable wholesale market.

Vegetable waste from large fruit supermarkets.

There is a lot of wastage of vegetables. In the vegetable wholesale market, some vegetables that are partially rotten and in poor quality are discarded. Supermarkets are despised by people, and there are countless vegetables and leaves that cannot be sold even if they are taken away. When it is about to close at night, some vegetables that cannot be sold, and whose appearance is even worse overnight, are not wanted by the shop assistants. Bring it back at an extremely low price, or maybe just throw it away or something.

In the evening, Bai Sheng randomly raided several vegetable markets and supermarkets and harvested several tons of vegetables, or garbage, at extremely low prices.

As for grain, it was even easier. Bai Sheng found a grain dealer and ordered ten tons of aged feed corn.

It’s not that Bai Sheng is reluctant to buy good things. The key is that good things are too conspicuous. Aged corn residue and rotten vegetable leaves are not at the same level as the shock brought by polished rice and high-quality fruits and vegetables. The former can barely rely on its own connections. It has something to do with it, try to fool it.

If it's the latter, it really can't be rounded.

Even the head of the grain station doesn't have this ability...

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