Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 200 The old lady dies tragically in the future [2 in 1]

Chapter 200 The old lady dies tragically in the future (10) [-in-]

After buying and putting away the things, Bai Sheng hurried back. At the same time, out of curiosity, he chatted with people he was already familiar with in the village before going to Montenegro.

Those acquaintances in the new village in the future time and space.

Then she discovered that something had changed in the future.

Her son Zhang Shan died at sixty-eight, and her daughter-in-law also lived a few years shorter and died at more than seventy.

On the contrary, it was my daughter who died earlier.

He just passed away two years ago. He was in his nineties and nearly a hundred years old.

Then Bai Sheng was confused again. Why did she go back to deliver some food and did nothing else, so the life spans of her son and daughter-in-law were shortened by nearly ten years each?

A daughter who originally had a short life span.

But he lived nearly thirty years longer.

After hearing this, Bai Shengdang was not in a hurry to return to the original time and space, but hurriedly inquired about the details of their deaths.

"Zhang Shan died of sudden cerebral infarction, I remember."

"Yes, yes, the doctor said that he seems to have a serious problem with three highs. At the same time, he didn't pay much attention to it, and he didn't rescue the cerebral infarction in time.

But if I hadn’t left early, I wouldn’t have enjoyed a few years of happiness! "

"His wife was at home alone with her children away. She accidentally fell and fell. Although she was later rescued, she had surgery and then... Anyway, her health failed after that, and she passed away within a few years."

"But it's okay, I didn't suffer any serious crimes."

"But Zhang Shan's sister Zhang Shui lived a long life. She lived to be over ninety, ninety-four or ninety-three. She took away three of her four sons. Fortunately, her younger son's life span was not bad, otherwise there would be no sons to replace her. Farewell."

Bai Sheng then chatted with them for a while.

Then he said goodbye and left and climbed back up the mountain.

As for the changes in the life span of his son, daughter, and daughter-in-law, Bai Sheng probably also made some guesses. There is no doubt that his son did not suffer much later. He suffered from all three highs and could not control his mouth at the same time. It was reasonable for the accident to happen.

In the past, people who lived into their seventies also died suddenly.

Maybe it’s because my nutrition wasn’t that good for a few years, I didn’t eat enough, and I was often hungry, but it was actually good for the body. After all, didn’t the ancients always say that if children are to be safe, they should always be three-quarters hungry and cold? Moreover, scientific research also shows that eating only seven-cent full is good for the body.

Starving is bad for your health, and so is overeating.

However, it still depends on personal self-control. If you are hungry and have nothing to eat, there is really nothing you can do. However, if you eat until you are full every day and are 120% full, you cannot blame too much food.

Huang Zhaodi's shortened life span may have something to do with Zhang Shan's death. Originally, the couple's life was okay, even if the children were not around, they could help each other, but after one of them died, the children were still not around, so it was inevitable that they would feel a little lonely. It's very inconvenient if something happens to you.

The subsequent care of the children may not be thorough either.

Or you have lost your temper.

Life span must not be shortened as a result.

As for her daughter Zhang Shui, she originally had a short lifespan. It was most likely that her foundation was damaged during the years when the economy was poor, and it will be difficult to make up for it later. Now that Bai Sheng has subsidized her and provided her with more food, she will naturally not suffer from starvation. .

Moreover, her daughter's eating habits are very good. Not only does she have a light taste, she doesn't eat too much, as long as she feels it is enough.

No matter how delicious it is, I won’t take another bite.

These may be the reasons for her long life.

But even if she knew the situation, Bai Sheng did not intend to forcibly interfere with her son and daughter-in-law. At most, she would go back and tell them that there would be changes in the future and their life span would be shortened. As for whether the couple were willing to make changes, Then it's all up to them.

They are not children, and they can be cared for until they die. Parents raise their children because they want them to help them care for them until they die, not for them to care for them until they die.


Because there is a locator to aim at the time and space coordinates, Bai Sheng does not need to re-adjust when she returns this time. The only drawback is that she left at around two o'clock in the afternoon.

After I got back, it was still around two o'clock in the afternoon.

But this does not affect the overall situation.

Bai Sheng entered his portable plane and stayed there for two hours. When it got dark, he came out of the portable plane and stored several tons of rotten vegetable leaves and ten tons of aged feed cracked corn in a secret place.

Then go down the mountain and go home.

After Bai Sheng arrived home, nearly half an hour passed before Zhang Shan brought the village chief Zhang Daihua back.

At first, the village chief Zhang Daihua was afraid that Zhang Shan wanted to borrow food or something, so he was reluctant to come. Especially when Zhang Shan said that his mother wanted to see him, he was even more frightened. After all, most people in the village now believe that Zhang Shan's mother has died a long time ago. Bai Sheng has not shown his face since he came back, and Zhang Shan has not publicized it everywhere.

Don't scare the village chief.

However, in the end, Zhang Shan talked hard and kept saying that his mother was still alive and had only gone out to try to borrow food, so he took the village chief back to his home after work.

When he saw the village chief Bai Sheng, he didn't mince words and said bluntly:
"I got a batch of edible things. They may not be very good, but they are edible. Do you want them?"

"Dazhu's wife, are you serious?"

Zhang Daihua, who was still thinking about what Bai Sheng was looking for, jumped up and asked loudly with excitement.

"it is true."

"About how many?"

"More than 20,000 kilograms..."

Daihua calmed down after hearing this, because the amount of more than 20,000 kilograms was a bit too scary. He thought that Bai Sheng might have obtained several hundred kilograms of grain from relatives and wanted to sell some to him. Although their family's conditions were quite good, he calmed down. Compared with other villagers, it is slightly better, but not much better. I definitely still want to have food.

As long as the price isn't too outrageous.

After all, it’s hard to buy food now even if you have money.

But it's more than 20,000 kilograms. Just hearing this number seems quite outrageous. Such a large amount of grain can only be heard in their village when the public grain is handed over every year.

A small family usually has 1,800 kilograms of grain.

Life was going quite well.

With so much food, let alone relatives, even my own mother and ancestors would not dare to borrow it from others.

To put it bluntly, the black market in the town was raided.

Maybe they can't even produce so much food. "You're not talking nonsense, are you? How is it possible to have so much food? Where did you get it from, Xiaoshan? Your mother couldn't have been stimulated outside, or she said something wrong.

It's about two hundred kilograms, not more than twenty thousand kilograms? "

Although Zhang Daihua wanted to leave in a hurry, but because the charcoal white saint's face was rosy and shiny, he might not be short of food. With the idea of ​​​​buying some, he finally endured it, took a deep breath, and asked gently.

If the numbers are misspoken, they can barely be understood.

"No, no, I really got more than 20,000 kilograms of edible food. I didn't have to buy it with money. I borrowed it. You can just pay it back in equal amounts from now on. Borrow one kilogram and pay back one kilogram. Whatever you borrow, you pay back. But It has to be fresh.

Don't worry, listen to me and tell you slowly. "

Bai Sheng also didn't expect that the village chief's receptive ability was so poor, so he could only quickly make up a story:

"This time, I mainly brought several thousand kilograms of rotten vegetable leaves and old corn feed, which was cut from the mouths of animals by a relative of mine.

Originally these were used to feed cattle and sheep for fattening.

But didn’t I mention the difficulties we have here?
So my relative tried to cut some off for me and replaced the rest with silage, but it was just loaned to us. We still have to pay it back later. The rotten leaves must be returned to intact vegetables, and the old cracked corn must be returned. Normal corn, or other foods of equal weight will do.

Something, I've already brought it.

If you want it, I'll take you to get it. If you don't want it, then I'll ask someone to take it back. It's all for nothing and I'm just complaining. What do you think? "

These things are not expensive. Even if they are given away for free, they are just a drop in the bucket for Bai Sheng. But if they are really given away for free, it is difficult to explain. Whose relatives are so generous and give away more than 20,000 kilograms of food for free, even if it is old grain? Not possible either. The second is to worry that human nature cannot stand the test of enmity and enmity, so it is better to negotiate the price in advance.

Save yourself the trouble of going back.

"Are you serious?" Zhang Daihua continued to ask.

"Really, what's the point of lying to you?" Bai Shengze still replied affirmatively and was already quite impatient.

It’s quite troublesome to do something good.

"Is there a time limit, that is, will you give us rotten vegetable leaves, feed, cracked corn, etc. today, and then ask us to pay it back in less than half a month, or less than a month? If we don't pay back, interest will be added. .

I’m afraid we won’t be able to pay it back in this year and a half.

If the harvest is good next year, it will be easy to handle, but if the harvest is still bad next year, it will be difficult to pay off..."

Although he wanted to agree immediately, the village chief had not seen the kind of profit-making operation in the past. He might have to double the profit after a small rollover, so of course he had to ask clearly, otherwise he would be irresponsible to the villagers.

In this regard, Bai Sheng's answer was still quite straightforward:

"The grace period can be up to three years, as long as it is repaid within three years. The returned grain and rotten vegetable leaves will be transported directly to the village's public granary, and then the village will keep accounts on its behalf. If it is returned later, it will also be returned by the village.

Specifically, I won’t interfere.

It's all up to you, the village chief.

The extra few hundred kilograms in the 20,000 kilograms of crushed corn for feed are considered as losses. It is up to you, the village chief, to deal with them yourself. They will not be included in the general ledger. The same goes for the rotten fruits mixed with rotten vegetable leaves. They are considered as losses. You see Handle it. "

According to historical records, the situation will get better next year, and there will be several good harvest years in the future, and more than 20,000 kilograms of food will not be distributed to everyone, unless they are really super lazy, or every year They all owe money to the village, otherwise they shouldn't be able to pay it back.

But these white saints are too lazy to care and have no ability to care.

So we still have to ask the village chief to come.

The extra money should be given as a reward to the village chief. After all, there are few people in this world who are truly honest, upright and honest, just like Hai Rui. If you give him some benefits, the village chief will be more energetic in his work. Moreover, this matter must be done by the village chief and in the form of a village collective to ensure safety and ensure that the villagers can repay their debts honestly.

After all, there was no way he could not pay back what he owed to the village.

Of course, the village chief had to be polite at this time, but he finally agreed. After discussing the details with Bai Sheng, he and Bai Sheng went to Black Mountain to check the supplies.

It wasn't until he actually saw those things with his own eyes that the village chief changed from being skeptical to completely believing.

Then, of course, we hurried back to the village, beat the gongs and drums, and sent door-to-door notifications. We didn’t go into too much detail, we just asked that every household must provide a strong laborer to help. Of course, the widow’s family, or those families that really don’t have strong laborers, Then there's no way.

Then naturally, the village chief took the lead and took the strong laborers to Montenegro overnight to move the grain, rotten leaves, etc. to the public granary in the village.

Bai Sheng was not involved in what happened next. The main thing was that the village chief told the villagers that if a family couldn't survive and had nothing to eat, they could register it, borrow some, and then find a way to pay it back within three years. .

It is particularly difficult, the kind of orphans and widowers.

The village will subsidize the points appropriately.

Hearing this, the villagers present naturally cheered immediately. Those who could be the masters of their own country did not need to go back and started to register directly. Those who were not the masters of their own country should go back quickly and discuss with their families to see if they should borrow it. , how much to borrow, and how to pay it back later?
Some people are already thinking about whether to try to borrow more. Taking advantage of the current shortage of food, it is cheap to marry a wife. A few dozen kilograms of food can marry a wife. They should quickly settle the marriages of the children at home. Looking back, the future will be better. Better yet, you can pay it back casually.

They even thought about borrowing more money, selling it on the black market, and paying it back when it was cheaper in two years, making a pure profit.

Fortunately, the village chief quickly discovered this trend and quickly asked the scorer to calculate how much each person could score on average, as well as which families were in good condition and not at the end of their rope, and which families were really in dire straits. , carry out differentiated limits.

In addition, people were hurriedly sent to inform those who had no strong laborers at home and could not help, to come over quickly.

They are the ones who really need to borrow food.

Don't take too much care.

After all this trouble, it was not yet late at night. To be precise, within three hours of these things being transported to the granary, they were all transported to every household. At the same time, Zhang Shan had already carried fifty Five pounds of rice and fifty pounds of white flour were secretly delivered to his sister's house.

Of course, his sister was not so easy to accept. Later, she really talked hard and reluctantly told them about Bai Sheng's adventure, and Zhang Shui finally accepted it.

When Zhang Shan returned home, Bai Sheng, who had not yet slept, immediately told him the information he knew about going to the future and asked him to pay attention. As for whether he listened or not, Bai Sheng had no control over it, so he went to sleep directly after saying that. .

Zhang Shan and Huang Zhaodi, who suddenly learned that their life spans were shortened by nearly ten years, were a little worried at first, but then they thought about it, sixty or seventy is not too young. Originally, they were worried that they would not see their children grow up, get married and have children. Well, now I just can’t see my great-grandson.

Fortunately, I can accept it...

Then they fell asleep peacefully in the second half of the night.

In the following period, although there were a lot of troubles in the village, some people took the time to get married, some secretly got some food to give to their parents' families or other relatives, and there was almost a quarrel in the family, but overall the impact was not big. I didn’t say anything about breaking the sky or anything.

Basically everything is within control.

When autumn comes, another season of grain is harvested, and the weather gradually improves, with good precipitation and temperature, everyone becomes more relaxed and smiles appear on their faces.

Bai Sheng did not continue to toss, but settled down with peace of mind, and went to the fields to earn work points as usual!
She just wants to live peacefully for twenty years.

After all aspects are relaxed, we will find a way to find the original sister and sister, fulfill her last wish of seeing her sister and sister again, and then she can leave with peace of mind.

However, two years later, on the ninth day of July.

The Black Mountain suddenly split open!
Literally cracked...

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