Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 201 The old lady dies tragically in the future [3 in 1]

Chapter 201 The old lady dies tragically in the future (End) [Three-in-one]

However, the cracking of Heishan was not like a sudden explosion like an earthquake, but a silent split in two. When Bai Sheng asked his son Zhang Shan and daughter-in-law Huang Zhaodi, they replied that Heishan had always been like this. , and said that the mountain is not called Black Mountain.

Instead, it is called Liangfen Mountain.

It has been called Liangfenshan for a long time.

In an instant, Bai Sheng understood that there should be some unknown problem in the past time and space that caused the problem in Black Mountain. However, as long as he travels through time and space, he may not be affected by the changes in time and space. He clearly knows the situation of past time and space and future time and space, and what is happening in the future. What are the changes.

Others are affected by changes in space and time.

Past experiences and memories are also affected.

"No, there is still a paradox...

If the Black Mountain in the past has been destroyed now, then my previous trip through time and space should no longer exist. Oops, the indirect effects of changes in time and space are really difficult to understand. Forget it, let's go and take a look. "

After a moment's thought, Bai Sheng decided not to embarrass himself, and just joined in the fun without thinking about what he couldn't figure out.

Look what happened in Montenegro.

Does that cave still exist and is it useful?

So that afternoon, Bai Sheng asked Zhang Shan to take a half-day off for her, and went straight to the center of what was originally called Black Mountain, now called Liangfen Mountain. To be more precise, it was the cave that was originally located in the center of Black Mountain.

It doesn't really matter whether it's a mountain or not.

The important thing is the cave that can travel through time and space.

Over the years, Bai Sheng has not given up on practicing the turtle breath nourishing technique. Therefore, even though the black mountain is divided into two halves and is much steeper and more dangerous than before, it has no impact on her and she is still walking on flat ground.

We arrived at our destination smoothly in no time.

Then Bai Sheng felt that his heart hurt so much, because the time and space energy there had completely disappeared. This not only meant that Bai Sheng could no longer travel through time and space through the Black Mountain Cave, but it also meant that she existed The few small goals for the future are gone.

It's a real loss of blood, and she really regrets it. If she had known earlier, she should have converted the money into supplies and kept it in her personal plane.

Fortunately, Bai Sheng's mental endurance is okay.

It took a few seconds for her to accept the reality.

And she quickly used her mental strength to carefully observe every corner of the central area of ​​Montenegro. Although she felt that she might not gain anything, she always felt unwilling and unable to let go without careful inspection.

And it turned out that she really saw the problem.

At the core of the cracked cave, Bai Sheng discovered a ray of curse power that was about to completely dissipate. Previously, due to the obstruction of chaotic time and space energy, Bai Sheng could not go deep into the Black Mountain cave, and his mental power could not know what was behind the chaotic time and space energy. have what.

Immediately afterwards, of course, she quickly captured the ray of curse power. However, the next second, she had the illusion that the five degenerations of heaven and humans were coming, and she quickly used her own merit to suppress it, and then barely suppressed the curse power:
"Why is it so scary?"

"How high is the nature of this cursed power?"

The reason why Bai Sheng dared to directly use her mental power to capture the power of the curse was that the power of the curse was obviously very weak and was about to dissipate. If she had been a few hours late, the power of the curse might have disappeared automatically.

In this way, Bai Sheng naturally felt that even if the power of the curse still had some ability, it would not be too strong, but who knew that she almost overturned because of it.

Fortunately, I have merit and can suppress it.

In addition, she was not without gains. At least she was certain that the essential source of this curse power must be an extremely powerful existence. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a curse power that was about to dissipate to still have an effect on her.

"Wait a minute, after the original time traveled, he was in a trance, and his death in a car accident couldn't be related to the power of this curse, right? Otherwise, it would be too unlucky?"

I'm glad I'm fine.

Bai Sheng instantly had some other associations.

That is whether the death of the original body is related to the power of the curse. After all, behind the cave that can travel through time and space, it is unlikely that the power of the curse will appear for no reason. Maybe the power of the curse is to protect the person who can travel through time and space. The cave is not discovered by outsiders.

Think about it, if everyone who travels through time and space dies after traveling through time, naturally no one will know about it.

The secrets of the cave will not be spread or leaked...

Just when Bai Sheng wanted to explore the ray of curse power that had been suppressed, the curse power seemed to receive support from an unknown source in an instant, and turned into the shadow of a dark giant mountain, breaking through the white rays in an instant. Saint's suppression, in turn, began to suppress Bai Sheng.

Or it can also be called Curse Qi Bai Sheng.

In addition, there was roaring hatred:

"Damn it! Damn it! You should fall into the abyss forever! You will never be reincarnated forever, the gods and humans will decline, and you will never recover!"

At this moment, Bai Sheng was both frightened and confused.

What's frightening is that the power of the curse has become very terrifying after being inexplicably blessed. What's puzzling is that I don't know the other person at all, and I don't know who he is.

Why do you hate yourself so much?

I feel like digging up his ancestral graves shouldn’t be a big deal!

Of course, the next second, Bai Sheng ignored the doubts and hurriedly hid in his personal plane, and mobilized the original power of the personal plane to suppress, or rather deal with, the curse power that had turned into a monstrous black mountain. !

But even so, Bai Sheng was still losing ground.

There are even cracks in the portable plane.

It seemed like it would collapse completely in the next second.

In addition, under the influence of the curse that was like a black mountain in the sky, the White Saint's plane seemed to have experienced a horrific doomsday catastrophe. Countless creatures died instantly, vegetation withered, and mountains and rivers collapsed. Even those robots were affected by it. Some instantly turned into fly ash, and some turned into scrap metal. Years of accumulation were almost lost in one day, and even gold began to lose its golden nature.

Bai Sheng is not much better either.

Her physical body has directly collapsed, and her soul has entered the state of the five declines of heaven and human. Even the half-step innate soul that has transformed halfway is affected by the power of the curse and begins to collapse and die. There is still the possibility of reincarnation after the death of the physical body, and the death of the soul can also pass. Gradually repaired through countless reincarnations.

But the true spirit is broken, that is, he is really dead...

Unless a saint takes action and spends a lot of money to step into the long river of time and space to save it personally, but Bai Sheng obviously does not have this level of connections, and she does not know even the Golden Immortal, so her true spirit is shattered and she is truly dead.

At this moment, Bai Sheng himself felt a little desperate.

Not only was he desperate that he was about to die, but he was even more desperate because he didn't know why he was targeted by this unknown terrifying existence and was cursed.

Just as Bai Sheng closed his eyes and waited for death.

A ray of light of creation suddenly swept over, freezing Bai Sheng's portable plane that was on the verge of collapse. At the same time, it also suppressed the terrifying black mountain composed of strange power. After closing his eyes for a few seconds, Bai Sheng found himself Not dead, she opened her eyes in surprise and saw a young child standing in front of her with a smile:
"I haven't seen you for a few days, and my ancestor doesn't recognize me anymore?"

"?" Bai Sheng really didn't know why.

"In my previous life, I was Zhen Baoyu, and I was also the spirit of the five-color stone fragments. I would like to thank you for giving me a copy of the world origin and the innate origin before you left. Not only did I successfully join the world of heaven and humanity, but I also worshiped in Nuwa Palace. .

Now I am also a disciple of Mother Lishan.

Today I realize that you are in danger of death.

Came here to help and recover the five-color stone fragments. "

The kid was quite straightforward. He didn't deliberately conceal or titillate, but immediately explained his origins.

Hearing this, Bai Sheng was surprised and a little embarrassed. The surprise was of course the other party's identity and the fact that the other party was able to become the disciple of Mother Lishan. The last person to become the disciple of Mother Lishan seemed to be Bai Suzhen.

Moreover, Bai Suzhen was only a registered disciple.

The main embarrassment is that although the five-color stone fragment was not snatched by Bai Sheng, it was indeed picked up by her, and that thing is still Zhen Baoyu's true body, and now Bai Sheng has used that thing.

Now people came to her door to ask for her and saved her life.

What did she get in return? Can you not be embarrassed?

Bai Sheng was really at a loss for a moment. He was stunned for a while before he quickly handed over his hands and thanked him. Then he didn't know what to say. It took him a long time to finally say:
"Um, didn't you say you became a disciple of Nuwa Palace? How did you become a disciple of Mother Lishan?"

"How dare you ask this after holding it in for so long?"

Zhen Baoyu rolled her eyes at Bai Sheng and explained:

"Old Mother Lishan is the reincarnation of the good corpse of Empress Nuwa. Although I have become a disciple of Nuwa Palace, I am not qualified to be a disciple of Empress Nuwa. If I didn't have the identity of the spirit of the five-color stone fragments, I wouldn't be able to do so. A disciple who might become Mother Lishan would only be a little fairy at best.

In addition, I know what you are worried about, but you don't need to worry. Since I can sense that you are in danger and come to save you, I naturally also know that the five elements and innate energy inside my five-color stone fragments have been refined by you.

Serve as promotion qualifications for this small plane.

But what I came here to ask for this time is mainly the shell of the five-color stone fragment. As long as the shell is still there, if it is nourished for a period of time in a place with strong innate spiritual energy, it will slowly recover. Although I have no chance to enter Nuwa Palace, Lishan Paradise is also one of the famous cave heaven paradise. The innate spiritual energy inside is very abundant. It will take at most a thousand years for my five-color stone fragments, which are only shells, to be restored.

Even go one step further!
At that time, Master can use the five-color stone fragments of my body to create an innate body for me. "

Hearing this, Bai Sheng, who originally felt that he was in the wrong, naturally had no reason to refuse. Even if the five-color stone fragment shell was stored in the origin of the world, the five elements and the innate energy inside had disappeared. Come out and hand it back to Zhen Baoyu:

"It's my fault. Now it's back to its original owner." "But why didn't you find it before I refined the inner source of the five-color stone fragments? Wouldn't that have saved a thousand years? And if you wait a little longer, wait for me to die." Okay, it seems like there won’t be any impact if we take back the five-color stone fragments. I wonder if you can clear up the confusion?”

Anyway, this life was picked up, and the other party didn't look like he was holding a grudge and wanted her life, so Bai Sheng simply became bolder and wanted to explore more information.

If you guess, there is really no guarantee of accuracy.

"I originally wanted to do this. After all, although you gave me compensation, the compensation you gave me is not as precious and important as the five-color stone fragments of my body."

Zhen Baoyu, who had already obtained the shell of his body, sighed helplessly and answered Bai Sheng's doubts straightforwardly:
"But Master, she stopped me and said that I owed you karma and favors. She also said that it would be better for me if the five-color stone fragments passed through your hands and came back.

Forget it, to put it simply, if it weren't for the things you did and giving me a ray of the origin of the world and the innate origin, I might not be able to reincarnate in the world of heaven and humanity, and then I would keep reincarnating in that small world until the innate spirituality is completely worn away. , completely reduced to a mortal.

In addition, the body of my five-color stone fragments has been infected with too much earthly energy in the world of Red Mansions, and has the evil power of resentment.

If you don't take my body away, I'm afraid my soul will return to my body after death and be polluted. At that time, my innate spirituality will be damaged, and it will be very troublesome whether it is reincarnation or continuing to practice. All in all, compared to my soul returning to the polluted body after death, with your help, reincarnation is a better choice.

Although there is only a shell left in my body now, the aura of the mortal world and the evil power of resentment are gone. Even the acquired origin that has degenerated after staying in the Red Mansion World for a long time has disappeared. As long as I have been nurtured for a thousand years in a place with strong innate spiritual energy, I will be able to survive. It is an innate spiritual creature that cannot be more pure.

So practically speaking, it's a good thing.

Because of this, I owe you a huge debt of karma!
Our Nuwa Palace has good causes and will pay back the good results. It is not like those shameless people in the West. If the karma cannot be paid back, the debt will be wiped out by death. "

"This time, my master also calculated that you were in danger of death, so he specially asked me to come here with her jade talisman to save your life. It also restored the cause and effect, and it was also convenient to get back the five-color stone fragment shell in your hand. The cause and effect are clear. .

But are there any doubts? "

"I see..." Zhen Baoyu answered quite clearly, and Bai Sheng was immediately relieved. Sure enough, you can't do bad things, only good causes can produce good results.

But after thinking about it, she asked again:
"Well, I still have a question. What's going on with this curse? Why did it suddenly attack me? I feel like I didn't offend anyone!"

This is Bai Sheng's biggest doubt.

If I can ask clearly, of course I want to ask clearly.

"Oh, you said this, it can be regarded as your unreasonable disaster, or it can be regarded as your bad luck. Some time ago, there was a Black Mountain Mountain God in the prehistoric world who failed to break through to the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. In fact, it was because he had insufficient foundation, but he fell. At that time, he discovered that you had a certain impact on his breakthrough to Daluo Jinxian, so he turned his anger on you and cursed you with a wisp of his residual soul.

This black mountain is the curse of his remaining soul. "

When Zhen Baoyu first learned about the relevant situation, she was speechless and looked at Bai Sheng with pity.

I have never seen such unlucky people.

But fortunately, he was unlucky, which made it easier for him to pay off his karma.

"???? No, I am a little boy who has not yet become an immortal. What influence can I have on him breaking through to the Daluo Golden Immortal? Besides, I didn't do anything. I was exhausted and just traveled through the Black Mountain cave a few more times. !

Wait, isn't it just because I traveled through the past and future time and space a few more times in the Black Mountain cave?
Really... just because of this? "

Looking at Zhen Baoyu's face, Bai Sheng immediately knew that her bold guess was most likely correct.

"You also know that breaking through the Great Luo Jinxian requires transcending the long river of time and space. From then on, all the timelines of the past and the future will be merged into one, with a permanent certificate. As long as it is not completely wiped out, one day it can be resurrected from the long river of time and space.

In order to break through, the Black Mountain God must try his best, so he specially borrowed secret techniques and mobilized the power of Black Mountain in countless time and space and countless worlds to help him break through.

Although his breakthrough only happened in a moment.

But it’s quite troublesome when it comes to time and space.

You may not understand my explanation. To put it simply, the reason why the Black Mountain cave you discovered can travel through time and space is because he was breaking through the Great Luo Jinxian and trying to wrap up the timeline of the past and future.

The impact, or vision, caused.

In order to prevent others from affecting the stability of those timelines, he left a trace of curse power at every node that could travel through time and space to ensure that people who accidentally broke in would never return. These were the things he had planned in advance before the breakthrough. Be prepared, because once he starts to break through the Great Luo Jinxian, he will not be able to distract himself and make arrangements.

But because the power of those curses mainly cursed the physical body, and at the same time he was confident that the cursed person would not be able to survive, so the curse was a one-time thing and was only applied once to a person. In this way, after the original owner of the body you occupy dies, and you use that body to travel back and forth, the power of the curse will not be recognized.

I can't even curse you.

In addition, when you travel across time, you are not traveling alone, but also traveling through the planes that are bound to your soul. The impact caused by traveling alone is the same as the impact caused by traveling across a world.

The gap is undoubtedly quite large.

So to be precise, your traveling back and forth did affect his past and future timeline of that time and space, but it actually didn't have much of an impact on him.

Without you, he wouldn't be able to successfully break through.

It's just that when he failed to break through and fell, he noticed you, so he took his anger out on you.

I think it was you who caused his breakthrough to fail.

I cursed you with my remaining soul. "

Although feeling quite speechless, Zhen Baoyu truthfully told Bai Sheng what he learned.

Bai Sheng's mood at this time is also difficult to describe in words. She didn't know that she had such great ability. She could just travel through a few times and kill Daluo Jinxian. Oh, no, it was the big boss who was about to break through Daluo Jinxian:

"Does it really have nothing to do with me?"

"It definitely doesn't matter. If it does, it's a proper revenge for blocking the way. Master will never let me help you, and you think too highly of yourself. In theory, it's just a group of golden immortals blocking the way. It will not have any impact on a Taiyi Taoist's breakthrough.

The Black Mountain Mountain God is simply incompetent.

The Great Luo Jinxian is using tricks and special blessing secrets to break through, so how can he succeed! "

After explaining this, the jade talisman in Zhen Baoyu's hand suddenly lit up twice: "No, time is running out. I can't talk nonsense to you anymore. I will help you clean up this mess. The two of us can be regarded as causes and effects. Disappeared."

Obviously, Mother Lishan gave him a time limit.

Or the jade talisman given to him has restrictions on its use.

The next second, Zhen Baoyu activated the jade talisman and spread out several rays of light of creation of different colors. A ray of light of creation reversed the yin and yang and shrouded it like a curse on the black mountain. The next second, the black mountain changed from its original shape. The mountain of curses became the mountain of blessings, and it was located directly in the center of the portable plane, turning into ancestral veins.

Similar to Kunlun Buzhou's status in ancient times.

Some of the remaining light of creation is repairing the plane barrier, some is resurrecting dead living creatures and vegetation, and some is repairing Bai Sheng's soul and true spirit. When these lights of creation disappeared, except for the scrapped robots that had not been repaired, everything else returned to their original state, and there was a huge mountain of blessings in the center of the world.

It has the effect of increasing fortune and luck.

It can also suppress luck and stabilize the portable plane.

"My time is up. You will realize the specific functions of this mountain of blessing later. See you in the future!"

After finishing the work, he said this again.

Zhen Baoyu was taken away by a guiding light.

Bai Sheng calmed down for a while, then carefully checked the portable plane, and confirmed that not only was there no problem with the portable plane, but that the plane barrier and other aspects had been strengthened, he was completely relieved, and then he didn't care. Go on to study the effects of Mount Fuze.

He quickly used various instruments to create a bionic robot for himself, a bionic robot that was the same as his original body, whose body had been previously destroyed by a curse.

The light of creation only helped Bai Sheng repair the damage to his true spirit and soul, but the original body's destroyed body was not restored.

Bai Sheng cannot see his children with his soul.

And fulfill another last wish of the original person.

So I can only seize the time and customize a bionic robot that is the same as the original one, then leave the portable plane and continue to live according to the original plan.

In addition to working normally, he can properly educate his grandchildren and four grandchildren.

And in 1980, he officially went into business.

After all, it costs money to find people. Even if you just place a newspaper in a local newspaper, the price is very high, let alone find people through other more influential channels. You can't make this kind of money just by planting a few acres of land. Still have to do business.

Anyway, he can't travel through time and space now, and Bai Sheng doesn't know what changes will happen in the future. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know about her, so he boldly makes troubles.

By 1990, Bai Sheng had already saved several small goals, and at the same time relied on casting a wider net and throwing more money.

Finally I found out the whereabouts of several older sisters.

Excluding her, most of the eight sisters lived poorly, and only three are still alive today. Some died not long after being sold, some went into squalor and were rescued after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Later, they got married and had children, but their life spans were not long. Some died in childbirth, leaving only one elder sister and two younger sisters. After being alive and well, Bai Sheng found the people and met them.

The bones of the dead were found, their graves moved, and they were buried together.

Give some help to those who are alive.

If there are descendants, we should also provide some help as appropriate.

After all these arrangements were made, Bai Sheng divided up the family property saved over the years and distributed it to his children, grandchildren, and so on. Everyone had something.

Then he fulfilled his last wish and left.

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