Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 202 Extra: Future Time and Space Inheritance Distribution [2 in 1]

Chapter 202 Extra - Distribution of inheritance in future time and space [two-in-one]

At the moment when the Black Mountain Mountain God fell, the timelines that were forcibly bound together because of his attempt to break through the Great Luo Jinxian instantly collapsed and everyone returned to their place.

To put it simply, the changed timeline became independent under the power of the laws of space and time.

It can also be said to have evolved into a parallel world.

No longer affected by past changes in time and space, each different timeline has independently become a complete parallel world, and does not affect each other.

The future world where Bai Sheng stayed before.

So is nature.

It instantly evolved into a parallel world where she suddenly disappeared. Fortunately, Bai Sheng was too lazy to deal with some housework and simple work, and at the same time he didn't want to hire a nanny or professional manager to take care of it. So I specially brought out a bionic robot, and tried to arrange for him to return from studying abroad, and act as his personal assistant, providing one-stop services such as housework and asset management.

He can do any work, and he can do any work well.

The most important thing is that Bai Sheng gave him high authority and asked the bionic robot not to report the crime no matter what. When necessary, he would even need his help to forge his own death certificate, etc. After all, Bai Sheng knew that he would travel through time and space at any time. If Can't come back in time.

That undoubtedly meant something had happened.

There was no point in reporting her missing, the Sheriff's Department couldn't help her.

So it would be better to just ask the simulated robot assistant, housekeeper, and nanny to get her a death certificate and arrange the division of her inheritance, so as not to become a suspicious case again.

As a result, no one inherits the assets and they are turned over to the state treasury.

Because of these preparations, even if Bai Sheng disappeared for a while, her industry was still booming under the management of bionic robots.

And exactly one year after she disappeared, the preset program developed within the bionic robot was triggered, and a series of evidence chains were officially started to be forged for her, such as an overseas accident. While applying for a death certificate, she also started to deal with the inheritance according to the forged will. segmentation problem.

The first thing to do is to find the original relatives.

Bai Sheng had actually thought about it before, simply trying to find her original relatives in the future world, including her sisters. Or if she really can't find her sisters and sisters, she could just find their descendants and complete it in this way. It is the last wish of the original body to want to meet my sister.

Anyway, the original person didn't stress whether he was dead or alive.

But doing this is a bit tricky after all, and her sister and sister will already be dead in the future time and space.

It's inevitable that it's a bit perfunctory.

So this is just a backup plan.

But after Bai Sheng disappeared, it would be a waste to keep the money. Therefore, it was natural for the bionic robot to start looking for the original relatives, and divide the inheritance based on comprehensive consideration of their situation, character, and other aspects.

Among them, the direct descendants of the original person are relatively easy to find.

After all, Bai Sheng has investigated before and found that his children, son-in-law and daughter-in-law have all passed away. There is one grandson, one granddaughter, and four grandsons. Currently, only the granddaughter and the youngest grandson are still alive, and the next generation next Most of the great-grandchildren are still alive.

Bai Sheng's bionic robot Ju Ming, after investigating their specific addresses and phone numbers, sent people to call them one by one, sent them emails, and also mailed them the inheritance agreement.

Let them make an appointment, go to the designated office with the inheritance agreement, and formally sign it under the witness of the notary office staff, and then the inheritance can be divided.

The specific amount Ju Ming has determined in advance.

It's not their turn to argue or have opinions.


Chengbei Community, Room 302, Building .

Zhang Huaiyun, who had just returned home and took off his shoes, was lying on the sofa waiting for lunch. After answering an unknown phone call, he hung up the phone without even listening to what the other party said.

He muttered with a rather bad expression:
"I'm so annoyed. It's another scam call. They even told me that my great-grandmother left an inheritance and asked me to go to a designated office and sign an inheritance agreement to inherit it.

My mother passed away last year, and she was still a great-grandmother
Even those who lie don't know how to ask for good news. "

"Have you received it too? This scammer is quite persistent. I received this call half an hour ago, but I didn't listen to too many details. I hung up when I found out that the caller was neither a school teacher nor a relative or acquaintance.

But based on the analysis of the few sentences he said.

There is a high probability that it is also something like inheritance.

I guess it's a new fraud method recently. "

Zhou Ping, who was cooking lunch in the kitchen, heard her husband's muttering and immediately picked up the conversation and echoed it.

He said he had also received similar scam calls.

However, the two of them did not get entangled over a scam call. After a few words of discussion, one continued to lie on the sofa and play with his mobile phone, while the other hurriedly started cooking lunch.

At half past eleven, lunch will be ready.

The youngest son Zhang Feng, who has just entered the first grade of junior high school, is also back.

His family has two children. The eldest daughter, Zhang Fang, has graduated from college and started working. The younger son was born a few years ago in another place and is only in the first year of junior high school. Sometimes the phone number of the school teacher may not be a familiar number.

Therefore, as long as the number is not clearly marked as a scam call or a harassing call, Zhou Ping will answer the call first, and then choose whether to hang up or not depending on the situation.

After all, what if it was a phone call from a teacher in school.

Not answering or just hanging up is not a good idea either.

Just halfway through the meal, Zhou Ping's phone rang again, but this time it was from her daughter, so she immediately answered the call and turned on the speakerphone. After all, people were eating, and one had a mobile phone in each hand. If it’s inconvenient to eat with your hands, it’s better to turn on the speaker phone and talk while eating to save trouble.

"Mom...I received a call today."

"They said that my father's great-grandmother's inheritance would be divided among me and let me inherit it. They also sent me an email and even sent me the inheritance agreement.

It feels like it's real...

I haven't found any similar scam news online.

I have an apartment in a first-tier city, and I have a total of five million in cash, and the other party has not asked for money yet. The law firm that I want to go to can be found online. It is quite famous, but I can’t find it alone. If you dare to go, why don't you ask my dad to take leave and go with me?

Regardless of whether it’s true or not, I’ll be happy to go!

Otherwise, I might always be thinking about it in my heart. "

Zhang Fang actually struggled for a long time, and even searched a lot of relevant information on the Internet, and even asked several lawyers online. Although she still couldn't be completely sure whether it was true or false, at least her lawyer said that there was no problem with the format of the inheritance agreement, so that The law firm she went to was also real, and its status in the industry was quite high.

The most important thing is that the address is also fine.

It is located in the bustling area of ​​a first-tier city.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a scam...

However, it didn't look like a scam, and she was still a little worried. She didn't dare to go alone, and she was too embarrassed to tell her colleagues that they should go with her.

So I called home to ask.

By the way, I asked about my ancestors.

"What are you dreaming about, you damn girl? You really thought pie could fall from the sky. After all, you are a college student. How can you be so easily deceived? Your father and I have both received this call. Look at our two letters. ?
What will you do when you get older?

Don't be cheated out of your fortune.

After being sold, you have to count the money for others! "

When Zhou Ping had already preconceived the idea that the inheritance call was a scam, she naturally felt that her daughter was stupid and only wanted good things! And began to teach her a lesson.

At the same time, Zhang Huaiyun also took over the conversation and said:
"How can there be so many good things in this world? And even if everything is true, it doesn't make sense to find you and give you the inheritance. I have a brother above me and a sister below me. Even if there is When it comes to inheritance or something, my brother should be notified first!
After all, my brother is not dead yet...

You should go to work honestly. If you really don’t want to go to work, quickly find a partner and marry yourself off. Stop having sweet dreams all day long, and don’t go by yourself. We can’t save you if you are abducted. You have to see the Public Security Department! "

"No, parents, but I have called the official phone number of that law firm and asked. Their customer service said that they have accepted this commission, and that I am not the only heir. I, my brother, and you all , even my uncle’s family, my aunt’s family, they are all one of the heirs.

Even my aunt and her family are heirs.

I'm only talking about the part I can inherit.

The important thing is that I haven't found the same fraud case on the entire Internet, and isn't your great-grandmother missing? It didn’t say she was dead!

So, this should be possible! "

The key thing is that Zhang Fang has not found any flaws so far, so she is willing to believe it.

And continued to persuade his parents.

If it were true, wouldn't she just pay it off and save herself a lifetime of hard work? After all, based on her current salary standard, it would be difficult to buy a house in a first-tier city even if she saves money for a lifetime, let alone five million in cash. .

People are like this sometimes. Once they believe something or not believe it, they have to hit a brick wall.

Only then can we turn back.

Zhang Fang is like this, and Zhou Ping is the same, but one has unwavering belief and the other has unwavering disbelief.

In the end, they parted on bad terms.

After all, Zhang Fang did not dare to go alone, and tried to comfort herself that she had not missed the opportunity by saying that if it was true, the other party would definitely come back and they would not lose their inheritance rights because they did not go.

Ju Ming didn’t realize there was a problem until he found out that the appointment time had come, but no one had made an appointment in advance to meet and sign the agreement and notarize it. After careful investigation, he discovered that his operation might have been misconstrued by others. Fraud.

The next step, of course, is to quickly dispatch the lawyers from the law firm and ask them to visit one by one.

Only after visiting them twice and inviting them to a law firm for a meeting were Zhang Shan's two grandsons and one granddaughter finally convinced by the whole family.

And make an appointment with them on a good date.

When all the descendants have arrived, the inheritance will be distributed.

As they found the right method and were no longer regarded as fraudsters, everything that followed went smoothly. At noon half a month later, all the surviving descendants of Zhang Shan and Zhang Shui, including their partners, , all gathered together at the designated law firm.

Ju Ming appeared and announced the inheritance distribution.

And it caused a lot of controversy after reading it.

"How can it be so divided? Even the descendants of the old aunt who has been married for so many years can be divided. They no longer have the surname Zhang long ago. This is too unreasonable."

"Yes, after all, our family is the eldest son and grandson of the eldest family member. Even if we can't get 80% to 90% of the family property, we can't get such a small amount. My son, the eldest son and grandson of the eldest family member, got the family property after marrying someone. It’s almost like a girl, this is too much.”

"We want to see Grandma's will!"

"Yes, we want to see the will."

"It doesn't matter if the money is divided more or less, but the most valuable company shares, why were they given to several people not named Zhang, one of whom is even a woman? Did you collude in advance? Is there any conspiracy?"

"I don't agree with it, I firmly don't agree with it."

In fact, generally speaking, Ju Ming's distribution is relatively fair. Those who are incompetent are given apartments and some money.

Give shares to those who are capable and let them struggle.

It also prevents the family property from being ruined.

But, with the death of parents, the relationship between brothers and sisters will become estranged, let alone the relationship between the next generation. They may not have much contact with each other, and they may not be able to get together once during the holidays.

In addition, those with the surname Zhang will inevitably think that they are the direct heirs, those with the surname Zhou and others.

It's so far away that I don't even have the same last name as them.

Why can it be divided so much?
The most important thing is that what is involved is not ten or eight yuan, not eighteen hundred yuan, ten thousand or twenty thousand yuan, but assets of several million or tens of millions. If you fight for a little more, you may get millions more. Who can resist fighting?

At this time, Ju Ming began to read out the will. It was a forged will, but it was also the kind that was approved by Bai Sheng:

"You heard it, the old chairman's will asked me to evaluate you, and only if you are approved by me will you be eligible to share the inheritance. If no one satisfies me, then all the inheritance will be inherited by me.

I have no intention of embezzling the legacy of the old chairman, so I conducted a detailed investigation on you and lowered the assessment standards in case anyone is dissatisfied.

You can tell me directly that I failed your assessment.

Recover the inheritance..."

There is no situation where everyone is satisfied with the division of family property. Even if it is divided 100% equally, some people will still be dissatisfied. Some people will feel that they should get more, such as the eldest son and grandson. There will also be people who feel that other surnames are not related by blood. Qualifications for inheritance distribution, etc.

So Ju Ming simply did not take the path of fairness, and simply said that if you like him or not, he would take it back if you don't want him.

This is the White Holy Will that he made himself.

That’s the greatest confidence.

At the same time, no one will think there is a problem. After all, there are loopholes in this will that he can exploit and keep the inheritance to himself, but he doesn't. Doesn't it prove that he is of high moral character? A moral saint, okay?

It is not a problem to praise the modern Zhou Gongdan.

In addition, there were notaries nearby to help prove that the will was valid and authentic. Everyone present, especially those who were dissatisfied, were speechless and did not dare to say anything. It took a long time for someone to ask if there was still another 100 million.

Are you planning to keep it privately?

"You didn't listen carefully to the will just now. Didn't the old chairman say that she had five older sisters and three younger sisters? They should probably be gone.

But they still have descendants.

Currently looking for comparisons.

When I find their descendants, I will distribute the 100 million in cash according to their families' circumstances, and it will also comply with the old chairman's last wish. Are there any questions?

If not, you can leave!

The trouble of allocating shares remains and needs to be handed over, as well as some explanations of the group's situation. "

Ju Ming responded a few words again and began to see off the guests.

Most families who are sensible and already satisfied with their inheritance quickly leave. Those who were ignorant and still dissatisfied, or who still had ideas about the shares or even the remaining 100 million in cash, did not dare to do anything immediately or clamor for anything. Instead, they went back to consult a lawyer and asked for help. The specific success rate of lawsuits.

As for the result, it was too greedy.

In the end, nothing can be achieved.

The bionic robot Ju Ming, after finding the descendants of his original sister and sister, divided 100 million among them, he recognized the one he was most satisfied with among all the descendants of the original person as his master, and confessed his identity.

Continue to perform assistant-housekeeper-nanny duties.

Until it ages and becomes useless.

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