Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 204 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! 【2 in 1】

Chapter 204 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! (2)【Two-in-one】

"Is Queen Mother Dong still in good health?"

The Queen Mother of the West was actually well aware of many things. This time she came here not so much to ask about the Queen Mother's health as to see if the Queen Mother East was dead.

So that the imperial seal can be recovered in time.

He took full power as regent and hung the curtain alone from then on.

"Your Majesty, please spare my life, My Majesty, please spare my life!!"

The doctor in charge seemed to have answered the question incorrectly, but actually explained the situation. It was obvious that the question of the Queen Mother was not whether she was healthy or not, but whether she was still angry!

This morning, when he was diagnosing the pulse of Empress Dowager Dong, he knew that she was already difficult to cure, and the follow-up acupuncture and prescribing medicines were nothing more than superficial efforts. Before half a stick of incense, when he checked the pulse of Empress Dowager Dong for the last time, Empress Dowager Dong was already very angry and her pulse was lifeless.

Now I can't say I may have run out of energy.

Just follow the rules and check your pulse every half an hour.

We haven't finalized it yet.

"What a bunch of rubbish. Why don't you show the Ai family quickly? If Queen Mother Dong does anything wrong, she will definitely not forgive her!"

Although she was secretly happy in her heart, feeling that her plan had been successful and that she was the only one from now on, the Queen Mother still hurriedly pretended to be worried and angry, scolding the imperial doctor for his incompetence, and hurried to the inner palace.

As soon as she opened the curtain, she saw Bai Sheng lying on the bed with a pale face, and he couldn't even see the rise and fall of his breathing.

That's right, Bai Sheng did it on purpose...

It's just a trick to see if I can hear some of the Queen Mother's true words or inner monologue.

A few seconds later, Bai Sheng clearly felt that the Queen Mother of the West had walked quickly to his side. He first touched her hand, then felt for her pulse, and finally even put her hand under Bai Sheng's nose and sensed She breathed for a while, and after several minutes of this, she was finally sure that the Queen Mother Dong was dead, and she immediately burst into tears and cried:
"It's only been two days since I last saw you. Sister, why are you so sick? Why are your hands so cold? Where is the imperial doctor? Those guys waiting outside should get out of here quickly. If the Queen Mother of the East knows anything about it, Wrong.

The Ai family will let you all be buried with him..."

Although Bai Sheng was pretending to be dead, her mental power could clearly see the surrounding situation and hear her words clearly. At this time, she was really feeling a little nauseous for no reason.

What kind of stinking bully’s remarks are these...

No, she is still the female tyrant of White Lotus. The elder sister and the younger sister have a strong smell of White Lotus green tea. They will be buried with her in the future and will be the standard remarks of a tyrant or a domineering prince.

It felt okay when I was young and ignorant watching the show.

But now, all I have is the awkward feeling of digging my toes into the ground.

At the same time, I couldn't help but want to cry bitter tears for those imperial doctors. Although they were indeed incompetent, the royal doctors were too ruthless and could kill people at every turn!

No wonder they always like to make too many mistakes...

If you use too many methods, even if you can't cure the person and the person dies, the most you can do is to be dismissed from your job. If you push yourself to death, you will be sentenced to death. But if you use a risky method and the person is not cured but is killed, the house may be ransacked. Genocide.

Just when Bai Sheng was thinking wildly and having random thoughts.

The imperial doctors who were waiting outside stumbled in with sweat on their foreheads. They had just heard what the Queen Mother of the West said about why her hands were so cold, and they immediately began to speculate that the Queen Mother of the East was dead. It's a knife to cut the head, and it's a knife to shrink the head.

Too titty is calling their senses.

At this time, Bai Sheng also knew that he would not be able to deceive the Queen Mother of the West. In other words, even if he could deceive him, it would not be now. He reckoned that he would have to wait for her to enter the coffin, and then lay in the coffin in the dead of night. , it is possible to hear it only when there is no one around.

And it's just possible, what if the Queen Mother is very strict and doesn't say anything? After all, no one stipulates that the villain must say a few harsh words in front of the dead.

He may not necessarily tell his conspiracy directly.

Since he didn't want to get into the coffin and pretend to be dead again, Bai Sheng could only quickly restore the circulation of Qi and blood in his body, then suddenly opened his eyes, turned over and sat up, looked at the Queen Mother of the West and said:

"No, please don't..."

Her sudden startle, like a corpse, really startled the Queen Mother of the West. She almost stumbled to the ground. The doctors beside her were not much better either. While they were frightened, they were filled with thoughts. I don't know if they just made a mistake in the diagnosis, or if the Empress Dowager Dong is having a flashback.

But either way, I'm afraid it's not a good thing. The diagnosis is wrong and they are guilty. If the East Queen Mother dies after returning to the light, she might be killed by the West Queen Mother.

They didn't think the Queen Mother was trying to scare them.

After all, her daughter-in-law, the current empress, was forced to death by her and buried as a sacrifice after the death of Emperor Tong Hui.

"Birth, old age, illness and death are human nature. Even the miraculous doctors Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing dare not say they can cure all diseases. Just now, Aijia seemed to have entered the netherworld, but suddenly heard her sister's words, and she immediately felt sad Unable to bear it, I struggled desperately, not wanting to really break free.

I don't know if I will be able to recover or live for a few more years. All the imperial doctors, please get up. Sister, if something unexpected happens to the Ai family, I hope you won't blame them harshly.

Life and death are determined by fate and have nothing to do with them..."

That's right, Bai Sheng was deliberately disgusting the Queen Mother of the West. No, before she finished speaking, the Queen Mother of the West looked a little worried. Good guy, she wanted to kill the imperial doctor for Bai Sheng's death, and then Bai Sheng because of Her words made her unbearable, and she actually came back to life.

Opening your mouth is to offend those imperial doctors.

In this comparison, no one can boast that he is kind and virtuous, and that he can be brought back to life with the blessing of God. Of course, the Queen Mother of the West, who is the control group, will not have a good reputation.

Regardless of whether what Bai Sheng said is true or false.

But anyway, the Queen Mother was really disgusted.

However, she also knew that now was not the time to fall out, so she could only pretend to be happy:

"It's the greatest blessing that my sister can wake up. Maybe we two sisters are really destined. No, as soon as I come over, sister, you will wake up. We can get closer and closer in the future. Maybe my sister is more useful than these imperial doctors. , If you are good, I can take some of the credit."

"Why don't you come quickly and check Queen Mother Dong's pulse?"

It was not easy for her to directly refute what Bai Sheng had just said at this time, so she could only change the topic and take the credit for Bai Sheng's ability to wake up, making it less embarrassing.

This time, Bai Sheng didn't say much. He just stretched out his hand to diagnose the pulses of the imperial doctors. After three consecutive imperial doctors finished their diagnosis, they murmured to each other for a while, and then the chief of the imperial hospital, the chief of staff, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

"Report to the Empress Dowager of the East and the Empress Dowager of the West.

Empress Dowager Dong, your body seems to have recovered, as if you were blessed by God. Not only are the recent illnesses gone, but the old illnesses in the past have also disappeared. Now you are in good health, with abundant qi and blood, and you will surely live a long life.

It is truly the blessing of our ancestors, and we are so lucky! "

Although they also felt that it was strange that Bai Sheng's pulse was healthy, no matter how they diagnosed it, it was not a reflection of the past, so they could only attribute it to God's blessing, ancestor's blessing, etc., and try their best to flatter him.

At the same time, I was very happy inside.

It seemed that their lives were saved.

"I have troubled you for the past two days. I will give each of you a hundred taels of silver and promise two days' holiday. Please go down first."

Bai Sheng first sent the imperial doctors away with a hundred taels of silver.

Then he looked at the Queen Mother and said thoughtfully:
"I wonder if there is anything else going on, sister?
By the way, I heard that my sister is seriously ill a few days ago. It seems that my sister is fine now. I hope my sister will be more worried about her. The Ai family may have to rest for a while! "You must know that the reason why the original person listens to the government behind the curtain and handles government affairs is because the Queen Mother said some time ago that she was seriously ill and could not get out of bed, and this matter was known to everyone in the government and the public. If it is now reported that she died in the palace, If a Queen Mother died, most ministers would probably think that it was the Queen Mother of the West who died, not the Queen Mother of the East.

But the Queen Mother's appearance does not look like she is ill, let alone recovering from a serious illness.

You know, as the old saying goes, illness comes like a mountain, and it goes away like a thread. The Queen Mother of the West did not have Bai Sheng’s mental power and special skills such as the Turtle Breath Nourishing Technique, let alone the use of particularly good and immediate drugs. How could she possibly recover? So fast, so Bai Sheng has reason to believe it.

She had been deliberately pretending to be sick before.

In this way, it can be regarded as testing the Queen Mother.

Although the Queen Mother of the West tried hard to calm down her emotions, and there were not many micro-expressions on her face, Bai Sheng still clearly noticed through her mental power that her eyes were evasive, especially when Bai Sheng mentioned that she was seriously ill. when.

It can be seen that there is indeed a problem with serious illness.

However, at this time, the Queen Mother of the West obviously did not want to stay here any longer, so she immediately answered:

"It's my sister's fault. My sister has just recovered from a serious illness. She really needs to rest more, so I won't bother her. In addition, my sister can also try Western doctors in the future. The reason why my sister recovered so quickly from her serious illness this time is because of the use of Western medicine. , although the Western medicine looks weird.

But the effect is indeed much faster than traditional Chinese medicine! "

Since the East Queen Mother is not dead, the relationship between them still needs to be eased. The most important thing is not to let the East Queen Mother doubt herself. So in the end, the West Queen Mother specifically explained why she got better so quickly.

After saying that, she stood up, bowed and said goodbye.

Go back in a hurry.

Bai Sheng, on the other hand, detached a ray of spiritual power and went back with the Queen Mother to monitor her. At the same time, he began to sort out the original person's connections, the forces under his command, the political structure of the government, and the situation in the world, and based on this, he made plans.


Let’s talk about the Queen Mother of the West.

Ever since she left Bai Sheng's palace, her face had become ugly. After returning to Changchun Palace, she immediately sent everyone else around her away, leaving only the chief manager Li Jinxi:
"Didn't you say that there is absolutely no problem with this strategy?

This is what you said there is absolutely no problem. The doctors in the Imperial Hospital are really useless. None of them are useful. They can’t cure the disease. Even the consultation can diagnose the problem. The Queen Mother has signs of stroke, and she has recently suffered a stroke. It may happen, but you must not be tired. Isn’t it good now?

What do these trashes do for food? "

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. It's all my fault."

No matter who was right or wrong, Li Jinxi quickly admitted his mistake, and then he said with some confusion:
"But Madam, those imperial doctors may not be very good at curing diseases, but they still have diagnostic capabilities, and the various symptoms that Queen Mother Dong had previously were indeed strokes.

Logically speaking, unless you meet a miracle doctor, it is impossible to cure it, and even if it is cured, there will be sequelae.

Don’t those Westerners also say that there is no cure for this disease?

It can only be treated and prevented.

This is quite strange! "

"You are right to the point. When Aijia went to visit her today, she clearly had no pulse or breath, and even her body was as cold as a corpse. But suddenly, as if she was a fake corpse, she suddenly He sat up, startling Ai Jia, and even had some palpitations.

Well, this matter is indeed strange, and I can’t blame you. I will take the time to silence all those who may know about it, especially the doctor who informed us about the physical condition of the Eastern Queen Mother. He must not be left alive.

Then stay low-key for a while.

The Ai family wanted to see what the Queen Mother was planning and what she had planned. "

After pondering for a while, the Queen Mother of the West also felt that there must be some person or force that they didn't know about that had intervened in this matter, so she immediately ordered Li Jinxi to quickly clean up the matter and silence them when they should, and hide when they should.


Li Jinxi responded simply. He had gradually climbed up the ladder by doing dirty work for the Queen Mother, and now he was the Queen Mother's confidant. grasshopper.

At this time, I naturally had to do my best to help the Queen Mother.


After dinner, Bai Sheng finally overheard some conversations based on some of the information collected today.

Roughly sort out the causes and consequences of the incident.

About half a year ago, the Queen Mother of the West fell ill. It was malaria. It was not particularly serious, but she never recovered. But because of this, she was closely involved with the doctors at the Imperial Hospital, and she even learned some medical skills on her own.

Because she cherishes her life.

My illness has never been good, so I will inevitably distrust the imperial doctor and want to know more about it myself.

During the process, she also looked at the original person's pulse.

I know that I have suffered from epilepsy twice.

About a month ago, the Queen Mother's malaria became serious and she really couldn't get out of bed. However, the doctor at the Imperial Hospital kept prescribing too many prescriptions for her and did not dare to give her heavy medicines, which made her disease become more and more serious.

Only then did he temporarily withdraw from the curtain team, leaving the original person alone to listen to politics and handle various government affairs.

It really wasn't her scheming.

There was really nothing she could do at the time.

Later, she became ruthless and threatened the entire family, wives and children of several imperial doctors, if they could not prescribe the right medicine, they would be exterminated. Only then did an imperial doctor have to stand up and say that it was said that the cinchona cream paid tribute by the Westerners had miraculous effects on this disease. His Majesty Sejong had used this medicine a hundred years ago. Maybe he could try it.

Then the Queen Mother of the West went to check the records of Shizong's daily life.

After discovering that this was indeed the case, he managed to get cinchona cream from Westerners and recovered quickly.

Just then, she remembered that when the original body went to see her two days ago, her face was obviously rosy and abnormal. Then, she found a good doctor to interrogate her, and finally found out the original body's physical condition.

Then she continued to pretend to be seriously ill.

At the same time, he often sent people to bring some nutritious but not suitable medicinal foods for the original body to express his concern. He also used words to stimulate the original body, mainly talking about how diligent she was and how she watched the memorial very late every day. Sister, don't be so tired if you are not in good health.

Leave it to the ministers.

Or wait until she gets better to help deal with it together.

The final result was that the imperial doctors who reported good news but not bad news made the original person unaware of her physical condition. In order to not be worse than the Queen Mother of the West, she worked very diligently every day, drank more tea when she was tired and sleepy, and even drank more. Nourishing things to refresh your mind until the coming of the White Saint.

So the Queen Mother of the West really didn't have any plans for a long time, she just suddenly found an opportunity and just went with the flow.

Sure enough, poisoning is always the last resort.

Use the opponent's original disease to kill the opponent.

He is the real master!

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