Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 205 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! 【2 in 1】

Chapter 205 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! (3)【Two-in-one】

"The original method is not good enough. It is neither comprehensive nor ruthless enough. If the Queen Mother of the West were as gentle as the original body and did not criticize the doctors harshly, she might really die of illness. Looking at it this way, the Queen Mother of the West spoke harshly to those doctors, and They would all be sacrificed at every turn.

It seems to be excusable.

After all, she did get the cure and saved her own life by threatening the imperial doctors.

These imperial doctors really have a right approach to death. "

After thinking thoughtfully for a while, Bai Sheng began to carefully sort out all the connections and influence of his original body, and then smiled bitterly again. The original guy really relied on his mother's identity as the empress dowager and his powerful natal family to support him. As for the number of people who are loyal to her, not to mention none, they can only be considered to be very few.

Most of the manpower in the palace was left to her by her husband before his death, that is, what Emperor Tonghui left to her before his death.

A small number of cases were caused by collusion between her natal family and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Sent to the palace to help her.

The staff outside the palace are basically her natal family and some ministers who are dependent on her natal family. Rather than taking orders from the original person, they rely on the original person's identity to gain power. If it is in their interests, they will actively support it, but if it harms their interests, even if they do not oppose it in person, they will definitely do something secretly.

Or send relatives of the original person to the palace to persuade.

To put it bluntly, the Queen Mother of the West also had a series of eunuchs and maids such as Li Jinxi as close confidants. Although they were inevitably selfish, they were absolutely loyal to the Queen Mother of the West.

He is a very useful helper and minion of the Queen Mother.

As for the original body, there are a lot of people who are really loyal to her.

I'm afraid it's far inferior to the Queen Mother of the West.

Most of them are loyal to the royal family and their family, rather than to the original person.

But the original person is not so power-hungry, so it is understandable, and it is precisely because the power in her hands is relatively weak and she does not get involved in the military power and real power that she should not get involved in, that she is praised by officials for her virtue. .

If she really has the power, she will be the regent.

I'm afraid someone has already called her Si Chen.

There is Lu Wu's style.

In addition, the current state of the entire Daqian is also very bad. It has been nearly 250 years since the founding of Daqian. Many dynasties have only been in Zuo for 2670 years, or 2890 years. , the last few decades were still full of ups and downs, the atmosphere of the last years of the dynasty.

Daqian is naturally no exception.

Peasant uprisings, natural and man-made disasters, corrupt officials, and a series of other problems that existed in the late dynasties were all present.

That is to say, the national finances are still sufficient.

Able to barely hold on and cope with civil strife.

But the key thing is that now Daqian is facing not only internal strife, but also external strife. Those overseas barbarians who have experienced the Great Navigation Age and industrial changes, and foreign Rakshasa countries have now grown stronger. There are Rakshasa countries in the north that frequently invade the country. , the southeastern coast was invaded by barbarians.

Internal and external troubles are endless, wind and rain drifting.

There are signs that the building will collapse.

So generally speaking, the last wish of the original person is quite difficult to deal with. It is not difficult to deal with the Queen Mother of the West. Killing her quietly is easy. Killing her openly is just a little more troublesome. What is really difficult is to kill the Queen Mother.

The trunk is almost rotten to the core.

Overthrowing and rebuilding is simpler and more convenient than ZTE.

After thinking about it again and again, Bai Sheng still felt that she didn't have much strength at this time and it was not appropriate to make a big move. She preferred to hit the target with one strike when she had the winning ticket in hand.

The focus now is still on accumulating strength.


The next day, Bai Sheng lowered the curtain again, and the Queen Mother of the West was with her, but Bai Sheng sat on the east side, the Queen Mother of the West sat on the west, and the little emperor sat in the middle and in front.

Between the young emperor and the two queen mothers.

There is a curtain separating it.

The reason for using a layer of curtains to separate the two is not to protect men and women. It is a fig leaf, which can also be regarded as a restriction. When the curtain is lowered, there is a hanging curtain to listen to the government.

Once the curtain is rolled up.

That would be the Queen Mother's coming to court.

Listening to the government behind the curtain and calling the dynasty are two completely different concepts. The latter is already exercising imperial power.

As the ministers entered the palace, they saw the two queen mothers sitting behind the curtain. The ministers who were well-informed but not particularly well-informed were all surprised.

Because they received the news that the Queen Mother was seriously ill.

The Queen Mother of the West has been ill for almost a year. She was seriously ill some time ago and has not stayed behind the curtain to listen to government affairs for nearly a month. The Queen Mother of the East has also been unwell for the past two days and has not stayed behind the curtain. In these two days, the three princes negotiated all important matters in the court.

Plus there are rumors.

Both queen mothers were very ill.

Therefore, many ministers are secretly rejoicing, thinking that the era of the two empress dowagers listening behind the curtain is coming to an end, and a new era will usher in where the three princes and ministers will jointly assist the young emperor, and they will no longer have to be suppressed by two women.

Unexpectedly, the news turned out to be wrong.

Now the two queen mothers are sitting upright.

However, they did not lose their composure because of this, so after being surprised, they remained relatively uniform, saluting the little emperor and shouting long live, and then saluted the two empress dowagers, first calling the east empress dowager thousand years old, and then the west empress dowager.

As long as Bai Sheng doesn't die, she will always be the direct descendant.

Always ranked before the Queen Mother of the West, even when it came time to offer sacrifices to heaven, it was Bai Sheng who was more qualified to replace the emperor in offering sacrifices to heaven.

"No need to pay tribute..."

This was said by Emperor Mingguang. As a mascot, the little emperor only needs to say two words when going to court. The first is to be free of courtesy and the second is to withdraw from the court. There is no need to worry about anything else.

Even if he fell asleep, he would be watched by a personal eunuch.

The ministers thanked each other as required, and then stood up one after another, and then reported some important matters.

Small matters or matters that do not need to be discussed are generally either dealt with directly below, or a memorial is issued to wait for approval. Only relatively big matters, or even matters that need to be debated by ministers, will be discussed at the court meeting.

Bai Sheng still didn't speak. He was just observing the ministers below based on his original memory. At least he got to know the people clearly, their respective factions, and the difference between ourselves and the enemy.

The Queen Mother of the West spoke a bit too much and frequently expressed her attitudes and opinions, sometimes even in a tough tone. However, Bai Sheng noticed an interesting point at this time, that is, when making the final decision, many ministers would look at Bai Sheng, Until it was confirmed that Bai Sheng had no objection. Opposition will lessen or disappear.

It seemed that as long as Bai Sheng opened his mouth to object, they would stand up to support Bai Sheng. Seeing this, Bai Sheng carefully looked through the original body's memory of the previous court, and then discovered that this was really the case, as long as the original body spoke.

In the end, the balance will inevitably tip towards the original body.

Especially in the past few years after Emperor Mingguang ascended the throne.

No wonder the Queen Mother did not dare to be rude to the original person.

Most of the emotional ministers in the court recognized the original body more and were willing to support the original body, but the original body was really weak. In addition, Bai Sheng estimated that when Emperor Tong Hui came of age, he very decisively proposed the operation of rolling up the curtain and returning to power, which won the favor of many ministers.

Not only did Emperor Xianping realize that the Queen Mother of the West had ambitions before his death, but the ministers were also blind. They all looked like human beings, so how could they not see it.

Therefore, the reason why they support the original body is most likely because they feel that the original body is not greedy for power and will definitely return power to Emperor Mingguang in the future. But it is hard to say that the Queen Mother of the West is another generation of Lu Wu, the Demon Queen.

They were all a little suspicious of Emperor Tonghui's death.

Is it the Queen Mother of the West who did this?

Because he was in charge, he prevented the Queen Mother of the West from hanging the curtain.

Therefore, as long as Bai Sheng does not show a very obvious greed for power, most of the ministers in the DPRK will definitely stand by her. Of course, the premise is that their interests are not harmed. If it is, it will be difficult to say.

After some noise, the meeting ended.

Most of the ministers left, and the remaining core ministers and the three princes went to the military aircraft office to handle government affairs. The young emperor returned to the Yangxin Hall, and the Queen Mother of the West went to the Yangxin Hall to handle the memorial and approval matters. If necessary, she might The generals, military officials, and ministers were called over to ask questions about the affairs behind the curtain.

Bai Sheng, the Eastern Queen Mother, returned directly to the palace.

Not to mention, if it weren't for the internal and external troubles that Daqian was facing at this time, and the building was about to collapse, the original life was really good. All the worries and troubles were done by others, and she would occasionally need to deal with some particularly big things.

For example, which side is rebelling and which side is causing disaster!
What is the punishment for failure in counterinsurgency?

How to reward successful counterinsurgency...

No wonder some people always say that if you do too much, you will make a mistake, but if you don't do anything, it will be good. The few major matters that I handle are basically catering to the mainstream of the DPRK, and other small matters are completely ignored.

It’s really strange that it has such a bad reputation!
Unfortunately, as Bai Sheng plans to revitalize the country, his good reputation may not be preserved.

You know, the one with the worst reputation in this dynasty is Emperor Sejong, but when it comes to being a wise king and a sage king, and the greatest contributor to the continuation of the country, no one can compare with Emperor Sejong. Measures to increase income and reduce the burden on the common people were implemented by Emperor Sejong despite the resistance of the Manchu Dynasty.

The result was that he was disliked by the gentry and received constant negative comments.

Nowadays, the farmers and the gentry all share the grain, and although it is still being implemented, it is already full of loopholes.

Daqian's world is also full of loopholes and is in danger.

Thinking of this, Bai Sheng's most regrettable thing is that the robot army she harvested in the Red Mansion World was basically destroyed in the previous world, destroyed by the curse of the damn Black Mountain God. Otherwise, she would just attack with an army, which would be useless. Thinking about how to expand his power.

However, only half of those robots were destroyed.

Eighteen hundred more survived.

Thinking about the fact that he didn't have any close friends now, and he didn't know whether the temporary training was reliable or not, and he didn't have enough money, food, or enough manpower to do many things, so it was inconvenient for him to do many things, so Bai Sheng thought about it and decided to continue to maintain his personality. , without making too many changes.

The last wish of the original ZTE Daqian may be fulfilled indirectly by secretly manipulating the bionic robot.

The principle is to accumulate food widely and delay trouble.

After coming up with the plan, Bai Sheng immediately fell asleep. In fact, his mental power entered the portable plane and began to adjust and set up the remaining 1,800 robots. These robots were originally war robots, but robots can be adjusted. Just change the program or add some other chips and instill some other knowledge.

Because the number of people was not very large, Bai Sheng tried his best to adjust them in the direction of almightiness when making adjustments.

Able to do business, able to teach, and able to lead troops.

Can farm, can build infrastructure, can do biochemistry.

Anyway, they don't need to rest. It doesn't matter if they work twenty-four hours a day. Only those who are versatile can do more things.

The only thing lacking is human sophistication, which is relatively dull in this aspect, but there are not many real humans with high emotional intelligence, so how can they force themselves on robots?
However, this has little impact, because Bai Sheng is also the Queen Mother after all. Let them pull their own tiger skin to do business, etc. Do they have to depend on other people's faces? When the background is strong enough, it almost doesn't matter if they are worldly.

After adjusting these robots and arranging their respective tasks, it was already late at night. As a matter of course, Bai Sheng asked them to turn on the optical stealth mode in the portable plane, and then released them one by one. They left the palace on their own.

How should I put it, basically it went smoothly.

Occasionally something went wrong, such as accidentally bumping into a leaf, or making some movement or even sound, but because they couldn't be seen, they just scared some eunuchs and maids, making them think they were haunted or something.

However, there are many ghost stories in the palace.

This little movement has basically no impact!

The thousand or so robots all successfully became invisible, and each left the palace with some starting capital, and then followed Bai Sheng's instructions to go to various parts of the country for development.

After arranging the whereabouts of those robots, Bai Sheng wrote a few more letters overnight, and the next morning he sent people to deliver those letters to the three princes and the head of his mother's family. The general content was to express that he had sent the robots. Some people go out to do business and let them take care of them.

Even if you have a background, you still have to say hello, right?

If you don’t say hello, who would know the background?
She was not in the mood to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. She would pretend to be low-key first, and then be bullied and slapped in the face. There was no need, she could just write a letter to say hello.

Who can deny her face?

After receiving Bai Sheng's letter, the three princes and her parents' family immediately got busy, notifying everyone from top to bottom. The result is that the dozens of robots whose main task is to do business successfully obtained land and shops without spending any start-up capital.

In addition, many people gave money to craftsmen!
Even as a gift to a woman.

And this is reality...

So what if they are just doing business? So what if businessmen have a low status now? It all depends on who they work for and who is behind them? The three princes and the first-rank officials greeted each other personally. Whoever dared to offend was eager to flatter anyone. After all, there were even seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister!

He needed people, land, and shops. In addition, those robots were not lacking in technology, so Bai Sheng's business empire was quickly launched smoothly.

Start with light industry, such as soap and textiles.

Then slowly transition to heavy industry.

In other words, once you have a certain amount of capital, you can slowly, secretly, and quietly develop heavy industry.

In addition, operations such as recruiting orphans, training and educating orphans, cultivating improved seeds, producing fertilizers, and participating in the grain business are all performed by a group of robots.

In short, the White Saint plan is progressing smoothly.

On the surface, she still ruled by doing nothing. As long as the Queen Mother's decision-making was not excessive, she would not interfere.

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