Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 207 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! 【2 in 1】

Chapter 207 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! (5)【Two-in-one】

"Shouldn't she be abolished?"

Bai Sheng was not polite and directly tried to show off.

Just kidding, she spent so much effort laying out surveillance, if she didn't get it right in one step, her energy would be in vain.

The ministers and the prince looked at each other for a while.

I can only nod in approval.

If Emperor Tonghui was still alive, they might hesitate and wonder whether to consider Emperor Tonghui's opinion. Because no matter what, the Queen Mother of the West was his biological mother. If Emperor Tonghui was unwilling and stood up for his biological mother, even if Bai Sheng had the secret decree of the late emperor, they would definitely have to find a way to deal with it.

No matter how hard you try, you can't make Emperor Tonghui look too bad.

After all, the emperor and his courtiers were both dead. Moreover, it was filial piety for Emperor Tong Hui to resist the secret decree of the late emperor for his mother, so it was unlikely that he would be completely unpunished.

But there’s absolutely no problem with compromise.

However, now that Emperor Tonghui has passed away, the reigning Emperor Mingguang, although still related by blood to the current Queen Mother of the West, is not the biological mother and son after all.

And he is only eight years old.

There was no room for him to speak at all at this time.

It can be said that the death of Emperor Tonghui not only allowed the Queen Mother of the West to listen to politics from behind the curtain again, but also gave her no trump card to resist Bai Sheng at this time. Fortunately, Bai Sheng had already asked people to stop the Queen Mother of the West again, so even if they During the discussion about deposing the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother could not speak, which would save Bai Sheng and the others from being polluted by noise.

However, Prince Jing quickly hesitated and said:

"The Queen Mother of the East, if you want to depose the Queen Mother of the West, you must tell the world, and you must even explain the reasons clearly, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public!

But this would inevitably damage the royal family's face. "

"You think the Ai family doesn't know that there are rumors everywhere that Emperor Tonghui died not of smallpox, but of the disease. These rumors are spreading like wildfire and everyone knows, so what's the point of losing face? Is it possible that you still have to do it? I want to cover it up deliberately, but the more I cover it up, the more suspicious it becomes. I don’t know what kind of rumors are concocted in private.

Just like when Emperor Tong Hui passed away.

He told the cause of death directly and simply, instead of deliberately covering it up. It took nearly half a month to tell the public that he died of smallpox. How can there be such rumors? "

Bai Sheng didn't want his plan to be compromised:
"The more you cover it up, the more people will think there is a problem or conspiracy. It's better to be more frank. All the confessions and processes just made have been recorded by the two female officials Zhang and Li. Let them sort it out and publish it in the newspaper later!"

"After that, Lan Shuren should move out from Yangxin Palace and move to Ruyi Palace. Anyway, she originally lived in Ruyi Palace, so she shouldn't be unable to choose a bed to sleep in when she comes back.

This also prevents others from saying that the Ai family treated her harshly!
As for the masterminds such as Li Jinxi, they were sentenced to death, and other insiders were sent to the border areas without knowing it. However, if some participants were expelled from the palace, the others were no longer involved. "

Bai Sheng's punishment was not harsh, it could even be described as lenient. The three princes and ministers were happy to see it happen. After all, they didn't want to have a leader who could control the nine tribes at any time, so they naturally had no objections.

Then comes the final aftermath.

Those who should be killed were killed, those who should be driven out were driven out, and those who should be distributed to the frontiers were dispatched to the frontiers. The power that the Queen Mother of the West had accumulated over the years was completely eliminated by Bai Sheng in one day.

The palace has completely become Bai Sheng's one-word hall.

At the same time, the three princes and a group of ministers had left the palace and brought the news about what happened in the palace and the fall of the Queen Mother out of the palace and spread it.

Fortunately, it was getting late, and most of them lived near the imperial city, so the spread was limited.

It will probably take until the next day for the news to truly spread.

The next day, the relevant reports that Bai Sheng asked the female officials around him to write have been published in the newspapers. The speed of spread is definitely faster than the speed of spreading in private. I am not afraid of someone spreading rumors.


The next day, in Qianqing Palace, Yangxin Hall.

Some ministers who were not very well-informed did not know what happened yesterday from other colleagues until they were chatting before the meeting!
Fortunately, the Queen Mother of the West was not regent at this time.

The number of ministers who truly surrendered to her wholeheartedly was very small.

Therefore, when the officials learned about this, most of them were just a little surprised, and no one was worried about being liquidated.

The meeting was still going on normally.

Even the three princes and some important ministers were worried that the Eastern Queen Mother would reveal her true colors without checks and balances, and take over the power as regent, but it did not happen at all.

Bai Sheng still rarely spoke as usual.

As long as it doesn't involve people's livelihood, and they basically don't talk, they will just acquiesce in whatever the outcome of the discussion is.

For a moment, Prince Duan and the others were relieved. They felt that the Queen Mother of the East might just be annoyed by the Queen Mother of the West and couldn't stand it anymore, so she set up a trap to destroy her. It was not that they had always hidden their ambitions, but that they were overthinking.

So wait until the meeting is over.

The ministers were in a good mood and left chatting and laughing. They even thought that it would be good if the Queen Mother of the West was deposed.

This saves them from worrying about the Queen Mother losing control in the future.

At the same time, or at the same time as the court meeting, the Daqian Official Newspaper had been issued and sold throughout the capital, and a large number of copies had been printed and were being sent to nearby big cities.

Limited by the speed of logistics, currently Daqianguanbao can only guarantee that people in the capital can receive it on the same day, while those nearby will take two or three days at night, and it is hard to say for those further away.

So wait until the meeting is over.

Many people in the capital who follow the official newspapers already know the relevant situation. There are even many restaurants and teahouses with dedicated newspaper readers who can read relevant reports to the illiterate.

For a time, it was really lively.

It was even more lively than when the little emperor ascended the throne four years ago.

After all, it is common for emperors to ascend the throne, and it is not uncommon for young emperors to ascend the throne. Emperor Tonghui was registered as a young emperor back then, but deposing the queen mother was extremely rare.

"The Queen Mother of the West was deposed?"

"Can the Queen Mother also be deposed?"

"It should be possible, but I have only heard of the imprisoned Queen Mother, and I have never heard of the deposed one."

"Jia Nanfeng deposed Empress Dowager Yang..."

"Oh, yes, the queen of Sima Zhong of the Western Jin Dynasty. He killed the empress dowager's natal family, also known as the empress dowager, and conspired with her to rebel. He deposed the empress dowager Yang, and starved to death in the second year. But later in the first year of Yongjia, Jin Huai Emperor Sima Chi restored her title of Empress Dowager."

"The Western Jin Dynasty, I'm ashamed to mention it..."

"Since ancient times, there have been many deposed empresses, and it is indeed extremely rare to depose a queen mother. However, the Eastern Empress Dowager holds the secret decree of the late emperor, so she can barely be considered in line with etiquette."

"It seems that the late emperor was already on guard against the Queen Mother of the West!"

"In my opinion, the late Emperor was too kind and soft-hearted. He could have imitated Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and left no chance for the Queen Mother to serve as regent, but he spared the Queen Mother of the West after all. Otherwise, Emperor Tong Hui might still be alive!"

"Oh, it's hard to say. If Emperor Wu didn't have Huo Guang to help him clean up the mess, I don't know what he would do. The court may not necessarily have loyal ministers like Huo Guang."

"What are you talking about?"

"Before Emperor Wu died, he ordered the death of the crown prince's mother, Mrs. Gou Ge, in order to prevent the future queen mother from intervening in politics..." "How cruel, disregarding the family relationship between mother and son!"

"I even suspect that Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty died early and had no heirs, which is related to this matter. After all, no one knows that his mother died because he wanted to inherit the family business.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to let go and cause heartache. "

"Haha, Duke Zhou was afraid of rumors, but Wang Mang was humble and did not usurp the throne. You don't even look at this report. The Queen Mother of the West was completely manipulated by the Queen Mother of the East. Otherwise, how could the case be solved in one day, and there is sufficient evidence.

Now Empress Dowager Dong is the only one left hanging the curtain. I am afraid that the virtuous people in the past may no longer know whether they are true or false. "

"Just wait and see, I don't believe that the Queen Mother of the East, who is so scheming, has no ambition for power. It won't be long before she is a replica of the Queen Mother of the West.

And it’s the kind of person who holds great power alone. "

"I do not believe!"

"Everyone, don't dare to talk nonsense. If you want to go home and talk secretly, don't talk in my store."

"Why is the shopkeeper so timid?"

"Don't make things difficult for others!"

"That's all, it's really disappointing. Let's quickly pack up some gifts and attach ourselves to the Zheng family. Before His Majesty takes charge, the Zheng family will surely flourish under the leadership of the Eastern Queen Mother. If it's too late, I'm afraid Lian Chengen's father-in-law will be in trouble. You can’t even step through the door of the Zheng family.”

"Oh, no, those gifts given to the Queen Mother's family some time ago were in vain."

"You can have fun without being implicated."


Although the Queen Mother of the West was deposed was quite a big deal and had a big impact, the main impact was on people related to the DPRK and China, and it did not have much impact on ordinary people. If everyone just chatted and gossiped, it would be overshadowed by other things. pass.

At the same time, the Zheng family was really flourishing with flowers and brocade, and the oil was cooking with fierce fire. After all, his daughter was not an ordinary queen mother, but a queen mother who listened to politics behind the curtain.

Before the little emperor officially took charge.

The power is at least comparable to that of half an emperor.

If you are bolder and more ambitious, even if you are regarded as a temporary emperor, it is probably not a big problem.

It seemed like everything was fine.

But Bai Sheng was really unhappy.

Because the little emperor who is only eight years old must not be able to review memorials now. He can't even read all the words.

In the past, when the Western Empress Dowager was still there, most of the memorials were reviewed by the Western Empress Dowager. Only when major events happened, the original person would participate in the discussion and make suggestions. But now, isn't the Western Empress Dowager deposed by Bai Sheng?

Those memorials were naturally sent to her.

It was a pretty happy day.

It was a surprise that she was turned into a 996 by herself.

She really felt a little bit self-inflicted, and within a few days she couldn't stand Bai Sheng anymore.

I want to reduce my workload.

So that morning, she specifically said:
"Everyone knows clearly that the Ai family does not know much about political affairs. In the past, most memorials were reviewed by the Queen Mother of the West, but now, she is no longer qualified to review them.

The Aijia also don’t want to delay the official business because of the Aijia.
It even affects people's livelihood.

Therefore, in the future, the Military Aircraft Department will be directly transformed into a permanent organization, equivalent to the cabinet of the previous government, and some additional seats will be added to increase the number to twenty-four. The specific candidates will be negotiated by yourselves later, or recommended in private.

When the twenty-four military ministers are gathered together, most of the memorials in the future will no longer need to be sent to the Ai family.

Just watch and deal with it yourself.

However, when it comes to major border issues, rebellion, or natural disasters in a certain place that require relief, you still need to inform the Aijia.

However, this matter is only temporary and cannot be made a routine matter. After His Majesty takes office, it is entirely up to His Majesty whether to restore the original mechanism or how to change it. "

Because what Bai Sheng did was an act of delegating power and something that was good for the ministers, she was not worried about the objections of the ministers below. What happened after that was indeed as she expected, with all the civil and military officials of the dynasty, and even the nobles No one in the clan objected, and they all called her a saint.

See, it's that simple to have a good reputation.

Just bring benefits to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Of course, the premise is that the country cannot be subjugated. If the country is subjugated, it will be useless no matter how many benefits it gives to the officials.

Immediately afterwards, those ministers started quarreling among themselves, vying to be the Minister of Military Aircraft, because the current situation is very clear. In the future, the twenty-four Ministers of Military Aircraft within the Military Aircraft Department will be the center of power of the entire empire. In this case, who will Don't want to work hard for it?
Bai Sheng didn't care at all.

Let them fight for it.

Anyway, her plan has been secretly using those bionic robots to advance. Government affairs and rights don't matter at all. It's better to let them do it on their own.

The most important thing is that Bai Sheng knows very well that she can only protect the interests of the clan ministers, and these people will support her. Once she wants to do something that infringes on their interests but is good for the country and the people, she will definitely not get it. Praise will only lead to opposition, and even force the palace to assassinate, or go against the will and smear the public opinion.

Therefore, it is very difficult to carry out reform from top to bottom.

Bai Sheng has given up.

She has her own plans.

After that, the civil and military nobles of the dynasty and the clan ministers quarreled for a whole month. They went through a series of processes such as impeachment, frame-up, exchange of interests, etc., and then they finally elected twenty-four military ministers.

There are four members of the clan and six members of the royal family.

The rest are civil and military officials. Among them, there are only four military generals and the remaining ten, all of whom are civilian officials.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Sheng readily delegated power.

The original happy days were restored.

The newly appointed military and aircraft ministers were also very excited and began to actively strive for benefits for the interest groups they represented. Of course, various government affairs still had to be handled, and with the checks and balances between them, there was actually no trouble. Things were even handled quite well, and the efficiency was much higher than before.

Unless you encounter something involving the interests of multiple parties.

However, in order for her future plans to proceed smoothly, Bai Sheng did not do anything. In the following years, she specially asked her bionic robots to provide high-yield and refined fertilizers and other materials on her birthday. She ordered it to be promoted nationwide.

Therefore, even if she decentralizes her power, it will still not affect her reputation at all, and she will be a virtuous and virtuous queen.

It can be said that it is to maintain the good reputation of the original person.

Bai Sheng also had good intentions.

Until the 10th year of Mingguang Dynasty, the drought in the six northwest counties lasted for half a year, and the government's food funds for disaster relief were embezzled. Therefore, it was natural that people in the six northwest counties began to rebel.

Among those rebel teams, one still has a clear banner, that is, equalizing land and eliminating taxes, and the world will be unified!

The leader even claims to have an indestructible body!

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