Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 208 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! 【2 in 1】

Chapter 208 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! (6)【Two-in-one】

Before the news of the rebellion in the six northwest counties reached the capital, Bai Sheng was already well aware of the matter, so he specifically expressed his illness early and stopped listening to politics behind the curtain.

Emperor Mingguang, on the other hand, could get in touch with major political affairs in advance to prepare for his official coming of age in two years.

The Military Aircraft Department is quite happy to see what happens.

Nature will not stop it.

It took another four days after Bai Sheng removed the curtain and returned to the harem to no longer attend court, before the news reached the capital.

It was precisely because of the four-day time difference that no one thought that Bai Sheng did not want to deal with the rebellion in the six northwest counties, so he canceled the behind-the-curtain administration. However, after all, the rebellion was not a trivial matter, so Prince Duan and other military ministers still reported it to Bai Sheng. , and then Bai Sheng directly stated that he would retreat to the harem and no longer be involved in politics. You can handle it yourself.

At this point, the military ministers were even more satisfied.

It seems that the Queen Mother of the East is not pretending to no longer hang the curtains, but really no longer hanging the curtains, and at the same time no longer interferes in the government affairs.

In the future, this court will be their world.

After all, Emperor Mingguang is still young.

But they are not allowed to take care of her.

As for the rebellion in the six northwest counties, they didn't think it was a big deal. They sent people to suppress it and provided timely relief. With the gradual promotion of high-yielding grain varieties in recent years, not only the court's income has increased, but the grain inventory has also been considerable. Rich, and with no shortage of money or food, they are naturally not afraid of rebellion in some places.

After some consultation among the ministers within the Military Aircraft Department.

A decision was quickly made to conduct parallel relief operations.

It is to quickly provide disaster relief to the disaster-stricken areas that have not yet been affected, to exterminate the areas that have rebelled, and at the same time, as far as possible, only punish the culprits, and appease the rest of the rebellious people as much as possible, and provide appropriate relief.

Then came the army.

And bad news keeps coming.

Of course, generally speaking, this bad news is just bad news for gentry officials, and ordinary people have little idea.

They even clapped and cheered secretly.

The specific bad news is that the Datong Army, which adheres to the principle of equalizing land and exempting from taxes, and the world is unified, conducted a comprehensive collection, trial and execution of the gentry, landlords and officials in the area they occupied.

No one who is guilty will escape. At the same time, their crimes will be exposed to the world, a public trial will be held, and their assets will be confiscated. Part of the land will be reserved for the Datong Army and classified as farms for unified farming.

All the remainder was distributed equally to the landless people.

And permanently abolish corvee service and land tax...

It can be said that they implemented their propaganda slogan quite rigorously, equalizing land and exempting them from taxes, and nailing every drop of saliva.

But their operation undoubtedly shocked the government and the public in an instant, and even caused the gentry and officials across the country to be frightened and angry, and countless ordinary people secretly rejoiced.

In my heart, I hope they will call soon.

Especially the landless people.

And the people who couldn't stand the corvées and taxes.

For this matter, the twenty-four military aircraft ministers of the Military Aircraft Department stayed awake all night and held meetings all night long.

"It's too much! It's too much! We can ignore the other rebels for the time being. We must concentrate our efforts to wipe out this so-called Datong Army first. Once they are allowed to spread, I simply can't imagine what will happen in the future. What, I’m afraid it’s far more than the Yellow Turban Rebellion.”

"They are obviously just messing around. They are exempting all corvee and land taxes. This is not benevolent and good governance at all. They are clearly targeting us deliberately to confuse those ignorant people. How can they really do it!"

"Even if we can do it temporarily, it won't last long!"

"They may be wiped out one day. How can they care about what is long-lasting or not? Besides, so many gentry and wealthy families have their properties in their pockets. They are not short of money for the time being. The taxes paid by ordinary people over the past century add up to There may not necessarily be gentry or wealthy families with large fortunes.

Therefore, they never thought about the future at all. "

"We must not let those Datong troops continue to survive. The longer they survive, the harder it will be to completely eradicate them. If we really let them persist for a year and a half, even if we go back and regain the places they occupied, , the local people who are accustomed to being exempted from corvee and land tax will inevitably find it difficult to govern.

At that time, I am afraid that all the people will have to be silenced.

Or you have to spend a lot of energy to manage it slowly. "

"Okay, what's the point of talking about this? What we should discuss now is who should be sent to destroy this Datong Army?"

"How about General Li?"

"He is too far away. One is in the south and the other is in the north. If he is moved, the day lilies will be cold."

"It's better to send generals nearby to encircle and suppress us!"

"Then we can only let Zhang Jun go..."

"Forget it, of the large armies that can be mobilized nearby, he does have the most troops and horses, and recently, I hope there will be good news to inform him that he must solve it as soon as possible. As long as the Datong Army is destroyed, we can make him a marquis."

"Feng Hou, isn't this a bit too much?
At present, the Datong Army only occupies a dozen counties, not even a single county has been completely occupied.

If you become a marquis in this way, the credit will be great! "

"Then Uncle Feng, that's all right."

"The count is pretty much the same."

After some discussion, the relevant instructions were quickly conveyed from the military aircraft to the designated personnel. Bai Sheng also promptly informed the leader of the Datong Army about what happened in the capital, including the next steps, through the communicator.

Yes, the Datong Army was supported by Bai Sheng.

Several core figures in the Datong Army are bionic robots sent out by Bai Sheng, so the indestructibility of the King Kong is really not their nonsense, they are the real King Kong Indestructible.

If a dynasty is rotten to the core and wants to carry out reform from top to bottom, being too gentle will be of no use. If it is too harsh, no one will be willing to obey, and there will still be a fight when the time comes. At the same time, Bai Sheng's reputation will be very bad.

So Bai Sheng decided to find another way to revive Daqian.

Just ask people to rebel and kill them all.

In the end, as long as she finds a way to preserve the name of the country Daqian, ensure that the royal family still exists, and make the country prosperous and the people prosperous, she can be regarded as reviving Daqian. Anyway, Daqian is still the same Daqian.

Although there may be changes in many places.

But the name has not changed, and neither has the royal family.

What’s wrong with saying it’s ZTE’s big move?
With the full support of Bai Sheng and the joint efforts of thousands of bionic robots distributed across the country and operating in various industries, the Datong Army not only was not wiped out by a hundred thousand troops, but actually swallowed up a hundred thousand troops.

And directly captured the three northwest counties.

In addition, many counties and states across the country, under the leadership of some bionic robots, have also raised the flag of the Datong Army, like a spark of fire, sweeping the world. For a time, almost everyone in the world was in rebellion.

The Military Aircraft Department is even more distressed.

They didn't understand how it could cause such a big mess even though there were no disasters elsewhere.

Prince Duan’s words probably far surpassed the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

It can be said to be a prophecy.

Not only that, because of the repeated rise of rebels in Daqian, overseas countries and the Rakshasa Kingdom and other countries in the north are also ready to move and attempt to invade Daqian.

It’s really internal and external troubles.

For a time, there was a hint of national subjugation.

Seeing this, Bai Sheng quickly ordered all the bionic robots to update and iterate the technology in hand because he was worried about an accident, that is, to create more advanced and more terrifying weapons. Speed ​​up the cleanup of all the gentry and official families in the country and the attack on the capital.

Then, naturally, the officers and soldiers were completely defeated.

The technological generation gap is enough to easily sweep the world.

How to describe it, those Datong troops actually wasted more time on raiding the homes of gentry officials and trying them. The actual siege could be completed in a day or two at most, and it would take less than half a month to deal with those gentry officials. Time, in the end, in order to speed up the process, we could only kill the person who deserved the evidence first.

All the rest are temporarily imprisoned.

Wait until you have time to deal with it later.

This time the speed was finally faster.

In just three months, the Datong Army in various places roughly brought all places outside the capital under its control.

And surrounded the capital.

This year, Emperor Mingguang was only fifteen years old, and this year the Military Aircraft Department had only been fully regent for less than a year.

As the capital was besieged, those who were really panicking were mainly the nobles of the clan, civil and military officials, and wealthy businessmen, because ordinary people knew that after the Datong army attacked the city, they basically did not commit any crime against the people, unless they were reported to have committed something. , ordinary people are very safe.

Except for the common people, especially those who committed evil, some were torn alive by the angry people during public trials. Therefore, those who knew that their roots were not clean and were worried about the destruction of their families.

Who can not be afraid?

Some are already thinking about how to escape. They can't stay in Daqian any longer. They might be able to survive by escaping overseas!
The lights in the military aircraft department were kept burning all night for three days and four nights. The internal quarrels had become hoarse. All the military aircraft ministers were desperate and could not think of a solution.

At this time, Bai Sheng appeared at the military plane at the right time.

However, no one saluted her anymore. It was already at this time, and they couldn't care about those etiquettes. Moreover, in the eyes of Prince Duan and other military ministers, let alone Bai Sheng's arrival.

Even the late emperor and the resurrection of the late emperor are useless.

In this situation, even if Emperor Shizong and Emperor Gaozu were resurrected, they would probably be helpless. There is no possibility of turning back and turning defeat into victory.

"Do you have any good ideas?

Should we fight or make peace, or should we just open the city and surrender? "

Bai Sheng didn't care about their attitudes and asked directly, what is this called? This is called going straight to the point and attracting their attention so that she can make the next suggestion.

"The Queen Mother, it's hard for us to make a decision!"

"God forbid I do it!"

"Empress Dowager, we are guilty. I am afraid we will not have the face to meet the late emperor and other ancestors after we die, alas."

Needless to say, all the military ministers in the Military Aircraft Department were very depressed. At this moment, they had long lost their former majesty and confidence, and there was only despair in their hearts.

“The Aijia want to go out and talk to them.

I heard that some countries overseas are either practicing some kind of constitutional monarchy, or they still retain the monarch, but the monarch is a mascot. The Aijia want to try it and see if they can talk to the leader of the Datong Army. We can directly open the city gate and surrender, but we hope he can agree to some of Aijia's demands, such as retaining the monarch. What do you think?

Maybe I can also intercede on your behalf. "

Bai Sheng said these words were suggestions, but in fact these were her original plans. As long as she went out and met with the leader of the Datong Army, the constitutional monarchy would be finalized.

Of course, you can give direct instructions without touching each other.

But Bai Sheng didn't want to expose his relationship with the leader of the Datong Army, so the drama must still be staged.

However, the military ministers, including Prince Duan, Prince Jing and other princes, looked at Bai Sheng as if they were a fool, and wondered inexplicably whether Bai Sheng had lost her mind or was confused by stimulation.

"Empress Dowager, are you taking it too much for granted? It's clear that they can conquer the capital with a little effort and then become emperor themselves. Why should they agree to your so-called constitutional monarchy? This is unreasonable!"

"We know that you may be in a bad mood, but it really can't be useful."

"Why don't you go back to the palace and rest."

Not directly questioning Bai Sheng's brain damage was a result of their considerable restraint. Anyone with a lower status would have been scolded by them.

However, Bai Sheng still insisted:
"You also know that the Ai family has a certain reputation among the people, and even within the Datong Army, the Ai family's achievements are recognized, so the Ai family feels that even if they fail to succeed, there should not be any danger.

They're not that bad.

And now we have no other choice. We will definitely not be able to defend the city. If we persist in defending, it will only annoy the Datong Army. They may be more ruthless to us after entering the city, so we have no choice but to surrender to Kaicheng. But there is a difference between capitulation and capitulation. If some conditions can be negotiated in advance, it is no better than surrendering directly to the city.

The so-called constitutional monarchy of the Ai family is just an idea. Moreover, as the saying goes, if you ask for a high price and pay back the money, as long as you can negotiate, there will be some benefits in the end. As long as each family can retain some incense and the foundation for a comeback, it is better than simply opening the city gate and surrendering. "

After saying this, the military and aircraft ministers present became more understanding. At the same time, they quickly nodded, thinking that this was reasonable. Now they did not dare to ask for any extravagant guarantee that their current status would not be shaken, or that they would not confiscate their homes.

As long as you can save your life, that's fine.

However, they still felt a little embarrassed to have the Queen Mother go out to negotiate with the rebels in person, so they exchanged a few polite words with Bai Sheng. Finally, at Bai Sheng's insistence, they pretended that they had no choice but to accept it. Send people to escort Bai Sheng out.

Then he and the little emperor hugged each other and cried together.

I lamented that the Queen Mother had been wronged!
Bai Sheng, on the other hand, was not nervous at all, and could even be said to have left the city quite easily, walked into the base camp of the Datong Army, and met with its main leaders alone.

They pretended to communicate, but in fact it was the other party who reported the situation to Bai Sheng, and they continued to be alone for an hour.

Only then did I finally feel satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, of course, Bai Sheng entered the capital through the suspension bridge again, took a carriage, and went straight to the Yangxin Hall of the Imperial Palace to tell the ministers the results of his negotiations.

It’s so convenient to open the city gate and welcome the Datong army into the city!

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