Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 209 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! 【2 in 1】

Chapter 209 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! (7)【Two-in-one】

Yangxin Hall, side hall, military office office.

As soon as Bai Sheng came back, he was surrounded by Emperor Mingguang and a group of military ministers, staring at him with bright eyes.

Obviously everyone is looking forward to how it will end.

After all, this is also related to their future destiny.

If the past process of country subjugation were followed, there is a high probability that these people present would not survive, especially Emperor Mingguang and several powerful princes of the clan, not to mention that the Datong Army has always been cruel to nobles, gentry and officials.

They are undoubtedly less likely to die well.

So now, they actually don't dare to expect too much, such as retaining power and retaining the royal family. They just hope that they can save their lives and leave some information for them when they ransack their homes, so that they can surrender with peace of mind.

But if you surrender, your family will be confiscated and your family will be exterminated.

It would be better to fight tooth and nail and die heroically!
"After the hard work of the Aijia, the leader of the Datong Army has agreed to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. In addition, if you and your family have not done anything harmful to nature, the Datong Army will not hold you accountable for sending troops to encircle and suppress them. There is probably no problem in saving your lives. .

Everything else follows their rules.

Guilty and conviction, acquittal. "

As soon as Bai Sheng said these words, everyone present stared at her in disbelief. The disbelief was not that their lives had been saved, but that the leader of the Datong Army would actually agree to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. , are they out of their minds, or something?
Originally, they thought it was outrageous that Empress Dowager Dong had this idea before. Unexpectedly, something even more outrageous happened now. The leader of the Datong Army actually agreed!

What kind of magical reality is this?

Is it reasonable? Is rationality eaten by dogs?
Doesn’t the other party want to be the emperor?

Bai Sheng saw them all staring at him blankly without saying a word. He had no choice but to continue:

"I know you are a little surprised, but this is the fact. The leader of the Datong Army did agree to a constitutional monarchy, but this constitutional monarchy is much more stringent than the constitutional monarchy in some overseas countries today.

First, they only recognize the current emperor.

In other words, they only recognize Emperor Mingguang, and all other existing clans have abolished their clan status, including you so-called princes.

Members of the clan will be the same as the common people in the future.

Illegal crimes will be treated equally.

Only Emperor Mingguang still had some privileges.

If a crime is committed, the crime can be treated as minor, and no matter what happens, the death penalty will not be imposed. If a capital crime is really committed, it will be offset by the throne, and the royal family will be completely abolished from now on. Therefore, from now on, Emperor Mingguang, you must read the law well and abide by it. You must never commit a crime. Once you commit a crime, the constitutional monarchy may be gone. "

"Also, because they only recognize Emperor Mingguang, if Emperor Mingguang has no heirs after his wedding, he will not be allowed to adopt the family.

That is to say, once Emperor Mingguang dies.

The royal family was still to be abolished.

The Ai family tried hard to persuade them, but they only asked them to relax the conditions until Emperor Mingguang gave birth to a princess, and the princess could inherit the throne. It would be better to have a female emperor than to have the royal family abolished. "

"Besides that, there are many conditions, such as the palace's peripheral buildings, all being nationalized, and the royal family can only keep the harem and the inner court, which will still be owned by Emperor Mingguang.

All existing assets of the royal family, including internal funds.

All need to be reviewed.

If it is confirmed that it is a gift from the people, it will be confiscated directly. However, the Ai family has agreed with them on a bottom line. The total assets left to the royal family will not be less than 10 million taels of silver. Otherwise, they will not give any support to the royal family. All expenses will be borne by yourself.

Although it looks a bit like a puppet mascot, they also gave me some benefits, that is, as long as I apply, I can leave the palace, whether it is traveling or shopping, as long as they send two people to follow him.

In addition, some of the more important diplomatic occasions between the two countries may require Emperor Mingguang to attend in the future.

There should be compensation, but the details are not discussed.

A constitutional monarchy is just such a constitution. All other government institutions will be abolished and they will rebuild themselves. This is probably the situation. What do you think? No problem, we will open the city gate. "

Bai Sheng explained very clearly that this constitutional monarchy is also very restrictive. After abolishing the status of all other clan members and recognizing only Emperor Mingguang, and with so many constraints, Emperor Mingguang can only be a puppet Jixiang. Things, no other choice.

In addition, once he is extinct, the restrictions of the royal family will still be abolished, and it will only be a matter of time before the royal family is deposed.

After all, at the end of the dynasty, the emperor died.

Don't be too ordinary.

Not to mention that the Datong Army will most likely introduce monogamy in the future, making it even more difficult to have more children.

An accident, or someone has a physical problem.

It is even more appropriate to eliminate the heir.

Therefore, the so-called constitutional monarchy created by Bai Sheng can only be regarded as a provisional constitutional monarchy. As long as she wants it, or the future leader of the Datong Army wants it, or Emperor Mingguang, or even his descendants fail to live up to expectations, then the so-called constitutional monarchy will be replaced in an instant. It disappeared into ashes.

After hearing this, everyone could understand why the leaders of the Datong Army were willing to agree. At the same time, they quickly looked at Emperor Mingguang with pity on their faces, because they felt that the move of the Datong Army was nothing more than a temporary measure.

I want to have a transitional period before officially taking the throne.

Once the country is basically stable, there is a high probability that Emperor Mingguang will either abdicate or die.

Most of all, they doubted.

The Datong Army probably wanted Emperor Mingguang to die.

Otherwise, there is no need to mention that adoption cannot be adopted. Once the heir is extinct, the royal family will be completely abolished. This is not a restriction. It is clearly a knife on the neck of Emperor Mingguang. It may fall at any time and bring Daqian to death.

Although Emperor Mingguang is young, he has learned a lot in the eleven years since he ascended the throne, so he quickly thought of this after seeing the pity in everyone's eyes.

Then he said with a slightly trembling voice:
"How about I abdicate. I think there may be no need for a constitutional monarchy. I can just abdicate. I can also abdicate directly. How can I violate it when the dynasty comes and goes?"

No doubt he was afraid...

It is actually normal for a child to be afraid of death.

"It's good for me to be a Shanyang Gong. If I really can't, I can return to the knees of my biological parents and become a commoner."

Shanyang Gong is the title given to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty after he was deposed.

After he was deposed, he lived for another fourteen years before passing away. He lived for more than fifty years. Among all the emperors in history, his lifespan was already at the forefront. He lived longer than several emperors above Emperor Mingguang. That's why Emperor Mingguang was so He said that he felt that he would be very satisfied if he could have the ending of Shanyang Gong. But later, he hurriedly expressed it.

He can accept becoming a commoner!
Anyway, he was adopted by the late emperor. If Emperor Tonghui had not died, it would not have been his turn. It would be better for him to return to his biological parents' home, become his biological parents' child again, and be expelled from the clan together with all the clan members, rather than being in constant fear of being a so-called constitutional monarchy. The puppet emperor!

However, before Bai Sheng could persuade him to rest assured, other ministers, including the three princes, hurriedly began to persuade him.

Some advised him to think about his ancestors.

Some advised him to protect his country and do his best, and so on.

As for what those ministers and princes said, whether they were sincere or not, of course they were not sincere. What they said was simply dead Taoist friends and immortal monks. They were not the ones who would be in danger if they turned around. They could stand and talk without pain!
What about persuasion?
And if Emperor Mingguang disagrees and surrenders directly, and the royal family is deposed, Emperor Mingguang will probably be the king of subjugation, and they will also be the ministers of subjugation. They have a terrible reputation. But if Emperor Mingguang insists on being a puppet emperor or something, with good luck, if he persists until he dies and has a son or daughter to succeed him, no one will care about them, and they will definitely not be regarded as ministers of subjugation.

Even if they could not hold on until then and died without children, they would no longer be the subjects of Emperor Mingguang at that time.

He can also barely avoid becoming a subject of national subjugation.

They definitely have no hope for power or anything like that, and now they can only hope for a better-sounding name.

In the end, without Bai Sheng opening his mouth, the ministers present tried to persuade Emperor Mingguang. But then, the city gate was still not opened. On the surface, it was said that someone would be asked to calculate the date. Maybe it would be more appropriate tomorrow or the day after tomorrow at a certain auspicious time. In fact, they want to go back and prepare, and find a way to divide, disperse, and hide the assets in their home.

To avoid having your house confiscated and leaving nothing behind.

At least I have to leave some legacy for the family.

You can't put all your eggs in one basket, and you can't really believe what Datong Army says 100% wholeheartedly.

In this regard, Bai Sheng couldn't refuse, let alone tell them that the Datong Army had its own scanning and detection equipment. Not to mention hiding gold and silver in the nook and cranny, they could find it even if it was buried a hundred meters deep underground. come out.

We can only send people to the city wall to talk to the Datong army outside, and then continue to comfort the little emperor Mingguang Emperor.

Don't worry, the Aijia will protect you.

As long as Aijia survives, nothing will happen to you.

Emperor Mingguang knew that he actually had no room for resistance, so he finally accepted his fate and made only one request, hoping to meet his biological parents. Bai Sheng still did not refuse and hurriedly summoned his biological parents.

He also said that there won’t be so many restrictions in the future.

You can meet your biological parents anytime you want.

It's okay to recognize him again, but the Datong Army only recognizes him, and it's impossible to recognize his parents as the Supreme Emperor.

However, his biological parents were afraid of being implicated and said no, they couldn't overstep their bounds. Once adopted, it was adopted, and it didn't matter if they recognized him back. If he could recognize him after he adopted him, wouldn't that be an honest and upright act of extermination?

After all, the purpose of adoption is to pass on the incense.

If you take the family property and then take it back, what kind of incense will you pass on?

I have to say, there is really no way to refute this!
Therefore, naturally the conversation did not continue. Emperor Mingguang had a meal with his biological parents and then said goodbye to them. It was as if he was parting from life or death. The most outrageous thing was that his biological parents also felt that Emperor Mingguang would not survive.

The two of them left crying, just like the heavy rain that night when Yiping went to Lu's house to ask for money.

Bai Sheng knew that no matter how much he tried to persuade him at this time, it would be of no use. He still had to rely on time to slowly calm down the panic and fear in his heart. Therefore, Bai Sheng did not continue to persuade him and just sent someone to cook some medicinal food for him to eat.

Medicinal food for peace of mind and peace of mind.

Worrying too much will harm the body. Taking some soothing medicinal foods can not cure the root cause, but it can also cure the symptoms. At least it will prevent Emperor Mingguang's body from deteriorating so quickly.

Bai Sheng came to this guy when he was eight years old. After getting along with him for six or seven years, we developed some feelings for him.

It was naturally impossible for Bai Sheng to harm him.

Another day and two nights passed like this, until the morning of the third day, Bai Sheng and others put on their official robes and official uniforms, managed to squeeze out some smiles, and came to the gate of the capital, opened the gate, and welcomed Datong. military.

The process must have seemed a little embarrassing.

The other ministers knelt down and bowed, but Emperor Mingguang and Bai Sheng were still standing. Bai Sheng was not afraid that the bionic robot he sent out would do something to him.

Emperor Mingguang was dragged by Bai Shengqiang.

Liu Ming, the leader of the Datong Army, obviously could not fail to give face to his master. Not only did he immediately stop the ignorant people around him from using violence, he also quickly got off his horse and gave a simple salute to Bai Sheng and Emperor Mingguang. Then he got on the carriage that Bai Sheng had prepared for him in advance with Bai Sheng and Emperor Mingguang, and headed straight to the palace with everyone waiting.

Later, because Emperor Mingguang was timid and his legs were weak at all times, and because those bionic robots only gave Bai Sheng face, it was troublesome to communicate directly, and he was worried that Emperor Mingguang would make a fool of himself, so Bai Sheng could only participate in all the subsequent processes and replace Emperor Mingguang. sign a contract.

That is the Constitutional Monarchy Agreement!
The next step will be easy, it is nothing more than the Datong Army taking over the entire capital and carrying out a comprehensive purge of the capital.

Deprive all clan nobles of their status and privileges, and then start to convict them based on their past crimes. They should be killed, buried, exiled, and imprisoned. At the same time, because the Datong Army has not yet formulated its own laws, Still following the law of Daqian.

Punish prisoners according to the laws of Daqian.

Actually, there is nothing wrong with the Daqian Law. Some aspects are quite well formulated. The key is that no one implements it, or some people have privileges and the implementation is not in place.

Now that the execution is in place, the result is that heads are being beheaded every day at the east entrance of Caishi Street, and rivers of blood flow. Dali Temple, Zhao Prison, Tian Lao and other places where people can be detained are almost full. At the same time, the people are cheering and applauding.

After all, those who were sentenced to death were either preying on the common people, or they had oppressed good people, and those who had lives in their hands but no lives in their bodies were not eligible for the death penalty, so they were exiled to the frontier.

The royal family also suffered a comprehensive purge.

Bai Sheng's natal family, the Zheng family, is no exception.

All treated equally.

After all, Bai Sheng had no feelings for them. At the same time, they didn't engage in genocide or anything. They just killed the guilty ones or locked them up and sentenced them. The innocent ones didn't have any trouble.

The main conflicts afterwards were within the Datong Army.

Within the Datong Army, they felt that there was no need for a constitutional monarchy and quite supported the direct ascension of leader Liu Ming to the throne.

I even want to wear a yellow robe.

After all, only when Liu Ming became emperor could he justifiably reward those who rebelled together, and they could also receive hereditary and irreplaceable titles for their merits in the dragon.

Keep the little emperor as regent or something.

It’s a bit too strange!

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