Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 210 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! 【2 in 1】

Chapter 210 As long as I die, you will be a concubine after all! (End) [-in-]

In the Yangxin Hall, the noise is endless.

The top brass of the Datong Army were arguing with each other.

"The great leader, the Monkey King once said that the emperor takes turns and comes to my house next year. Of course, I don't mean to my house, I mean it's time to come to your house.

You conquered this world by force.

It’s not like a grandpa usurping his grandson’s position, or a cousin usurping his cousin’s position. Although the current little emperor and queen mother are a bit orphaned and widowed, what we do is not bullying others like Zhao Kuangyin..."

Before Xiong Daring could finish his words, Dou Ping'an, who was next to him, covered his mouth: "That's enough, please stop saying a few words.

If you continue to say this, our chief will bully orphans and widowed mothers, and he will not learn anything useful all day long. Our chief is an insurrectionist, overthrowing the evil feudal autocracy, and creating a prosperous world of great harmony! "

"Hey, I haven't said that yet!"

After struggling to pull away Dou Ping'an's left hand, which was covering his mouth, Xiong Daring rolled his eyes at him on the spot.

Then he continued to mutter:

"It's so annoying that I don't let anyone finish what I'm saying. Big boss, what I mean is, oops, because of your interruption, I forgot what I just wanted to say. Anyway, I just wanted to build a world of great harmony. It doesn't affect you being an emperor. Aren't Yao and Shun also emperors?

Wouldn't it be better if the king of the subjugated country was granted the title of a virtuous duke?

If you want to feel pity for him as a child, then get a better title. Why bother to engage in some kind of constitutional monarchy? There is no difference between an emperor who has no rights and a virtuous duke. It also leaves some hidden dangers. "

"Yes, big leader, even though Bold is not very smart, what he said still makes sense. If you are not the emperor, you will always feel that your reputation is not justified. Also, there is also a problem with inheritance. You should It is natural for the emperor to pass on the throne to your son. Everyone agrees that it should be like this.

But if you are not an emperor, but you become a chief assistant or a big leader, which is similar to the prime minister, and then pass the position of prime minister to your son, it always feels weird.

I can't tell what's wrong.

I just don’t think it’s good or appropriate…”

Hu Huai, who could barely be considered a staff officer, also advised.

"I understand what you mean. You just think that if I am not the emperor, I will be no different from an ordinary official. And if the position of an official is hereditary, it is unacceptable to most people.

Have you ever thought that the emperor is actually the greatest official in the world, so why can they be hereditary?

I never wanted to be an emperor.

I don’t want my descendants to become emperors. "

When Liu Ming said this, the noise at the scene had completely disappeared. Most people found it difficult to accept and looked at him incomprehensibly. They didn't understand how there could be such a person in the world, and he didn't want the throne that was so easily available to him.

Not even thinking about future generations,

Liu Ming, on the other hand, continued:

"If, I mean if, I become the emperor now, what do you think will happen in more than two hundred years? Will the dynasty continue to prosper, or will a new group of rebels stand where we are now? , how about putting on the dragon robe for the new rebel leader?

At that time, the court we created would probably not call them rebels, but traitors and traitors! "

Among the people present, not counting the bionic robots mixed in among them, even though most of the other living people have only received about five years of education, it does not affect their knowledge of some basic history and the rise and fall of dynasties.

Although they wanted to say that the dynasty they created could be passed on to thousands of generations and thousands of years, the last one who wanted to be passed down to thousands of generations perished.

Except for the ancient Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties.

Almost no one in the other unified dynasties has crossed the three-hundred-year hurdle. Even if the Han Dynasty could count, it would be very reluctant, because there was a break of several decades.

"I think you should know exactly what will happen, but if this happens, what's the point of what we do? It's just starting a cycle that lasted less than three hundred years. This is not what I want. , and I also hope it’s not what you want.

So I hope the emperor can become a symbol.

Without any real power, just have it.

The actual person in power can be called the chief, the chief assistant, the prime minister or the regent. It doesn't matter, it's just a title.

But it must not be lifelong, it can be ten or twenty years, it cannot be longer, up to twenty years.

The capable ones go up, the mediocre ones go down.

If anyone wants to restore hereditary inheritance, the whole world will attack him.

I hope that from now on, the internal battles can be limited to the court, and there will no longer be any battles for the heir, feudal kings, or internal chaos.

Anyone who thinks he has the ability should try to make some merit and show it to the people all over the world. As long as the merit is great enough, he can inherit my position and become the new leader. In addition, if you do something illegal or violate discipline after becoming a big leader, or if you promulgate certain policies that cause great harm, you need to take the blame and resign.

In addition, children are not allowed to participate in politics, and there are restrictions within three generations. I am still considering it.

But anyway, this is what I think. As for the other details, we will negotiate later. We will still follow the past rules and everyone will vote by a show of hands, which is considered fair and just. "

Bai Sheng had already informed Liu Ming of his specific ideas in advance, so Liu Ming would naturally have nothing to say. As for whether the decision could be passed by a show of hands, it would definitely pass.

Because most of the people present are bionic robots.

There are very few real living people!
You must know that the leaders who raised the banner of the Datong Army across the country were basically bionic robots sent out by Bai Sheng. Although some people were indeed very capable and made contributions and became high-level officials.

But they attacked the city too quickly.

It’s so fast that some people haven’t had time to develop their talents and have not been promoted. But in any case, the status of the leaders of the uprisings in various places cannot be low. Therefore, at this time, nearly two-thirds of the senior leaders of the Datong Army are bionic robots sent by the White Saint. They will inevitably stand with the White Saint. Liu Ming's side. In addition, some people were also persuaded, so the constitutional monarchy was finally adopted with more than three-quarters of the support rate.

Although the remaining opponents find it difficult to understand and don't understand why others think this way, after all, there are too many supporters, which makes them wonder if there is something wrong with them and their thoughts are too selfish.

But no matter what, this matter was finally finalized, and the opponents were accustomed to the basic principle that the minority obeys the majority, so they did not passively oppose it.

All orders are still carried out conscientiously.

But, after all, the constitutional monarchy is a new thing, and it is not so easy to accept from top to bottom.

Some people think that the emperor changed his title.

The original emperor was imprisoned.

Therefore, there is still a long way to go in terms of publicity.


Half a year later, regardless of whether everyone understood what constitutional monarchy meant, the new Daqian government was established and replaced the original court. At the same time, a series of new policies also began to be gradually implemented.

For example, the establishment of upper and lower parliaments, the establishment of legislative committees, recruitment of personnel to revise the laws and regulations of cadres, and the launch of nationwide literacy, the establishment of government-run schools, etc.

The other is the revision of tax laws.

Reform of the military system.

There are too many things to be busy, or to change, and at the same time there are too few competent officials who share their three views and are capable. Five or six years is not enough time to train a large number of people. It is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve the goal of Daxing Education in about 20 to 30 years.

What's more, the core officials at this time are basically bionic robots. Not only do they all have quantum supercomputing-level smart chips, they also don't need to rest for 24 hours a day.

Otherwise, we really can’t deal with this mess.

If it were an ordinary person, either the work efficiency would be greatly reduced, or thirty or fifty officials would die suddenly every day.

But even so, when it came to the specific implementation stage when the workload increased greatly, the manpower was still quite insufficient. They could only rush to print a few batches of professional manpower training guides they needed, and give buyers one month to learn. Then the exams will be taken to recruit people.

It is somewhat similar to the Civil Service Examination.

Just because of the lack of manpower, it is not so strict for the time being. As long as you can get started, use it first. When a large number of students are trained later, it will not be as relaxed as it is now. It is inevitable that the capable will be promoted and the mediocre will be eliminated.

In addition, they used troops against the barbarian Rakshasa Kingdom.

In fact, there was already a small-scale barbarian invasion half a year ago, but Liu Ming and the others had too many things to do, so there was no thunderous attack. They just sent more people to resist at the border to prevent them from landing or entering. Guan, there was no direct call back or anything.

Although he is still busy now, firstly, he has passed the busiest period, and secondly, the overseas barbarians and the Rakshasa Kingdom in the north have also increased the intensity of their invasion.

Quite a bit ignorant.

Of course, the most important thing is that Bai Sheng doesn't want to endure it anymore. At the same time, he feels that the new atmosphere of the new court and the lack of large-scale expansion of territory at the beginning of the founding of the country are sorry for the trouble she gave!
If we talk about the original Daqian, its technological level in all aspects may be slightly inferior to that of the neighboring powers. The new Daqian, which has been updated and iterated twice by Bai Sheng, is far superior to those overseas barbarians and the Rakshasa Kingdom in the north. Therefore, in After a comprehensive counterattack, the foreign enemies were retreating steadily.

The overseas barbarians are okay, but their fleet has been destroyed and they have not yet reached their homeland. The northern Rakshasa Kingdom has neither sea nor river in the middle, and the temperature is just not suitable, so their territory quickly expands. The area fell and was brought under the rule of Daqian.

During the process, there have been positive reports in newspapers.

It also encourages everyone to move out and provides many preferential treatment, such as more land allocation, more tax reductions, etc.

Of course, no one wants to go to some places that are too bitter and cold, so the pioneering corps can only go there, and the corresponding treatment will definitely be improved. After all, you can't chill their hearts and make people suffer, so you have to be worthy of the corresponding treatment. The treatment is not the same, you can’t always ask people to sacrifice.

At this time, the advantage of large population comes.

Some overseas barbarian countries have a small population. Even if they invade other countries, they can only engage in colonization, which is to control the enemy's high-level officials and then let them indirectly control the people, work hard for them, and plunder resources. After all, they really don't have that many people to directly manage it, let alone replace the enemy's population with their own country's population and completely take it as their own.

But Dagan is different. There are many people in Dagan.

Nearly 40 million people.

Moving 20 million people out will not cause serious damage to the vitality. Even if we only encourage births, the population will double or triple in a few years, easily.

Therefore, Liu Ming and others fought back and stopped engaging in colonization. They directly immigrated in large numbers and established counties.

The indigenous people also need to be purged.

All the high-ranking nobles were wiped out, leaving only the common people and some classes that were usually oppressed. They were also given a series of operations such as dividing their fields to win people's hearts.

And carry out literacy literacy and popularize basic education.

As the territory opened up by the Datong Army became larger and larger, many people who were the first to eat crabs gained a lot of benefits, returned home in rich clothes, and brought a lot of newspaper publicity.

More and more people were reluctant to leave their hometowns at first, but now they are rushing to go to the newly opened territories to make a fortune. The bold family members participated together, and the timid ones also sent one or two young and strong people from their families to participate. .

These days, who doesn’t have three or four children?

Sending one or two children to take risks, if one succeeds, the whole family will benefit from it, it is not a good deal.

Even if he died unexpectedly, there would still be other children.

The inheritance of incense still continues.

With the participation of the whole country and the participation of almost all the people, the speed and efficiency of Daqian's overseas expansion should not be too fast. The Rakshasa Kingdom was destroyed in five years, and many overseas barbarian countries and their colonies were destroyed in ten years.

All nine states in the world are basically in the pocket.

Zou Yan of Qi State during the Warring States Period believed that the so-called Jiuzhou land of Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasty was only Chixian Shenzhou, one of the Great Nine States. Besides Chixian Shenzhou, there were eight continents of similar size. Together, they were called the Great Nine Provinces. continent.

And by this it refers to the whole world.

With the world basically in his pocket, it was natural for Liu Ming to begin comprehensive construction of internal affairs and the development of science and technology in his second decade in power.

Of course, education advancement has not fallen behind either.

After all, the development of science and technology must still be based on education.

Another ten years later, Daqian steadily entered the electric age and the world became well-off. Liu Ming successfully completed his mission and abdicated as agreed after being in power for twenty years.

Recommended through the upper and lower parliamentary processes.

The big leader was succeeded by 43-year-old Zhu Shangyang.

There is no doubt that this Zhu Shangyang is also a bionic robot and has made many contributions over the years. Baisheng plans to let bionic robots rule the world for at least sixty years and pass them on to three generations. Zhu Shangyang is the second generation selected by Bai Sheng. His mission is to stabilize development, open up the information age, and initially realize interstellar exploration.

The third generation mission is to at least realize interstellar mining and fusion technology to solve the energy problem.

As long as the energy problem is solved, even if their technological development later stagnates, there should not be any major problems within 1800 years. As for things no matter how far away, Bai Sheng can't control things that far away. 1800 years is not bad.

Bai Sheng lived until the leaders of the three generations of bionic robots abdicated one by one, and all of them faked their own deaths. The other bionic robots that were sent out also faked their own deaths. After successfully taking back their personal planes, Bai Sheng died on his one hundred and fourteenth birthday. The Queen Mother was buried in the imperial mausoleum.

Less than ten years after her death, the grandson of Emperor Mingguang's daughter, who was also the only heir at the time, was discovered by the Crown Princess because of his marital infidelity. At the same time, the Crown Princess had a bad temper, so she hacked him to death that night.

His mother, who was the empress at the time, was hospitalized on the spot after receiving the news, and died on the third day after resuscitation failed.

At this point, the Daqian royal family was completely extinct.

At least the officially recognized lineage is extinct.

The fourth chief took it as a matter of course to completely abolish the royal family, and Daqian has since entered a new chapter.

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