Quickly wear it and insist on being an old man forever

Chapter 211 Extra: The Secret History of the Eastern Queen Mother [2 in 1]

Chapter 211 Extra - The Secret History of the Eastern Queen Mother [-in-]

The day after the royal family was deposed, many novels with the background of the royal family appeared on various major novel websites. Many film and television companies also actively initiated projects. Even ordinary netizens were discussing it actively and excitedly.

There was no way, when the royal family was still there.

There are special royal protection regulations and prohibitions.

Although it does not reach the level of literary inquisition, there are many related restrictions. Ordinary netizens are not allowed to discuss the royal family casually. They can write novels, movies and TV series, or arrange events of the previous dynasty, but not the current dynasty.

If anyone dares to spread rumors or violate.

The royal family has a professional legal agency to handle it.

Now that the royal family has been abolished, the so-called royal family protection regulations and prohibitions naturally no longer count. Everyone has been holding back for so many years, so they can't have a big party.

But after all, the death of the prince was sudden, and the deposing of the royal family was also sudden. Many novels and film and television drama projects were mostly just a hot topic, without long-term plans, let alone any detailed and complete outlines or scripts.

What is the quality of the work produced in such a hurry?

Naturally it goes without saying.

There are very few works that are eye-catching at the beginning, and most of them are terrible from beginning to end. The few works that start well, most of the follow-ups are anticlimactic and not great.

Until "The Secret History of the Eastern Queen Mother" came out.

As soon as this book was published, it immediately set off a wave of archaeological research, and at the same time, the Queen Mother of the East was drawn into the whirlpool.

Online discussions are frequently on the hot search list.

[The author has dug up so many historical materials. After reading this book, I suddenly felt that there were too many secrets about the Eastern Queen Mother, but I have to say that, not to mention other things, she lived to be 113 or 114 years old. It's quite legendary.

This is not a remote village where a mistake in age registration resulted in a large number of centenarians. The life of the Queen Mother is complete and can be verified. The date of birth and death are quite specific. There is no possibility of falsification. She is real. He actually lived to be one hundred and thirteen or fourteen years old.

This alone is the best queen mother in all dynasties. 】

[Not only in the past dynasties, but also in the history of recorded history, he should be the person with the clearest longevity. The other legends about living for 140 to 50 years, more than 200 to 800 years, are mostly just legends, or it is said that so-and-so lived in I have seen him once somewhere. This is so easy to fake. Who can guarantee that it is true?

But Queen Mother Dong was obviously different.

Her life experience could not be clearer. 】

[However, according to some records that have been circulated, Queen Mother East was not in good health when she was young. She even showed signs of menopause and had signs of stroke. If a person is in good health, there is a high probability that it will not be difficult to get pregnant. Later, it was said that she suddenly recovered from a serious illness.

There is no record of her illness since.

I always felt that something might have happened during that serious illness, something unexplainable and extremely mysterious. 】

[The Queen Mother of the West also fell seriously ill during that time, and she was ill for a long time. I think it was possible that the two Queen Mothers were fighting in the palace, or even pretending to be sick. Later, the Eastern Empress Dowager found an opportunity and set up a trap to completely destroy the Western Empress Dowager, which made it clear that their relationship was not that good and had reached a life-or-death situation. 】

[The author handled this point very well. During the period when the Eastern Empress Dowager was seriously ill, he added a plot that the Western Empress Dowager pretended to be ill and wanted to harm the Eastern Empress Dowager. The overall logic seems to be quite smooth to lay the groundwork for the Queen Mother of the East to be completely blackened later, or to lay the groundwork for the Queen Mother of the West to be abolished through fishing and law enforcement.

Although it may be different from the truth, at least there is no problem with the logic and the story is very strong. 】

[Please, are you reading a little too slowly? Haven’t you read the latest plot? He wrote that the Queen Mother of the East had an affair with Chief Liu Ming. Is this really appropriate? Isn’t it a bit too curious and excessive?
If I remember correctly, leader Liu Ming was only 23 years old when he rebelled, and he also entered the capital at the age of 23. In theory, he had the opportunity to meet the Eastern Empress Dowager that year, but at that time the Eastern Empress Dowager What age are you? The Queen Mother of the East is already in her fifties, right?

What kind of peerless beauty is she? She can easily seduce the leader Liu Ming even though she is over fifty years old, and then the two of them secretly have a love affair that will never be surpassed in history. 】

[What, in fact, this plot is not original to the author. Sixty years ago, or more than sixty years ago, there were many related rumors, and some people even praised their love, thinking that the two of them were true love. 】

【? ? ? ? 】

[Please tell me some kind-hearted people. I haven’t experienced that era and it’s hard to find information online. Don’t make me kneel down. Is there any kind-hearted person? I'm hungry, I want melon to eat! 】

[This story is quite old and has been circulating for nearly seventy years. The most important thing is that there is plenty of indirect evidence. Let me tell you slowly. 】


[The cause has to be traced back to the constitutional monarchy. Some people may not be aware of the specific strength of the Datong Army at that time. Let's put it this way, Dagan, I mean the previous feudal Dagan, only lasted for more than half a year, and the country was reduced to the point where only the capital was left.

All the remaining places were captured by the Datong Army, and the Datong Army even took over border defense to resist overseas barbarians.

Under those circumstances, it would be effortless for the Datong Army to capture the capital, and it would be easy for them to destroy the royal family at that time and ascend the throne and proclaim themselves emperor.

But the reality is that the Eastern Queen Mother took several maids and eunuchs out of the palace and met privately with the then leader Liu Ming. After discussing for a period of time, the leader Liu Ming agreed to the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. Those who followed him wanted to give him a yellow robe, but he still refused, and spent a lot of words to persuade his subordinates to agree to the so-called constitutional monarchy. 】

[As soon as the relevant news came out, the world was quite surprised. Rumors about the scandal between Chief Liu Ming and the Queen Mother of the East began to spread from that time on.

In addition, leader Liu Ming has never been married since then.

It even made the world fabricate countless sadomasochistic love affairs between him and the Queen Mother of the East. Some people compared the Queen Mother of the East to a witch like Daji who brought disaster to the country. There were even rumors that the Queen Mother of the East once committed herself to the leader Liu Ming. This ability Let him finally agree to implement the so-called constitutional monarchy.

However, with the abdication of leader Liu Ming.

Relevant rumors have gradually become less common. Those born in the past 30 or 40 years, if they have not understood this period of history, may not know that there have been relevant rumors, so they may feel that the content in this book is outrageous or treasonous.

But the reality is not outrageous, and it is even considered reliable. 】

[By the way, I remember that the Queen Mother of the West was finally brought to trial and executed by Chief Liu Ming. Regarding this point, many people felt that he was venting her anger on the Queen Mother of the East. The Queen Mother of the East could only depose the Queen Mother of the West, but not So that he can kill the Queen Mother, but if he does this, there will be no problem. 】

[Not to mention, after what you said, I also feel that the relationship between the East Queen Mother and Chief Liu Ming is not pure and simple. But the age difference between the two of them is almost thirty years. Thirty years, to put it bluntly, is two generations apart if they are lucky. 】

[Nowadays, when people fall in love, species is not a problem, gender is not a problem, age is not a problem, and of course it is not a problem. Why don’t people be more fashionable? 】

[Have you forgotten Empress Xiao? Didn’t unofficial histories always say that Li Shimin wanted to marry the fifty-year-old Empress Xiao? 】

[It has been said that it is an unofficial history. Li Shimin did not marry the fifty-year-old Empress Xiao at all. He just treated Empress Xiao with courtesy and arranged her properly. However, it is true that he killed his younger brother and married his concubine.

This is recorded in official history and is true. 】【I still don’t understand why the two of them are not together if they really have feelings, or why the leader Liu Ming doesn’t proclaim himself emperor. If he proclaims himself emperor and forcibly marries the former empress dowager, although his reputation may not be good, but There should be no one particularly objecting to it. 】

[Is it possible that Empress Dowager Dong doesn’t want to marry? If Empress Dowager Dong doesn’t want to marry and is desperately opposed, it would be reasonable for him to make appropriate compromises for the sake of love. 】

[Are you sick? It is obviously for the sake of the people of the world and the restoration of the abdication republic that originated in ancient times that the leader Liu Ming accepted the so-called constitutional monarchy. Now you are calling him like a brain-dead lover. , is this ridiculous? 】

[But instead of establishing a constitutional monarchy, if he wants to restore a concessional republic, there will be no problem! 】

[What, the emperor has been born for more than 2,000 years, and if he suddenly cancels the emperor, the world will definitely not be so accepting. Building a constitutional monarchy and supporting the emperor's puppet mascot for the transition is the purpose of leader Liu Ming, otherwise It will not impose so many restrictions on the royal family, and it will also set standards for abolishing the royal family. 】


Another month later, the second volume of "The Secret History of the Eastern Queen Mother" was released again, and the sales exceeded one million in one day.

And half a day later, there was another wave of public opinion.

[Oh my god, are the things written in the book true or false? At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, so many important figures all had such close ties with the Queen Mother of the East! 】

[I haven’t read it yet, can anyone tell me more about it? 】

[The previous volume ended when the constitutional monarchy was established. In the latest volume, the author conducted a detailed investigation into the background information and life experiences of all the founding heroes, and finally found out a super big secret.

Many of the founding heroes were related to the Queen Mother of the East.

There is an unclear relationship! 】

[Why, the Queen Mother of the East has made countless founding heroes obsessed with her and hit the wall for her. 】

[Has the plot collapsed to this extent? 】

[No, don’t listen to the nonsense above. What I mean by unclear relationship is that they have been in contact a long time ago. Even many of the founding heroes were subordinates of the Eastern Empress Dowager and worked for the Eastern Empress Dowager.

The information was found from the Secret History Museum.

After the big leader Liu Ming came to Beijing, he included a lot of information in the Secret History Museum and classified it as top secret. Very few people had the opportunity to see it, and even if they did, they had to sign a confidentiality agreement.

External communication is not allowed.

The Secret History Museum was only officially opened to the public in the fifth year after the death of the Queen Mother of the East. The digitization was just completed this year. I just checked and found that the information mentioned in the book can basically be found and is basically correct, so the latest one Although the volume is conjectural, at least the historical data and evidence are sufficient and have a certain degree of reliability. 】

[No, who asks if the content in the book is unreliable? I just want to know what is written. It is such a thick book, and it is so wordy that I am too lazy to read it.

Can no one help me summarize it? 】

[To summarize, the author has evidence to suspect that the Queen Mother of the East was probably the behind-the-scenes instigator of the Datong Army. 】

【? ? ? 】

[Wait a minute, why do I feel like my brain is running out of energy? Is this...is this reasonable? The Queen Mother of the East, who was so powerful as the Queen Mother, started her own rebellion, and then put her natal family under scrutiny? 】

[What is the difference between this and the emperor's own rebellion? 】

[Although it is a bit outrageous, the evidence mentioned in the book is quite sufficient. For example, the original household registration of many of the founding heroes was handled by the Queen Mother of the East.

Many of them were merchants employed by the Queen Mother of the East.

Empress Dowager Dong used her own status to give them a lot of support and help, such as free land, tax exemptions and a series of assistance. The most important thing was that with Empress Dowager Dong as her backer, other gentry and officials did not dare to bully them, allowing them to Develop and grow smoothly.

Later, they participated in the rebellion. Although many ministers knew that they were once subordinates of the East Queen Mother, everyone felt that it was impossible for the East Queen Mother to start her own rebellion. There was a high probability that those guys were picking up the pieces.

At the same time, it was difficult for them to accuse the Queen Mother of the East.

So no one mentioned it. 】

[It sounds reasonable, but there are too many loopholes. The biggest loophole is what does the Empress Dowager Dong want?
In the end, Empress Dowager Dong didn’t get any benefits! 】

[I have an idea. Is it possible that the Eastern Queen Mother entrusted all the affairs of the government to the twenty-four military ministers not voluntarily, but was forced to have no choice. She was deprived of power, and she had a grudge and wanted to cause some trouble. So as to prove the incompetence of those ministers, and then step in to deal with it himself, only to mess it up later! 】

[Please, if Empress Dowager Dong had such ability, she could directly ascend the throne and proclaim herself emperor. What else would she do? 】

[Is it possible that the big leader Liu Ming is the biological son of the Empress Dowager Dong? Judging from his age, it is possible. When the big leader Liu Ming was born, the Empress Dowager Dong was 28 years old, and her husband Emperor Xianping died four years ago. .

What if she couldn't bear the loneliness at that time, found a partner, got pregnant, and then gave birth to a child.

Can't we explain why the two of them have such a close relationship? It's not a sadomasochistic relationship, but a deep love between mother and son. Then the Empress Dowager Dong wanted her own son to be the emperor, or take power, and so on, and she did a lot of things. In the end, a monster like the Datong Army was created.

Although there are still many problems that are difficult to explain in terms of the process, I think this general direction is quite reasonable! 】

[Check your brain above. People are making certain inferences based on evidence. Yours are just random thoughts and rumors like yours. 】

[Not to mention, this story is quite interesting. Can anyone expand on it? I want to read this story. 】

["The Secret History of the Empress Dowager of the East" is just a story. Why do people still take it seriously? This is just a story. Is it a novel without looking at the author's classification? Just like Leonardo da Vinci's story, it's not official history, let alone official history, it's not even a joke about history! 】

[The boards of Queen Mother East’s coffin can no longer be pressed! 】

[I heard that the film and television rights of this book have been sold. I don’t know what it will be like. The original plot is already quite explosive. If the screenwriter makes some more magic changes, I can’t even imagine what the plot will be like. . 】

[Anyway, there will be no big leader Liu Ming. He is the illegitimate son of the widowed Queen Mother of the East. This idea is outrageous. 】

[It really makes people’s eyes darken! 】


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