Chapter 212 Extra - Porters from Two Realms (Part ) [-in-]

"Holy shit, this is the 1980s?"

"What I want is the parallel world of the 1980s, not the 1980s of the 21st century!"

Looking at the countless high-rise buildings not far away, as well as the several spaceships that just flew over his head, Zhou Peng's mentality collapsed. He accidentally got the golden finger of the bronze space-time gate, and just wanted to find a place in the 1980s. In the parallel world, we just buy and sell back and forth to make some money.

But now this is a world where spaceships appear.

How could it be the 1980s.

He believed it was the 1980s, or even the 1980s, but there was no way it could be the so-called 1980s!
"Hey, the self-examination is completed. This parallel world does belong to the 1980s. There are no errors. It is normal for the development of parallel worlds to be different!"

The bronze space-time gate possesses basic intelligence.

It's okay to answer some simple questions.

But Zhou Peng obviously couldn't accept the Bronze Time and Space Gate's answer: "Is it reasonable to have such a big difference?"

"It feels like we have entered the interstellar age. What should I do with my identity certificate? The reason why I don't go to the future world to do business is because the more future the world has, the harder it is to obtain identity certificates, and the harder it is for gangsters to survive.

Large capital turnover is also easy to be monitored.

And I exchanged all my money for electronic watches and other messy little things. How can I sell electronic watches here now? Oh my god, I really have a headache. What a sin, you are so unreliable. . "

At this moment, Zhou Peng regretted it.

The kind of regret that makes you want to take regret medicine.

At this time, the Space Gate can only open one parallel plane for the time being, and opening a new plane requires paying a high price.

He certainly couldn't afford it for the time being anyway.

So I guess I can only fight here.

If he had known this, he shouldn't have stocked up first and then come over to check the situation. Instead, he should have come over first to check the situation, and then based on the situation here, he would selectively purchase goods that could be sold here.

He should even choose an ancient parallel plane directly instead of choosing the 1980s only considering factors such as convenience, safety, and proximity to the era.

Now it’s good, it’s a bad start!
However, considering that he had already stocked up all his wealth and was waiting to move those goods to the parallel world in the 1980s and sell them to make a huge profit, Zhou Peng could only bite the bullet and start exploring.

Then, the more he explored, the more confused he became.

Because he found that the people here were quite strange in all aspects. Although there were high-rise buildings everywhere, they were not wearing suits or casual clothes, but Hanfu.

There are horse-drawn carriages and maglev buses on the road.

There are also high-altitude personal flying vehicle tracks.

The advanced ones are very advanced, and the backward ones seem to be quite backward. It feels like a hodgepodge of things, very complicated.

Fortunately, I can basically understand the language. I can't understand the dialects, slang or local nouns, but I can roughly understand the content through the logical relationship between the preface and the follower.

But even so, he did not dare to act rashly to inquire about the news. Instead, he carefully observed, only observing without speaking, observing the content of other people's exchanges, what channels he used to purchase things, whether identity certificates were required to enter some places, etc. Series important information.

But even so.

He was caught half an hour later.

Looking at the confused Zhou Peng, the two staff members escorting him back to the local Public Security Bureau couldn't help but mutter:

"Why is this guy so stupid?"

"Oh, how can the guy who smuggled in without any preparation be stupid? He probably doesn't know our Skynet system at all. It not only has facial recognition function, but also pupil recognition function. If he is photographed and is responding to If no relevant information is found in the database, an alert will be sent to our Public Security Department immediately.

Other stowaways tried every means to hide their faces or eyes, or they tried to disguise themselves appropriately and wear fake pupil information films to get by.

Unlike him, he is upright and aboveboard.

As if he was afraid that others wouldn't find out. "

Hearing this, Zhou Peng's heart collapsed even more. Sure enough, the high-tech world is really not easy to mess with!
At this moment, there seemed to be two villains fighting in his mind. One was saying that he didn’t know what danger he would encounter later, so he should quickly escape through the bronze space-time door; the other was saying that it would be better to escape now. It's dangerous. He might be listed as a wanted person in the future, and what about the pile of goods at home?
The most important thing is that the bronze time and space gate at this time can only locate this time and space. If he wants to locate the next time and space, he needs to work harder to conduct transactions.

In the end, Zhou Peng used general technology to make the world more prosperous, and the world would be relatively humane. He should not be tortured, and at most, he would be deported.

Maybe there will be a chance to get proof of identity.

To convince myself that I didn't escape back.

But he forgot that the Skynet system in this world not only has face recognition mode and pupil recognition mode.

The more important thing is.

Indiscriminate surveillance of the public sphere.

So at this time, the relevant staff in the Public Security Department are using his personal image to trace the internal surveillance video of the Skynet system, trying to trace it back to the specific source.

I hope to use this to find out what method or channel this guy used to sneak over.

Maybe it's still a big case.

How can we achieve third-class collective merit!
Immediately afterwards, they discovered that they could not trace the source. No matter how they checked the surveillance, this guy appeared suddenly, and there was no trace of the surveillance being destroyed or tampered with. It seemed that he appeared suddenly.

"How could this happen? It's so strange."

"What's wrong? Didn't you find any clues? Some top hacker invaded the system and tampered with the data."

"No, team leader, look at it. No matter how you check it, there is no problem with this surveillance video. It is the original video. But look at this video. This male stowaway did not come out of any car or any enclosed space. , but appeared so suddenly.

It's like traveling through time and space, or through the technology of living body travel through space wormholes, and suddenly arrived here.

I think this may need to be reported.

Because I remember that the space wormhole living shuttle technology was just developed a few years ago, and it has not even entered the specific application stage, it is only in the experimental stage. But now someone is actually applying similar technology to smuggling. I suspect that either there are research groups in some overseas areas that are conducting in vivo experiments, or the technology is leaked, and someone is using this technology to conduct espionage, smuggling and other series of disruptive activities. Activity.

I feel like this is beyond our purview.

Team leader, why don't you report it? "

"Wait, let me see."

After a long time, the leader of the working group couldn't help but nodded and said: "That's really the case. Quickly inform the two guys who brought the people back to pay attention to their own safety and the safety of the stowaway. I will report it."

Immediately afterwards, relevant news was reported layer by layer.

Finally, the Artificial Space Wormhole Research Institute and the national security department jointly dispatched. Some personnel went to the public security station to prepare to question Zhou Peng in detail. Others brought corresponding instruments and went to the location where Zhou Peng suddenly appeared for testing. Although the detection The accuracy of the results is not as good as real-time detection, but there should still be some spatial energy fluctuations and information fluctuations remaining in place.

It helps them to understand to some extent what technology the other party used to suddenly come to them.

Only Zhou Peng was still kept in the dark.

And I was thinking in my heart about how I should answer, what kind of miserable story I should make up to win sympathy, how to stay here, get identity documents, etc.

It was just because he was discovered less than an hour after arriving and was taken to the Public Security Bureau. He knew very little about the information here, so he was a little confused for a while. He was quite worried about whether the content he compiled could pass the test smoothly. Can't you fool these people?

But a few minutes later, some operations and explanations from the relevant staff made him mentally broken again.

The staff put a miniature brainwave detection chip on his head: "This is a chip specially used to detect your brainwaves. You can also simply identify it as a lie detector. Unless you can unswervingly identify your brainwaves, Treat lies as truth, otherwise your brain waves will show abnormalities. If you answer honestly and have no past criminal record, we may apply for a temporary household registration for you and allow you to work with us.

But if you lie too much.

will be deported immediately. "

After these years of development, the overall power of Daqian has shrunk, giving up some land that is not worth occupying, and there are also many independent areas. But even so, Dagan is still the most powerful, richest and largest country in the world. Many people from other countries want to join Dagan and obtain Dagan citizenship.

Therefore, stowaways are not uncommon, and it is not the first time for staff involved in similar processes to do so. It is not specifically targeting Zhou Peng, they are just following a fixed process.

But Zhou Peng was already scolding his mother in his heart.

His mentality is really messed up. It can be said that from the beginning of time travel to now, nothing has gone smoothly.

Now, he no longer dares to expect to obtain any identification certificate. He just wants to escape as soon as possible. He is worried that if he stays any longer, he may be completely exposed and then sliced ​​into pieces for study.

After all, he can be considered an alien.

So the next second, he hurriedly started to contact the Bronze Time and Space Gate, hoping to activate the Bronze Time and Space Gate to escape.

Let’s talk about the future in the future.

It's important to save your life for now.

However, at the moment when the space-time gate opened, a strange space energy suddenly enveloped Zhou Peng, and then the space-time channel constructed by the bronze space-time gate was destroyed. Not far away, the Artificial Space Wormhole Research Institute The people couldn't help but applaud and cheer.

"You guessed it, this guy really has equipment for traveling through space, and the space disruptor we developed is also useful. I said this thing will definitely have application value in the future, and it will definitely not be a waste of scientific research funds."

"But where is this guy's space-traveling equipment hidden? When he entered the door, we used a scanner to scan his whole body.

No clear space energy has been found. "

"And the space wormhole shuttle instrument we have developed so far is quite large, at least as big as a room. If this guy is really smuggled in from relatively backward countries outside, it shouldn't be. Could it be that our research has fallen behind? Out of time?”

"No matter what, this guy has a big problem, and his secrets must be dug out as soon as possible."

"Just in case, this space disruptor doesn't have to be turned off, it's always on. You quickly pry his mouth open and find a way to ask for more information.

To find out what his purpose is.

What force is helping him behind the scenes? "

After some discussion, Zhou Peng's treatment immediately improved. Originally, two people asked him, but now a group of people surrounded him and asked him. At the same time, they also brought out a lot of instruments and threatened him quite bluntly. :
"I think you should be very clear by now that you can't escape, so please tell the truth. If you lie three times, then we may have to use some unconventional means.

Such as mental hypnosis equipment and dream-inducing equipment.

Or even a simpler and more straightforward Veritaserum.

However, you don’t have to worry about the damage these unconventional means will do to your body and mental strength. Even if there is damage, it can be recovered and will never cause irreversible damage. We are still very humane in this regard. "

Next, of course, comes the formal inquiry.

At first, Zhou Peng didn't tell the truth. He only planned to admit that he was a stowaway, and thought that the worst he could do was to be deported. He would think of something else then.

But soon, the staff here used hard facts and sophisticated instruments to force Zhou Peng to tell the truth. Of course, there might also be some mental induction instruments, but the final result was good, at least for Zhou Peng. Peng was not harmed.

At the same time, he also told all his experiences.

After he finished speaking, the relevant staff who asked him couldn't help but look at each other in confusion.

“It felt a little too outrageous.”

"The time travelers are still time travelers from the parallel world decades later. But why is the technology not as advanced as ours in the parallel world decades later?"

"Have all the instruments been tested? Are you sure what he said is true and not fake or lying?"

"At least as far as today's technology is concerned, there is no sign that he is lying, and I would rather believe that he had some adventure and that he came from a parallel world, rather than believe that other countries outside the region have developed something more advanced than us. Space wormhole shuttle technology.”

"If it is really a time traveler, we may not be able to deal with it and have to continue to report it. After all, the significance of the appearance of a time traveler is too huge.

The interests behind it are also quite huge, so report it. "

"We will find a psychologist to come over later, try to comfort him, have a good chat with him, and try to express our goodwill. As for the next step, whether to imprison him and study it in slices, or to cooperate with him.

Wait for the notification from above and don't touch him yet. "

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